Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5234: : Gold medal without death

From Lu Bu’s words, Jia Xu felt a strong confidence. Putting such a thing on Lu Bu’s body is indeed not too big a problem. From Lu Bu’s past actions, it can be seen that Lu Bu’s What kind of trust officials have, such trust is of great significance to officials, and even when officials do some things, they don’t need to worry more.

Just such a monarch can give the civil servants and generals under his rule a lot of trust and gratitude.

It is so important for the monarch to maintain such a mentality after achieving his current achievements.

What Lu Bu can see when doing things is the trust in the officials under the rule. It is precisely because the emperor of Jin has such a posture that the civil servants and generals under the rule do not need to have more when doing things. Worry, such things are of great help to the long-term development of Jin.

The reason why Lu Bu was able to rise among the princes and allowed Jin to grow step by step to where it is today is that Lu Bu has an open mind and can trust the officials under the rule, provided that the officials can act according to Jin when doing things. According to the country’s rules, if officials violated Jin’s rules, they will be punished.

Such things are normal in themselves. If officials do something wrong because the monarch’s trust will not be punished, Jin’s officialdom will probably be in chaos. From Lu Bu’s past efforts, it can be seen that Lu Bu needs what he needs. It is a stable development of Jin, so that in the process of development, Jin will not say that bad conditions occur. This aspect is also recognized by the officials in the DPRK. They also hope that the strength of Jin will be more powerful. When the powerful Jin country appeared in people’s field of vision, it would bring more benefits.

The soldiers of the Jin army who fought on the battlefield were able to win the war. Such a victory was of great significance to the stability and long-term development of the Jin country. If even the lieutenant soldiers' victory on the battlefield cannot be more guaranteed, even if it is. The strength of a country is strong, and how much development is possible.

When the officials under the rule can feel more hope from Lu Bu, they will do their best when doing things. Such things are more common in themselves.

Lu Bu's prestige in the army and the prestige among civil servants is very high. Such prestige enables Lu Bu to do some things without saying that there will be more constraints, because the officials under the rule will act when Lu Bu has actions. , Give Lu Bu more support.

Just the support of the officials under the rule will make Lu Bu feel more at ease when he leads the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield.

It is what Lu Bu has been pursuing to make the Jin country develop more quickly. It is best to make the Jin country stronger, and get more benefits when facing the enemy, so that the enemy's so-called strength It is difficult to be displayed in front of the Jin army generals. When the enemy army responds to the Jin army's attack, they can only flee in embarrassment. These things are of great significance to the Jin country.

The past wars have gradually improved the strength of the Jin State. This speed of improvement is not comparable to that of the previous dynasties. It is precisely because Jin State has such a good development that it will allow Lu Bu to continue to have after the unification of the world. The other actions were just that the soldiers of the Jin army conquered the battlefield to make the territory of the Jin state wider, which was enough to get more admiration.

In fact, many aristocratic families will not have more resistance to the monarch after seeing the prosperity of the Jin country, because they also know that at this time, there will be more violations against the monarch, and it will be more difficult for their family. In other words, it will not have the slightest benefit. Only by the means that Lü Bu has shown in the past, he can see what kind of monarch Lü Bu is. If he can follow such a monarch and have corresponding actions, it is for them. It is of great help.

When the situation of Jin state becomes more stable, there are many benefits that can be brought. It will make Jin state more powerful in the process of stable development, and the role of merchants can reflect great value at this time. .

In the past, aristocratic families might have had a arrogant attitude towards merchants, but after the establishment of the Jin Kingdom, merchants have received a lot of attention. Only this aspect is enough to make more merchants face it. Lu Bu was grateful.

Although merchants need to pay taxes in the process of doing business, merchants often bring a lot of benefits to themselves. Through this method of obtaining wealth, it is also clear that the Jin country’s system, even if someone has a certain amount of money for them. Do you dare to show it under Lu Bu's rule?

When Lü Bu was angry, the shock that can be brought about by the treatment is often very big, and even many families are destroyed. What happened in the past is a good illustration. In fact, many of the rich and powerful families choose to do business. When business has become the norm, there will be no such thing as the so-called scholar, peasant, and commerce.

Besides, even the children of businessmen can still enter the officialdom through imperial examinations if they have the patience. These things are very stimulating to the businessmen. If someone in the family can enter the officialdom, it will be a great honor after all. .

With the imperial examination system, it will greatly stimulate the common people, businessmen, craftsmen, etc. It will make them invest more in the education of their children in normal times. For business people, even if it costs some money, Let the children learn some knowledge, the money is nothing.

If it were put in the hands of a big man, even if a businessman had more financial resources, it would not be so easy to get in touch with the book level, because the books at that time were in the hands of the family and the family. After you get the books, you won't let them appear easily.

However, in Lu Bu's body, people realized that it was not this aspect, but that Lu Bu's true intentions for the overall development of the Jin country, only in the convenience of books, can see more of this aspect of the problem.

It was only because of Lu Bu's provision of books that the wealthy family was greatly impacted. When these powerful families faced such things, there was no way, and they could only give Lu Bu more help, because They knew what the consequences would be if they violated Lu Bu's order at this time.

