Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5236: : How can the officer give up

If even intelligence matters cannot be more assured, such a monarch wants to get more development, it is definitely full of hardships and ups and downs.

Judging from the performance of the Jin army’s soldiers against the enemy and how fierce they were when the war came, we can actually see more of the strengths of Jin’s intelligence in spying on the enemy, whether it is the enemy. What kind of strength the army has. After they met the soldiers of the Jin army in the war, it was simply impossible to win the war.

The achievements of the lieutenant soldiers led by Lu Bu in the war are not comparable to ordinary monarchs.

It is precisely because of the strong strength of the Jin army that Lu Bu has such a big advantage in the battle against the princes, and can make Lu Bu have greater achievements in the war.

The progress of the war often had a great impact on the princes, but in the face of such an impact, the soldiers of the Jin army did not back down, and even in critical situations, they still followed their monarchs. This was because they were Your own monarch has absolute confidence, no matter what the situation, as long as their monarch is still there, there will be hope of victory in the war.

Huang Zhong is a long-famous general in the army. With his current status, he has a great relationship with Lu Bu’s promotion. Without Lu Bu, Huang Zhong would not have the current Huang Zhong. In normal times, Huang Zhong would treat Lu Bu. But there is a lot of gratitude, this is a kindness to him.

For a military commander, it is obviously very difficult to get the grace of knowledge and encounters, not to mention that Huang Zhong's situation in Jingzhou was not so good.

It was in this situation that Huang Zhong became a general under Lu Bu's command and received a lot of attention in the subsequent process. In fact, Huang Zhong was also confused at some times. Why was it the first time he came to Lu Bu in Jingzhou? Find yourself.

It should be noted that there were many famous generals in Jingzhou at that time.

Although there are such doubts in his heart, Huang Zhong did not mention that the monarch can have more trust, which is an extremely glorious thing for the courtiers. They only need to make more for the development of the monarch in this process. More contributions are enough.

What you can see from the battle is Huang Zhong’s abilities. Such a veteran’s ability to fight on the battlefield is not weaker than the younger ones in the army, and Huang Zhong is leading the army. When soldiers fight, they have their own methods. The experience of more than ordinary generals can allow Huang Zhong to take more advantages when fighting against the enemy. The enemy wants to benefit from Huang Zhong’s hands. It's not that simple.

Now that Huang Zhong is so old that he has even been approved to return to his hometown, what Huang Zhong wants to do most at this time is to take care of the last thing, so that the ceremony can be carried out smoothly.

If the last thing cannot be handled properly, Huang Zhong cannot forgive himself.

Now the Feng Chan team has encountered the assassination, and even the assassin almost affected Lu Bu's safety. The occurrence of these things has damaged Huang Zhong's face.

The face damage is not the most important thing in Huang Zhong's view. Lu Bu's safety is threatened. Huang Zhong, who has been following Lu Bu's side for a long time, naturally knows how important Lu Bu is to the entire Jin country.

If Lv Bu is in Jin country, it can make Xiao Xiao’s generation afraid to make chaos in secret. If Lu Bu is not there, the situation in Jin country will be greatly changed. When that time, more Xiao Xiao generations will take the opportunity to jump out. .

Lu Bu offended many people when he allowed Jin to develop. When Lu Bu's strength was strong, these people disappeared and did not dare to stand up against Lu Bu, but when the situation in Jin was bad, these people would Will stand out.

This kind of thing itself is extremely normal, so more often, what Lu Bu needs to do is to maintain a strong strength, so that the so-called enemy dare not violate more when facing the officials of the Jin country.

Even the victories won by the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield were huge shocks to the enemy.

It is often difficult for the enemy to win the battle against the Jin army, because the achievements of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield are not comparable to those of the ordinary army. When the ordinary army is in war After encountering the soldiers of the Jin army, they often endured the defeat of the war. The fierce attack of the Jin army soldiers was not so easy to stop.

The current wars can have a great impact on the Jin country, because through wars, the territory of the Jin country can be expanded and people can see more possibilities through such wars.

Even if the enemy's strength is strong, what will happen when they encounter the Jin soldiers in the war? How difficult is it for them to win the battle? When the Jin soldiers come from the war After winning in China, the enemy is often more shocked.

From the benefits that the Jin army soldiers have obtained on the battlefield in the past, we can see more of this problem.

The victory of the war, for the soldiers of the Jin army, will have more desire for the war. After all, the most important way is for the lieutenant soldiers to obtain the merits through the war. If there is no corresponding action in the war, the army How valuable is the existence of lieutenants?

The past wars were of great significance to the soldiers of the Jin army. Victory against the enemy army made the soldiers of the Jin army more motivated when facing the war.

Although Huang Zhong said nothing, what Jia Xu can feel is the anger of this general. Huang Zhong is a prestigious general in the army. Even if he is old, he has a great influence in the army. If you wait After arriving in Chang'an, Huang Zhong mentioned this matter, what kind of shock would it cause among the lieutenants and soldiers?

The people of Guishuang dared to assassinate the current emperor. If such a thing can be forgiven, how will the face of the soldiers of the Jin country be preserved in the future? If the enemy cannot make the enemy pay a heavy price, what else can the soldiers of the Jin army be proud of? In the past, Jin army soldiers had absolute pride when they were fighting against the enemy.

