Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6010: :Yeke Khan cuts the head of the hair


The officials present are all human beings, so why don’t they understand the meaning of the words of Aluqi, but at such a time, they can’t stand up against it. Even if Yekhhan is executed, who can replace Yekhhan? As for the position, even if the battle was defeated, Ye Ke Khan still had a high status in the hearts of Guishuang soldiers.

If it were to be placed in an ordinary time, Ye Khan would definitely not be forgiven for making such mistakes, but under such special circumstances, things must be exceptional.

In the past, even if there were some estrangements, if Guishuang was lost, everything that belonged to Guishuang officials would become the past. Then there will be no so-called nobles in Guishuang, only officials from the Jin country. Such things are the saddest thing.

Seeing the contents clearly, Ye Khan's life was temporarily preserved.

Ye Khan saluted: "Queen, the guilty minister is defeated and should be punished, otherwise, how can the guilty minister be willing to apologize with death, and ask the queen to fulfill it."

The queen sighed: "You have made great military exploits for Guishuang. Although you are now guilty, Guishuang has fallen into the most urgent moment. If you, as a general, can't stand up and help Guishuang tide over the difficulties, who Can you help this king?"

Speaking of this, the queen's voice choked.

Aluqi said: "The general was defeated in Anguanya. The sin is unforgivable, but now it is a special period. It is heard that the Han people have circumcised the head. Not to mention that the general also adopted this method to show punishment. What will I say more."

The queen's eyes lit up, "Okay, I'll cut my head."

Ye Ke Khan, who was originally holding the will to die, was once again entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Ye Ke Khan knew that once the Jin army’s attack came, Guishuang’s army would be under greater pressure, only to be more familiar with it. Only the people of the Jin army can feel the terrible Jin army. They are the demons on the battlefield. As long as they appear, they will cause fatal damage to the enemy, and it will make the enemy recognize each other from the continuous war. difference.

How many times on the battlefield, it would be impossible for Jin to develop such a rapid development if it were not for the brave and skilled soldiers of the Jin army.

But Ye Khan also knows that this is not the time to resign, and that he can be appointed at this time, indicating that the queen and officials still trust him. He must contribute the last strength to the stability of the empire, even after the end of the war. Apologize for death, is also willing to hesitate.

For the stability of the empire, Ye Khan paid too much. Although the offensive of the Jin army was fierce, as a general of the Guishuang Empire, he should not back down at such a time, but should stand up and stop Jin The Chinese army made a lot of achievements when it attacked.

It seemed simple to win more victories against the army of the Jin Kingdom, but it was actually very difficult. Ye Khan knew what it meant that the courtiers weren't embarrassed at this time.

At this time, Guishuang needs someone to stand up.

General Yekh Khan and Prime Minister Aruqi need to show their due value at such a time. It is best to be able to achieve some achievements when blocking the enemy offensive, so that the situation of Guishuang can be stabilized. Come down.

The battlefield is full of changes. The Jin army’s offensive is known for its fierceness. Whether it is the speed of the march or the means of offensive, it is exceptional, which makes the Jin army even more terrifying.

On the previous battlefield, the bravery and skillfulness of the Jin army soldiers has left a deep impression on Guishuang’s army, and what Guishuang soldiers clearly see is the power gap between each other, when the power gap between the two sides is. If it is more obvious, the situation that may arise is even more urgent.

It is good that Guishuang does not lack warriors, but if a lieutenant soldier will pay a higher price in the war, the so-called courage will become cowardice. Otherwise, why would there be Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield of Anguanya? The act of taking refuge in the Jin army.

Everything is relative. When a lieutenant soldier can’t see the hope of victory in the war, and can’t achieve something during the war, they will be slack on the battlefield afterwards, even in some wars. Show extraordinary behavior.

Yeke Khan has reason to believe that when the Jin army appears outside Peshawar, there will be officials in the city making secret refuge, especially after seeing the fierce offensive posture of the Jin army, this situation is more likely to happen. .

Persuading the Parthian Empire to withdraw its troops may have to pay a certain price, but compared to the Jin's soldiers in Peshawar, everything is not worth mentioning.

As long as it is able to survive this disaster, it is worth paying some price.

