Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5429: :help


When the confrontation begins, the Jin’s army’s methods of dealing with war are often shocking, because the Jin’s army’s means of dealing with wars are not comparable to ordinary troops, or the Jin’s strong strength. , So that the generals of the Jin army have more confidence when facing the war.

When the war arrives, how the lieutenants and soldiers deal with the war often have a great impact on the outcome of the war.

Victory during the confrontation is a relatively easy thing for the soldiers of the Jin army, because their methods of dealing with war are not comparable to ordinary countries.

Nowadays, the development of Jin is very fast. In other words, people in Jin have unique methods when dealing with wars. It is precisely because of the unique method that Jin can avoid more occurrences in the process of development. problem.

How to make the country have a faster development speed is also the most important question for the monarch to think about.

"Holy Lord, the strength of the Jin country is so strong that the envoy has already seen that if the Jin army attacks other cities, it will definitely be unprofitable, and everyone knows the intention of the Jin country to attack Guishuang." Tula How faintly said.

In Turado’s view, these words should be brought up. When discussing with Guo Jia, they did not have much advantage. Such a situation cannot be satisfied by Turado. Since the emperor of Jin is in front of him, if it is If you can convince the emperor of Jin, the rest will be much simpler.

The Jin emperor’s approach to things was not comparable to that of ordinary monarchs. From the current development speed of Jin, he could actually see a lot of things. When Jin developed at a faster speed, he wanted to It is basically impossible to gain the upper hand in the face of the Jin army.

The strength of the Jin army is so powerful that the armies of extraordinary countries can be compared. It can be seen from Guishuang’s response. When the Jin army is dispatched, the enemy can suffer heavy losses in the confrontation. .

Nowadays, Jin country can be said to be strong and strong. It is precisely because of this that when the Jin country’s army shows signs of dispatch, it can always make the other party feel the emergency of the situation. At this time, it is not to be put on Guishuang’s side, the same Putting the situation on the Roman Empire, I'm afraid it's the same, mainly because the strength shown by the Jin country is too strong.

Once a war breaks out, it is basically a simple matter to rely solely on Jin's army to win in the confrontation.

Putting such a situation on any monarch, he will not give up easily. Since the Jin country is strong, it is crucial to win the battle with the strong strength as the foundation. It's important.

It is precisely because of the powerful strength of the Jin country that makes the monarch more relaxed when fighting, and it will not be said that the enemy retreats because of the superior strength of the enemy.

When the war broke out, Jin’s response could explain a lot of problems. Victory in the battle again and again allowed the soldiers of the Jin army to be more comfortable in the face of the war. How much influence does the country’s strength have.

The state of Jin nowadays can be described by its prosperous strength.

And it is necessary to reap enough benefits from the emperor of Jin. As long as the emperor of Jin makes a promise, the Roman Empire will not have more intervention in the war, or that the Roman Empire will not have any The idea of ​​intervening in war.

The development of the situation is helpful to the Jin country. Only by winning wars one after another can the Jin country's detached status be guaranteed.

Nowadays, Jin's army can be said to be ready for war. As long as there is a war and Jin's soldiers charge forward, it can make the war easier.

No matter how the situation evolves, when the Jin State has made sufficient preparations for the war, the rest is relatively simple. From the way the Jin State army has fought in the past, it seems that no matter how the war proceeds, Under the control of the Jin army.

Jin's control of the overall situation is not comparable to that of an ordinary army.

The victories during the confrontation made Jin's army more comfortable in the face of the war, or the progress of the war should not have much impact on themselves.

When a war breaks out, how Jin's army responds is also crucial.

The current situation is the best time for Jin to develop.

Regardless of the situation in the war, when the Jin army soldiers appear in the battle, it will be a simple situation to win the battle.

Lu Bu turned his gaze to Turado and said with a smile: "Jin has many good methods, but these things are made by the people of Jin, and the amount of effort involved is beyond the imagination of outsiders."

Turado nodded and said: "The words of the Holy Spirit are very good, but the Roman Empire is sincere in its alliance with Jin."

"In that case, if I don't hand over something to the Roman Empire, the people of the Roman Empire will take further action when the war breaks out?" Lu Bu asked flatly in his voice.

Turado's heart tightened. From Lu Bu's words, he felt dissatisfaction. Combined with Lu Bu's behavior in the past, it is not difficult to see that Lu Bu has sufficient confidence in this battle. Let's talk about the Jin country. It is the strangest thing if there is no more preparation for the victory of the war.

As long as there is a war, the situation in Jin will not be said to have changed too much because of this, because the people of Jin have sharp means when dealing with wars.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war are dazzling. Such achievements have brought great help to the long-term development of Jin.

Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin, and he certainly had ways to deal with certain things.

It is precisely because of the achievements of the Jin state that the emperor of the Jin state can have more pride. No matter what happens, when the Jin state army appears in the battle, the victory of the war must belong to the Jin state army. .

The officials of the Jin Kingdom have such confidence that when the war comes, the officials of the Jin Kingdom will feel more at ease.

