Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5447: : Guishuang is in an emergency situation

The existence of the army itself is for the victory in the war. Ordinary hard training is to better show one's abilities in the war. If it is difficult to even win the battle, it is meaningless even if it is equipped with sophisticated equipment.

The posture of the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield has shocked the enemy. When the enemy mentions the soldiers of the Jin army, they will have a lot of fear. This is because they have a deep understanding of the powerful combat power of the soldiers of the Jin army. Acquainted.

When the enemy army sees more of the punishment after the defeat of the Jin army, they will see the possibility of failure in the battle, and the impossibility of wanting to win from the hands of the Jin army.

Victory during the battle will make the Jin country stronger, and the opponent's strength will be more weakened at such a time.

The emperor of Jin has adopted many methods. As long as the lieutenant soldiers can obtain the greatest victory at the least cost in the war, even if some of the methods seem despicable, the emperor of Jin still does not hesitate. use.

Because the emperor of the Jin Kingdom knew that when the war began, it was the beginning of the greatest test for the lieutenants. Even if they performed well during ordinary training, who could be sure that they would be able to win the battle.

If victory in war cannot be guaranteed to a large extent, the rest will be more dangerous.

The fierce offensive methods adopted by the Jin emperor will make the enemy have a lot of fear, make the enemy lose more confidence in the face of war, and even dare not make more moves in the battle.

The growth and progress of the Jin team is in exchange for the danger of the enemy. When the Jin team is transferred, it is the Guishuang side that is affected. Isn’t it that Guishuang’s strength is not strong enough, but they are fighting against the Jin team. There is no chance of victory at that time. When the war begins, even if there is no chance, it is difficult to refuse.

This is how the war progresses.

It is normal for the emperor of Jin to have ideas about Guishuang. Who gave Jin to have a solid foundation of strength? When Jin’s army appeared in the battle, with Guishuang’s army, he wanted to do well. Blocking is basically impossible. At this time, they will have more scruples.

Monarchs have more scruples about war, and even if they don't even have the confidence to win the war when facing the enemy, it is almost impossible for such an army to appear in the battle to win the battle.

It can be seen from the way that Jin has developed in the past, the emperor of Jin has always been relatively calm when facing wars. In other words, before the war, Jin has a lot of control and understanding of the battlefield situation NS.

When the Jin Kingdom’s emperor attacked Wusun and other places, the methods used were not bright, but the Jin Kingdom’s army won the final battle, and even now Jin has become more and more influential outside the Western Regions. In this way, the action of the Jin team is successful. It is precisely because of the success of the Jin team that the Jin soldiers will have more confidence in the war, because the Jin soldiers believe that with their combat power, they will definitely be able to go smoothly. To solve the enemy's.

Victory in the confrontation is a great encouragement to the lieutenant soldiers, and even makes the lieutenant soldiers more confident in the face of war.

Nowadays, the Jin country is indeed facing a situation where the war is about to begin, but in the eyes of people who don’t know it, the Jin country will not have any action to fight. After all, the time for the powerful Jin country to come out of the war is not long time.

If it is difficult to win the battle when dealing with the Jin team, what will happen? The impact of the Jin team will make the opponent feel the cruelty of the war, and even let them face each other. It is difficult to have confidence in the promotion.

The current Jin emperor has a lot of confidence in the situation on the battlefield, because Lu Bu believes that after the Jin’s army strikes, it will inevitably be able to win the battle, and then the Jin’s strength will be further improved after the end of the war. The promotion.

This kind of improvement is extremely obvious for the long-term development of Jin.

How to get more victories in the battle against the enemy is exactly the question that the monarch needs to think about most.

In the Jin Kingdom, when Lu Bu was thinking about the war situation, Guo Jia and others assisted him. These things helped Lu Bu learn more about the situation that might arise during the war.

Facts have proved that in the past, Jin's plan for the battlefield situation before the battle was reasonable. When the Jin army officers appeared in the battle, they would have more control over the battlefield situation, even in this way. In the battle of the enemy, there are many methods used by the enemy, and few people can really benefit from the hands of the soldiers of the Jin army.

