Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5446: : Make Jin's system more reasonable

Some of the methods displayed by the Emperor of Jin were shocking. Who would have imagined that Lu Bu, who was only a military commander, had so many methods to deal with things, and even these methods would put the family and wealthy people in danger.

At present, the development of Jin is inseparable from the support of officials. Among these officials, there is no shortage of family members, and even among the important officials of the three provinces and six ministries, there are many family members, but these people are in Be extremely cautious when doing things, lest the handle fall into the hands of officials from the Yushitai or the Inspectorate.

When the two reported their violations of law and discipline, the impact would be great, and even the emperor of Jin would be dissatisfied with them and act accordingly.

It is one thing to make contributions in the past, but it is another thing after it has affected the development of Jin at a critical moment.

The development of the Jin country cannot be more affected by some people who are interested.

After gradually integrating into the Jin country, you will find that, in fact, some of Lu Bu’s actions were not for the prosperity of the Jin country, were they not for the stability of the Jin country, or that Lu Bu saw the possible situation from the destruction of the big man. Take control of this situation in advance.

And it was at this time that the wealthy family began to be unlucky, but the people of the wealthy family did not dare to complain about Lu Bu. In the past, when Lu Bu was a prince, it was nothing after this happened. The key is that now Lu Bu has become a prince. The emperor of Jin is the supreme existence of Jin.

If the words of the slanderous emperor were heard by outsiders, they would definitely have a lot of trouble. In fact, when Lu Bu treated the family and wealthy family, although he was relatively cruel in terms of methods, he treated specific matters. Aristocratic families are still kind.

Officials of aristocratic families are still able to enter the officialdom, and only from this incident can we see Lu Bu's attitude.

At the very beginning, people of the wealthy family might be dismissive of Lu Bu’s actions, because the development of Jin is inseparable from the power of the wealthy family, but after the gradual stabilization of the Jin country, the power of the wealthy family is After the gradual weakening, such a mentality no longer exists. Even if there are no officials from a wealthy family, the Jin State still has many talents to employ. The Jin State emperor's development methods are shocking.

After many changes have taken place in Jin, the wealthy family has gradually adapted to this kind of life. Even when Lu Bu dealt with the wealthy family, he was dissatisfied with the means, but when the Jin country gradually stabilized After that, the benefits that can be brought are the most.

The Jin Kingdom has gradually stabilized, and the wealthy families also have many benefits. The benefits that can be brought to the wealthy families during the development of Jin are enough to allow more families and wealthy families to support Lu Bu at a critical moment.

Business is lowly, it is a big man, but after being placed in Jin, the situation will be different, because the emperor of Jin treated merchants more kindly, encouraging business, and even giving merchants certain preferential treatment. Let more people become businessmen.

At this time, the aristocratic families have a lot of advantages, because they are rich in family resources and have financial resources that ordinary businessmen do not have. In the process of doing business, they can accumulate a lot of wealth for the family.

Of course, a family has a focus. Those who do business will have those who are officials. After entering the officialdom, some things will be easier. Besides, if you are a wealthy family, the children of the family are even qualified to enter the officialdom. If you don't have it, that's the most embarrassing thing.

Through the changes in the Jin state’s system, many families are in fact unlucky in this process. Even if they are strong, can it be said that they dare not stand on the opposite side of the Jin emperor at such a time? After the emperor of Jin gave the order, all they needed to do was to obey.

There are other measures when he obeys, which will bring dissatisfaction from the Emperor of Jin. It will not be a simple dismissal at that time. The methods displayed by the Emperor of Jin are shocking, precisely because there are so many methods. , Allowing the Emperor of Jin to deal with certain things more easily.

Lu Bu's success in the Jin State was not available to the previous monarchs. It is precisely because of this reason that the Jin State avoids more situations during its development. Now that the situation in the Jin State has gradually stabilized, Things will become much simpler.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and his prestige among the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom was not comparable to other people in the Jin Kingdom. Such things would provide more possibilities for the development of the Jin Kingdom and allow the Jin Kingdom to be in the process of development. Not to say that there are other situations.