There is a big gap in the strength of the Anxi Empire compared with the Jin army, and the same is true in the way of offensive. I believe that when the commander of the Anxi Empire knows the situation, he cannot balance his heart. The same is to attack the Guishuang Empire. Why rest? Can't get more benefits?

The soldiers and horses of the Anxi Empire also paid a considerable price on the battlefield of Guishuang. Such a price also requires more benefits.

Persuading the Parthian Empire to withdraw troops, Aluqi will be responsible. At this time, Ye Khan’s most important task is to organize young people to meet the war that may come at any time.

Peshawar suddenly changed from a peaceful state to nervousness and panic.

The situation of the previous wars was known to the senior leaders of Guishuang, but the situation of this battle cannot be concealed. The loss of Anguanya is a major mistake on Guishuang’s side, and it will bring disaster to the capital of Guishuang. .

The glorious history of the Jin army has been circulated in Guishuang. It was not a wise move to provoke the Jin army. However, when a war broke out and Guishuang suffered successive defeats in the war, what could the people do? Can only bear all this passively.

Aside from the panic, many people are eager to leave Peshawar, but looking around, how many cities can guarantee absolute stability in Guishuang at this time?

The defeat of General Ye Ke Khan brought too much blow to the hearts of Guishuang’s people. As General Guishuang, Ye Ke Khan has made too much credit for the stability and development of Guishuang. It is in the hearts of the people. , That is the existence of gods, but now their gods have fallen during the battle against the Jin army.

Such a fall will certainly have a great blow to the confidence of the people.

After the news spread that Yekh Khan cut off the deputy leader and continued to be in charge of Peshawar’s military, recruiting young men and blocking the enemy army, many people’s hearts were slightly stabilized. In any case, Ye Ke Khan experienced the war. There are a lot of them. Perhaps it was a mistake last time, but the capital is strong, and it is certainly not a problem to block the enemy's attack.

Of course, the fact that Ye Ke Khan was not punished by other people has caused some people to talk in secret. Anyway, what Ye Ke Khan lost in this war is Xiongguan Anguanya, which is an important barrier for Guishuang.

The loss of such an important place is a heavy blow to Guishuang. If such a crime is not punished, wouldn't it be difficult to convince the public.

The cutting off of the prosecutors has saved the situation in this respect very well, so that even if some interested people want to spread comments that are unfavorable to Ye Khan, they are unable to succeed.

At this time, the Guishuang Empire needs to have heroic characters to stand up and contribute to the stability of Guishuang. Once Guishuang is unable to get out of this war, then it will be endless disasters to meet Guishuang. .

The people want a stable life and do not want the current order of life to be disrupted.

The warm-blooded Guishuang people are not a few in response to the Queen's order. They join the army and participate in brief training in order to stabilize the homeland under their feet to avoid war.

As Yekh Khan returned to Peshawar, Zhao Yun commanded 20,000 soldiers and horses and appeared outside Xinghua.

In Xinghua City, there were only a thousand defenders at this time, most of them old and weak. At this time, seeing the Jin army prospering the army and coming in mighty forces, they were already timid before they even fought.

The loss of Anguanya gave Guishuang a better understanding of the fierceness of the Jin army, and a better understanding of the turbulence that will be caused on the battlefield when the Jin army's offensive unfolds.

With more than a thousand people, relying on Xinghua City to stop Zhao Yun's 20,000 people, it is clearly difficult to succeed.

The guards opened the city gate directly to welcome the Jin army into the city. Of course, they took refuge in the Jin army, and successfully became a member of the Jin army, and got the promise of the Jin army general Zhao Yun.

The general of the Jin army, Zhao Yun, has a high status in the minds of Guishuang's soldiers. The main reason is that Zhao Yun's contribution to the battlefield is dazzling. This makes Guishuang's soldiers have to pay more attention to Zhao Yun.

After gaining control of Xinghua City, Zhao Yun appointed the original defender and continued to take charge of Xinghua City's affairs, leaving thousands of people to assist, leading the remaining soldiers and horses, and coming toward Xinghua River mightily.