The emperor of Jin, Lu Bu, is the pride of military lieutenants. When Lu Bu is hurt, the lieutenants will be extremely angry. Such anger can bring the threat of war to the people of Guishuang. After appearing on the battlefield, what kind of impact it can bring to Guishuang is also obvious.

The previous wars illustrate very well. When Guishuang’s army encountered Jin’s army in the war, it was often not an easy task for them to win the war, and they would even pay more in the war. The price comes.

The success of Jin’s army on the battlefield is not comparable to that of ordinary troops. Such a victory will make the so-called enemy forces have more fear when facing the Jin army, and let them initiate in the Jin army. There was a lot of panic when attacking.

Why the people of Guishuang want to form an alliance with the Roman Empire is because they saw the powerful destructive power of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield. If they encounter the Jin army in the battle, what will happen? In such a battle, just relying on the current combat effectiveness of the Guishuang army, what kind of role can it play in the war?

Huang Zhong said in a deep voice: I hope that Zhongshu can thoroughly investigate this matter. If it is indeed done by the people of Guishuang, the generals of the Jin army will not let Guishuang's aspect in the war.

Jia Xu nodded and said: This is right, the people of Guishuang dared to be so rampant in front of the sage, if you don't teach the people of Guishuang, how can the official give up.

In the old days, the sages formed an alliance with Guishuang only when Guishuang’s stability was not easy. Who could have imagined that the people of Guishuang, after gaining the friendship of Jin, would have such a move, sending assassins to assassinate the sages. , Such a thing cannot be forgiven.

Huang Zhong nodded, the emperor of Jin is the supreme existence, no matter who provokes the emperor of Jin, the lieutenant soldiers will not easily let it go. This is the bottom line of Jin.

Although Guishuang’s strength is not weak in general, it is impossible to compare his strength with the Jin country. If Guishuang’s strength is strong, how could it be necessary to end the war? After that, it reached an alliance with the Jin Kingdom, and in this matter, it was obvious that the ownership of the land emperor was the initiative, which showed that when the Jin army soldiers fought on the battlefield, they brought a great shock to Guishuang.

This kind of effect is also what the lieutenant soldiers need to see most. If the enemy cannot be made to pay a heavy price in the course of the battle, the ability displayed by the lieutenant soldiers in the battle against the enemy will be a failure.

Huang Zhong is a well-known general in the Jin army. Although Huang Zhong is old, when Huang Zhong mentions this matter among the lieutenants, all he can get will be a lot of support from the lieutenants.

The assassination of the Jin Dynasty emperor cannot be forgiven. No matter how much Guishuang's rejection of war, when they do such a thing, they must be punished.

The soldiers of the Jin army fought on the battlefield and gained victory from the battles. Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, when they met the soldiers of the Jin army, the most likely situation was the failure in the war. This situation is for the Jin army. It is a great encouragement for the soldiers.

The strength of Guishuang's army is not weak, but if Guishuang's army encounters a general of the Jin army in a head-on battle, it is often impossible to win.

Because the influence that the Jin army can bring in the war is too great, through the victory of the war, the Jin army's soldiers will have a more fierce performance in the face of the war.

It can be seen from the attitude of the Jin army generals to war in the past that if the lieutenant generals knew that the assassination was done by the people of Guishuang, it would have a great impact on the stability of Guishuang.

At that time, just the anger of the Jin army will not be able to bear the people of Guishuang.

It is difficult for Guishuang's army to win the battle against the Jin army, which will make the Jin army soldiers have more confidence in the war, because it is too difficult to win from the hands of the Jin army.

How many difficult and difficult wars the Jin army has experienced in the past, was able to win from team battles, and made the enemy who believed to be strong enough to pay a heavy price after the end of the war. It is only the achievements of the lieutenant soldiers in the war. Let the Jin army have absolute pride.

At the same time, Huang Zhong also understands what kind of test the Jin country will have when the Jin country launches a war. After all, the strength of Guishuang is not weak. When the war begins, it is hard to bring peace after the war. Will suffer damage.

Once the war starts, the exchanges between Guishuang and Jin’s merchants will be largely restricted. Merchants with means will not be more affected in business, but merchants with weak strength will It's different.

The development of merchants is of great significance to the Jin country. Although Huang Zhong is a military commander, he is more comprehensive when thinking about problems. Of course, if this matter is indeed done by the people of Guishuang, when After the news spread, even if the North Korean and Chinese officials did not support the war, they would unswervingly support Lu Bu at this time.

Jin's current development has a lot to do with Lu Bu's efforts. If the emperor of Lian Jin was assassinated and the civilian officers and generals didn't show the slightest expression, this kind of Jin would be the most dangerous.

Civil officials and generals have more support for the emperor of That's because the emperor of Jin can make civil officials and generals enjoy better treatment.

After the war is over, civilian officers and generals can get more promotion. Just this aspect will make it difficult for the civilian officers and generals of Jin to maintain absolute calmness in the face of war.

Civil officials and military generals also want to achieve greater success in the process of fighting the enemy. When the Jin army soldiers can obtain more enemy territory from the war, it will bring the Jin country's strength and strength.

Such a force is difficult for officials of the Jin State to reject. From the current situation of the Jin State, it can be seen that even if a lieutenant soldier starts a war, he can still win the war against the enemy, because the Jin army The speed at which the soldiers eased from the war was very fast.

Besides, when the Jin army goes through a war, not all the troops will go into battle. This guarantees to a large extent that the Jin army’s soldiers can have high morale and strong combat effectiveness when fighting against the enemy.

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