Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4174: : Chen Gong

The main task of Chen Gong this time is to ensure that the grain and grass can be transported to the army in time. The logistical support is extremely important to the army. If this aspect cannot be done well, the lieutenants and soldiers want to be in the process of fighting. It will be more difficult to do more.

The three armies did not move the food and grass first. In some cases, the war is the foundation, and the richer can support the army's conquest.

When the army passed by Jincheng, it stayed outside the city for a day. Chen Gong had a long time to seek refuge in Jin. It was in Xuzhou, but it provided a lot of help for the Jin army. The reason why it can quickly get attention.

Although he failed to follow the army on the battlefield this time and make suggestions for the army, Chen Gong also felt the importance of his responsibility. The grain and grass transported from Liangzhou to the Western Regions are related to the army's conquest. If such things are done well , The same is a great achievement.

There are so many talents in Jin country, and Lu Bu's ability to entrust such important things to him is enough to see Lu Bu's trust in him, and Chen Gong can still understand this aspect.

When I first came to Liangzhou, Chen Gong was still a little bit unbelievable, mainly because the changes in Liangzhou gave people a sense of shock. Who would have thought of the barren and desolate land in the eyes of outsiders, but now there is such a development, this It all comes down to the rule of Jin.

Although Jin was cruel to the aristocratic family, it was extremely generous to the people. The important support for the real development of the country is to allow the people to have a stable life.

By coincidence, Chen Gong was able to become Lu Bu's subordinate. In the subsequent process, Chen Gong also worked extremely hard. Although in this process, he once persuaded Zangba to be independent, but Chen Gong’s contribution was Indelible.

Taking charge of Liangzhou's affairs made Chen Gong realize the importance. If the Jin army does not go well on the battlefield of the Western Regions, the Liangzhou army is likely to enter the battlefield and provide support for the Jin army's campaign.

The Liangzhou campaign made Liangzhou’s young people more brave after entering the army. In the past, the Liangzhou Army had outstanding performances during the campaign. From the Liangzhou Army’s battles in the Western Regions It can be seen how effective the Liangzhou Army is on the battlefield.

Not only that, Liangzhou also has many talents in Jin, these are the pride of Liangzhou.

The soldiers of the Liangzhou Army believed that they would definitely be able to do more in the Jin Army.

If it is placed in the time when the princes are fighting, the battle will be a huge test for the people, but the current situation has been greatly improved. During the battle, the lives of the people will not be affected more, and the people will still follow their past. The way to live is enough, the flames of war are in the enemy’s territory.

The people of Jin will give support to the soldiers of the Jin army at critical moments in the war. This is also one of the reasons why the lieutenants are full of confidence. They have a strong backing behind them.

"Public Taiwan, Liangzhou's affairs are important, you must pay more attention to it." Lu Bu said.

Chen Gong arched his hands and said: "The saints can rest assured, the ministers must do their best to provide support for the army's conquest, so that the grain and grass can be transported to the army in time, without affecting the conquest of the lieutenant generals."

Lu Bu nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words. Lu Bu naturally agreed with Chen Gong’s ability. Otherwise, Chen Gong would not be able to reach its current position. After the end of the war, if Chen Gong could have greater For his deeds, he was able to enter the three provinces and six ministries to serve as important official positions.

The growth of any official requires people with deeds and capabilities to have greater possibilities. This is not only related to the achievements of the students after participating in the imperial examination, but also to their performance in local governance. The ability that comes out has a great relationship.

The Qingming of the court of the Jin Kingdom is also what the poor family scholars need, otherwise, if the poor family scholars compete with the family's children, the poor family scholars will definitely not work.

Creating a fairer atmosphere and allowing talented people to be appointed is an important factor for the country to be able to last longer.

"I don't know what the public station thinks about me leading the army to Wensu?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Chen Gong's heart moved, knowing that this was Lv Bu testing him. "Holy Lord, in the opinion of Yichen, Sheng Shang led a large army to the countries of the Western Regions. It is definitely not as simple as helping Wusun. If this is the case, Sheng Shang only needs to send one member. Will lead the army to go."

"Gongtai really has eyes like a torch. Although you may have guesses about my purpose, you certainly can't think of all of it." Lu Bu said triumphantly, while planning such things as Wusun, Dawan, Kangju, and Xiongnu. , Is absolutely unpredictable.

"The minister is dull." Chen Gong arched his hands.

"At that time, the public station will naturally understand this kind of thing, the less people know, the more beneficial to us." Lu Bu said.

Chen Gong nodded and said yes. In his opinion, Lv Bu personally led the army to go, not only for Dawan, but also very likely to want to take advantage of Wusun. Such a handwriting is not small in itself. Wusun sent envoys to Jin The country must be for the purpose of uniting Jin to fight against Dawan. Once Dawan is pacified, the Jin army will take the opportunity to take the opportunity to pacify Wusun.

These speculations, naturally, cannot be told to outsiders. As long as the Jin army is engaged in battle, it will definitely have a thorough plan.

In Jin, the only people who knew the Jin army's plan this time were the brains of Lu Bu and the Six Provinces and Six Departments.

Even officials in the DPRK believed that Lu Bu led the army to the Western Regions this time to help Wusun conquer Dawan.

Many unidentified officials have objections to the Jin army’s actions this time. Judging from Dawan’s actions, they are relatively friendly to Jin. No embarrassment, which shows that Dawan wants to have a friendly relationship with Jin.

After the campaign in Dawan, Wusun’s strength is bound to be further improved. Although the officials in the DPRK have many doubts, Lu Bu and the important officials in the DPRK have no objection, even if they have more questions, they only I can keep it in my mind.

If you can't get a bigger breakthrough when you fight in more distant places, it will be a big blow to the morale of the army and the officials in the DPRK.

The Jin army was invincible in previous wars, and the officials of the DPRK and the central government also had a lot of support for the actions of the monarch. Therefore, Chen Gong concluded that the Jin army's battle this time was not easy.

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