Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6010: : What are some good strategies? Guishuang Palace's response

Chapter 6031 What is the best strategy? Guishuang Palace's response

After the defeat of the war, the pursuit of the Jin army itself is normal, but as a powerful Guishuang Empire, even if it loses Anguanya, even if Guishuang’s army is difficult to win, it should not be so embarrassed. Yes.

Elite, even after the defeat of the war, should show the corresponding means instead of fleeing in embarrassment.

But on Yekhhan’s body, what Guishuang’s officials felt was how bumpy Guishuang’s retreat path was. Even Yekhhan, the commander in the army, was so embarrassed. The rest of the soldiers. What a miserable situation it will be.

This shows that the war at Anguanya was more intense and cruel than imagined.

However, this cannot stop some officials from looking at Ye Kehan ​​with contempt. The general of Guishuang, who has experienced many battles, is the pride of Guishuang's heart, but he is smashed and sinking in the sand on such a battlefield, such a shame. , Enough to completely obliterate Ye Khan's past credit.

At this time, it was just when Guishuang was employing people, Ye Ke Khan's ability to command soldiers and horses was unquestionable. At this time, the war of the empire still needed Ye Ke Khan to plan one or two things.

Ye Ke Khan saluted: "The sin general Ye Ke Khan has seen the queen."

"Hmph, the defeat of An Guanya put the empire into a crisis, and the crime is unforgivable." The queen snorted coldly, her voice unable to conceal her anger.

Yekehan looked calm, as if this situation had been in his expectation. "After the criminal minister will tell the details of the Anguanya War, the criminal minister will commit suicide, and the criminal minister will be ashamed of the soldiers who died on the battlefield."

Many officials heard the words and looked at Ye Khan with three-point awe. They were able to return to Peshawar under such a heavy pressure after the war failed, and tell the details of the Anguanya war. You can see that Ye Khan It was for the development of the Guishuang Empire.

Although Yekhhan had failed on the battlefield, Yekhhan, as Guishuang's general, chose to bear the consequences, although such consequences were extremely detrimental to Guishuang.

The defeat on the battlefield, for Guishuang at this time, was to make the situation worse and worse.

And if you have a better understanding of the Jin army's war methods, it will be more helpful to Guishuang's next preparations.

The queen said: "If this is the case, the general will speak in detail."

Ye Khan talked about the situation on the battlefield, from the Jin army to Anguan Cliff, until the loss of Anguan Cliff, no matter how big or small, there was nothing to add oil and vinegar, as if as a bystander, telling something. The whole thing is general.

And just this kind of narration made the officials of Guishuang not calm down. From Ye Khan’s narration, they could think of how fierce the battlefield at Anguanya was. The offensive from the army of the Jin country was followed by the battlefield. How terrible.

The Jin’s army’s actions put a lot of pressure on Guishuang’s side. Once on a specific battlefield, an effective response cannot be formed, or other dangers will occur during the course of the war. There will be more tribulations.

The Guishuang Empire had a strong guard and couldn't stop the Jin army. This was a terrible thing.

If Ye Khan's description is true, it is obviously impossible to block the offensive of Jin's army by relying on the strength and defense of Peshawar at this time.

The Jin army has advanced warfare methods. Under their attack, Guishuang needs to endure more hardships. If there are problems with the methods and methods shown in blocking the Jin State army's attack, the situation will be certain. It will be more urgent.

This is war. When it starts, there is no more retreat. When one's own strength is not enough, it will endure more hardships on the battlefield.

Soldier Guishuang guards Anguanya. Why don’t you want to win more victories from the battlefield. However, in the face of the offensive of the Jin army, Guishuang’s so-called defensive means failed to achieve a greater effect. On the contrary, he was blocking the Jin Dynasty. The army suffered heavy losses on the road to attack.

In the field, fell into a long silence.

They looked at Ye Ke Khan, who looked calm, and then looked at each other. From each other's eyes, they saw shock.

