Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 405: : Zhuge Liang

Sima Hui smiled and nodded. From Guo Jia to Shuijing Villa, he faintly guessed Lu Bu's intentions. Only the disciples who could attract Lu Bu in Shuijing Villa, but I am afraid that Lu Bu can only be useless. Back, Guo Jia is a good disciple of Mr. Shui Jing, which does not mean that others are willing to go to Bingzhou.

Lu Bu was overjoyed in his heart. With his capacity, it seemed that it was not difficult for the disciples under Sima Hui to go to Bingzhou.

There are about fifty disciples under Sima Hui's school, but anyone who can enter the villa to study with Sima Hui is a leader in Jingzhou.

"This is the Jin Marquis who is well-known all over the world, you still don't come forward to see you." Sima Hui said after summoning his disciples.

Hearing Jin Hou, everyone bowed to Bingzhou. They might have prejudice against Bingzhou in their hearts, but the identity of Lu Bu was there. Jin Hou, General Cheqi, and Bingzhou Mu were the figures standing on top of the courtiers. They were familiar with them. The scriptures, however, won't give people an eloquence in terms of etiquette. As for what kind of thoughts are in the mind, I don't know.

Lü Bu arched his hands and said, "I am so excited to see so many young Toshihiko."

"The Marquis of Jin is here, but are you talking to me about the classics?" one person shouted.

Lu Bu frowned slightly and looked at the sound, but the handsome youth's eyes were full of provocation.

"Bingzhou’s recruitment of talents is well known in the world. Benhou learned that Mr. Shui Jing’s staff are all well-educated. Those who are willing to go to Bingzhou, and those who pass the inspection can be officials in Bingzhou. Everyone is reading poetry and books for the sake of Put what he has learned in his life to use." Lu Bu didn't want to get entangled with Mr. Shui Jing's disciples on the topic of talking about the Scriptures and Tao, and directly began to solicit.

Lü Bu’s sincere tone caused the students in the field to discuss and read the scriptures hard. They were more in order to enter the official career and display what they had learned. However, although the status of the Jin marquis was noble, they had to think carefully. Now, if Yuan Shao is replaced here, it will definitely cause a great sensation among the students.

"Dare to ask Jin Hou, can Bingzhou know how to govern the world?" a young man stepped forward and said loudly.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and Mr. Shui Jing nodded slightly.

"If the little gentleman is interested, you can go to Bingzhou." Lu Bu did not underestimate this young man. Judging from the looks of the people around him, this young man must have a great ability under Sima Huimen.

"If the Jin Marquis knows how to govern the world, why do you want to kill the family in Bingzhou? The Wuhuan people have wolf ambitions, why should Jin Marquis join forces with him to attack the army of Jizhou?" The first question is what the children of the aristocratic family want to ask Lu Bu most. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the aristocratic family is the root of governing the place, and Lu Bu's behavior in Bingzhou seems to be to exclude the aristocratic family. The nature is family.

"Dare to ask Mr. Little's name?" Lu Bu felt that this young man was not easy anymore.

"Under Zhuge Liang." The young man arched his hands.

There was a stormy sea in Lu Bu's heart, and his expression changed drastically. Zhuge Liang, the shock brought to him by this name was undoubtedly huge. Later generations mentioned Zhuge Wuhou, but no one knew it.

The students also looked at Lu Bu curiously. Zhuge Liang was just a teenager, not yet a weak crown. Seeing Lu Bu's expression, he seemed to have heard of it a long time ago.

"Zhuge Kongming?" Lu Bu murmured.

There was also a question flashing on Zhuge Liang's delicate face, "Being Zhuge Liang, I have not reached the weak crown, so there is no word, Jin Hou has not answered the next question."

"Thank you Jinhou for taking the characters for the disciples of the old man. I will thank you Jinhou soon." Sima Hui's eyes flashed a bright light. He could see the changes in Lu Bu's expression clearly, and the word Kong Ming was also good. .

"Thank you Jinhou for giving the word." Zhuge Liang hurriedly thanked him.

Zhuge Liang was originally a Langxie person. He had been reading poetry and books since he was a child. After arriving in Xiangyang, he was deeply appreciated by Sima Hui. Although Zhuge Liang did not say anything about his childhood mentor, Sima Hui knew that he was also an expert. Sima Hui's knowledge is extremely admired. Strictly speaking, Sima Hui is not Zhuge Liang's first teacher.

"Bingzhou is a barren land in the eyes of outsiders. There are Huns inside and Xianbei outside. It is perennially chaotic. After the lord entered the lord, he saw the suffering of the people and felt very worried in his heart. It was also a last resort to rectify the aristocratic family. He is holding most of the land in Bingzhou, but the people are worried about the lack of land. They are even more ambitious and want to capture Bingzhou. If you are a prince, would you sit and watch?" Lu Bu slowly said: "The Huns are in trouble, and the people are suffering. What were the princes doing when the prince led Feiqi to put down the Xiongnu? Xianbei offended the side, but Jizhou was ridiculously attacking Huguan at this time. What were the princes doing? They all said that the prince had only the courage of his husband. If he had no courage, he would have Will the stability of Bingzhou make Xianbei willing to compensate cattle, sheep and horses?"

Lu Bu’s words also aroused deep thought among the students in the field. The situation in the state is different from that of the Central Plains. It is on the frontier and does not have a strong army to rely on. Don’t want to stand firm, but in comparison, Lu Bu’s approach to the aristocratic family It's too spicy.

"Huh, it sounds good, did Jin Hou forget who is the Bingzhou Shepherd?" a student said coldly.

"The merits and demerits, Benhou believes that people in the world will see it." Lu Bu was reluctant to explain. This is also due to his personality. If he can solve problems with his fists, Lu Bu seldom moves his mouth.

"No matter how the Jin Hou's rhetoric, he also seized Bingzhou from the hands of Bingzhou Mu Zhangyang." Zhuge Liang also echoed.

"It's just for my own benefit. It's just for the people, and it's really a horror of the world. If it's for the people, why did the army invade Youzhou? The people are trapped in war."

"If Master Yuan hadn't been guarding Jizhou, I'm afraid Bingzhou would have sent troops to invade Hanoi and Hedong."

"For a woman, to threaten the current sage, publicly condemn the prince, and embarrass the messenger sent by the sage, is it the courtier?"


Lü Bu snorted with an iron face and stepped forward. The strong killing intent on his body made Sima Hui's disciples silent. At this moment, they suddenly thought of Lü Bu's deeds. It was fake if they didn't panic in their hearts. People who don't give the prince's face, the princes ask Dong, kick Yuan Shu's martial artist.

"Does Jin Hou still want to use force to block the world's leisurely mouth?" Zhuge Liang showed a calmness that was not commensurate with his age.

Seeing Lu Bu's temper, Guo Jia hurriedly stepped forward and said: "The Marquis of Jin has come from afar, and he is tired. I will be discussing with you brothers tomorrow."

2nd more

(End of this chapter)

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