Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 410: : Re-enter Xiangyang

"Huang Zhong has only one son. He is frail and sick. Huang Zhong also seeks medical treatment in many ways, but he can't be treated. These years, he has also exhausted his family wealth." Gan Ning said. After inquiring about Huang Zhong's situation, he was also a little regretful. Huang Zhong is also a strong player in Changsha.

Lü Bu laughed and said, "So easy to hear, Xingba can order someone to secretly inform Huang Zhong that there is a genius doctor in Xiangyang City, and the medicine will cure him, so Huang Zhong will definitely go to Xiangyang."

Although Guo Jia didn’t understand what skills this unremarkable Changsha would have, he saw the excitement in Lu Bu’s expression. He seemed to have seen such an expression of excitement in Shuijing Villa. Lu Bu seemed to be even more excited, and even took the words for Zhuge Liang. Could it be that this Changsha general is also an expert? Guo Jia couldn't help but guess secretly.

"This is the humble job." Gan Ning left.

After Gan Ning left, Lu Buyou was immersed in joy. If he could get Huang Zhong, it would be a worthwhile trip. Huang Zhong has the reputation of being the number one sharpshooter. Then he will try archery with Huang Zhong. See who is great.

"Lord, if Huang Zhong goes to Xiangyang and finds that there is no genius doctor, what should I do?" Guo Jia couldn't help asking.

"Did Fengxiao forget the Jinyang Medical Center? Hua Yuanhua is in the hospital. With Yuanhua shooting, why can't he heal Huang Zhong's son." Lu Bu laughed.

Guo Jia nodded when he heard the words. In this way, the Changsha general would be deceived to Bingzhou. Hua Tuo's skills were also taught by Guo Jia.

"Lord, who is this Huang Zhong?" Seeing Lu Bu's actions, it seems that Huang Zhong wants to stay in Jingzhou for a while. After getting Liu Biao's promise, the most important thing now is to send troops to Hanoi.

"Huang Zhong is great, and I will understand it after Feng Xiao meets it." Lu Bu smiled mysteriously, and the unhappiness of going to Shuijing Villa was also dissipated a lot because of Huang Zhong's news.

Guo Jia was thinking hard, but he still didn't know who Huang Zhong was. A Changsha would be able to make the dignified Jin Marquis pay so much attention.

"Feng Xiao and healed his wounds in the army, Benhou went to check in the city to see if he could get news of the assassin." When talking about the assassin, Lu Bu's face became gloomy. If the day was delayed a little longer, I am afraid Guo Jia would To die young, and these people are obviously well-trained killers.

Killers are different from soldiers. They do not want to be trained overnight. They are as powerful as a flying eagle. They are all broken in the hands of men in black. It can be seen that these assassins are powerful. There is not much connection with Shuijing Villa.

"The lord needs to be cautious if he wants General Gan to get Jiangdong's warship. If it is discovered for Jingzhou and Jiangdong, General Gan will be in danger." Guo Jia reminded.

"Does Fengxiao have a clever plan?" Lu Bu asked. Although Liu Biao and Sun Ce treated the Bingzhou army with respect, it does not mean that they want the Bingzhou navy to exist under their eyes. At this time, they need careful planning. NS.

"The lord can let General Dianwei lead a hundred soldiers to the battleship first, and let the Jiangdong Army send some navy escorts. The Jiangdong Army will definitely not refuse. On the way, General Gan led a husky man and horse to suddenly slam out and seize the warship. And General Dianwei led his guards to escape back to Jingzhou, so that Jiangdong Army had seen it with his own eyes, and General Gan had been a strongman on the river in the past, so he won't be suspicious of life." Guo Jia said slowly.

"Okay, just in Feng Xiao's words." Lu Bu nodded and said, he asked Gan Ning to wait in E County to prevent leaking the news.

The last time I went to Xiangyang, I came and went in a hurry. Before taking a serious look at the city, Lu Bu was sure that there must be traces of those assassins in Xiangyang city.

Lu Bu took Zhao Yun, Dianwei, and fifty guards to the city, while Feiying’s soldiers were in the city to find out about the assassins. These assassins once again damaged Feiying’s face and almost threatened Lu Bu and Zhao Shu. The anger in the heart can be imagined. I did not expect that the flying eagle, who was always disadvantaged on the battlefield, failed twice in succession in Yangzhou and Jingzhou. The flying eagle soldiers are proud. They are the most elite part of the combined state army and cannot tolerate any failure. .

Walking slowly on the street, Lü Bu felt that Xiangyang City was not as prosperous as the rumors. From the expressions of the people, there was even a hint of panic. Jingzhou repeatedly fought against Yuan Shu, and Xiangyang became Yuan Shu attacking Jingzhou. The most important place, but now Yuan Shu has been defeated, why are these people still uneasy.

The restaurant is the easiest to inquire about the news. The diners who come and go, stimulated by the drunkenness, have a chat, and they reveal some information invisibly.

After placing the guards in the city, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, dressed in the clothes of ordinary people, appeared in the restaurant in the city. This was also in order not to cause confusion among ordinary people. As for the matter of his entering the city, Liu Biao and other princes must be Knowing Xiangyang is so big, the princes are wary of each other.

After ordering some wine and food, Lu Bu chose a position by the window and talked with Dian Wei and Zhao Yun in a low voice.

"Inuzi is building the palace. It is said that when building the palace, many people will die every day. I don't know what happened to my poor child." A middle-aged man said worriedly.

"At the beginning, I asked you to take some money out to eliminate the disaster, but you didn't listen, but now you are worried about Linglang."

"It's not that I don't want to take money, but that there is only so much money in the family. If you don't participate in the construction of the palace, you will have to spend ten thousand dollars." The middle-aged man sighed.

When a man outside Ling heard the words, he kept sighing.

Lu Bu shook his head slightly after hearing the conversation between the two of them. Jingzhou built the imperial palace, but ordinary people were annoyed by it. The imperial palace was originally a matter of labor and wealth. Now, after Liu Biao inherits the general rule of Jingzhou, he will send troops to attack Yuan Shu. , The construction of the palace did not stop, in order to show the royal style when feasting the officials. In the eyes of outsiders, there are many people in Jingzhou, which is difficult to survive.

For two consecutive days, Lu Bu didn't get any useful information in the city, and the assassins seemed to have evaporated.

Feiying couldn't say that he had gained nothing, at least he had a detailed map of Xiangyang City in his hands.

Unable to find the news of the man in black, Lu Bu decided to go to Cai Mansion first. Since he agreed to the old man's entrustment, he must try his best to help. In troubled times, it is extremely difficult to get news of relatives in the army.

"Although Cai Mansion is small and small, there are several houses. After Jin Hou entered the city, he lived in the inn in the city. He wanted to send people to invite him many times, lest he would disturb Jin Hou." Cai Hao arched his hands.

7 more to.

(End of this chapter)

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