Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 403: : Marry Xiao Qiao in Xiangyang City (Part 2)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Since ancient times, the big man has always stood up to his youth." Lv Bu slowly said: "But the prince Liu Qi is not knowledgeable and oppressive. Kindness is notorious in Jingzhou. If such a person becomes the prince of the big man, wouldn't it be the bad luck of the big man?"

Cai Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words. "The Jinhou said that Liu Qi, with his eldest son's status, has already aroused anger and resentment in Jingzhou. Recently, he sent troops to the Bingzhou army to ask for the daughter of the Qiao family. It was really lustful. "

Seeing that Lu Bu’s expression has not changed because of the mention of Liu Qi, Cai Hao feels a little lost. In his opinion, Lu Bu must have hated Liu Qi. This is a naked hatred of taking his wife. He couldn't feel anything in his expression, but what he was certain was that Lu Bu was extremely dissatisfied with Liu Qi.

"But Liu Qi is the eldest son after all, and the little prince is still young."

Cai Hao lowered his voice and said, "If the Marquis of Jin is willing to support the little prince, there will be great rewards in the future. The little prince Liu Cong is talented and intelligent, and given time, he must be a great prince."

Lv Bu nodded and said: "General Cai supports the little prince. How can this be rejected." From Liu Qi's lead to the Bingzhou army, Lv Bu knew that he and Liu Qi were in a match. It would be OK to support Liu Cong, and he could win. The favor of the Cai family in Jingzhou. As for whether Liu Cong can inherit the throne, it is a matter of many years later. Jingzhou is not as prosperous and stable as it seems. The Jiangdong Army will not let Jingzhou so easily. It can be seen from its seizure of Yangzhou counties. Afterwards, Cao Cao of Yanzhou won't make Liu Biao feel better. What they lack is just a name.

"Jin Marquis Gaoyi." Cai Hao excitedly picked up the drink and said.

After drinking Jinjiu and then drinking other wines, I feel a little faint in Lu Bu.

"This wine is naturally not as delicious as Jinjiu." Cai Hao pointedly said. The profit of Jinjiu, Jinzhi and Zhanma is also highly coveted by the Cai family, but after the merchants transported Jinjiu to Jingzhou, the price increased. Many, he had secretly learned that after Jinyang sold 10,000 yuan of Jinjiu to Jingzhou, the lowest price was 13,000 yuan per pot.

"Jingzhou is prosperous, and Benhou also wants to let the caravan from Bingzhou enter Jingzhou." Lu Bu sighed.

"There are also many merchants in Jingzhou. If Jinhou is interested, he can send a caravan to Bingzhou, just in terms of price?"

Lü Bu smiled knowingly. This is what he wants. Jingzhou’s intelligence is very little known to Binzhou. Once the Cai family supports it, Binzhou’s businessmen will have a strong asylum when they arrive in Jingzhou. "Benhou and General Cai" We talked very happily, and the price will naturally not be high."

"Thank you Jin Hou for your kindness." Cai Hao was overjoyed.

Cai Hao gave Lu Bu the feeling that he was not only a military commander, but also a literati and businessman.

Marriage is a major event in life. What's more, it is a marriage made by the sacred decree himself, and it is even more important. Although Liu Biao's mouth was as simple as possible, Lu Bu once again experienced the cumbersome process.

Lu Bu and Zhao Yun married Qiao Xuan’s daughter at the same time, which also made Qiao Xuan famous. What a character Lu Bu was. Many people sighed that Qiao Xuan had two good daughters. After the crusade against Yuan Shu, Lu Bu’s reputation at this time was absolutely. It was positive, even if the officials in Jingzhou saw Lu Bu, their expressions were respectful. As for what bad things would be said secretly, I don't know.

This time Lu Bu didn't drink too much. After all, he was on Liu Biao's site, and he had to be more cautious about everything.

In the wedding night of the bridal chamber, a shy and beautiful lady, stimulated by the drunkenness, Lu Bu began an expedition between the two.

At the close of Yun Xieyu, Qiao Shuang lay in Lu Bu's arms obediently, and looked at Lu Bu curiously. This was the first time she had observed Lu Bu so close.

As if feeling the eyes of the beautiful woman, Lu Bu smiled and said, "What's wrong with Shuang'er?"

Qiao Shuang said shyly: "It's nothing." He immediately hid in Lu Bu's arms.

After some conversation, Lu Bu also understood Qiao Shuang's personality somewhat, similar to Mi Zhen, a bit lively and strange.

"Does Shuang'er have something to worry about?" Lu Bu caringly felt the melancholy in Qiao Shuang's expression.

"Husband, after the concubine body arrives in Bingzhou, what should the elder sisters do not like the concubine body?"

"Haha, Shuang'er has been worrying too much. Your sisters will definitely like you very much." Lu Bu laughed.

After all, the two of them had no emotional foundation, so they cooked rice, and Lu Bu also felt the estrangement between the two.

"I heard that Shuang'er liked being a husband a long time ago." Lu Bu laughed.

"Husband, don't want to make fun of your concubine." Qiao Shuang groaned.

"Actually, when I was in Wanxian, I heard of my husband. The husband is a great hero." Qiao Shuang hid in Lu Bu's arms and whispered.

Lu Bu was silent after hearing this. It seems that being famous is good, secretly I don’t know how many women admire you. Women in this era may be just accessories in the eyes of men, while Lu Bu has different ideas. Because of Liu Biao, he will definitely not marry Qiao Shuang. The age difference is there. In modern times, Qiao Shuang is just a young girl who is studying, which will make him feel guilty~www.readwn. com~ Even if Qiao Shuang is a famous beauty in history.

"Shuang'er is now Mrs. Jinhou, and Zilong also married Qiao Ying, but after Qiao's family arrives in Bingzhou, you can't do anything wrong for these reasons." Lu Bu reminded.

"The concubine understands." Qiao Shuang said obediently.

"Shuang'er is relieved. Although there are many wives in her husband, they will treat them equally, and there is no need to worry about the matter of Bingzhou." Lu Bu said.

Qiao Shuang was determined to hear that, the status of his concubine was very low. Even though Lu Bu was a Jin marquis, his wife still had the final say at home.

"I heard from my sister that General Zhao is handsome and handsome, and he is also a beautiful man. Will my husband secretly let his concubine take a look in the future? After seeing General Zhao Yun that day, my sister will never forget it." Qiao Shuang curiously asked.

Lu Bu dumbly nodded and agreed. It seems that Qiao Ying has long been attracted to Zhao Yun.

Feeling the beautiful woman in his arms, the flame in Lu Bu's heart burned again.

Qiao Ying screamed, and she was soon lost in the stormy conquest.

Maybe it's been a long time since Lv Bu had contact with a woman. This night, Lu Bu was very brave. The end result was that Qiao Shuang spent three consecutive days in bed, which made Qiao Ying who came to visit Qiao Shuang laughed.

"Sister, how about General Zhao?" Qiao Shuang reluctantly got out of bed with the help of the maid, and was very happy to see Qiao Ying.

Qiao Ying's face was reddish, "Shuang'er has also learned to make fun of her sister."

"Hmph, it turns out that my sister has been hiding from me, she must have fallen in love with General Zhao that day." Qiao Shuang snorted coldly.

Qiao Ying was so shy that the two sisters immediately frolicked in the room.

There are more forty chapters at 0 o'clock, brothers come to support!

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(End of this chapter)

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