Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6011: : Zhao Yun was intercepted during the battle to cross the river

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"I ask the Holy Spirit for permission." Zhao Yun clasped his fist.

After a short silence, Lu Bu said: "Okay, I promised. Zilong is brave and has a strong martial arts, and he is sure to be safe, but when you get to the other side, you must be careful not to act recklessly, and wait for more elites to cross the river. Occupy the other side, no matter what."

Zhao Yun clasped his fist and said, "Holy Master, don't worry, you will definitely complete the task at the end."

Attacking Guishuang is the first task of the Jin army generals, and it is also a critical period for the Jin army generals to fight. As a general of the Jin army, Zhao Yun stepped forward at this time and was a great encouragement to the Jin army.

From the previous record of the Jin army, what can be seen is the madness of the Jin army’s soldiers. Even as a general, at the critical moment, he will go forward bravely. With such encouragement, the Jin army has created one by one on the battlefield. The miracle made the enemy deeply understand the ferocity of the Jin army.

If not, why did Guishuang fail one after another on the battlefield.

The Jin army was stationed on the opposite bank of the Xinghua River, the camp spread, and the edge was not visible at a glance, which made the Guishuang soldiers on the opposite bank shock and fear in their hearts.

Anguanya has fallen, and the Xinghua River is not turbulent enough. How can it stop the Jin army’s offensive? The Jin army currently lacks the tools to cross the river, but once the Jin army successfully crosses the river, it will be another fierce battle for Guishuang.

The Guishuang soldiers were stationed at the main ferry, which was also the flattest zone. With tens of thousands of soldiers and horses stationed, it seemed a bit shabby compared with the 100,000 troops on the other side.

The most important thing is that the Jin army just won the battle of Anguanya at this time, it can be described as high morale, and the pressure to face the Jin army is really too great.

However, Guishuang soldiers have no other choice. Guishuang is in an emergency period at this time. Once there are problems with the strength and means shown in the process of blocking the Jin army’s offensive, the subsequent confrontation will definitely have more problems. .

War is not a trivial matter. If there are more changes on the battlefield, it will only be a disaster afterwards, which will make the defeated party suffer more hardships.

General Guishuang didn't want to appear on the battlefield blocking the Jin army, but they had no other way but to station on the opposite bank of Xinghua River after receiving the order.

Originally, the Guishuang army stationed on the opposite bank of the Xinghua River was relatively easy. The Jin army attacked Anguanya. As long as they did not win, they could enjoy themselves beside the Xinghua River. However, the battlefield was turbulent and the changes were unexpected. , And now there is a war where the Jin army is about to cross the river.

The battle of crossing the river has an advantage for the Guishuang army stationed on the river. As long as the Jin army crosses the river, it is the target, and they can kill the Jin army.

But will the facts be as simple as imagined? Anguanya is also known as Guishuang Xiongguan, no one can break through, but now, Anguanya has fallen into the hands of the Jin army, and it has become the basis for the Jin army to attack Guishuang.

The world is unpredictable, Xiongguan is lost, and Guishuang soldiers near Xinghua River are under pressure.

General Guishuang? Strictly, the mood at this time was panic, especially after the arrival of the Jin army, he immediately deployed.

There seem to be a lot of soldiers and horses, and it depends on who is opposite. The Jin army on the opposite side is an extremely powerful presence on the battlefield. As long as they appear on the battlefield, they will bring the enemy army a lot of power. The nightmare that will not go away will make the enemy deeply understand the complexity of the battlefield from the battlefield.

? Yan Xing is not well-known among the generals of Guishuang, but is known for being safe. That is why Ye Khan appointed him to station at Xinghua River and become a barrier for Peshawar.

The scout kept an eye on the movements of the Jin army on the opposite side. When he learned that the Jin army was preparing the tools to cross the river, Yan Xing felt a lot easier. It is good that the Jin army is fierce, but Xinghuahe wants to get through easily. It's a simple thing. What he needs to do is to delay the Jin army's offensive and make it impossible for the Jin army to get through Xinghuahe.

As for crossing the Xinghua River from other places, it is not a simple matter. Although the Xinghua River is not turbulent, the boats crossing the river must not be too large. Otherwise, there is a danger of deep silt. The area where the line is stationed is the easiest place to cross the river.

On the river, it used to be quite lively. Businessmen and pedestrians in the past formed a unique landscape, but nowadays, on the Xinghua River, it is difficult to find ships, and some are Guishuang’s scouts. The Jin army has not even dispatched scouts on the river. .

But Guishuang's scout didn't dare to approach the Jin army easily. It should be known that there are many weapons with a long range in the Jin army.

Moreover, after Zhao Yun received the order, he immediately led five hundred white horses to take advantage of the night and set off toward Xinghua River.

In the team, there are guides who are familiar with the local terrain.

After conquering Xinghua City, there is no shortage of people who are familiar with Xinghuahe. Under the reward, there must be brave men. At this time, they will serve the Jin army. Although they are traitors of Guishuang, they have become under the rule of the Jin army. It is reasonable for the people to do things that are beneficial to the Jin army, and they don't have too much burden in their hearts.

On the contrary, it is to show the way for the Jin army and can get a lot of rewards, which is fatal temptation for the people.

In the Xinghua River at night, hundreds of small boats were slowly moving forward. In the Xinghua River under the moonlight, the boats seemed so small.