If the younger generation of Xiao Xiao wants to cause chaos, it depends on whether the officials of Jin Kingdom will agree. When more scholars of poor background enter the officialdom, just these poor scholars will have a great impact on the officialdom. Some officials from a wealthy family dare not have more pride at this time, and they usually do their best when doing things. As for the benefits of the family, it is okay as long as they don't use the power in their hands.

The wealth of the wealthy family brought about the prosperity of the Jin country’s business. However, the wealth of the family wealthy family is far from enough to compare with the national treasury. Just the taxes paid by the merchants will make the Jin country develop. There is no need to worry more about money matters.

The payment of taxes is extremely strict. If a businessman does not pay taxes in accordance with the system, as long as he is discovered, he will definitely not be tolerated. Even his family will be punished. It is not that no merchants have tried this. It's just that they paid a heavy price for their attempts.

When there are more such things, more officials will be able to see what kind of way life should be taken in Jin.

When the Jin State develops more rapidly, it will bring about a rapid increase in the strength of the Jin State. This speed of improvement will prevent the Jin State from appearing in more situations when it develops.

Nowadays, Jin State has gradually fixed its development mode, but if there are unreasonable places, it will be revised in time.

Just the Jin's measures on these matters will convince more people.

In fact, at the beginning, officials of Jin State had doubts about the possible changes in the system, but with the gradual development of Jin State, these people gradually realized Lu Bu's thoughts.

By changing the way, the Jin State’s system can be made more reasonable, avoiding more situations in the development process, and the Jin team can win the battle. What should the officials of Jin State take when governing the locality? The strategy is also crucial. If the lieutenant generals succeed in capturing the enemy's city, if other conditions occur during the governance of the governing officials, these things are not what the monarch wants to see.

Anyone who knows more about Lu Bu will find out that when Lu Bu is governing a place, he most likes to use appropriate means. Although the existence of a family of wealthy families has a significant impact on the stability of Jin, However, as long as the members of the wealthy family do not violate the system of the Jin country more, there will be no other situations at this time.

This kind of bravery has made many aristocratic families feel good about Lu Bu.

In fact, after the Jin Dynasty developed and prospered, the wealthy families also gained a lot of benefits from it, but some families were difficult to win. When faced with officials from ordinary people, they still wanted to be arrogant.

But the era of the noble family has passed. When facing their colleagues, their family pride is weak, and even the existence of these families will affect their future promotion.

Officials from aristocratic families who want to go to an important position naturally have to withstand many tests.

This kind of system will make the children of the wealthy family be more cautious in the development process. They don't want to affect Lu Bu's attitude because of some things.

The development of the Jin country nowadays illustrates well that when the emperor of the Jin country adopts appropriate strategies during development, he can always get a lot of support.

The methods of the Jin emperor are beyond the reach of ordinary people. It is precisely because of the existence of the Jin emperor that the Jin can be so stable.

At present, the problems encountered in the development of Jin have been well resolved. The key is what actions will be taken in the course of the campaign. These things will definitely have a large impact on the development of Jin~ Victory in the course of the campaign sounds simple. It is not that simple to achieve war. When facing the enemy, if there is no corresponding means, success will be extremely remote. Things.

In the past, Lu Bu had many plans before the start of the war. It was not because the Jin army was not strong enough, but as far as possible to avoid losses in the course of the army's lieutenant soldiers.

As long as the battle is won, the remaining things are often relatively simple, and at such a time, it is also most important to let the lieutenant soldiers obtain the greatest victory at the least cost.

Lu Bu's success was beyond the reach of previous monarchs. Just by seeing the current development situation of Jin, we can see more of this situation.

But when Jin was developing, it was not that easy to get more benefits.

Victory at the time of war often has a great impact on the Jin country. As for the fact that even victory cannot be guaranteed in the course of the battle, how much significance does such an army appear in the battle, and how much does it have to exist? Meaning.

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