Xinghua River is not magnificent, but it can be a barrier to the imperial capital. To cross the river, you need to have a certain means, and Guishuang has soldiers and horses stationed on the opposite bank of Xinghua River, which will not let the Jin army Cross the river smoothly.

If you want to cross the river, you must have tools.

In this regard, the Guishuang people did a more thorough job, directly burning all the river crossing tools in the villages along the way.

In this case, the time for the Jin army to cross the river will be greatly delayed.

When Zhao Yun left Xinghua City, his team grew larger, and it was the river crossing tool collected from Xinghua City.

It’s good to have orders when Ye Khan was about to leave, but after the defeat of Anguanya’s war, Ye Khan’s orders were passed to Xinghua City. It is unlikely that they would be better implemented. After Guanya was lost, Xinghua City would become the prime target of the Jin army's offensive.

Many people in Xinghua City walked away from the city to avoid the disaster of war.

Unexpectedly, after the arrival of the Jin army, Xinghua’s defenders directly chose to surrender. After the Jin army entered the city, apart from collecting tools for crossing the river, it did nothing against the people. The people who provided the tools for crossing the river were able to get things of corresponding value. .

In this situation, the prestige of the Jin army among the people of Guishuang has been improved invisibly.

The river crossing tools are not too many, they can only satisfy a hundred people crossing the river, but this is enough for Zhao Yun.

In the team, there are people who can make tools for crossing the river, and they will become the auxiliary force for the Jin army to cross the river.

The people of Guishuang before, but at this time they wanted to contribute to the Jin army's attack on Peshawar, I have to say that this is a great irony of Guishuang.

But after the defeat of the war, this is the case. The people are to survive better. There may be a **** generation among them. However, due to the strength of the Jin army and their weakness, they dare not easily offend the Jin army. Waiting for the opportunity.

But more people want to end the war and have a stable life.

The Jin army did not commit any crime to the people's autumn, and the attitude of the people to the people, so that the attitude of the people of Guishuang to the Jin army is also changing.

After the Jin army captured Anguanya, it adjusted its forces and marched towards Xinghua River. This was the battle to attack Guishuang. It was urgent to capture the two cities on the one hand. Cross the river as quickly as possible to defeat the enemy army on the opposite side so that the Jin army could A smooth crossing of the river is the key.

At this time, the river crossing tools are very precious.

At the same time when Zhao Yun attacked Xinghua City, Huang Xu and Dianman led 20,000 Jin troops to successfully seize control of Rongsui City. Like Zhao Yun, he was not **** and succeeded in the , Is absolutely beyond imagination.

However, when all of this is based on the victory of the Jin army, it seems that it is so natural. The victory of the Jin army makes the people of Guishuang fear, and it makes the defenders of Guishuang not fight against the Jin army. For their courage, it was the wisest thing for them to surrender after the arrival of the Jin army.

When the Jin army arrives and seizes the city, what can bring stability to the people of Guishuang is not war.

The two cities fell under the control of the Jin army, which provided certain conditions for the Jin army to cross the river. Especially Xinghua City, which had the greatest effect. Xinghua City, which is close to the Xinghua River, is more prosperous in terms of tools for crossing the river. There are too many cities. If it weren't for the order of Ye Khan before, just a tool for crossing the river in Xinghua City would be enough to allow a thousand people to cross the Xinghua River at once.

Now that there are craftsmen, and even Xinghua city, the Jin army immediately began to get busy creating tools for crossing the river.

"Zilong, at this time, the relationship is very important, just send a general to go, you are the banner of our army, how can you be so reckless?" Lu Bu frowned slightly after hearing Zhao Yun's proposal.

Zhao Yun clasped his fist and said: "The saint has a kindness to his ministers. Even if it is a ten thousand death, it is difficult to repay this kindness. The saint always teaches us that as a general, we cannot fear life and death on the battlefield, even if we know that there is danger ahead. , Also have the courage to come forward."

"Now it is difficult for our army to cross the river in a short time. The enemy army is defeated and the army is in a panic. If we can use elite cavalry to quickly cross the river and harass the enemy army, it will allow our army to cross the river more. In this way, our army can cross the river. , Will be faster."

Lu Bu sighed, "Why don't I understand the truth? You have paid a lot for the Jin Kingdom."

(End of this chapter)

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