Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5146: : The monarch's thoughts

   When drinking with the generals, Lu Bu also had a very comfortable feeling. Such a feeling is not available in the court.

   When facing military generals, Lu Bu will have a kind of intimacy, as if he is with the military generals, there is nothing more to pay attention to.

This is the case in terms of strength. The ability of lieutenant generals to win again and again on the field of generals is the best proof of their strength. If he comes, Lu Bu will have a higher prestige in the army. As for wanting to provoke or shake Lu Bu's position in the minds of military officers in such a process, it is not an easy task.

   The generals of the Jin army have enough respect for Lu Bu. How difficult is it to replace Lu Bu's position in the Jin army.

   The generals in the army have more respect for Lu Bu, especially the generals who have reached the position of important generals in the Jin army. Their efforts are precisely because of the promotion of Lu Bu that they have achieved such great achievements.

   If not, it is not a simple matter to stand out from the many generals even if a general's ability is great and cannot be recognized by the monarch.

   Among the generals of the Jin army, there are many elites. How can it be a simple matter to win when you want to compete with other elites.

   It is precisely because of the respect of the generals of the Jin army to Lu Bu, it is precisely because of the absolute prestige of Lu Bu in the army that the military strength of the Jin country is so strong.

   It was night, and many military generals were supported back to their residences. They spoke incoherently, without the arrogance in front of their subordinates.

   Gao Shun, who has rarely drunk before, was not drunk and told about Hao Meng.

   After the lively scene gradually dissipated, Lü Bu, supported by the maid, came to the palace where Cai Yan was.

The Hang Gong in Chang'an City is a large-scale building, and there are many palaces in it. It is also very normal for a concubine to have a palace. The main reason is that Lu Bu currently has only a few concubines. If there are too many concubines, It definitely won't work.

   The majesty of the imperial palace of the Jin Kingdom is obvious to all. Although it did not reach the most spectacular aspect of the imperial palace in Chang'an in the past, the current imperial palace is relatively large in scale.

   Such a palace can better demonstrate the royal majesty, and this kind of thing is also a thing to be proud of for the people of the Jin country.

   After the strength of the Jin country becomes stronger and stronger, it can make the civilian officers and generals more proud. When they deal with some things, they will have a lot of pride.

   Just like now, after more foreign merchants came to the Jin army, they wanted to maintain a respectful side. If not, what kind of encounter they will have can be foreseen.

The soldiers of the Jin army who cross the battlefield brought victory to the Jin country one after another. In such a victory, the soldiers and soldiers of the army can have more pride, and they will have more when facing foreign races. Pride.

Even if the aliens have opinions at this time, don’t they dare to show it in front of the people of the Jin country, otherwise, the soldiers of the Jin army will use practical actions to let the alien businessmen understand what will happen if they go against the people of the Jin country Kind of end.

   Besides, after these businessmen came to Jin, they were doing business for profit, not because of conflicts with the people of Jin. If the relationship between the two parties is tense, it will be of no benefit to the foreign race.

  The soldiers of the Jin army who have been on the battlefield for many years are fully aware of the situation on the battlefield, and are confident that they can win.

   After seeing the strength of the Jin army, foreign businessmen did not dare to behave in the city, and even when confronted with the soldiers of the Jin country, they were more respectful.

In front of these things, can it be said that foreign merchants really feel good in their hearts, but they have no more options at this time, but they can only let this happen. If it is possible, they don’t want to Show the heroic side.

   After the assessment of the elite teams in the army, the discussion in the city did not stop because of this, because the next thing to be done was the imperial court's award of the civilian officers and generals. These things are still extremely important to the Jin country.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the wars are shocking. It is precisely because the Jin army soldiers can obtain many victories on the battlefield that the situation in the Jin country can be so stable, like a lieutenant general in the army. In the face of war, if you can't have an extremely strong performance, what kind of situation will the current Jin country be like? I am afraid that it is not a simple matter to get out of the battle of the princes.

The war has caused great damage to a country. Under such circumstances, the army of the Jin country allowed the Han people to come out of the war, and they are now in a prosperous situation. This alone cannot be done by ordinary monarchs. Arrived.

   And when Lu Bu treats ordinary people, he also has a very generous side, allowing the people to enjoy a stable life, so that they have a more sense of belonging to the Jin country. Is there anything more important than this.

  The people who have come out of the war know what war means to ordinary people. If they can't come out of the war, their current stable life will not be guaranteed.

The victory of the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield has a lot to do with the support of the people in the country. If the people do not have enough support for the soldiers in the army, or because of the authority of the monarch, they have to support it, Under such circumstances, the people would not willingly support the lieutenant generals.

  Will they lend a helping hand if they encounter a critical situation of military lieutenants?

   These are all questions that the monarch needs to think about.

In the past, when Jin army soldiers fought on the battlefield, they were able to obtain many victories while allowing the people to enjoy a more stable life. This kind of situation is the most important for the people. What they want is after the end of the war. Stablize.

At present, although wars will still occur in the Jin army, the occurrence of wars has not had much impact on the lives of ordinary people. This allows ordinary people to have more support for the emperor of Jin, and it is precisely because of this. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom allowed them to enjoy their current stable life. As the citizens of the Jin Kingdom, it is reasonable for them to give more support to the monarch.

