Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4027: : Can there be any abnormalities in the city?

The prisoners obtained after breaking its Gancheng were imprisoned for the soldiers of the Jin army. When dealing with these prisoners, the Jin army was more cautious. These people may become the existence of resisting the Jin army at any time.

The soldiers guarding the captives are very vigilant. If the captives are slightly wrong, they will not hesitate to point their swords and guns at these captives, stifling all danger in the cradle.

After the Jin army occupies a city, it pays attention to the strength of control. However, King Qiuci has been operating in it for many years. It is not that the Jin army can stabilize the city in a short period of time after occupying the city, but the powerful army has a huge The role, can make Xiao Xiaoxiao's generation dare not take the opportunity to make trouble.

As expected by the merchants of the Jin country, after the Jin army broke through the city, it did not invade the people in the city. What the Jin army pursued was to make the resistance in the city disappear as much as possible.

In the afternoon, the city has gradually recovered its stability. The blood stains on the streets were cleaned up by the soldiers of the Jin army. After the battle, it is necessary to prevent the people in the city from panicking as much as possible. The blood stains and soldiers on the ground The dead body will make the people panic.

The shouting and killing had long since ceased, but many people did not dare to walk out of their homes. At this time, the costumes of the soldiers patrolling the streets were strange to the people in the city.

However, seeing these soldiers did not rush into their homes, some bold people walked out of their homes. At this time, the city gate was wide open, and the people who entered and exited could enter and leave after interrogation.

Everything is the same as the previous order. The difference lies in the flags floating on the walls and the soldiers in the city. The soldiers guarding the city gates look at the people in the past without being more greedy.

After the Jin army captured the city, the merchants were very excited. Originally, they had to register before and after leaving the city and then pay taxes. Before the arrival of the Jin army, it meant that the rules in the city had changed and there was no need to pay taxes.

The businessmen of the Jin country were quite excited. They talked with people nearby and even talked about the past of the Jin army.

In the past, Han officials ruled the countries of the Western Regions. At that time, the people of the Han people still had a high status in the countries of the Western Regions. The ordinary people were more polite when they saw the Han people. But after the decline of the Han, the Western Regions When people of various countries look at Han people, they lose the respect they had in the past, and even soldiers in many countries will deliberately embarrass Han people.

Under such circumstances, the people have no better way. They can only endure in the city. Now that the Jin army is coming, this is the army of the Han people. This has also promoted the identity of the Han people again. Many people of the Han people are walking in On the street, the expression of pride could not be concealed.

There are also some people sobbing secretly. Living in the Western Regions, there are always many difficulties. Many of them have been embarrassed by others. However, this foreign race is the master in the city. They have no more options and can only silently. To bear.

With the arrival of the Jin army, their lives will undergo tremendous changes.

In fact, the people of the Han people are also unfamiliar with the Jin army. Before that, they hadn't heard more about the generals of the Jin army, but after all, the Jin army was an army of the Han people, so that was enough.

The previous order in the city was restored, but Pound did not relax his vigilance. Before he came to Gancheng, Li Ru had warned that Gancheng was extremely important to Qiuci, and King Qiuci would definitely do it in desperation. Asking for more reinforcements would be unbearable for Pound if it were to break through for the enemy after occupying the city.

Breaking through the city, the cavalry suffered damages of more than fifty men. Such damages can be said to be a huge victory.

In Qiancheng, the most important place is the palace. In the process of attacking the palace, more than ten people were paid. In the past, the palace was guarded by elite palace guards, but when the King of Qiuci led the army against the Jin army , Take away most of the palace guards, otherwise, the Jin army may have to pay a higher price for breaking through the palace.

The palace is the most majestic building in the city, but from Pound's point of view, it is the same. After seeing the palace in Chang'an, the so-called palaces of the Western Regions seem too shabby. Even so, the palace in Chang'an is Far from reaching the previous standards.

After the Jin army unified the world, Lu Bu did not order the construction of the palace, also because of the war, it is most important to have more materials to support the army's operations.

The emperor did this to support the war, and also to make the territory of the Jin country wider. It seemed unnecessary to conquer the countries of the Western Regions, but in fact it was not. At the time of the Han Dynasty, the countries of the Western Regions were governed by Han officials. At the time when the Great Han was weak, the influence of the countries in the Western Regions was not there, and this was the scene where the countries did not obey the orders of the Jin country.

If the situation were allowed to go on like this, it would have greatly compromised the majesty of the Jin State.

Sending troops to attack the countries of the Western Regions may have a lot of But this kind of damage will be exchanged for the majesty of the Jin country, the status of the Han people, and more in exchange. City, so Jin’s move is worthwhile.

The Jin army's capture of the Western Regions will surely spread to later generations. This is an opportunity to spread the heavenly power of the Jin Kingdom.

"Can any of you understand the language of the Han Chinese?" Pound asked the Qiuci official who looked down at the fearful expression.

An official looked around, saw no one stood up, and said: "General, general, the villain understands."

"Well, don't be afraid, what's your name?" Pound asked.

"The villain's surname is Chen Mingji, and he is the fourth in the family. The general can call the villain Chen Si." Chen Ji said.

"Oh? So you are a Han Chinese." Pound said.

Chen Ji handed his hand: "My father is a Han Chinese, so the villain follows his father's surname."

Pound nodded and said, "This general asks you, can there be any abnormalities in the city recently?"

"Abnormal? I don't know what the general is referring to." Seeing Pound's more amiable performance, Chen Ji has no initial fear, and speaks a lot more fluently.

In fact, some of the officials in Qiuci knew the language of the Han people. It was just that the Jin army had just entered the city and they did not understand what Pound was going to do. In their opinion, keeping silent at this time is a better response. .

However, Chen Ji judged that Pound must have inquired about things. If he performed well in front of Pound, he might get a lot of rewards. The most important thing is that he left an impression on Pound. When seeing the soldiers of the Jin army in embarrassment, just talk about this matter, it will definitely make the soldiers of the Jin army more cautious.

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