Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5834: : The generals of the Jin army were very excited

Such dangers are always present. From the offensive methods of the Jin army, we can see what kind of damage Guishuang soldiers will suffer after the Jin army’s offensive is launched on the battlefield. In the face of offensive methods, Guishuang's defensive methods are fragile, and a little carelessness will lose his life.

The emergence of these conditions made Guishuang soldiers face a lot of fear when facing war. They didn't want to meet Jin's army on the battlefield, but the development of things was beyond their imagination.

The impact of the Jin Kingdom’s army after the successful construction of the road outside the city was extremely fierce. They wanted to use this method to continuously reap the benefits from the confrontation, and even make the Jin Kingdom easier to develop.

In the process of Jin's army on the battlefield, the damage it can bring to the enemy is huge, and what can make the enemy feel more dangerous from such a war.

The achievements of the Jin’s army in actual wars are shocking, and in the face of such shocks, the impact of the Jin’s army can often play a big role. What can make the enemy feel from such a war is The invincible Jin State Army.

Under the current war environment, it is almost impossible for General Guishuang to successfully block the impact of the Jin State army. Perhaps Guishuang also saw the situation. When facing the Jin State army, there are many things. Fear, this is a normal thing in itself, any army will have more situations in such a dangerous situation.

If it were not for Yekhhan's high prestige in the Guishuang army, just relying on the impact of the Jin country's army would make Guishuang soldiers suffer more damage from the war and make Guishuang's situation worse.

The way the lieutenant officers in the army are directed to fight has no small impact on the progress of the war itself. What are the powerful methods used by the soldiers of the Jin army in the war.

Facts have proved that the impact of the Jin’s army will cause the Guishuang soldiers to bear huge damage, and even the Guishuang soldiers can see from such a war that the Jin army is invincible. Of course, this type of battle can help Jin The benefits of the impact of the Chinese army are extremely obvious.

When the Jin army's offensive can reap more victories from the war, it will make it easier for the Jin army to attack the enemy.

Guishuang soldiers experienced a lot of wars, and there was no shortage of elites in the army, but when they were fighting against Jin's army, their methods were not simple things.

The tactics shown by Lv Bu when commanding the Jin army in the battle were extremely sharp. They wanted to use such means of war to let the enemy see the horror of the Jin army before the confrontation, so that they did not have to fight against the Jin army. Much confidence.

With the gradual unfolding of the confrontation, after the fierce offensive methods of the Jin army generals can play a greater role in the war, what Guishuang generals will feel from the war is the fierceness of the Jin army.

In fact, the current Guishuang soldiers do not have more confidence in the upcoming war. From the offensive of the Jin army, the Guishuang soldiers feel that they are invincible. They do not face the impact of the Jin army. Having more confidence, and even wanting to leave the battlefield, after being a lieutenant soldier with such an idea, it is clearly impossible to achieve greater success from the confrontation.

What the powerful Jin army needs is constant victories to stimulate the lieutenants, so that the lieutenants can see the hope of victory in the confrontation. ,

After the Jin Dynasty’s army captured the enemy’s city, the Jin Dynasty took many actions. The most obvious was the arrival of Jin officials. This would gradually stabilize the city that originally belonged to the enemy. , The damage that can often be caused to the enemy is also huge, and even the enemy will feel more uneasy and panic from such actions as Jin officials, because their methods have succeeded in front of the Jin army. The display of it is impossible.

Jin's army, which has many methods, is relatively easy to fight. In fact, did the Jin emperor like to use such methods to capture the enemy's army, so that the enemy can feel the horror of the Jin's army from the confrontation , I feel the difficulty of winning in the war.

In the wars, the Jin emperor’s methods have had a huge impact on the enemy forces. In today’s war environment, the Jin’s army’s success can be seen, and victory in the war is unimaginable. It was so easy, but this kind of thing was realized in the Jin emperor, and the rapid development of Jin was achieved by the way of victory in war, so that Jin could even avoid more situations when it was developing.

When the Jin State army can achieve greater success in the war, it will bring great help to the development of Jin State.

The soldiers of the Jin army at the time of the war are the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. Their impact will make the enemy feel deep fear and make it difficult for the enemy's so-called resistance to play its due role. The charge on the battlefield can see the terrifying and cruel Jin army.

Only after the real fight with the Jin army can you deeply understand the horror of the Jin army.

After nine days, the closing and closing was a mess. After the Jin army attacked the enemy, it would still clear the battlefield. It had the advantage of the Shenji camp. The closed defenders did not dare to act rashly, but the closing situation was more miserable. It can be seen everywhere that it is not Guishuang soldiers who are unwilling to clean the battlefield, but the Jin army will not give them such time at all. As long as they seize the opportunity, the Jin army will launch a crazy attack, just for such a confrontation. , Let Guishuang generals experience what it is like to be afraid.

And from the fierce offensive of the Jin army, the price that Guishuang soldiers paid was huge. Just from the state of Guishuang soldiers, we can see how bad their situation is. At this time, if the Jin army launches an offensive , The most direct response is probably that Guishuang soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Facing the crazy offensive of the Jin army, General Guishuang had to obey the orders of the generals in the army and strive to move forward. They must better prove their worth in such a war, and it is best to be able to defeat the Jin country in the confrontation. The army, let the intrepid Jin country army stop outside Anguanya, but if such an idea is to be realized, it cannot be accomplished overnight.

The Jin Kingdom’s army’s offensive would bring great damage to Guishuang, and from such a battle, Guishuang’s officers felt deep fear.

