Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5430: :Getting needs to pay a price


In the past, Guishuang provoked Jin, and it should have been such a situation. When Jin came out of the war, it was Guishuang who was the first to be affected.

Just relying on Guishuang's strength, it is almost impossible to achieve greater success in the fight against Jin's army.

It is precisely because of Jin's powerful strength that Jin's army can do more after experiencing the war.

When the war came, the choices of the people of Jin had a great influence on the development of the battlefield.

The key is to see what kind of help it can bring to the development of Jin after the war. If the progress of the war does not benefit Jin in the slightest, the people of Jin will not choose war.

However, judging from the current situation, it is very possible for the Jin to launch a war, because after the war begins, the Jin can obtain many benefits from the battle, and these benefits cannot be rejected by the people of the Jin. of.

How to win the battle is a question that the people of the Jin need to think about. The value of the Roman Empire is that when the war begins, they will not attack the rest to contain the rest of the forces. This is the most important.

The strength of the Roman Empire is so strong that even if the peace side has strong means in the process of fighting the enemy, who can be sure that the rest of the army will be able to win the battle when confronting the Roman Empire's army, if it is the process of war If the process is not smooth enough, the situation will be even more unpredictable.

After the start of the campaign, what will the strength of the Jin country's army show?

After all, the current battle has a great impact on Guishuang’s side. How to take advantage of the confrontation is also the most important question for Guishuang’s side. When the Roman Empire formed an alliance with the Jin country, during the war, Rome The Empire will not give Guishuang the slightest help.

All in all, it is because the strength of Jin is too strong. Such a strong strength can have a great impact on neighboring countries, and the emperor of Jin is also a person with great ambitions.

From the experience of Jin’s past opponents, it can be seen that after the Jin’s emperor decides on a war, the people of Jin will have unique means when facing the war.

Only by continuously gaining victories in the course of the battle can you get enough benefits from the confrontation.

After the war began, if the Jin Kingdom’s army was invincible on the battlefield, it would have the greatest impact on Guishuang. At that time, regardless of the number of Guishuang’s troops, if you want to block the joint attack of the Jin Kingdom and the Anxi army, you will What happened?

Even if the Roman Empire wanted to help it, how much did it play a role.

Facts have proved that when the Jin country’s army fights, it is the beginning of the victory of the Jin country. With the help of the enemy army, if you want to have greater success in the fight against the Jin country’s army, there are many difficulties. If you do more to overcome these difficulties, there will be more uncontrollable situations.

The strength of Jin's army is not imaginable by ordinary people, but it is precisely because of the strong strength of Jin that makes the emperor of Jin have more influence when making some decisions.

The mood of the Guishuang messenger was beyond consideration for Turado. What he wanted to do most at this time was to get more benefits.

The union with Jin is in such a situation. If you can't get more benefits from Jin, Turado can hardly forgive himself.

The shrewd performance of the people of the Jin country is good, but it still needs many conditions to get the benefits from the people of the Roman Empire.

Otherwise, after the war began, only the influence of the Roman Empire on the war would be enough to make the Jin country pay more.

In the course of the war, if the war can be carried out smoothly, it is naturally the most important.

The Jin’s army used the most powerful means in the course of the battle. It is not comparable to ordinary military forces. It also has many war weapons in the Jin army. When these war weapons appear in a confrontation, they can definitely be able to fight. The situation of the war had a huge impact.

The Jin's methods have a great influence on the progress of the war. It is basically impossible to successfully block the Jin's army from attacking Guishuang in such a situation.

Since Guishuang sent an assassin to assassinate the Emperor of Jin, he should think of Jin's revenge.

When the Jin Kingdom’s army launches an expedition under a retaliatory mentality, the battle has not yet begun, and it will already have many disadvantages to the situation in Guishuang.

In any case, this war started because of the way the people of Guishuang did things. Without the assassination of the people of Guishuang, maybe the relationship between the two parties would continue.

Before Guishuang’s attack on Jin’s city, you can see what kind of trouble Guishuang has caused. In the final analysis, it is because Jin’s strength is outstanding. When the Jin’s army After its appearance, it can always have many influences on the situation on the battlefield.

And when the Guishuang army appeared in the war against the Jin State army, what kind of situation would it have? The achievements of the Jin State army in the war will not be measurable by the other party.

It is precisely because of the great achievements that Jin has made during the battle that Guishuang needs to be more cautious. No, after provoking Jin, he hurriedly sent envoys to Jin to apologize.

"If you want to get the benefits, you need to pay the corresponding price, and many of the sharp weapons of the Jin country will not be sold, even if the price given by the Roman Empire is very high." Lu Bu said.

The reason why Jin’s army can occupy many advantages in the war has a lot to do with the equipment of the Jin’s army. When facing the enemy, the Jin’s army can only rely on its own equipment. Occupy more advantages in the battle.

Under such circumstances, the Jin's army will have a great influence on the situation on the battlefield.

As for the victory of the war from the Jin army, it is far from simple as imagined.

Once the war begins, the Jin's army's charge in the war will give the enemy a taste of defeat.

The gradual progress of the war will have more influence on the lieutenant soldiers.