These circumstances all proved the strength of the Jin team. They are the kings on the battlefield. No matter what situation they are facing, as long as the soldiers of the Jin army appear, they can always make the enemy pay the price for the war.

The victory of the war brought about the further prosperity of the Jin State. This is also an important reason why the Jin State has many expectations for the coming of war instead of fear.

Because the generals of the Jin army believed that after they chose to fight, they would be able to win. Victory was just an extremely simple matter for the army of the Jin country.

The same war is different if it is put on the enemy. Guishuang has a lot of fear of Jin. They are worried that they will lose in the battle, because the defeat of the war means that Guishuang will lose more. thing.

The emperor of Jin has a serious attitude when dealing with wars. As long as he wins the battle, the emperor of Jin will not be the slightest polite.

These things can be seen very well from the wars that have occurred in the past. It is precisely because of the various actions of the Jin Emperor that people in neighboring countries have a lot of defense against the Jin Emperor.

No one wants to lose out in the hands of the Emperor of Jin after the war begins. The emperor of Jin can take many drastic measures, and these methods may even have a lot of influence on the situation on the battlefield.

Of course, these methods will make it easier for the soldiers of the Jin army to face the war, because after the war begins, they only need to obey the command and carry out the battle on the battlefield. As for the emergence of other wars in the war The situation, can it be said that the strength of the Jin army cannot cope with the situation that emerged in the war.

It is precisely because of the fierce fighting power of the Jin team that the Jin soldiers will have a stronger destructive ability when they appear in the battle.

The fierceness of the Jin army will cause people in neighboring countries to have a lot of fear, but at present, it seems that the Jin country has a very good way to deal with these things. It is only the Roman Empire’s goodwill for the Jin country. It made it easier for the emperor of Jin to deal with the war.

Relatively speaking, Guishuang is caught in an emergency situation. If the Jin country unites with the Anthion Empire to attack Guishuang, it is only by virtue of Guishuang’s current strength that he wants to have more in blocking the joint attack of the two parties. His actions are clearly impossible.

When the war begins, the Jin country's army will use powerful combat methods to make the enemy more feel the fierceness and cruelty of the war.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu was so cautious when dealing with wars. He even went to the army frequently to watch the training of lieutenants and soldiers. In fact, it was also a great encouragement for lieutenants and soldiers. Lieutenant generals have more respect for their coach and more obedience to the emperor of Jin. After the order is given, the emperor of Jin will let the enemy know how difficult it is to win victory from the Jin team.

The growth and development of Jin was actually accompanied by a lot of suffering, but when facing these setbacks, the emperor of Jin took harsher measures, and even in some cases, some measures would be criticized.

But when the Jin Kingdom's development speed is getting faster and faster, after the Jin Kingdom's emperor can have more achievements in the confrontation, these rumors will gradually become nothingness.

Because the emperor of the Jin Kingdom believed that the methods they adopted must have a great effect.

In fact, when Jin is developing, there are still many challenges. The key is what methods and methods are needed to deal with these problems. If some methods and methods are not adequate, more situations will arise. of.

The way of Jin's development now fully proves that the emperor of Jin is clever in the means of developing Jin.

If it weren't for the measures taken by the Emperor of Jin, it would be almost impossible to let Jin have the current situation.

As the Jin country develops faster and faster, the original bad remarks about Lu Bu will gradually disappear at this time, because these remarks can no longer affect Lu Bu.

In fact, it can be seen from the development of Jin that no matter what method is adopted, Lu Bu's goal is for the rapid development of Jin. As long as he can obtain development opportunities in such a process, he can even bear some infamy. , Lu Bu will not have more complaints, such an emperor is worthy of respect.

When people have a better understanding of Lu Bu's affairs, they will gradually discover that Lu Bu is actually a very good emperor. At the very least, he can ensure the stable development of the Jin country when dealing with some things.

Nowadays, in the process of development, Jin has to face many problems. When dealing with these problems, mistakes in methods will often have a great impact.

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