  The war was a test for the Jin country, but when the soldiers of the Jin army faced repeated tests, their actions were impeccable.

At present, there are many foreign merchants in Jin. After these merchants arrived, they provided a lot of help for the development of Jin. After they came to Jin, why didn’t they dare to be presumptuous at all, even in the face of Jin’s son There is a certain degree of respect in the people's time, mainly because the Jin army has extremely strong strength. If you want to win the battle against the Jin army, it is not enough to rely on the monarch behind them.

   In the past, the Jin army pursued more victories in wars. Only in this way can the lieutenants have more yearning for war.

  How many ordinary soldiers have been greatly promoted because of their merits during the war.

In the Jin army, ordinary soldiers can see opportunities for improvement, which is of great significance to lieutenants and soldiers, so that when facing war, they can stimulate their fighting spirit and fear of war as much as possible. Reduce to the lowest level.

  War is a test for lieutenants and soldiers, and it is also an opportunity for them to improve themselves. This is also the reason why the generals in the Jin army know that there will be no small dangers in war, and still have a longing for war.

   Lieutenant generals are rewarded for their merits because of their continuous victory in the war, and it is also an important basis for them to get the reward. If they can't even do this, it would be a simple matter to get the emperor's reward.

  It is this award that affects the hearts of the civil officials and generals of the Jin country. This award has a new title system, and it will even produce a king. What a stimulus for the civil officials and generals.

When    was a big man, although there were also kings, they were all just when the country was just settled, and the people who had the kings did not end well at the time, but the kings were the greatest affirmation of the achievements of civilian officers and generals.

   The same thing, if it happened to the Emperor of Jin, would it still be so?

The civil servants and generals of the Jin country have made great contributions to the development of the Jin country. On this point, Lu Bu is affirmative. However, just by relying on the merits of these civil servants and generals, he wants to shake Lu Bu's presence in Jin. Status is also impossible.

Lu Bu has trust in the civilian officers and generals under his rule. Similarly, the officials under the rule have awe of Lu Bu. This situation is exactly what Lu Bu needs. When the military lieutenants and generals have a lot of awe, they will not do anything. Something that is excessive, even if you have the corresponding power in your hands, you will be cautious when doing things.

   From the performance of military lieutenants, they obviously have absolute support for the monarch of Jin. Even if the situation in Jin is critical, their support for the monarch will not weaken too much.

   This is also determined by Lu Bu's past achievements in the Jin Kingdom. Even if the lieutenant and generals have great credits in the battlefield, they still have great shortcomings to compare with Lu Bu in terms of credit.

   If even the officials under the rule cannot be deterred, it would be difficult to become a qualified monarch.

   Jin army soldiers can get credits one by one when they are fighting on the battlefield. Such credit is a great stimulus for the lieutenants and soldiers, and it stimulates the lieutenants and soldiers to fight more courageously when fighting.

   Lu Bu is quite satisfied with the current development of the Jin army. From the selection of elite soldiers in the army, it can be seen how outstanding the performance of the lieutenants and soldiers is when there is credit.

The same is true in wars. Through wars, military lieutenants can get more credit, and their own value can be realized to a greater extent in wars, and this situation is for the soldiers in the military. Said it is also very exciting.

For lieutenants and soldiers, war is likely to be their place of death, but the desire of lieutenants for war will not end because of the danger of war, especially as a soldier in the Jin army. It's even more important.

However, although the people in the city have a certain understanding of the title system, after all, they have no personal relationship with them. What they have to do is to live a normal life. The enthusiasm shown by the people in the previous assessment of military lieutenants is because these troops are They usually have heard of it.

   Even many people’s family members are in these armies. When they learn that their family’s team can win the assessment, they are quite excited. This is normal.

   The people of the Jin country have a lot of support for the lieutenant soldiers, and this can be well seen from the past situation.

   It is precisely because of the support of the people of the Jin country that the lieutenant soldiers have a more tenacious performance when dealing with the war.

   Behind them is the territory of the Jin Kingdom and their For their homeland, even the hard work is worthwhile.

   When the lieutenant generals treat the people, they have a generous attitude, and when they treat the lieutenant soldiers, they will have a lot of respect.

This situation is exactly what Lu Bu needs to see. After making the relationship between the people and the army better, some things will be more convenient. Besides, even if the lieutenant generals are acting domineering in front of the people, they will be more convenient. Can you explain what the problem is?

Could it be that prestige is displayed through arrogant performance? In Lu Bu's view, this is not the case. Only when a lieutenant soldier wins battles again and again is the best return for the people to support them, in front of the enemy. The arrogance of performance should have a gentle attitude in front of our people.

   If the lieutenant soldiers cannot do this, it is not a simple matter to get more support from the people in normal times.

The generals of the Jin army are more from ordinary people. The Jin system has many generous aspects in treating ordinary people. This is also an important reason why lieutenants and soldiers have more support for their monarchs. Only in this way can they allow The generals of the Jin army are more elite.

   Three days later, above the court hall, civilian officers and generals gathered. .

   At this time, not only the generals in the Chang'an court, but also important generals in the army, who came to the court at this time, all the generals among the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War were able to go to the court.

Looking at the officials below, Lü Bu was awe-inspiring. It was precisely because of the many sophisticated civilians and generals in the Jin that the Jin army’s soldiers performed outstandingly in battles. Such things are for the Jin army. It is of great significance.

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