Relatively speaking, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was a little stronger at this time. There was nothing in the first place. With sufficient strength, maintaining a strong side is a normal thing in itself.

If even the toughness at this time cannot be more guaranteed, how can we guarantee victory in the war?

The people of Jin are fully prepared for the coming of war, and the current mobilization of the Jin army is the best explanation.

"The emperor of Jin, the Roman Empire is sincere in allying with the Jin itself, but the current Roman Empire has a big gap with Jin in some means. As an ally, should the Jin give some help? ?" Turado asked.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Help is naturally possible, but any help requires a corresponding price. The Ministry of War Shangshu has discussed these matters before."

Turado is obviously not satisfied. If he can get more benefits from the people of Jin, it will be of great help to the long-term development of Jin.

The victory of the war is of vital importance to the Jin country, and it is not the case for the Roman Empire. If the victory of the war cannot be guaranteed, once the war breaks out, wouldn’t it be necessary to endure the war? s failure.

The reason for the rapid development of the Jin country has a great relationship with the achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war. The victory in the battle will make the army lieutenants have more in dealing with the war. confidence.

Let alone what happens in a war, as long as a battle occurs, Jin's army will let the enemy know how difficult it is to win from the battle against the Jin army.

When the victory of the war arrives, how to stabilize the outcome of the victory is also crucial. From the past actions of the officials of the Jin State, it can be seen that after the victory of the war, the officials of the Jin State demonstrated what they did when they administer the locality. The ability is shocking.

After more development under the rule, Jin’s development speed can be guaranteed to a greater extent, which provides a good foundation for the Jin’s army for the next campaign. When this development method is used, there will be more If used in a war, the situation of the war will change even more.

It is precisely because of the fierce methods that the people of Jin have shown that the battle went more smoothly.

The enemy's strength is strong, and it is basically impossible to have more influence on the situation of Jin, because Jin also has strong strength as a foil.

Victory during the battle was of great help to the overall development of Jin.

The reason why the Emperor of Jin was unwilling to abandon the attack on Guishuang was because what he saw from the attack on Guishuang was the hope of victory. When Guishuang’s army was unable to make a contribution when resisting the offensive of Jin’s army, the Jin’s army The offense that can have a great impact on Guishuang's situation.

However, the people of Guishuang had to be more cautious when facing the war, especially after seeing the methods that the soldiers of the Jin army might display in the war, so that they have more fear of the strength of the Jin country, fearing war. There will be other situations after it happens.

When Jin's army appeared in the war, the influence it could have on the situation on the battlefield was too great.

Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin. When the Jin emperor decided to launch an offensive, he could have a lot of impact. Just a failure in a confrontation was not something the opponent could easily bear.

Nowadays, the situation in Jin is relatively clear overall.

How to launch a war in an uncertain situation also has a great influence, but the people of Jin have a corresponding method when facing war.

Victory from the war time after time, let the people of the Jin country have a corresponding method when facing the war.

Lu Bu's prestige in the Jin army determines what kind of measures the Jin State army will take in response to the war after a war, and what kind of impact such measures can have.

All in all, it is basically impossible to get benefits from the Jin's army during the battle.

Today, the number of victories that Jin has won after the war is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

When the war comes, Jin will not have the slightest fear, or the people of Jin will have expectations for the war itself.

After such a situation occurs, what kind of measures the Jin State will take in response to the war will be able to have more expectations.

The Jin Dynasty emperor’s hard-line attitude was in itself a matter of reason. Could it be said that in the course of the battle, even the most basic hard-line attitude could not be maintained?

If this is the case, how can Jin country have a reputation for being powerful?

In fact, Turado knew that there were many difficulties in obtaining benefits from the Jin Emperor.

The methods used by the Jin emperor in the past are shocking in themselves. As the emperor of Jin, if there is not enough means as a foil, it is almost impossible to make the strength of Jin so strong. .

The current strength of Jin is not comparable to that of ordinary countries. When the war began, the people of Jin had corresponding methods when dealing with the war, only from the means of the people of Jin to deal with the war. It can be seen very well.

When the people of the Jin country choose to fight, they must be fully prepared for the war. When the war begins, it is impossible to have more impact on the development of the Jin .

It is precisely because of Jin's strength that Jin has avoided more situations in the process of development.

When the war comes, Jin will develop more rapidly, so that the progress of the war will have more help for the improvement of Jin's strength.

In fact, Lu Bu considered the problem from the perspective of the Jin country. As long as he had the opportunity to obtain benefits from the opponent, Lu Bu would not give up easily. It is the same for other monarchs.

After the war began, what kind of impact the Jin emperor’s actions could have on the progress of the war? After all, the impact on the further development of the war was great, especially when the Jin emperor displayed more methods. After that, the development of the situation is even more unpredictable by the opponent.

If you want to get benefits from the Jin emperor's hands, there are often many difficulties, and these difficulties can even have many impacts on the development of the situation in Jin.

An order from the Emperor of Jin would be able to make the army of Jin rush to the battlefield, posing a fatal threat to Guishuang. This is also where the emperor of Jin’s authority lies.

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