It can be seen from Lu Bu’s treatment of the wealthy families that Lu Bu does not want the wealthy families to have greater influence in the officialdom. Otherwise, the criteria for selection of talents will not be changed, and the previous recommendation system will be replaced by the imperial examination system. System.

Just such a system change will have a huge impact on the wealthy family. If you can't get out of such an impact as soon as possible, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of a family.

If you are still immersed in the glory of the past family, it is not a simple matter to let the family get more continuity. At this time, the wealthy family has strong financial resources, but their influence in the officialdom is In the gradual weakening, the children of the family who have no skills want to enter the officialdom only through the imperial examination method. The imperial examination alone has made it difficult for the children of many aristocratic families.

It is not bad that there are many talents among the wealthy families. It does not mean that all the children of the wealthy families are talented and enter the officialdom through competition. Such a system will allow some people who are not truly talented to be screened.

As for what the officials will do after entering the officialdom, it depends on their subsequent performance. If they want to enter the officialdom for the sake of more benefits for the family, such officials are destined to be difficult to last in Jin. .

Jia Xu arched his hands and said: "Thanks to the trust of the sage, the minister will follow the sage forever."

Lü Bu helped Jia Xu up and said, "Wenhe, you have been following me for a long time. I have certain worries when doing things, and I can understand it, but for those of you who have followed me for a long time, I will not treat you badly. I am ready to give you these courtiers a gold medal to avoid death. In this way, even if you have a certain fault, you will not die. In this case, you don't need to have more fights."

Jia Xu's heart was shocked, what the death-free gold medal is, you can know just by hearing the title. Such things are definitely a great honor for the ministers. With this thing, it is equivalent to more. A life, if there is a bigger mistake, at least the life is saved.

After Jia Xu became an important part of the Jin country, he was more cautious when doing things. Why did he act like this? Because Jia Xu understood that the higher the position in the depths, the more danger he would face. If the methods and methods are not adequate when dealing with some things, more problems will arise.

It is good for the monarch to have trust, but the trust of the monarch is not the capital of the courtiers arbitrarily.

It can be well seen from the system of Jin that, in fact, the monarch has a lot of constraints on his subjects. It is this kind of constraint that allows the development of Jin to gradually get on the right track, and in this development process , The strength gradually became stronger.

The rapid development of the Jin country can be seen, and this development is also what Lu Bu wants to see. As for the officials who violated the law and discipline will appear in the development process, it is very important to punish these officials. Necessary.

Giving Jia Xu and others the gold medal to avoid death is something that Lu Bu had already thought about before. These officials have been following him for a long time. It can be said that Jin has the current situation and they have put in a lot of effort. Lu Bu has a lot of gratitude for the officials of the People’s Republic of China, and Lu Bu believes that it is necessary for these officials to get more security.

If it is said that the officials who followed them in the first place could not even guarantee their safety, they would inevitably have more worries when doing things, just like Jia Xu, an important official of the Jin Kingdom, how smart he is. People, while Lu Bu's commander can make a big splash, they don't mean to attract more people's attention. Family members are also relatively low-key when doing things normally.

Such officials often do not cause the monarch’s jealousy, but their thoughts are of no more help when dealing with affairs. Lu Bu once said Jia Xu about this kind of thing more than once, and he got it from him. The effect is not very good, mainly because Jia Xu has developed such a cautious character. It seems that only by doing this can Jia Xu be more at ease.

After the monarch’s strength and influence become more and more powerful, the influence it can have on the courtiers is often great. From the current situation of the Jin State, it can be seen that when Lu Bu’s order was issued by the Jin State, how many officials Dare to say that you violated it at this time?

It can be seen from Lu Bu’s past actions that if they can’t make Lu Bu more satisfied when doing something, it will bring Lu Bu’s counterattack, and the counterattack from the Jin emperor is often Ling. People shocked.

In Lu Bu, all kinds of things are possible. The emperor of Jin has great power. As for civilians and generals, it is only because of this kind of things. Do you dare to violate Lu Bu's orders on some things?

It can be seen more from past events that, in front of the Jin state’s system, even if the Jin’s civil servants and generals have a certain amount of credit, as long as they touched such a system, they still have to be punished. It is precisely because Jin has such a system that the development of Jin Jin can be step-by-step ~, so that more problems will appear in the development process.

In fact, Lu Bu is quite satisfied with this situation, that is, some officials are much more low-key in doing things.

In fact, this situation is not a good thing for the monarch. If the officials under the rule are arrogant and domineering in doing things because of the past merits, it will be extremely detrimental to the long-term development of Jin.

What Lu Bu needs is a powerful Jin country, so that the Jin soldiers can achieve greater achievements when they fight on the battlefield, so that the Jin soldiers will not say that they retreat because of the strength of the enemy, so that they can be better in the war. A good proof of their own strength.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war are shocking. It is often not that simple to win from the hands of the Jin army. It is precisely because Lu Bu's hands have strong strength that make Lu Bu in the Jin country. The court has unparalleled influence.

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