Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5235: : Huang Zhong is angry

After the ceremony of enshrining the Zen, Lu Bu will leave a strong mark in history, and even Lu Bu's fame will be known to more people.

It will make the people of the Jin country have more respect for their emperor, so that after receiving Lu Bu’s order, the lieutenant will not say that there is a situation of violation, if it is said that the lieutenant cannot do it when facing the order of the monarch When it comes to compliance, the influence on the status of the monarch is often great. When such a thing happens, it means that the influence of the monarch under the rule is gradually weakening. If things in this area cannot be contained, bring The coming impact must be great.

When Lu Bu was developing the Jin Kingdom, he firmly controlled his military power. At this point, the civil servants and generals in the DPRK were clear. The reason why the monarch had acted like this was not for his own position to be more stable. Woolen cloth.

If military power falls into the hands of those who have the mind, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of Jin, and military power is of the utmost importance.

Especially after coming out of troubled times, people can see the benefits of Jin army’s intrepidity. When the Jin army soldiers have greater deeds when fighting on the battlefield, Lu Bu can gain in the war. More benefits, even if the enemy's strength is strong, the Jin army can still win the war through its strong strength. Such a victory is of great help to the long-term development and stability of the Jin country.

The power of the monarch is strong, and the officials under the rule can feel more confidence. If the monarch has shortcomings in strength, more problems may arise during the development of the rule.

Not to mention other things, just after the monarch's order is issued, no more compliance can be obtained. This situation is unbearable for the monarch.

After the monarch’s order is given, there should be more repercussions under the rule. This is the most normal. If there is no even the most basic response, what will the situation be like under the rule.

The Jin army soldiers performed fiercely when they fought on the battlefield, because the Jin army soldiers knew that when they got the corresponding merits from the war, they could have more promotion under Lu Bu's rule.

Seeing hope is the most important thing.

Not only ordinary people and ordinary soldiers in the army can see hope. Civil servants and generals in the DPRK also need to see hope at this time. When they see more hope, they will have hope for the monarch. More support, when the monarch's order is given, what they can do is more obedience.

"The minister thanked the saint." Jia Xu said with his hands. In this matter, Jia Xu did not refuse to avoid the temptation to die a gold medal. The minister could not refuse.

Lu Bu said: "In the future, Wenhe does not need to be so cautious when doing things. I will do it when it is time to make a move. I have absolute confidence in Wenhe."

"The minister understands." Jia Xu solemnly saluted.

After having the death-free gold medal, Jia Xu's mood gradually changed. With such a thing in his hands, as long as there are no more faults in ordinary times, there will be no life danger. This kind of thing, even if you can't use it, your descendants can use it.

When the monarch can give such things to his subjects, it is enough to show that the monarch's trust in his subjects is beyond the ordinary.

Lu Bu was able to do things like this, in Jia Xu's opinion, it was extremely normal. If Lu Bu didn't dare to do such things, it would be the strangest thing.

From Lu Bu’s words, Jia Xu can feel that more attention is paid. This also makes Jia Xu firm in his determination. When doing things in the future, he must work harder, so that officials in the DPRK will feel it sometimes. His edge is still necessary.

In that case, let's start by investigating this assassin.

After a long discussion between the monarch and the minister, Jia Xu left.

The speed of advance is not very fast, but the surrounding area of ​​Lu Bu is guarded by lieutenant generals. Without Lu Bu’s order, no one is allowed to approach. As for what Lu Bu will have with the officials under his control in such a process This kind of negotiation is not something that soldiers in the army can worry about. At this time, what they need to do is to do the things at hand well, so that Xiao Xiaozhi has no other opportunities at this time.

After Jia Xu returned, seeing Huang Zhong's face showing anxious expression, he whispered: "Old General Huang doesn't need to worry, the saint understands what happened this time."

Huang Zhong nodded knowingly, with a lot of emotion in his heart. He is about to return to his hometown, but Jia Xu is different. However, important officials of the three provinces, civilian officials have the biggest advantage over military generals, even after getting old. , It can still have a great impact on the development of the country, and even make the country’s development better in this process.

Relatively speaking, military commanders have many differences when they display their abilities. The most important way for military commanders is to conquer the battlefield and get more credit from the process of fighting against the enemy. With greater deeds, it is obviously impossible to achieve greater achievements in the future.

Especially after getting old, it will be extremely difficult to make more achievements in this area.

The generals don’t know much about this aspect, so while they are young, they have a better performance when they fight on the battlefield. This is of great help to their future development. How many generals can be like Huang Zhong is like this, even if he is old, he can still lead the lieutenant generals to charge the battlefield.

It can be said that if Huang Zhong is willing, if Huang Zhong continues to stay in the army, Lu Bu will not have objections.

Generals like Huang Zhong have a lot of help for the long-term development of the Jin army. When there are more experienced generals in the army, it will be easier to fight the enemy on the battlefield. As for the enemy The strength of the army is strong, can it be that it can defeat the army of Jin country in the process of face-to-face battle.

Besides, when Jin’s army is on the battlefield, it depends more on resourcefulness. It has an advantage in resourcefulness. When fighting against the enemy, it is what Jin’s generals seek to allow its own soldiers to gain more advantages. matter.

Otherwise, just use brute force to confront the enemy head-on, so that after victory, the soldiers under his command may have to pay more in the war. This situation is not what the generals in the army want to see. What they pursue is the victory in the course of the battle. Only after more victories can the status of the generals be improved. At this time, the loss of the generals on the battlefield is also the ability of the generals. The most embodied.

