Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3855: : Deep fear

After a round of gunpowder attack, the Perak riders converted their offensive methods into fierce fire oil.

In this case, the panicked defenders could not have more response after the arrival of the fierce fire oil, and the role of the fierce fire oil was also brought into play to a greater extent.

Zhou Yu appeared in the east of the city. After learning about the situation on the city, Zhou Yu's expression was a little low. After causing such great damage, the sergeant and soldier panicked under the enemy's attack. If the war situation continues like this, how can the city be better preserved under the enemy's attack?

Regardless of the fighting spirit of the Jiangdong Army's soldiers when facing the Jin army, the current confrontation has not much to do with the fighting spirit of the Jingshi in the army. Even if the Jiangdong Army's morale is high, how can it be, those explosive weapons , Will destroy their morale.

At this time, Zhou Yu also realized how many sharp weapons there are in the Jin army, and what a shock it will bring to the defenders if the Thunderbolt use these sharp weapons in the process of attacking the city.

After half a day of continuous attack, the city was devastated and the walls were pitted. These are traces of gunpowder explosion. Blood stains can be seen everywhere on the ground. There are even a lot of broken arms and limbs, and the screams and wailings of wounded soldiers. , Flooding the east city wall.

Faced with such offensive methods as the Jin army, it is difficult for the lieutenant soldiers to achieve better defenses. How powerful are the Jin army's weapons, especially the power after the explosion, enough to cause nearby soldiers to be injured or killed.

Zhou Yu replaced the soldiers in the city in time and gave a lot of explanations to the defending generals. Although the Jin army’s offensive was temporarily stopped, the Thunderbolt cars outside the city did not evacuate. In other words, the Jin army was very good at night. May also launch an offense.

When the Jin army attacked in the daytime, it was not eager to fill the moat. This is what puzzled Zhou Yu. Filling the moat is of great significance to the Jin army. If the moat cannot be filled, the Jin army The offensive means will be meaningless.

However, what Zhou Yu needs to worry about most now is how to appease the soldiers in the army. The methods that the Jin army adopted during the offensive will soon be spread among the army.

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army showed panic after learning about the battle on the east wall. They did not expect that the Jin army would be so crazy when attacking. They directly used gunpowder to attack the city. This is not the shield in their hands and the body. Armor can block it. In a water battle with the Jin army, you can see what kind of power these sharp weapons of the Jin army will have when they are at war. Even the ship can not stop the attack of these sharp weapons, not to mention the military. The flesh and blood of soldiers.

This makes the lieutenant generals more afraid of the upcoming battle, even if Sun Quan has many rewards when he fights against the Jin army in the Jiangdong Army, if he can't even get his own life guaranteed, he can still get it. Are these rewards?

The Jin army’s methods made the Jiangdong army generals feel deep fear. Although the Jin army only used a round of gunpowder to attack when attacking, the power brought by the gunpowder attack was destroyed to a great extent. The fighting spirit of Jiangdong Army.

When a lieutenant soldier is dealing with a war, if he doesn't even have the basic fighting spirit, what will happen.

At this time, even if they were generals in the army, they were silent. They understood how far the Jiangdong Army had come. Such engagements could not take more advantages. The city wall did not provide more security for the defenders. Guarantee, once the Jin army attacks the city wall, how many soldiers will fall on the battlefield.

However, there is a system that restricts the soldiers in the army. Even if the situation is urgent, the lieutenants must persist in tenaciously, because in this battle, they have no more choices to protect the safety of the city. For the lieutenants and soldiers It is the most important thing. If the stability of the city cannot be guaranteed, their safety will be difficult to guarantee.

But after taking refuge in the Jin army, they don't need to have more worries about safety. These are also certain.

That night, the Jin army launched an offensive against the city again, but the intensity of the attack was much smaller than in the daytime, which made the defenders secretly relieved. If the offensive strength is carried out in the daytime, how much will there be? The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army died on the battlefield, and their resistance seemed so fragile in the face of the Jin army's offensive methods.

After the specific information about the Jin army’s attack on the city was passed to the city, the family’s fear of the Jin army was deepened. Did the Jin army do more when attacking the city? The defenders didn't have enough confidence in this matter. Needless to say, the aristocratic family was a little repellent towards Sun Quan itself at this time.

The monarch will not surrender easily because of his position in a critical moment. This is also reasonable. The key is when the monarch’s choice goes against the will of the family and wants to make the family’s strength more compromised. Under the circumstances, how could the aristocratic family give up so easily.

Even after the Jin army entered the city, the family had to hand over the private soldiers in their hands, but now that there are no private soldiers in their hands, how to better deal with the monarch, how to give the Jin army bigger s help.

At this time, the aristocratic families in the city are secretly waiting for the opportunity. As long as the time is right, they will immediately take action so that their family can have a chance to survive in the troubled times. This is of great significance to many aristocratic families.

The Jin army’s attack on the city caused greater panic to the soldiers and civilians in the city. They saw the Jin army’s toughness from the Jin army’s offensive methods. The arrows that appeared on the wall before the siege, after taking refuge in the Jin army, they don’t need to worry about their lives. If they have enough credit during the siege of the Jin army, they will even be rewarded. This is for the defenders. It is of great significance.

When facing the Jin army, they are themselves out of weakness. At this time, it is reasonable to consider more for their own safety. Sun Quan is a monarch and does not want to seek refuge in the Jin army. Let him become a prisoner, but the soldiers in the army are different, even after joining the Jin army, they can still survive.

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