Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4173: : Liangzhou

Even if they belong to aristocratic families, they are mainly attached to the Jin country at this time. They want to achieve a greater degree of development in the Jin country. Although their family has no previous influence, they can still make the family through their own efforts. Can get a greater degree of development.

This kind of development situation is also of great significance to the Jin family. In this process, if there are outstanding talents in the family for the court, it can play a greater role in the development of their family. effect.

Jin Kingdom has an imperial examination system, which makes it much more difficult for the children of aristocratic families to enter the court, but the children of aristocratic families also have a great advantage. Compared with the poor, they know more, especially in the overall situation. .

The children of aristocratic families are vying to enter the officialdom in order to increase the influence of their family. After the talents of the family are available in the court, their family will be rewarded, and they can even get more useful news in advance when doing business.

The information obtained in advance allows the family to have a certain understanding of the movement of the Jin Dynasty.

The aristocratic family certainly did not dare to stand up against Jin in a short period of time, but there were large armies guarded in each state. The loyalty of these large armies to Jin would become an important means for the betrayers to perish. The soldiers of the Jin army carried out orders. It is true that it is extremely difficult for aristocratic families to reach out to the army.

Besides, Jin Kingdom has the existence of the Inspectorate and Yushitai. Under the supervision of the two forces, if they have any actions, the Inspectorate and Yushitai will know what the consequences will be.

The inspectorate likes nothing more than investigating corrupt officials and aristocratic families who violated discipline. The former can make the place clearer, while the latter can get more benefits from the aristocratic families. The aristocratic families have a strong background, and they will be After the family check, they got a lot of materials.

Army lieutenants fought on the battlefield, and the killing of the enemy was an important basis for measuring their credit. Among the officials of the Inspectorate, the number of officials who violated discipline was checked as the basis for measuring their credit.

Under such a system, even if there are black sheep among the officials of the inspectorate, once they are discovered, the family they protect will also have to withstand a huge test. Under such a system, families do not dare to act rashly, and they do not want to do something because of something And let the family be destroyed.

The Jin country has unified the world, and the system against the Jin country will not bring them more benefits. Only by better cooperating with Lu Bu can there be more development in the Jin country.

The advisors who accompanied the army to the Western Regions included Guo Jia, Tian Feng, and Zhou Yu. Lu Xun was also in the army, but Zhou Yu and Lu Xun’s influence in the Jin army was far less than that of Guo Jia and Tian Feng. Guo Jia, Tian Feng is a long-established adviser in the Jin army.

After Tian Feng was captured in the past, although he refused to surrender, after he arrived in the army, with his talents, the soldiers admired and gained a foothold in the army.

It is extremely difficult for a civilian to gain a foothold in the army. This battle is not an important opportunity for Zhou Yu and Lu Xun.

During the march of the army, if there are caravans and pedestrians passing by on the road, it is necessary to evade. In special times, lieutenants and soldiers enjoy special powers.

Roads were built not only for the convenience of merchants and pedestrians, but also for the convenience of the army.

The news of the Jin’s dispatch of troops quickly spread to various states and counties. The important generals who participated in this war were also mentioned in the Dajin Daily. If they can make a difference on the battlefield, they will pass the Dajin Propaganda continues.

This class of criminals is also the favorite of military generals. They fought on the battlefield and naturally hope that more people can know their efforts in the military. With the Dajinbao, they can be known to more people. This But the best chance for a general to be famous.

The lieutenants and soldiers have greater deeds in the course of the campaign, which will help the army to win faster and have greater breakthroughs on the battlefield. It is also necessary for the lieutenants to enjoy such glory.

When there is no war, it is extremely difficult for generals in the army to stand out from the many generals in the Jin army. The most indispensable in the Jin army are brave generals. The existence of these generals is for some people. Insurmountable.

The strength of the Jin ** team can affect Jin's campaign to a greater extent.

Looking at the scenery along the way, Lv Bu nodded secretly. After these years of development, Liangzhou has developed more than it was when the Jin army entered the ruler. Some villages are not far from the road. These villages exist. , May be able to bring them income, the past pedestrians need to spend overnight accommodation, etc.

On both sides of the road, trees are planted. If you walk on the road in summer, it is still relatively cool. The way to build the road is exactly what Lu Bu required. In the Western Regions, the same is true, but the Western Regions are built. Trees planted on the road are likely to This needs to be checked frequently.

The countries of the Western Regions are relatively complicated in terms of terrain. If they cannot make greater breakthroughs in governing the countries of the Western Regions, it will definitely be more difficult to completely occupy the countries of the Western Regions.

And Lu Bu believes that it is only a matter of time to fully occupy the Western Regions by the means of the Jin Kingdom.

Liangzhou has experienced many wars. Before the Yellow Turban Rebellion began, the Han army fought in Liangzhou. The disaster of the Qiang people made the people of Liangzhou miserable, and even the officials in the DPRK once gave up. Liangzhou's remarks.

The occurrence of the Yellow Turban Rebellion made the Han Dynasty's control over Liangzhou even weaker. After the rise of the princes, few people turned their attention to the land of Liangzhou, because in their impressions, Liangzhou was barren and chaotic. , The development of Liangzhou is not a matter of the southeast of Jia, it is better to just ignore it.

It was the arrival of the Jin army that made great changes in Liangzhou. The policies of the Jin Kingdom have benefited the people of Liangzhou. In this process, the people of Liangzhou gradually gained confidence.

At this time, the people of Liangzhou are undoubtedly grateful to the officials of the State of Jin. It is precisely because of the actions of officials of the State of Jin that great changes have taken place in Liangzhou. They hope that the current situation can be maintained and that Liangzhou will avoid more emergence. Of war.

This time the Jin army went to the Western Regions, Liangzhou is a very important place. Li Ru died and the official in charge of Liangzhou was temporarily replaced by Chen Gong. This official who had made many contributions to the Jin army during the campaign against Cao Jun , Became the person in charge of Liangzhou. In fact, the official Yanzhou affairs that Chen Gong was in charge of before were temporarily transferred back to Liangzhou because of the war in the court.

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