Huang Zhong felt uncomfortable when something like this happened in the Feng Chan team. He sighed: "The hateful assassin, if the old man knows one day, even if he fights a handful of old bones, he will definitely make the assassin pay the price. of."

Jia Xu lowered his voice and said, "General Huang, in fact, the identity of the assassin has already been investigated."

Huang Zhong was shocked when he heard the words. He stared at Jia Xu with scorching eyes. After investigating the assassin’s affairs, what an important matter. Huang Zhong’s most urgent thing is to know about the assassins so that these so-called assassins can pay. More costs come.

The matter of Feng Chan has a long-term significance to the Jin country. It happened that the assassination occurred during this process, and Huang Zhong was the commander in charge of the Feng Chan team. After such an event happened, the impact on Huang Zhong was often caused. very big.

Even if Huang Zhong has a strong reputation in the Jin army, after these things, the military lieutenants will definitely have some arguments, and even the saints will be punished. He was originally about to sue the old and return to his hometown. Here comes such a thing.

This kind of situation will not be good for anyone.

"This matter is of great importance. General Huang must not tell others, otherwise, once the sage knows it, I am afraid that he will be blamed on the official." Jia Xu whispered: "If what is expected is not bad, it is Guishuang. The assassin who died was preliminarily determined to be the Guishuang people."

Huang Zhong clenched his fists after listening. Huang Zhong is naturally no stranger to the people of Guishuang. When fighting against the Jin army, he endured the feeling of defeat in the war. Such a failure brought a lot to Guishuang. Shock.

Guishuang sent the assassins to a certain amount of action during the Jin’s giant Zen ceremony, and it was reasonable. Although the relationship between the two parties has eased down, anyone can see that the relationship between the two parties wants to get real It’s impossible to improve.

After Jin's strength is strong, there will definitely be more attacks on Guishuang. At that time, Guishuang's army wants to do more in blocking the Jin army's attack, obviously it is not a matter of showing.

Just relying on the strong combat power of the Jin army soldiers, the impact that can be brought to Guishuang on the battlefield will inevitably be great. At that time, the war will make Guishuang deeply realize that only relying on their military power, think It is simply impossible to obtain more benefits in the hands of the Jin army.

In the past, when faced with a powerful army, what the Jin army generals could achieve is victory in the war. The situation is the same now. In the battle, there is no enemy that the Jin army cannot defeat, even if it is the strength of the enemy army. Tough, when they encounter the Jin army, the soldiers of the Jin army will let the so-called enemy understand how fragile their strength is in front of the soldiers of the Jin army.

After the war, it is no secret what the actions of the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield are like. The soldiers of the Jin army want to win on the battlefield with a powerful impact, making the so-called enemy army pay more in the battle. The price.

Huang Zhong clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. It can be seen the anger in his heart at this time. The emperor of Jin is the supreme being. He led the lieutenant soldiers to fight the enemy with a lot of hard work, and only then has the current achievements. Such a monarch deserves more follow.

Such a monarch deserves more respect.

Facts have proved that Lu Bu was able to deal with certain things very well. The assassination this time caused a considerable impact on the Jin country, but the way Lu Bu handled the matter More to see is Lu Bu's wisdom.

It will not be said that the incident of the assassin will cause the officials in the DPRK to be more implicated.

But after such an incident, how can the DPRK and Chinese officials feel better, especially the officials who have a relationship in this matter, they will definitely work harder in the future and have more gratitude to the monarch.

Huang Zhong is a veteran in the army, and he has his own considerations when doing things, but after assassinations and other things happen, it will not be tolerated, even the current relationship between Jin and Guishuang is good. After returning to the court, Huang Zhong would definitely attack Guishuang.

At that time, as long as Guishuang sent an assassin to assassinate the Emperor of Jin, the impact on Guishuang must be great. At that time, the people of Guishuang will be able to appreciate the Jin Kingdom to a large extent. The hurt caused by human anger.

When the people of the Jin country are more angry with the people of Guishuang, they will have more support for the monarch in the war, and the merchants will also be the same. In the process of doing business, they can bring back to the Jin country. More useful information can even be used to send information back during the war.

After Jin and Guishuang had a friendship, an intelligence system was established on Guishuang’s side. It’s just that this kind of thing is more concealed, and it must not be detected by Guishuang’s people. The news he inquired back through the intelligence agency, The development of Jin State is of great help.

It can even let the Jin country know more about Guishuang. When Guishuang has other actions, the people of Jin can get news quickly.

Only this aspect of the matter brings great benefits to the people of the Jin country, but any generals who fight on the battlefield will know that when the information can be sent in time, it will be for a battle. How much impact will the progress of

If you can't do a good job in intelligence, it is obviously impossible to gain more advantage in the battle against the enemy.

What can be seen from previous wars is that the strength of Guishuang soldiers is not weak when the war arrives. If you encounter Guishuang soldiers in the war, how can the strong strength of the Jin soldiers be able to Win with minimal damage.

This requires a better understanding of the enemy forces. Intelligence can play a huge role at this time. After Lu Bu emerged among the princes in the past, he paid a lot of attention to intelligence matters, because Lu Bu knew When the intelligence aspect can get more development, it is of great significance for a prince.

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