With the gradual unfolding of the confrontation, the tenacity shown by Guishuang soldiers also surprised the Jin army soldiers. An army that has reached such a point is still able to persevere hard, which is enough to prove the tenacity of Guishuang soldiers.

But on the battlefield, just having such tenacity is not enough.

It was Lu Bu who commanded the Jin army to fight this time. This was an important moment for the Jin army to break through Anguanya. As the commander-in-chief of the army, Lu Bu personally went into battle.

Lu Bu, dressed in uniform, appeared in the front army, making the generals of the Jin army very excited. They wanted to rush to the battlefield under the command of Lu Bu and launch the most ferocious attack on Anguanya.

Last night, the Jin army’s offensive stopped, giving Guishuang soldiers some time to breathe. However, the situation of the Guishuang army at this time was obviously not very good. Although it has experienced a night of peace, the Jin army’s The crazy offensive left an indelible impression on Guishuang soldiers. Only the impact from the Jin army would make Guishuang soldiers feel the taste of war fear.

Guishuang’s army’s fighting method is very difficult to influence the impact of the Jin’s army to a greater extent. What can be seen from the Jin’s army’s offensives is that the Jin’s soldiers are not up to date. The spirit of unstoppable purpose.

The Jin army wanted to let Guishuang generals experience the cruelty of the war under such an impact, and let the Jin army generals experience the fierceness of the war under such a war environment.

Facts have proved that the impact of Jin's army on the battlefield can play a huge role. Under the current offensive situation, Guishuang's army will feel deep fear.

When the war came, the generals of the Jin army would let Guishuang experience the cruel taste, and thus fear the war.

Victory in the battle is of great value to both sides, and the key is what role it can have in dealing with the enemy during this battle.

Once the powerful Jin army launches an offensive, it is extremely crazy. Only from the posture of the lieutenant generals attacking Anguanya, you can see their ferociousness. The Emperor of Jin appeared in the front army and commanded the lieutenant generals. Attacking the enemy is a great encouragement for the lieutenant soldiers.

If you can show strong strength in front of the Emperor of Jin, it will be of great help to the promotion of lieutenants in the army, but any soldier who wants to have something to do will not give up such an opportunity.

The system in the Jin army itself is strict. It is normal for lieutenants to go to the battlefield after receiving orders. If they can’t behave tough or even destroy the enemy in a powerful way when facing a war, this It is the most intolerable, the Jin army soldiers at the time of the war will let the enemy taste the taste of failure from the war.

We can see from the actions of the Jin country’s army that it is fierce and tough, but what the Jin country needs most is such an offensive. It is best to make Guishuang’s army fearful before the battle, and for the coming war. Feeling of fear is generated. In this way, the war will proceed more smoothly.

After learning more about the Jin army, you will gradually discover how fierce the Jin army's offensive is.

Guishuang's fear is reasonable, at least in the Jin army's opinion, if such an attack still can not break Guishuang's level, it is the most unforgivable thing.

It is good that Guishuang's army has extremely strong performance in the course of the campaign, but it is impossible for their fighting style to essentially affect the impact of the Jin country's army.

In the course of the campaign, the Jin army poses a great threat, and the Jin army in the war will let the enemy experience the taste of terror from the campaign.

Successive war victories have brought more guarantees to the development of Jin, and will even make Jin's soldiers feel the hope of victory in the war from the confrontation, allowing them to have greater achievements in subsequent confrontations.

The hope of victory in the battle is of great value to the lieutenant soldiers. How to bring the country's development through the way of confrontation and victory is obviously helpful to the overall situation of Jin.

The Jin army in the course of the war showed shocking methods, and how to make the development of the Jin country smoother by confronting victory was not the goal of the Jin Dynasty emperor.

Conquering Guishuang, the consumption of Jin is not small. Only by gaining more benefits on the battlefield can the loss of Jin in the war be made up, and with the means of Jin officials, it will be able to achieve rapid development in the future. , It is not a difficult thing.

The impact of the Jin army will make the situation on the battlefield and even the impact of the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy.

The victory of the battle brought the sustainable development of the Jin country, so that the Jin country avoided more situations in the process of rapid development. It was exactly what the emperor of Jin pursued on the battlefield. In fact, the emperor of the Jin country could Let the enemy experience the cruel taste of war from the confrontation.

The successive battles brought about the rapid development of the Jin country and brought more elite soldiers in the Jin army. From this perspective, the progress of the war is of great help to the sustainable development of the Jin country. In this regard, The matter is also difficult for Guishuang's senior officials to deny.

It is precisely because they have seen the powerful Jin country’s army and the way that the Jin country develops, that makes Guishuang’s senior officials deeply worried. Attacking Guishuang is a springboard for Jin’s development. Once the Jin country’s plan is successful, it will bring it. It was Guishuang's greater shock. At that time, it was obviously impossible to use Guishuang's military strength to block the Jin Kingdom's army from attacking.

However, the methods used during the development of the Jin State brought about a more rapid development of the Jin State. Such a development trend is unstoppable by the enemy.

The people of Guishuang were terrified, and this was what the Emperor of Jin wanted to see. It is best to let Guishuang’s army directly retreat when facing the impact of the Jin’s army, and dare not confront the Jin’s army. The most successful.

The Jin army’s success in the war today has a lot to do with the efforts of the Jin army’s soldiers. If it weren’t for the Jin army’s extremely strong performance when facing wars time and time again, Jin wanted to have what it is today. Development is also impossible.

If you want to get it, you must learn to pay. Jin has already paid a lot before the war. It is reasonable to get more victories in the war.

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