Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4689: : Full of confidence

Under the attack of the Guishuang army, the Jin army can only defend passively. This feeling is a huge torture for the soldiers of the Jin army. They are the elite of the Jin army. When will they shrink under the attack of the enemy. Head turtles, they have always attacked the enemy and let the enemy retreat.

   Now that Guishuang’s army is attacking the city, the Jin army can only deal with it like this. It is conceivable that the depression in his heart can be imagined, and such depression needs to be washed away with the blood of Guishuang soldiers.

During the princes' melee, it was more that the Jin army was attacking the prince’s city, suppressing the defenders in the prince’s city and was unable to raise its head. Now Guishuang’s army only uses thunderbolt carts and ballistas to let the defenders. Can't look up.

  It is not that the equipment in the Jin army is not sophisticated enough, but that Guishuang has too many equipment. They completely want to obtain an absolute advantage in the number of equipment and thus break Guishan City.

How can Yu ban allow Guishuang’s army to succeed so easily. Among the Jin army, there were first thunderbolt cars, and the generals in the Jin army also knew the characteristics of thunderbolt cars very well. At that time, it is clear what kind of courage and defects there will be.

Although Guishuang’s army now has a great advantage in the Thunderbolt, but if you want to use these Thunderbolt to break through Guishan City, it depends on Guishuang’s soldiers not being elite enough. If not, wait until they really start to attack. It was time for them to pay a heavier price at the time of the city.

   Defending the city is easier than attacking the city anyway.

In the past, the Jin army attacked the enemy's city. Now the Jin army also wants to try to attack the city for the enemy. How does the enemy feel like when the Jin army attacked the city? It's so fierce, so arrogant, so shocking.

   After patrolling the forbidden city and discovering the shortcomings of the lieutenant and generals, promptly correct them. This is to avoid the local army from attacking the city. Such shortcomings will bring more trouble and unnecessary damage to the army.

   Only by making constant adjustments when the enemy is attacking the city, can the defense of the city be more perfect and make it impossible for the enemy to attack the city.

After seeing Yu Jin’s actions, Yan Xing and Zhang Yan nodded secretly. Through Yu Jin’s analysis of the situation on the battlefield, what they saw was Yu Jin’s talent in leading combat. Such a general is indeed lucky for Guishan City.

During the period of guarding Guishan City, Yu Jin did not slack in the slightest. Yan Xing and Zhang Yan have seen these things. In normal times, Zhang Yan and Yan Xing are also very cooperative with the prohibition. Of course, if it is There are different opinions when defending, and they still have to be put forward. Only after listening to more people's suggestions can the city's defense be more perfect.

   Guishuang's army attacked the city. This was a very important thing for the Jin army itself. If even the city could not be guarded, the defender of Guishan City would become a joke in the eyes of other generals.

   In the past, the Jin army broke through the enemy's city without the slightest problem. Instead, they could lose the city by guarding the city. What kind of turbulence would this cause among the Jin army generals.

   "The two generals, the generals just got news, the saint is very likely to be in the cavalry team." Yu Jin said slowly, both guards of Guishan City, he didn't intend to conceal this matter.

After Zhang Yan and Yan Xing heard them, they were taken aback. Obviously, they didn’t think about how the sage, who was still in Chang’an City, would come to Guishan City. However, both of them are smart people. After a little thought, they understood. reason

"After the leader of the Holy Spirit comes, it will surely make the shameless Guishuang people pay a heavy price." Yan Xing said confidently. Among the Jin army, Yan Xing's trust in Lu Bu is undoubted. It was other generals who would definitely have the same reaction when they heard Lu Bu come to support.

   These are all determined by Lu Bu's prestige in the Jin army.

   "It is precisely that Guishuang's army attacked the city of our army. Such mistakes cannot be forgiven. If the enemy cannot be defeated, how can they be worthy of the grace of the Holy Spirit?" Zhang Yan said.

   The two generals in the army have this kind of cognition, and Yu Jin is more pleased. The military officers and soldiers can play a greater role in defending the city and fighting against the enemy.

"Although Guishan City can stop the attack from the enemy, the two generals cannot be negligent. I would suspect that there will be people with ulterior motives in the city. Perhaps they are waiting for the opportunity to come. At that time, the more you have to be more cautious." Yu Jin exhorted.

Yan Xing and Zhang Yan nodded solemnly, not to mention anything else, just the fact that Lu Bu might be in the support team is enough to make the two generals pay more attention to the ordinary aspects. After the arrival of the Lord, if If you are dissatisfied with the situation of the defenders of Guishan City, the defenders of Guishan City will be the first to bear the brunt.

Yan Xing and Zhang Yan do not want to lose the chain at this critical competition between military generals is still very fierce. There are three generals in Guishan City, and all three are in the temple of war. Generals.

In fact, people with a discerning eye can see from the military strength of the Jin Kingdom’s deployment of cities outside the Western Regions, it can be seen that the Jin Kingdom attaches great importance to the cities outside the Western Regions. Guishan City has Yu Jin, Yan Xing and Zhang Yan. Guarded, Chigu City is guarded by Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Ju Yi, and Dianman.

In the two cities, there are seven generals of the Jin Kingdom. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the Jin army occupying Dawan and Wusun. After the area is vast, there are many things that need to be dealt with, sometimes only relying on the words of the generals. ,is not enough.

The master’s energy is also limited. Even in many cases, the master also needs reminders from other generals. People are not sages and no one can guarantee that they have no mistakes and omissions in the ordinary. The key is whether they can get them in time after they happen. If possible, such an error can still be corrected.

   Otherwise, you will suffer more. This is the status quo. If you want to get it, you must learn to give before you get it.

The offensive of Guishuang’s army outside the city became even more fierce, and even the Guishuang soldiers who boarded the city directly on two occasions, after seeing the real situation on the city, could not hide their surprise. If possible, they want to escape directly from the city. Behind the female wall are densely packed Jin sergeants. Normally, they hide behind the female wall and look at it from a distance, like a building with few guards. The city is average.

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