Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5835: : Make a judgment

Guishuang had a lot of dissatisfaction with the results of the war, and he could completely block the impact of Jin's army with the posture of victory in the war, making it difficult for Jin's army to achieve greater results in the confrontation.

The victory of the war brought great help to the development of Jin, and it could even avoid more problems during the development of Jin. In the course of the campaign, the outstanding performance of the Jin’s army can provide Jin The help brought by the development of the country is unimaginable for Guishuang.

At present, Guishuang is only passively welcoming the arrival of the war. If you want to have greater achievements in the confrontation, you need corresponding means. Once a dangerous situation occurs in the war, it will make Jin country appear more in the development. The problem.

At the same time as the development of Jin State, it is not the purpose of Jin State officials to allow Jin State to gain more stability. From the development trend of Jin State, it can be seen that when the Jin State Emperor’s combat plan is successful, it will What kind of price will the enemy bear?

Once you have an understanding of the way Jin's army fights, there will be a lot of fear, because then only the impact from the Jin's army will make the enemy feel the fear of war from such a confrontation.

The continuous victory of the war will bring a good foundation for the development of Jin, and even make the soldiers of the Jin army more motivated when facing the war. No one can stop the powerful impact from the Jin army in the war. Able to defeat the Jin army.

In addition, the Jin's army's powerful combat methods can often give the enemy a taste of the defeat of the war.

From the actual development situation, we can see the situation of Jin. During the war, the rapid response of Jin is actually a good illustration. This is also the most direct means of Jin when facing the war, and the whole country supports it. The progress of the war, after seeing things in this regard, after all, it can make the enemy have a deep shock, and even make the enemy more experience the horror from the Jin army.

This kind of horrible taste, in fact, Guishuang soldiers resisted, but in front of Ye Khan’s orders, even with many resistances, they could only endure it by gritting their teeth. Whoever allowed the Jin State army’s offensive would bring Guishuang. The disaster of extinction.

If the army of the Jin Kingdom cannot be expelled from the territory of Guishuang, the people of Guishuang will suffer the disaster.

In fact, the people of Guishuang also worked hard. After the Jin army launched the offensive, they suffered many threats. If their own army cannot win the battle, their fate will be even more miserable. This is war. The disadvantage of not being able to achieve victory.

If Guishuang’s army is strong and can win the battle against the Jin’s army, the rest may be much simpler, but in the actual process, how did the Guishuang soldiers face the impact of the Jin’s army? The posture can be seen.

In the face of such a war, even if Guishuang soldiers had a lot of abilities, there was no room to display them, and they could only be passively beaten.

If the war continues like this, Guishuang’s situation will definitely get worse. When facing war, Guishuang soldiers will endure more disasters.

This is a cruel war. If you can't win from the confrontation, you will perish in the war.

Lü Bu's approach to the development of Jin was extremely clear, that is, to use war to promote the rapid development of Jin, so that Jin avoids more situations when it develops.

With the successive actions of the Jin's army on the battlefield, the help that can be brought to the development of the Jin is huge, and today's victory is extremely obvious for the rapid rise of the Jin.

Of course, Guishuang’s unwillingness to give up is also excusable. If the same situation occurs to the Jin soldiers, I’m afraid they will have the same choice. After all, it’s their own city, watching the enemy’s attack. Powerless, what kind of feeling is this.

Guishuang’s unyielding fighting spirit in the face of war is to enable his family behind him to lead a stable life, but when such a war is cruel beyond their imagination, Guishuang will still have this on the battlefield. As fierce performance?

The answer is probably not certain. The current state of Guishuang soldiers is a good illustration. Although it shows that the Jin army’s crazy offensive will have many influences on the development of Guishuang’s situation, when Guishuang soldiers endured the war. After more damages, they will have more fear when facing the impact of the Jin army, and they will even have a psychological resistance to war.

In the face of such a war, the strength displayed by the Jin army shocked Guishuang's generals. When Guishuang's generals faced the war, they had no more fighting spirit and became the Jin's generals instead.

The current actions of the Jin’s army in the war will have a huge impact on the situation in Guishuang itself. After having a certain understanding of the Jin’s army’s combat methods, it will gradually be discovered that the Jin’s army is conquering the enemy’s city. The methods displayed afterwards are the most terrifying, and they can make the enemy's city completely belong to oneself. In front of these methods, even if Guishuang's resistance is fierce, how much impact can it have.

The Jin army in the war is the most terrifying existence in the war. Their impact will make the enemy experience the cruel taste from the confrontation. In the face of this war situation, the victory of the Jin army will be the development of the Jin. The help is great.

Of course, the price paid by the Jin army for this war is also very high, but the Jin army’s contribution is worth it. It can prevent Jin from developing more situations and even make Jin The development is more rapid, this is also the place that makes the Jin army generals excited.

On the battlefield, there is nothing that can embarrass the generals of the Jin army. Their toughness will be fully demonstrated in the war, which will make it difficult for the enemy's impact to play a role, and will cause the enemy's actions to be subject to many restrictions.

What can be seen from the actual war is the fierceness of the Jin army. In the face of such fierce fighting methods, the so-called resistance of the enemy seems so fragile.

Victory in the confrontation again and again fully proved the strength of the Jin army, and the Jin army still has the spirit of not giving up in the war.

From the rapid development of Jin State, what we can see is what kind of attitude Jin State faced when facing war. Such a war is helpful to the development of Jin State. Jin State launched this war. In order to get more benefits from Guishuang and allow Jin to get more development opportunities from it, Guishuang’s failure to resist will definitely help Jin’s rapid development.

