Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4026: : Strong into the city

The atmosphere of Gancheng is relatively relaxed. There are no enemy troops outside of Gancheng. As the most important city in Kucha, the development of Gancheng is quite good. There are a lot of merchants. In recent years, the number of merchants, especially from Shanxi, has increased in number.

After the merchants of the Jin Kingdom arrived, they did not make much money, but the things brought by the Jin merchants were indeed very popular in Gancheng. Under such circumstances, even the King of Qiuci could not have more rejection. .

The footsteps of the merchants of the Jin Kingdom are not only in the Western Regions, but also merchants going to Dawan and Wusun. It is said that there are merchants going to the more distant Guishuang Empire. These merchants must have gained a lot of benefits from it. Qiuci relied on collecting taxes from merchants and made considerable profits. The arrival of merchants also promoted the development of the city.

It can be seen from the arrival of Jin’s merchants that Jin intends to do business with the Western Regions. For the Jin Army and the Western Regions, there may be certain concerns, but if they can do business with the Jin, it is still for the Western Regions. The good news is that the things they got from the Jin country can be exchanged for more profits after returning to the Western Regions.

This has also prompted many merchants in the Western Regions to produce many merchants. It can be said that the arrival of Jin's merchants has added a touch of beautiful scenery to the Western Regions. Through the mouths of merchants, people from the Western Regions can have a certain degree of understanding of the situation in Jin. learn.

But today's Gancheng is facing a huge crisis. The city gate to the north no longer exists after a loud noise. Such a loud noise brought a huge shock to the defenders of the city.

At this time, it was the dawn of the sky, and merchants and people who wanted to leave the city were waiting at the city gate.

After the earth-shattering sound, a cavalry team appeared in the north of the city, with black costumes and the "Jin" flag waving in the wind.

"It's the enemy." The defenders panicked when they saw the army not far away. They didn't understand what happened to the city gate, but they could still make accurate judgments about the identity of these cavalry.

The army of Qiuci is fighting the Jin army in Yancheng. Although ordinary soldiers do not know the situation of the war, the arrival of the Jin army will always make the defenders more vigilant. Gancheng is the most important city in Qiuci. , If its dry city was broken by the enemy, it would mean the fall of Qiuci.

The city was in a panic, and the Jin cavalry suddenly appeared after the loud noise, making the defenders at a loss.

The soldiers near the city gate were hit the most. At this time, their ears buzzed, and they couldn't hear the sounds around them.

The ground was trembling slightly, and the momentum of the cavalry charging up was amazing.

When the generals in the city responded, the cavalry had already rushed into the city gate.

After entering the city, the cavalry was like a tiger in the mountains, making killings among the defenders.

The infantrymen are always at a disadvantage when facing the cavalry. At present, there are only more than a thousand defenders in Gancheng. The battle in Yancheng is tight. King Qiuci asked more soldiers to go to Yancheng to fight against the Jin army. Who can I thought that the cavalry of the Jin army actually appeared outside its Gancheng.

The resistance of the infantry was so fragile in front of the cavalry.

A well-known sergeant fell under the attack of the cavalry. Their resistance would not have much impact on the cavalry's charge. The countries of the Western Regions did not have the means of the Jin Dynasty. When they defended the city, more I learned it from the Han people.

But now the Jin army’s offensive method was unexpected. The strong city gate disappeared after the loud noise, and the Jin army’s cavalry moved into the city along the way. Needless to say, the previous noise was the Jin army’s actions.

The merchants and ordinary people near the city gate scattered after seeing the Jin cavalry entering the city. Many merchants even directly discarded the goods. Compared with the goods, their lives were more important.

After seeing these cavalry costumes and flags, some merchants from the Jin Kingdom secretly delighted. They were merchants from the Jin Kingdom. They saw their own army in Gancheng. Needless to say, it must be the emperor who planned to send troops to the Western Regions. They are the people of the Jin country. After the Jin army entered the city, as long as they were not injured by mistake, there was no danger to their lives.

In the process of going to the Western Regions for business in these years, many merchants have received unfair treatment. Therefore, there is no more sympathy for the Western Regions. As long as the city occupied by the Jin army, it is good to the merchants. The current situation in the Jin State is a good illustration. As long as the merchants can act in accordance with the Jin State's system in the city, there is no need to worry about the safety of their lives, and the Jin State's system has always been treated equally.

Doing business in a foreign country will always have a lot of inconveniences. When Gancheng falls to the head of the Jin army, all this will change dramatically.

With the combat power of the Jin army, after entering the city, the defenders in Gancheng were absolutely and Gancheng was where the former Changshi Mansion was located. The importance of geographical location can be imagined. , If you go to the Western Regions for business, the Gancheng is the main road. If you pass through the Gancheng, the road will be smoother.

Another reason for the excitement of the merchants after the Jin army entered the city was that as long as the city with the Jin army basically built roads, the roads from Jin to the Western Regions were complicated and extremely difficult to walk. If the roads were unobstructed, this The problems in this respect can be greatly alleviated.

Just like now, the road from Yumen Pass to Weili is very smooth. The main reason is that Jin has occupied Weili.

If the Jin country builds roads to go to other countries, these countries will definitely not agree, and after the Jin army uses a powerful way to break through these countries, the situation cannot be controlled by these countries.

For a long time, the Jin army has shown a domineering side in front of the princes. No matter how powerful their enemies are, they are nothing in front of the soldiers of the Jin army. For the victory of the war, the soldiers of the Jin army are extremely crazy.

The impact of the Jin cavalry brought killings to the defenders. Many defenders directly put down their weapons after seeing this situation. In such a confrontation, they could not see the hope of victory at all.

In half a day, the forces of resistance in the city wiped out the cavalry led by Pound, and the enemy who fled the city, Pound did not send cavalry to pursue it. The main task of this lead battle was to break through the dry city. Unsurprisingly, At this time, Yancheng must have fallen under the control of the Jin army. You only need to control Gancheng in your hands and wait for the arrival of the Jin army. Everything becomes simple.

And it was smooth to break through the dry city.

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