Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5145: : Above the banquet

   Getting more victories from wars is exactly what Lu Bu needs to see. Military generals will not be proud of the achievements made in previous wars. In Lu Bu's view, there is a great necessity.

Do not let the generals in the army lie on the books of merit, let the lieutenants have a sense of crisis, and give them a sense of urgency that danger will come at any time. Only after the generals in the army have such an understanding, the future The development of the country will have more help.

Lv Bu is excellent at training soldiers all the year round. If not, why would there be so many elites in the Jin army? Can it be said that just relying on some systems can make the army in the army? Do soldiers have greater achievements in the training process?

Engagement is not as simple as it is during ordinary training. If you want to win from a battle, you must consider many factors. If some things are not taken into consideration, the consequences will be for the lieutenant soldiers. Oh, it will be cruel, and even many soldiers will bear the cost of death in this process.

Lu Bu has always treated lieutenants and soldiers with magnanimity and strictness. He will not relax his requirements on lieutenants because of the achievements of lieutenants and soldiers in wars, nor will he give up his treatment of lieutenants because of the stability of the country. manage.

   Let the lieutenant generals receive the most rigorous training, equipped with the best blade armor, in this way, the lieutenant generals will cross the battlefield, there will be no more problems.

   In many cases, war is a nightmare for lieutenants. If you can't wake up from this nightmare, it will be a battlefield.

   It's not that every soldier is yearning for war, but when war comes, they have no more options. If they can't get out of war, they will be punished accordingly.

In the past, how many achievements and powerful enemy troops the Jin army has achieved during the battle on the battlefield in the past fell under the attack of the Jin army. Could it be said that in such a process, the Jin army soldiers did not have to pay the price for the war? Yes, how many elite soldiers have to die on the battlefield after defeating the enemy.

   Could it be that their generals did not want to bring them back from the battlefield? It was just that the cruelty of the war was beyond their imagination in some cases, and the generals in the army did not have a better response.

   War is an opportunity for lieutenants and soldiers to gain credit. It also has the possibility of death. If you can't have an outstanding performance in a confrontation, what will happen can be predicted.

Soldiers with more experience on the battlefield will have more ways to deal with wars. This is also a normal thing. The key is how much experience they have in a battle before they can be called experienced. What about soldiers.

  The progress of the war is a huge test for the lieutenant soldiers. If you can't get out of such a test, it means that there will be huge risks.

If the lieutenant soldiers have enough strength when fighting on the battlefield, and can show more tenacious battles when fighting against the enemy, these problems can be solved well and gained from the war. Victory will be a breeze.

However, it is simple to imagine more often. In dealing with wars, it is not an easy task to have greater deeds. It is even said that if you want to win a war, you need to be more aggressive. Means will work. If not, the most likely situation is to bear the price of failure in a battle.

"You are all well-known generals in the Jin army. I should be clear about what I mean. The lieutenants are elite, and there will be more possibilities when they fight on the battlefield. The truth here does not need to be mentioned by me. You generals must be clear.” Lu Bu said: “Now that the Jin army has made many adjustments, some generals may be dissatisfied with this adjustment. I cannot take all these things into consideration. ."

   "If you want to get more reuse, you must have a better performance in the future. This is the most basic thing. If you can do this, you will get more attention in the future. It is also natural."

   The generals in the army said that after becoming the main generals in the army, they wanted to get the opportunity of Lu Bu's reprimand in person.

"Of course, all the generals performed very well in this assessment. It is a pleasure to get the title of elite. It is a joy to be able to get it. You can't get it. When training soldiers in the future, you will work harder to get such a title." Lu Bu said: "The main thing today is drinking."

   Seeing Lü Bu picking up a drink, the military generals responded, but there are few fierce generals in the Jin army who cannot drink. Now they are participating in a banquet in the palace. It is impossible for the military generals to say that they refuse to drink.

It is not a simple matter for generals in the army to drink alcohol. The main reason is that there are many rules in the Jin army. As a general in the Jin army, you must act according to the rules. If you can’t do these things , That is not to violate the military system.

   For lieutenants in this situation, they need a lot of attention.

   Sometimes, the actions of a lieutenant general may cause a series of consequences, and some things happen, it is very likely that the generals are not cautious when doing things normally.

Among the Jin army, Lu Bu has absolute prestige, but when he does things in the ordinary, he has a lot of caution, especially when facing war, he has to make careful planning. This is because Lu Bu knows how serious the consequences will be if the soldiers of the Jin army fight on the battlefield and fail to win.

   In war, there is no such thing as compassion. If you can't win from a confrontation, you will have to pay more for the war.

   The same situation is the same even if it is put on the elite Jin army.

   The progress of the war is a great test for the lieutenant soldiers, and if you can come out of such a test, it is certainly something worthy of joy.

  If you can't come out, it means that the lieutenant soldiers will suffer more damages during the battle, which is extremely cruel to the lieutenant soldiers.

No matter what kind of thoughts the generals in the army have in their hearts at this time, they dare not show any disrespect when facing Lu Bu's remarks, even if they are usually in the army, when they mention Lu Bu, it is the same. .