When the war gradually came, when the emperor of Jin decided to fight, how much influence it had on the situation of Guishuang can actually be seen. It can be said that after the start of this confrontation, it is unfair for Guishuang. .

However, in a real battle, there is no such thing as fairness and unfairness. If you want to benefit from the confrontation, you must show the corresponding strength. Without the corresponding strength, if you want to benefit from it, basically Is impossible.

Lu Bu, the emperor of Jin, would stand from the perspective of Jin when considering some things. This is understandable in itself. If the emperor of Jin did not give more consideration when doing something, then he It is the most incomprehensible.

The strength of the Jin Kingdom is closely related to the efforts of the Jin Kingdom's monarchs and ministers. After the war, the attitude of the Jin Kingdom's army in dealing with the war is the most obvious explanation.

Let alone how the war proceeds, when the war arrives, the confrontation between the Jin army and the soldiers can have a great impact after all.

When facing Jin’s army, it is difficult to win the battle, which is often the beginning of a nightmare for the opponent.

From the words of the Jin emperor, Turado felt the Jin emperor’s firm intention. This situation is probably the same even if it is placed on other monarchs. The reason why the Jin’s army is able to fight Many victories in the game.

The weapon of war controlled by the generals of the Jin army has a lot to do with itself. If it is difficult to keep such secrets, the development of the situation will be even more unfavorable for the Jin country.

The achievements of the Shanxi army in the war are dazzling, and such dazzling achievements require constant victories to stabilize.

Whenever a war occurs, it is not a secret what kind of response the Jin country will have. It is precisely because of its powerful countermeasures that it will inevitably require more consideration when the other party is against the Jin country.

If they are not comprehensive enough in some considerations, they may be greeted by the defeat of the war.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. When considering things, he tried to stand from the perspective of the Jin Kingdom as much as possible. This is normal in itself, just like Turado, as the messenger of the Roman Empire, after he came to Chang'an City, As much as possible, I want to benefit from the people of Jin.

Sometimes, knowing that such a strategy is difficult to succeed, one must have more persistence, because at this time, if there is no more persistence, the most likely situation is failure.

Jin's army has its own advantages when dealing with enemy forces. After a war, what kind of response the Jin will have will have a great impact on the development of the situation.

It is precisely because of the achievements in Jin that people in Jin do not need to worry about more problems in the process of development.

Lieutenant soldiers do not need to worry about the progress of the war. People in the country have more pride. Such a Jin country itself is full of vitality.

When the Emperor of Jin decided to attack the enemy, it brought a lot of support from the people of Jin, what other things were more comfortable than that.

However, the current Jin state itself is backed by strong strength. The previous wars have limited impact on the development of Jin state. When the war begins, what methods will the Jin state have to deal with the war? The same is important.

If you can't get more victories from the confrontation, you will lose more things after the confrontation is over.

Guishuang saw what was going on and sent envoys to the Jin country to get benefits from the people of the Jin country. If the benefits cannot be guaranteed, how can we ensure the smooth progress of the battle?

The methods used by Lu Bu in the field of warfare are unique. It is precisely because of these unique characteristics that Jin's army can have more methods in the face of war.

When the war began, it was extremely obvious what kind of measures the Jin country took to deal with the war.

"The emperor of Jin said that, but in the transaction of some things, I hope the emperor of Jin can be more considerate." Turado arched his hands.

In the face of the Emperor of Jin, Turado dare not have the slightest feeling of pride. Who knows what kind of personality the emperor of Jin is like, and what will happen if the emperor of Jin cannot be satisfied with some things. The situation is unpredictable.

It was precisely because of the measures taken by the Jin emperor that the Jin was able to avoid more situations in the process of development.

After Jin's development speed is more rapid, what can be brought is the increase of Jin's overall strength.

Lü Bu had sharp means when facing the war. It is precisely because of this reason that more people need to have a lot of worries after standing on the opposite side of Jin.

Lu Bu nodded slightly and said: "The messenger can rest assured that since it is an alliance with Jin, Jin will show its sincerity under certain circumstances."

"After the two parties have formed an alliance, proceed according to the situation you had discussed with the Ministry of War Shangshu. During the business process, the taxes collected are the same."

Turado nodded and said, what Guishuang’s business experience is like, Turado knows This is because Guishuang’s army used it in response to the Jin army’s attack. The methods that came out had shortcomings. When the Jin country's army was able to win from the confrontation, it would often be able to occupy more initiative in some matters.

If not, how could the Emperor of Jin be so confident.

The fierceness of the methods used by the Emperor of Jin is always shocking, but when interacting with the Jin, wanting to take advantage of it is often accompanied by many difficulties.

Because the Emperor of Jin will not allow things that are not conducive to the development of the Jin, when the war broke out, the emperor of the Jin took more measures than the determination of the Emperor of Jin.

Let alone how the war proceeds, when the emperor of the Jin country chooses war, the people of the Jin country will have a lot of support for their emperor.

Afterwards, the two discussed some matters after the alliance, and Turado left the palace with satisfaction.

Although Lu Bu's performance was plain, what Turado saw from the Jin emperor was a strong confidence, because only people with enough confidence can take advantage of more in the process of communication.

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