After you have more understanding of the Jin’s campaign, you will gradually discover that in the face of the impact of the Jin’s army, it is not a simple matter to win. At that time, it will only be the powerful impact of the Jin army, which can make the enemy What the army feels from the war is the taste of terror.

The method Lü Bu adopted when developing Jin was extremely clear. It was to use war to promote the development of Jin and make the development of Jin more smooth.

The damage that the Jin army can bring to the enemy during the battle itself is huge.

The offensive launched by the powerful Jin State army is not as easy as imagined to stop it. Especially after having more understanding of the Jin State army, it will gradually become clear why the Jin Dynasty has the current situation. .

The powerful Jin State has always been fearless in the face of war, and the attitude of Jin State can stimulate the development of Jin State to a large extent, so that Jin State can avoid more problems when it is developing rapidly. .

Immediately after the huge war machine of Jin State began to operate, it was able to make the enemy forces feel the taste of terror from the confrontation.

Facts have proved that the fierce attack of the Jin army can play a great role on the battlefield. Once the war begins, the Emperor of Jin will use actual actions to let the enemy understand the terrible aspects of the Jin army.

The continuous victories in the war brought tremendous help to the development of the Jin country. It allowed the Jin country to avoid other problems during its development. It is only from these levels that the success of the Jin country’s plan can be seen. Through this method of warfare, Jin has achieved faster development. What could be more smooth than this.

As for the fact that the enemy will pay a heavy price in the war, how much does it have to do with Jin? The soldiers of the Jin army only need to gain more victories on the battlefield. At that time, the so-called losses of the enemy army should not have the slightest impact on the Jin's army. This is also the war environment that the Jin army soldiers most want to see.

Nowadays, when the Jin country faces war, its posture is extremely clear. No matter how much the enemy can influence the Jin army’s offensive area of ​​Alai in the confrontation, as long as the Jin army appears on the battlefield, it will be able to make The enemy had a taste of defeat in the war.

With this kind of thing ahead, the Jin Kingdom’s army was dispatched, and the shock that can be brought to Guishuang can also be experienced. In fact, Guishuang’s strength is also relatively strong, but Guishuang’s soldiers are more powerful than them. The Jin Army.

The fierce attack of the Jin army will make the Guishuang army feel the cruel taste from such a war. It will win the battle and promote the development of the Jin country with the victory of the war. It seems simple but it is not. If it is in the process of confrontation. If China fails to make greater progress, the most likely situation is heavy losses.

The victory of the Jin Kingdom’s army has brought tremendous help to the development of the Jin Kingdom. What can be seen from the battle is the fierceness of the Jin army’s soldiers. The victory of the war promotes the development of the Jin Kingdom. The overall stimulus is great. It can enable the Jin army soldiers to better prove their worth in such a process, and it can make it difficult for the enemy's so-called actions to play their due role.

The current situation in Anguanya is tense. The main reason is the arrival of the Jin army. The impact that the Jin army will bring to the enemy in the war will definitely be huge, and it will even make Guishuang soldiers from the war. What bears is the taste of failure.

The most direct way for Lü Bu to develop the Jin country was to launch a war. The victory of the war will drive the rapid development of the Jin country. If the monarch does not have strong enough strength and corresponding confidence, he wants to develop the country in this way, basically Is impossible.

After gaining a better understanding of the situation in Jin, you will gradually discover that the emperor of Jin’s method itself is shocking. The victory of the war will drive development. This is a big trick. Anyway, the current Guishuang aspect It is to realize the great damage caused by this kind of thing. If the Jin Kingdom's army is allowed to continue on the battlefield, it will bring a worse side to Guishuang's situation.

Although Guishuang lacked the corresponding means when facing the offensive of Jin's army, Guishuang would not easily admit defeat. Before the last moment, no one can be sure that Guishuang will suffer defeat in this war. of.

The progress of the war will make the situation on both sides even more tense. This is for sure.

The key is how effective the methods adopted by the monarchs on both sides can play when facing such a The powerful combat power of the Jin Kingdom’s army will have a huge impact on the soldiers of Guishuang, and even Let Guishuang soldiers see no hope of victory from such a war.

In the face of such a war environment, it is inevitable that the impact of the Jin army's soldiers will play a greater role.

In the process of Jin's army's continuous offensive, Guishuang's soldiers will experience the cruel taste from the war. With the gradual development of the confrontation, the victory of the Jin's army in the war is also extremely obvious. Under the circumstances, the Jin army will let the enemy taste a cruel taste in the war.

Victory in the battle can guarantee the rapid development of Jin. The impact of the rapid development of Jin will improve the overall situation of Jin, and even make Jin during its development. More quickly.

Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin. He was able to lead lieutenants and soldiers to appear on the battlefield at the beginning of the war, so that Jin has more possibilities when it develops. This is of great help to the development of Jin. .

Commanding the Jin Kingdom’s army on the battlefield, and the monarch personally took action, the stimulus to Guishuang’s soldiers was huge in itself. Queen Guishuang did not appear on the battlefield at this time. Comparison of the two is high. Make a judgment.

Of course, Queen Guishuang is not very familiar with things on the battlefield, and it is excusable not to appear on the battlefield. The key is that if the Jin Kingdom's army has their monarch as support, the strength displayed is too terrible.

If it weren’t for the high prestige of Yekhhan in the Guishuang Army, it would be almost impossible to protect Anguanya against the Jin’s continuous offensive, and the impact on the Jin’s army. With more understanding of the method, there will be more fear, and even a lot of fear of the offensive of the Jin army.

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