Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 404: :Shuijing Villa

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Seeing that Qiao Ying is very satisfied with Zhao Yun, Qiao Shuang is also relieved, and she is even more curious about Zhao Yun. At the last glance, when Zhao Yun and Qiao Ying were talking, she did not dare to show up.

Things in the city were almost handled, and Lu Bu also took Qiao Ying back to the Bingzhou Army, and then it was Lu Bu who carried out his purpose of coming to Jingzhou.

"Feng Xiao, now the military affairs have been prepared, and tomorrow we will set off to Shuijing Villa." Lu Bu couldn't wait to see a lot of talents beckoning to him.

"It is natural for the lord to be full of confidence, but we must also be prepared." Guo Jia kindly reminded him that he knew what the temper of his fellow students was like, not to mention other things, only Lu Bu married the Qiao family in Xiangyang. Women, they will definitely attract their criticism.

"I have never seen any big winds and waves before this Houhou." Lu Bu smiled.

Guo Jia came from the famous Yingchuan Academy, which is also a kind of private school. For example, Cao Cao's Xun You, Xi Zhicai, and Xun Yu all came from Yingchuan Academy. Yuan Shu and Liu Biao competed in Yuzhou, and Yingchuan was also compared. The big spread, so Mr. Shui Jing lived in Xiangyang. It is said that in the past, Liu Biao wanted to recruit Mr. Shui Jing as an official. Perhaps the conversation between the two was not pleasant. Liu Biao left with dissatisfaction, but Mr. Shui Jing was a well-known person in Xiangyang. As famous as the celebrity Song Zhong.

The place where Mr. Shuijing is located is called Shuijing Villa, about fifteen miles west of Xiangyang City, with green mountains and green waters, very quiet, and it is also a good place for studying.

Seeing more than a dozen houses on the side of the mountain from a distance gives people the feeling of freshness and poetry.

There is no fence. The house is separated by fences. There are two boys in front of the door talking in a low voice, but Lu Bu faintly heard that the two boys are actually discussing knowledge. It is just a rhetoric of that kind, let Lu Bu A little embarrassed, dignified Jinhou, if it spreads out and can't understand the dialogue between the two doormen, wouldn't it be a joke.

Guo Jia straightened his clothes and stepped forward.

Hearing someone coming, the doorman fell silent immediately.

Guo Jia handed his hands over: "Can you tell your teacher, disciple Guo Jia, please see me."

A doorman stared at Guo Jiadao with bright eyes: "Brother Guo is back."

Guo Jia smiled slightly and nodded.

The doorman has not been following Mr. Shui Jing for a short time. When Guo Jia was studying under Mr. Shui Jing, he and Guo Jia knew each other very well. He often saw Guo Jia arguing with others, which made people dumb. He said that Guo Jia has a high respect for Guo Jia.

"Brother, wait a minute, I'll go tell the sir." The doorman turned and ran into the door, shouting, "Brother Guo is back."

Guo Jia is one of Mr. Shui Jing’s proud disciples, and no one knows in Shui Jing Villa. But when they heard that Guo Jia was working in Bingzhou, these students also divided into two factions. One side strongly supported Guo Jia, and the other On the one hand, it was mocking Guo Jia.

Most of the supporters of Guo Jia are from poor families. These students have no deep background and it is very difficult to get reuse. Guo Jia’s treatment in Bingzhou has given them great encouragement. On the other side, most of them are children of a family, and they despise Lu Bu. Not only mocked Guo Jia, but also brought Lu Bu with him. After all, Lu Bu's behavior was there, which is obvious to all. In the eyes of literati, Lu Bu is undoubtedly rude. In this way, he supports Guo Jia. One party is often speechless by the children of the family.

Now that Guo Jia is back, some students have found the backbone. Not to mention the others. It is a great contribution that Guo Jia assisted Lv Bu to stabilize Xianbei. This is something that no one can ignore. The disaster of Xianbei has harmed the big Han for many years. His hatred is like the hatred of the Xiongnu in the past. This is a good story worthy of a long history. Even if it is a member of the family, Guo Jia is praised for mentioning this matter.

Mr. Shui Jing, who was teaching to the disciples under the door, heard the doorman's shout, his frowned brows stretched out, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out that Feng Xiao is back, and there must be a distinguished guest coming." Mr. Shui Jing stood up and said.

When Mr. Shui Jing took his disciples out, Lu Bu was also looking closely at this well-known Mr. Shui Jing, and he could teach the kind of characters like Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai.

From Mr. Shui Jing, Lu Bu felt a temperament similar to that of Cai Yong.

"Guests, please come in." Mr. Shui Jing didn't point out Lu Bu's identity, arching his hands.

"Sir, please." Lu Bu replied with a salute.

The layout of the Shuijing Villa is also very elegant, giving people a sense of peace. Along the way, Lu Bu can hear the disciples under the Shuijingmen talking about Guo Jia from time to time. There are good ones, and more bad ones. Involved myself in it.

Among the students, there was a teenager staring at Lu Bu with piercing eyes, his eyes contemplative.

After retiring his disciples, Mr. Shui Jing said: "The Marquis of Jin can come to the The old man has lost his way, and the hospitality is not good. I hope Jin Marquis will not be surprised."

Lv Bu smiled and said, "Mr. You're polite, Benhou was itching to hear his name in Xiangyang, so he asked Fengxiao to take Benhou here, and he took the liberty to come here to disturb him, and I hope Mr. forgive me."

Mr. Shui Jing also smiled and said: "The Marquis Jin came here, I am afraid that it is not just to visit the old man. Jin Marquis is a good disciple of the Cai family. Does it mean that he wants to discuss knowledge with the old man's disciples?"

"Mr. laughed and rushed to the battlefield. This lord is not afraid of anyone. If he talks about the classics, he doesn't know anything about it, so Mr. laughs."

Mr. Shui Jing said: "The old husband Sima Hui, in the Shui Jing Villa, so he called Mr. Shui Jing, and Jin Marquis called him the old man's morals." He didn't expect Lü Bu to say this. In his opinion, it was decided. It was received by Cai Yong. Lu Bu must have something extraordinary. I didn’t expect Lu Bu to be honest about his different knowledge. Isn’t it afraid to attract jokes? These great scholars love their reputation very much, and it seems that people who look back are desperate to send a letter. The letter made fun of Cai Yong.

"Sir, you're polite, just call Benhou Fengxian." Lu Bu arched his hands. From Sima Hui's body, he felt that he was friendly and kind, and he did not have the hatred of Bingzhou in the eyes of outsiders. Of course, all of this was on the surface. .

"The Marquis of Jin conquered the rebellious Yuan Shu, personally led his troops to cut off the rebel's food road, and the inside and outside were combined to break the rebels. No one in Jingzhou knew about it. Although the old man was in the villa, he had also heard of the Dahan Newspaper, especially Jin Hou’s. The'Theory of Water Boats' is so refreshing for the old man." Sima Hui said.

Lü Bu didn't want to go too far with Sima Hui. He came to Shuijing Villa, and the main thing was to recruit talents for Bingzhou.

The first one is for recommendation and subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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