There are many warriors in the Guishuang Empire, and they face many wars, but the opponents in this war seem to be very different from the past.

Since the Jin Kingdom invaded Dawan and Wusun, it seemed that it had gradually formed a deterrent against Guishuang, but because of Guishuang's action, the relationship between the two parties quickly deteriorated.

The Jin country, with strong strength, would not give up the war easily when it learned that there was an existence like Guishuang. This is a matter of reason, and it can get more benefits from the opponent's hands. This is what the emperor wants. Can't give up.

Even though Guishuang had more sincerity when interacting with Jin, he still could not satisfy the emperor of Jin, because the emperor of Jin needed more cities in Guishuang, and what he wanted was the territory of Guishuang. .

Could it be said that Jin’s attack on Guishuang was simply because Guishuang drove away Jin’s merchants?

Everything is just an excuse for Jin to attack Guishuang. When Jin has ambitions, no matter how cautious Guishuang is in his contacts, he can't satisfy the people of Jin, and he can't get him. People’s true trust.

Unless Guishuang, like Dawan and Wusun, became an affiliate of the Jin State and became a city under the rule of the Jin State, in this way, there will be real contacts.

When the strength of the two parties is not at the same level, it is obviously unrealistic to have a fair and reasonable exchange.

Today’s war environment is a great ordeal for Guishuang, and it is a great test for Guishuang. If the senior leaders of Guishuang want to escape from this war, they need to have strong strength. If the foundation cannot be realized in these areas, it will be more tormented just because of what will happen later.

In fact, there is a dangerous war situation on the battlefield, which requires more means as a backing. Once there is a problem with the way to deal with the war, or when the war is dealt with, the war method adopted cannot If the specific effect is greater, the subsequent war will definitely have more conditions.

The powerful strength of the Guishuang Empire could not be reflected in front of the Jin army, and even lost the Xiongguan. Afterwards, Guishuang's response to the Jin army will definitely be more difficult, and the situation on the battlefield is often like this.

Having lost its own advantages, it will be more difficult for one to gain greater benefits in the next war.

After a long silence, the queen said: "Ye Khan, is what you said is true?"

"The criminal minister told the truth, and the soldiers who returned with the criminal minister can testify." Yekhhan said.

"Speaking of which, the strength of the Jin army is actually so strong?" The queen asked in surprise.

Ye Ke Khan nodded helplessly. "Although our soldiers performed bravely on the battlefield of Anguanya, the Jin army's offensive methods were endless, causing heavy losses to our army, and even attacked Anguanya, time and time again. Our army repelled the offensive of the Jin army, but was unable to recover its disadvantages and eventually lost Anguanya."

The queen said: "Now that Anguanya is lost, the situation in Peshawar is precarious, what strategy do you have?"

Ye Ke Khan was silent for a moment and said: "The criminal officials also thought of these problems on their way back to Peshawar. Although Peshawar is high and deep, our soldiers were quite afraid of the Jin army after the defeat on the Anguanya battlefield. , And currently there are not many troops in the capital. It is bound to be more difficult to block the Jin army’s offensive. The most important thing is to have enough troops and defense against the Jin army’s offensive methods. If these cannot be done, you want to block the Jin The army is as difficult as reaching the sky."

Ye Ke Khan’s words made the atmosphere in the court more dignified. At this time, the situation in Guishuang had reached an extremely tense situation. It is not an exaggeration to say that, but on the road to blocking the Jin army’s attack, relying on the current situation For the Guishuang army, it was really difficult to make a difference.

The Jin army is known as an invincible existence on the battlefield. However, when the Jin army appears in a confrontation, it will often win the war from the opponent. Will such a thing be an exception to Guishuang's body? ?

Not to mention other things, just from the offensive capabilities currently demonstrated by the Jin army, what can be seen is the terrible Jin army. When the Jin army’s offensive methods are used in Peshawar, it will bring to the strong capital. What is the challenge?

