Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 409: : News from Huang Zhong

After Lu Bu was assassinated on the way back to Xiangyang, Zhao Yun immediately led five hundred flying knights to the army, and Guo Jia was injured, which made Zhao Yun's anger beyond reach.

On the way back to Xiangyang, Lu Bu saw Guo Jia's eager expression, and he stepped forward and said, "Fengxiao, let's talk about it."

"The lord, observe from his subordinates, and the assassination of the lord is definitely not done by the teacher, Mr. Shui Jing." Guo Jiadao.

Lü Bu hummed coldly: "Not long after Ben Hou left Shuijing Villa, he met an assassin, and he must have a great relationship with Shuijing Villa."

Guo Jia said anxiously: "The lord, maybe someone else wants to get rid of Shuijing Villa by the lord’s hand. Mr. Shui Jing has a great reputation in Jingzhou. If the lord embarrass the students of Shuijing Villa because of this, he will definitely do it. It caused an uproar in the world, and the subordinates are willing to pledge their lives, and the teacher will not be this class."

Lv Bu sighed: "Be filial piety and take care of your body as the most important thing. Ben Hou promises you that it will not be embarrassing for Shuijing Villa."

"Thank you Lord." Guo Jia bowed his hand, but it affected the wound and couldn't help letting out a muffled grunt.

"Feng Xiao rested at ease." Lu Bu's tone softened a lot. Mr. Shui Jing was Guo Jia's mentor. Although Lu Bu was angry, he was sensible. The Flying Eagle soldiers who went to Shui Jing Villa only thoroughly investigated the matter, but once It must have been done by the people of Shuijing Villa, and Lu Bu would never be soft.

"The lord must not take personal risks in the future. As yesterday, those assassins were clearly prepared. The lord is the body of ten thousand gold. If injured, it will definitely cause turmoil in the army." Guo Jia persuaded.

"These assassins are so rampant, in the future, to find out the identities of these people, the lord will surely smash them into thousands of pieces, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart." Lu Bu said.

"Lord, the assassination was not done by the holy," Guo Jia said slowly.

"How can you see it?" Apart from Shuijing Villa, Lu Bu was most suspicious of Liu Biao and Yuan Shao.

"The Lord is here for righteousness, and Yuan Shaobing in Jizhou has enough food. If the Lord is assassinated in Xiangyang, it will definitely bring a powerful enemy to Jingzhou. At this time, the Lord needs the Lord to contain Yuan Shao. The Lord will only benefit from the assassination. It will be Jizhou."

Lü Bu nodded when he heard this.

After returning to the army, Lu Bu immediately ordered Dianwei to go to the city to find the best healer. Yesterday he simply dealt with Guo Jia’s injury. Although he didn’t trust the healers of this era, one more person would always be one more person. Strength.

The incident that Lu Bu went to Shuijing Villa to run into a wall also spread among the princes. Shuijing Villa was not far from here. The story of Lu Bu's encounter with the assassins on the way was also known to the families in the city, and many people began to worry about Shuijing Villa. Lu Bu was injured not long after he walked out of Shuijing Villa. Of course, there are also people who suspect Yuan Shao. After all, Jizhou and Bingzhou have a deep hatred, and Yuan Shao is also very likely to take action.

After Liu Biao learned of this, he also ordered Kuai Yue to come and visit.

It seemed to be deliberately angry with Lu Bu. The next day, Yuan Shao went to Shuijing Villa. Unlike Lu Bu’s treatment, the five students expressed their willingness to follow Yuan Shao to Jizhou on the spot. At the same time, they also cursed the assassins for incompetence. Lu Bu went to Shuijing Villa. There were not many people accompanying him, and he still failed to kill Lu Bu.

Although Yuan Shao had a great hatred with Bingzhou, what he had to admit was the powerful military strength of the Bingzhou Army. Lu Bu died and had nothing to do with Bingzhou, and Bingzhou would definitely be in turmoil. Then he would be able to take advantage of the situation to capture Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Sili. He became the most powerful prince in one fell swoop.

What made Yuan Shao dissatisfied most was that Liu Biao was always vacillating. Yuan Shao supported Liu Biao to inherit the generals, but Liu Biao promised to make Yuan Shao general after he inherited the generals. However, there is still no movement.

As the time agreed with Sun Ce was getting closer, Lu Bu ordered someone to quietly go to the city to inform Gan Ning.

"Master." Gan Ning bowed respectfully.

"Xingba, now that the matter of Jingzhou is settled, Ben Hou will return to Bingzhou soon." Lu Bu said, in Jingzhou, there is no longer worthy of his nostalgia, and the only expectation is that Yuan Shao's body will be beaten by Yuan Shao, but these Lu Bu don't care anymore. .

"Subordinates are willing to follow the lord to Bingzhou." Gan Ning said with a fist.

"Xingba's words may not be true." Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Gan Ning's face was reddened, and he could understand from Lu Bu's bet with Sun Ce at the beginning. The stern warship is nothing in the eyes of the Jingzhou navy and Jiangdong army, but the building is different, but it is not the same for Gan Ning. With great attraction, all of his skills are on the water, and there is no navy in the state, and there is no general who is good at water warfare. After a little thought, you can understand Lu Bu's intention.

"Subordinates obey the lord's orders."

Lu Bu slowly said: "Xingba is now a partial general in the city. It is said that Liu Pan appreciates you very much. If you stay in Jingzhou, you might not have a good future."

"Compared to Jingzhou, my subordinates are more willing to go to Bingzhou." Gan Ning said firmly.

"Well, that's the case, Xingba can lead his soldiers to quietly go to nearby E to wait for the order." Lu Bu said, these boats are nothing to the Jingzhou navy and the Jiangdong navy, they But he would not sit back and watch another force active on the river.

"Here." Gan Ning's expression was full of excitement.

"It's just for food and grass, but Binzhou will not supply it. Binzhou is too far away from Jingzhou. Then everything can only rely on Xingba's own ability."

Gan Ning was silent for a moment and said: "The humble position will definitely live up to the master's entrustment."

"Xingba is on the river, and you must not harm ordinary people's lives. If a merchant ship passes by, you can make it pay a certain amount of money." Lu Bu warned: "Xingba has only hundreds of people in his hands. The war, once angered the two parties, all previous efforts were abandoned, but they were secretly vain."

"Humble job understands." Gan Ning said with a fist. Before entering Jingzhou, he was discussing life on the surface of the river. He was very familiar with this business. The reason why Gan Ning was able to flourish in Ba County was also related to his methods. , For ordinary merchant ships, unless the other party angered him, he rarely shot. He aimed at the wealthy and wealthy.

"General Gan must not disclose the relationship with Bingzhou, otherwise it will definitely attract the hatred of Jingzhou Army and Jiangdong Army." Guo Jia said in a weak voice.

"Here." Gan Ning still admires Guo Jia.

"Master, I got news from Huang Zhong for my humble position." Gan Ning whispered.

"Where is this person now?" Lu Bu's eyes lit up.

"Huang Zhong is now in Changsha, he is the general general of Changsha." Gan Ning said truthfully.

"Okay, I wonder if Xingba has a way to get him to go to Xiangyang?"

"Lord, this matter may not be easy. As a general of Changsha, Huang Zhong cannot leave Changsha without authorization if he does not have the holy command." Gan Ning was embarrassed.

"Can you find out about the situation in Huang Zhong's home?" Lu Bu asked hurriedly.

6 more to

(End of this chapter)

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