Because Lu Bu has too much prestige in the Jin army, if he fails to do things according to Lu Bu's orders, he will become a rebellion of the Jin country. Such things are not what the generals in the army want to see. .

  Following Lü Bu's side, the only way to achieve greater deeds in wars is that things like this have also been recognized by lieutenant soldiers.

   At present, the generals of the Jin army are eager for war. They want to prove their ability in more wars. It seems that this is the only way. Their ordinary efforts are worthy.

   And Lu Bu naturally has a certain understanding of this situation. Lieutenant officers and soldiers have more yearning for war. To a certain extent, it is good for the development of the army.

   Lieutenant generals are not afraid of war. At the beginning of the war, they will do their best to win the war and obtain greater success from a battle.

Such a thing is easy to say, but in fact it is not as simple as it is. How dangerous is the situation on the battlefield. If you fail to have this excellent insurance in a confrontation, you want to win the war. , It must be a difficult thing.

However, military lieutenants have a lot of yearning for war, which is reasonable, especially for soldiers with lofty ambitions. War is a place to realize the value of their lives, and death will inevitably occur on the battlefield. But if you can come out of this kind of death, you will become the elite of the Jin army, and you will even get more credit in the war. Is there anything more that can make the lieutenant soldiers better than getting credit? Exciting?

   To get more credit in a battle is exactly what the lieutenant and generals want to pursue. What they need is to get a corresponding return after their hard work in the war. In this way, their contributions on the battlefield are valuable.

If not, during the war, how can the lieutenant soldiers do their best? If you want to make the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, the first thing to do is to let the lieutenant soldiers see that they can get it after the war is over. What kind of benefits, if they fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield, what kind of last time they can get, these things are all important to the lieutenant soldiers.

As the leader of the monarch, he must know what the soldiers need in a battle, and what kind of things can make the lieutenant soldiers tempted, can stimulate the fighting spirit of the lieutenant soldiers to a greater extent, and let them break out in the confrontation. Come out more powerful combat effectiveness.

After drinking with the generals in the army, the atmosphere gradually warmed up. The generals who have fought in the Western Regions, Wusun and other places are telling about their experiences on the battlefield, and the atmosphere during the dinner. Also seemed quite eager.

The generals of the Jin army obviously have a lot of envy for the generals who can conquer the foreign races. Only by conquering the cities of the foreign races can they reflect the achievements of a general. It will be much worse, but the war with the princes is also the best opportunity for the generals to prove their strength.

   Regardless of the war, if you want to win a war, it will be a big test for the lieutenant soldiers’ previous efforts in training, and this is also a normal thing.

Lu Bu is quite satisfied with the performance of the Jin Army generals in the ordinary training. The Jin Army generals maintain this momentum, which will be of great help in the future. If the lieutenant generals have no expectations for the battle, Even during ordinary training, if the yang is in violation of the yin, such a thing is something that Lu Bu can't tolerate.

Lv Bu, who has led the lieutenant officers in the battle for many years, has strict requirements for the lieutenants. Only when the lieutenants undergo the most rigorous training can they show more fierce combat effectiveness in the war. If not, in a confrontation. The most likely scenario is failure.

The failure of a war is not what the lieutenants want to see. What they pursue is to win each war. Only victory can prove their own value. Only victory can make They get corresponding benefits.

   However, a battle wants to win, but it is not as simple as imagined.

   In the process of training, Lieutenant Generals need to make much effort to sweep the enemy on the battlefield.

   In the past, I saw the Jin army soldiers cross the battlefield and were invincible, but what I didn't see was how much effort they put into ordinary training.

Jin's soldiers have a tenacious fighting spirit, which is an important basis for the Jin's soldiers to fight on the battlefield and win victory. If the fighting spirit of the lieutenant generals on the battlefield is not guaranteed, it is conceivable that it will be the most basic thing. What kind of results are The Jin army soldiers who are on the battlefield, the hard work they have made in the wars are obvious to all. Want to win from a confrontation is far from what you imagined. Simple, if you can't win, you will suffer the price of failure after the war is over.

   The progress of a war will not stop after it starts because of the strength or weakness of the opponent. It will only stop after one side is defeated.

   In the Jin army, there is a relatively complete system. It is with the guarantee of such a system that the lieutenant soldiers can have more expectations after making their efforts, because they will have more ideas about war.

After getting the credit from the war, it is of great help to the growth and progress of the military officers. This is the truth, the military officers are all clear. The key is to achieve success in this process, not simple. matter.

   The soldiers of the Jin army who cross the battlefield have to face the enemy. They are also extremely tough. When the Guishuang Empire's army attacked Guishan City, they showed extremely tough fighting spirit.

   If it weren't for the three-eyed cockroach in the Jin army at that time, it would be a simple matter to win the battle.

   is just the impact of the Guishuang cavalry, which cannot be handled by ordinary soldiers of the Jin army. If you can't win when dealing with the Guishuang cavalry, what will happen.

   But the three-eyed expression appeared in the Jin army, is it not a manifestation of the strength of the Jin army's soldiers. .

   Nowadays, if the generals of the Jin army said that they had no idea about the three-eyed expression, it would be impossible.

   After talking to each other, the banquet has been going on late at night.

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