There is no need for Ye Khan to lie at this time. An Guanya is the Guishuang Xiongguan, and is guarded by the commander-in-chief of Ye Khan. Even in such a situation, he still can’t stop the Jin army’s offensive. How terrifying the army's offensive capability is.

Facing such an enemy army, what is needed most is caution. Once there are other problems in blocking the offensive means of the Jin army, it will suffer more losses on the battlefield.

The Jin army with strong strength at this time had a great influence on the Guishuang Capital City, and what made Guishuang's high-level officials realized from it was their weakness and the strength of the Jin army.

The war has begun. What needs to be done at this time is how to better block the offensive of the Jin army. It is best to make the advantage that the Jin army has created before disappear. However, the difficulty of all this is really too great.

"The prime minister, what do you think?" The queen turned her gaze to Alqi.

The queen found that since the Jin Kingdom, it seems that Guishuang has been unlucky. There was Aluzi before, and Ye Khan is now in the hands of Jin. In the past, the two were important to Guishuang. Officials, it is precisely because of the Jin Kingdom that the two of them have withstood a great challenge to their position in Guishuang.

Even in some matters, the Prime Minister of the country, Alu Qi, was extremely low-key, for fear of attracting more attention, all of which were caused by past mistakes.

The same is true for Yekhhan at this time. His failure on the Anguanya battlefield will become the opponent’s attack target, and even shake Yekhhan’s position in the Guishuang Army. This is what he wants to do. Avoiding things is simply impossible.

The generals who fought on the battlefield have more credits, and only then can they have a more stable position in the army.

"Queen, in the eyes of the minister, the most important thing at the moment is to stabilize the people's hearts and let the people have confidence in the Queen's blocking the enemy's offensive. If the people lose their confidence and have no more support for the Queen, they want to stop the enemy. The military offensive obviously cannot."

"Second, in order to persuade the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire, the Anxi Empire sent troops to capture the city from Guishuang. The Queen can send someone to see the Anxi commander-in-chief Aldaban. Xu Zhiben, if we can successfully persuade Aldaban, our army In the battle against the Jin army, there is a greater certainty that when the time comes, the soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire can be blocked, and they can be moved to the capital to block the Jin army."

The queen nodded slightly, approving Alqi's opinion, and the network administrators in the palace also agreed.

Aluqi was able to walk to where he is now in Guishuang, and after experiencing a series of things, he is still in the position of the state minister. He is capable of looking at things, not ordinary officials can compare, otherwise. It is difficult to secure the position of the country.

"The three are to reconcile the Jin army, and the Jin army will come aggressively. If it can be reconciled, it is all right to agree to some conditions on the side to avoid war."

Upon hearing this, the queen frowned, "Reconciliation? I'm afraid the emperor of Jin will not agree, right?"

For some reason, the queen suddenly thought that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom would put her into the harem after breaking Peshawar. She naturally understood the meaning of the harem among the Jin population.

Today, the offensive situation of the Jin army is fierce, and Guishuang can stop it. If Peshawar is really broken, what will his destiny be like?

A young girl, in charge of the huge Guishuang, is a very hard work in itself. Although there are Ye Khan and Alqi in the middle of the court, the pressure on the queen is reduced a lot, but I watched Guishuang fall into the disaster. It's too uncomfortable to feel incapable of doing anything.

Guishuang has experienced many wars. It is the pride of Guishuang’s people to achieve such dazzling achievements from many wars. However, Guishuang’s army cannot stop the enemy’s offensive and cannot face the enemy. If the army has made some achievements during the offensive, the situation will definitely be worse afterwards.

Alu Qi said: "The Jin army attacked Guishuang for nothing more than gaining benefits. It is naturally best to allow the Jin army to retreat with appropriate benefits. Even if it fails, you can buy a certain amount of time for our side. ."

"The fourth is to recruit young people. General Ye Khan is more familiar with the things inside."

Yekhan's complexion was complex, and he naturally understood the meaning of Aluqi's words. If he recruited the soldiers, the failures on the battlefield of Anguanya would not be held accountable for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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