Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4688: :One cut will be able to understand

Lu Bu's prestige in the Jin army is beyond ordinary people's imagination. If you want to be disadvantageous to Lu Bu in the Jin army, you are uncomfortable looking for it yourself.

   But after this incident, Yu Jin realized who was secretly helping Guishuang's side.

Man Chong used to be Xu Duling and was one of the officials trusted by Cao Cao. The things that he came into contact with were not imaginable. Man Chong had the drawings to build the Thunderbolt, Crossbow, and Crossbow. Accident.

However, these people handed over the methods of crafting these sharp weapons to the people of Guishuang. This is an unforgivable move. After the people of Guishuang got these weapons, weren’t they the Han army to deal with? The people who suffered were still suffering. Han people.

   It’s good for the soldiers of the Jin army to be brave and good at fighting. For the stupid actions of some people, let more soldiers sacrifice the battlefield. This kind of thing is not something that the ban wants to see.

  The current situation in Guishan City is still relatively tense. The counterattack before the death of the man was clearly to cope with the Guishuang army outside the city.

   I don’t know that the Jin army’s system is strict. Even if Yu Jin died unexpectedly, the lieutenants Yan Xing and Zhang Yan would take over the army, so as not to say that there was chaos in the battle against the enemy.

   This is the Jin army. It can be invincible when fighting against the enemy. Even if something bad happens in the army, it can be handled well.

   This person's secret actions must have been instructed by others, but this is forbidden, and it just shows that these people are already poor.

The arrival of the cavalry of the Jin army made the people of Guishuang feel panic. If the reinforcements of the Jin army cannot be stopped, the army of Guishuang will face failure in the future. The cavalry will be sent from Guishuang to intercept the Jin army. In the case of reinforcements, we can see that there is still a big gap between the combat effectiveness of Guishuang's cavalry and the combat effectiveness of Jin's cavalry.

   Although Yu Jin didn't know the specific process of the battle between the Jin cavalry and the Guishuang cavalry, as long as the Jin army sent reinforcements, it would be the unfortunate time for Guishuang's army.

He had absolute confidence in the Jin army, Lu Bu, and Yu Jin, especially when he learned that Lu Bu might be in the army, his belief was even stronger. Lu Bu, that is the **** of war in the Jin army, as long as Lu Bu is in the army, and there is no enemy that cannot be defeated, and the soldiers in the army have full confidence in this.

According to Jin, what now needs to worry about is the army of Guishuang outside the city. When the army of Guishuang invades Guishan city, it means that their behavior will completely anger the emperor of Jin. According to Lu Bu’s character, this It would be the strangest thing if things can be compromised.

  Jin army generals, that is the elite who have won victory from a battle, no matter how powerful the enemy is, have ever heard of Jin army generals retreating.

   Facing Guishuang's army, the same is true, when the Jin army arrives, the result of this battle seems to be doomed.

In fact, at the beginning, Yu Jin was still more worried. After all, Guishuang attacked Guishan City with an army of 50,000, and there was a steady stream of soldiers behind them as support, and the combined strength of Guishan City and Chigu City was not enough. Forty thousand people, there is a gap in military strength between the two sides.

Chigu City played an important role for the Jin Kingdom. Even if the battle in Guishan City was urgent, the defenders of Chigu City could not be dispatched. Besides, the war between the Xiongnu and Kangju was going on, which required Chigu City to do more. Stabilized.

   A stable city can make the lieutenants feel more at ease. The Jin army is not afraid of war, but if it has a solid city as a backing, it is still the lieutenant generals who are happy to see it.

The strong strength of the Jin army provides a strong backing for the success of defending Guishan City. The key is that after the arrival of the Guishuang army, the fierce offensive made Yu Jin’s heart beat the drum. This is the current situation, regardless of whether the Jin army’s reinforcements Coming, the suppression of the defenders by the Guishuang army has been formed. If this continues, if you want to successfully guard the city, the soldiers in the army will definitely pay a greater price.

As the defender of Guishan Castle, what Yu Jin wants is to win the battle at the least cost. The war is cruel. How to get more protection from the war is also a general that needs to think carefully. The problem.

   There is no shortage of strong generals in the Jin army, but it is lacking of good generals, so Jin is a good general, as can be seen from his response to guarding Guishan City.

   Zhang Yan and Yan Xing, as Yu Jin’s deputy, in fact, their abilities are not weak, they are more than enough to guard a city.

   "After the army arrives, everything will become clear." Yu Jin sighed, heading to the head of the city, and the enemy's siege continued.

   The arrival of reinforcements will reduce the pressure on the defenders, but before that, it is still necessary to ensure the stability of the city.

   If even the stability of the city cannot be guaranteed, how much effect can it play even with the arrival of

The generals of the Jin army are brave and good at fighting. When facing the enemy, they can achieve one enemy three. But now they are facing the strong Guishuang army. The Guishuang army also has its advantages. I want to Obtaining more benefits in the hands of the Guishuang army obviously requires more effort.

   More than ten consecutive days of siege of the city, Yu Jin appeared on the wall from time to time. Although there was a fierce attack by the enemy outside the city, Yu Jin did not change it. This alone made the lieutenant soldiers admire him.

   Defying the fear of death on the battlefield is one aspect. The generals who can achieve the enemy's attack without fear in front of them are really a small number. When how many generals see the enemy's aggressive attack, the most obvious reaction is to leave the battlefield.

It is not easy to become a general in the army. This also causes them to value their lives even more. If they cannot save their lives from the war, even if they have greater power in their hands, what is their use? Woolen cloth.

It is not that the generals in the Jin army do not understand this truth, but the generals of the Jin army will not retreat because of the ferocity of the enemy. They will not forget their identities. When fighting the enemy, they must do everything they can. Can kill the enemy.

   It is precisely because Jin has such an army that Lu Bu can win one victory after another. Otherwise, even if Lu Bu has the most powerful martial arts, can he still charge the battlefield alone to win the victory?

   The news that reinforcements are coming is quite exciting for the lieutenant soldiers. They are eager for the arrival of reinforcements.

  :. :

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