Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4068: : Able to refer on behalf of

Fortunately, this time, Wusun did not offend Jin, but made good relations with Jin. As long as the relationship with Jin can be maintained, Wusun will be of great help.

And the emperor of the Jin Kingdom refused to sell the weapon in the army, it was also in Xiang Dalu's expectation. If Wusun owns such a thing, it will not be easily sold to others. If you know that the army has a weapon, When fighting against the enemy, there is a greater possibility that these things fall into the hands of the enemy, which will cause greater problems for one's own warfare. This is a situation that a monarch does not want to see.

The Jin army is strong and possesses sharp weapons, and when it comes to conquering the enemy, it can be said to be unprofitable.

This made Wusun have to be more cautious when dealing with the Jin army in the future, otherwise, just the number of the Jin army would be enough to bring devastating disaster to Wusun.

Now, for Wusun, the most important thing is to maintain a better relationship with Jin.

With this recognition, when the Jin Kingdom was unwilling to sell sharp weapons, Xiang Dalu naturally had no more complaints. Before coming to Jin, King Wusun was determined to acquire the sharp weapons of the Jin army, but now Great changes have taken place in the situation. When facing the Jin army, one must be cautious.

Besides, Jin does not necessarily have to unite with Wusun. If Jin is united with Dawan, what kind of disaster will it bring to Wusun.

After thinking of this, Xiang Dalu was even more uneasy. On this matter, he did not get a clear attitude from Jin. Besides, there is no conflict between Jin and Dawan at this time. It was Wusun who united the kingdom of Jin.

The next day, Xiang Dalu visited Jia Xu's mansion.

After seeing the situation in Jia Xu’s mansion, Xiang Dalu was taken aback. Jia Xu was an important official of the Jin Kingdom and a trusted person by the Emperor of Jin. It is said that in Jia Xu’s identity, the mansion should be more luxurious and talented. Yes, but after entering Jia Xu's mansion, the feeling is not luxurious, but simple, without losing solemnity, which Xiang Dalu had never thought of before.

Regarding the arrival of Xiang Dalu, Jia Xu was quite enthusiastic.

"I don't know why Xiang Dalu came here?" Jia Xu asked. Regarding the coming of Xiang Dalu, Jia Xu seemed to have expected it. Xiang Dalu saw the situation of the Jin army yesterday. Speaking of the number of Jin troops, it would be normal for Xiang Dalu to have no more worries in his heart.

After joining with the Jin country, Wusun did have many benefits. If the relationship between the two sides could be maintained for a long time, Wusun would not need to worry about the threat of the Jin army when he fought on the other side.

If you have a bad relationship with the Jin army, it will only hurt Wusun.

After all, Wusun's relationship with Dawan and Kangju is not very good.

Xiang Dalu said: "The official came here, but there is something I want to ask Jia Zhongshu."

"If you have questions, the official will definitely inform you." Jia Xu smiled.

"The official was ordered by Kunmo to come to unite with Jin, but Wusun's relationship with Dawan and Kangju was not very good, especially between Dawan, there are many wars, if Dawan sends an envoy to come If that is the case, I don't know if the Shanxi State Council will not unite with Dawan?" Xiang Dalu asked.

Jia Xu meditated for a moment and said: "The matter of uniting with other countries is the decision of the sage, and the official is also the order of the sage."

"I also hope that Jia Zhongshu can be introduced on his behalf." Xiang Dalu said, since he came to Chang'an, he did meet the emperor of Jin, but then the emperor of Jin handed over the union with Wusun. Jia Xu.

At the beginning, Xiang Dalu was dissatisfied with the actions of the Jin emperor. After the envoy of the Jin army, Yan Xing, went to Wusun, Kun Mo showed how much attention he paid, but when he came to Jin, he suffered. This kind of treatment, but after seeing the powerful strength of the Jin army, these dissatisfaction can only be kept in mind.

The Jin army has absolutely formidable strength, and it is reasonable for Lu Bu to have such a performance.

What kind of strength determines what kind of status and right to speak. It is reasonable for Lu Bu's strength to have such a move. Even if Xiang Dalu has a lot of dissatisfaction, can he still dare to show it at this time? .

Jia Xu said: "This matter is naturally possible, but today, I am afraid that there will be many inconveniences. The saint needs to deal with the affairs of the court. Tomorrow, the official will recommend it to Xiang Dalu."

"So thank you Jia Zhongshu." Xiang Dalu arched his hands.

After sending off Xiang Dalu, Jia Xu sneered secretly. In the beginning, although Xiang Dalu was polite, he could still show his arrogance between words and deeds. There was such a behavior in front of the Emperor of Jin. It is reasonable for officials in China to have a lot of dissatisfaction with Wusun's envoy.

Regardless of Wusun's strength, the Jin country at this time does not seem to be afraid of War can indeed bring some trouble to Jin, not that the people of Jin will be afraid of war because of this. .

For a long time, the generals of the Jin army are not afraid of powerful enemies, no matter how powerful their enemies are, as long as they are in front of the Jin army, they will settle down. This is also the best proof of the powerful strength of the Jin army.

Enough strength will bring a higher status. In the past, Lu Bu was more arrogant when facing other envoys of the princes, because the Jin army had the strength to sweep them.

Now that Wusun wants to unite with Jin State, and even wants to get more benefits from Jin State, how can it be such a simple thing.

At the beginning, Xiang Dalu did have this idea, but Xiang Dalu carefully chose to temporarily observe Jin’s attitude. If Jin’s strength is not enough, Wusun will be able to occupy more advantages. , It is even possible to bring Wensu over from Jin.

But now, Xiang Dalu has no such thoughts. Wusun and Jin are united, which is of great benefit to Wusun, and Jin has obviously dispensable attitude towards this matter, even if it is not with Wusun. United, the Jin army is also not afraid of Wusun.

Once Wusun angered Jin, it was very likely that it would be the union of Jin and Dawan. When the forces of the two sides are united, how much harm will it bring to Wusun, even if it is Wusun has a formidable strength, and facing the two parties alone, there are still many dangers.

Besides, when Wusun’s neighbor, Kangju, saw Wusun in danger, he might take the opportunity to send troops. After all, the relationship between Wusun and Kangju was not very good, so it became inevitable to maintain the relationship with Jin.

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