On the lead ship, it was Zhao Yun, the commander-in-chief who was responsible for crossing the river and preparing for the crossing of the river by the Jin army.

The Jin army will continuously send elites to cross the river, but the opponent's understanding of Xinghua River is obviously better than the Jin army. The location of crossing the river may be exposed at any time. As a general of the river crossing operation, the degree of danger is very high. of.

Zhao Yun, general of the Jin army, played without hesitation at this time, enough to make many Jin army generals admire.

Ability is one aspect. When faced with real danger, dare to step forward, and the test is even more courageous.

Needless to say, the danger is so great that it is the first to cross the river.

Zhao Ye Jade Lion was very peaceful on the boat, Zhao Yun was carefully looking at everything around him, and if there was a change in the situation, he would be able to respond as soon as possible.

The ship arrived on the opposite bank of the river smoothly. After the cavalry disembarked, the ship quickly departed and headed for the opposite bank. They wanted to transport more elites to the opposite bank as quickly as possible.

Zhao Yun frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Alert, prepare to fight."

The battle of crossing the river will not be so smooth. Crossing the river means that the Jin army will control more initiative on the other side of the river. At this time, Guishuang must have a lot of defense against Xinghua River.

What Zhao Yun didn't expect was that the opponent's reaction turned out to be so fast. The ground trembled slightly, and it was obvious that a cavalry was approaching quickly.

The White Horse Yicong who followed Zhao Yun were all elite cavalrymen who had experienced many battles. After receiving the order, they immediately checked the swords and arrows and made a fighting posture.

In the moonlight, a cavalry appeared in the distance, the figure stretched very long.

Guishuang’s scouts are not a few on the river. Although they found Zhao Yun and others, the number of scouts is small and it is difficult to cause trouble to Zhao Yun and others, so he should tell the news? Strictly.

When Yan Xing learned the news, he did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly dispatched the only thousand cavalry soldiers in the army.

This is the critical time for Guishuang. If the enemy forces cross the river in large numbers, let alone other, the Guishuang soldiers on the opposite bank will suffer annihilation and cannot tolerate it?

There are not a few people who have experienced war? Strictly know that even if the Jin army is crossing the river, there will not be too many in number. Sending out elite cavalry to destroy the Jin army in one fell swoop can not only deter the Jin army, but also improve its morale.

During the battle against the Jin army, General Guishuang suffered heavy losses, and if he can win victory now, it will bring great help to the subsequent war.

So there was a scene where the Guishuang cavalry appeared just after Zhao Yun and others crossed the river.

Thousands of cavalry, galloping on horseback, are staggering.

Zhao Yun shot up his bow, and a burning arrow headed towards the other side of the river. This is a signal of enemy attack after crossing the river, so that the soldiers who will cross the river can be prepared. If two rockets appear, then It means that you can't cross the river.

Bai Ma Yicong, who was waiting on the other side, was anxious when seeing these signals and hurriedly informed the Chinese army.

Zhao Yun took the lead to cross the river, and the generals of Bai Ma Yicong opposed it, but Zhao Yun showed a firm side. The generals of Bai Ma Yicong could only give up, and Zhao Yun took the lead in crossing the river.

Zhao Yun is a general of the Jin army. If there is an accident in the process of crossing the river, it will have a great blow to the morale of the Jin army, and it will even affect the war after the Jin army.

There are many fierce generals in the army, but there are very few fierce generals like Zhao Yun. Besides, Zhao Yun is the commander-in-chief of the army and has a noble status.

"Later, I will cross the river myself, you are waiting for the news." The lieutenant said.

When the lieutenant general heard this, he felt heavy, and he was attacked by the enemy when he crossed the river. This was the worst situation. A little carelessness would result in annihilation of the entire army. However, the deputy general led his army to cross the river, clearly uneasy about Zhao Yun.

News of the attack on Zhao Yundu River spread to the Chinese army as quickly as possible.

Lu Bu said solemnly, "How many ships are crossing the river in our army now?"

"More than one hundred and thirty. General Zhao crossed the river and used a hundred ships." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu said: "Send to Gao Shun, immediately lead the camp, cross the river to support Zhao Yun."

"Hey." Jia Xu arched his hands.

I originally thought that this crossing of the river would not arouse the other's vigilance. Who knew that the first team to cross the river was attacked by the opponent, and it was the Jin army general Zhao Yun who took the lead.

Zhao Yun's martial arts are high and strong, and brave and good at fighting is good, but at present he is deep in the enemy's army. No matter how strong the martial arts, the danger is needless to say.

Lu Bu sighed, "I shouldn't have promised you, Zilong, Zilong, you must hold on to it."

It is most appropriate to fight across the river in the trapped camp. As the elite infantry in the Jin army, the trapped camp can not only cause damage to the opponent's infantry, but also pose a threat to the enemy cavalry. Once crossing the river, Can help Zhao Yun stabilize the situation in a short time.

And the camp is a pawn, a small boat can hold a lot.

"Since the matter has developed to such a point, I will let the 10,000 enemy troops on the other side realize that even if there are only more than a hundred small boats, I can also destroy them." Lu Bu said firmly.

At this time, the generals of the Chinese army felt self-confidence from Lu Bu. Lu Bu, who had experienced hundreds of battles and became the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, has experienced many wars in his life, let alone the number of enemy troops. When Lu Bu appeared in Jin In the army, it is always possible to inspire the lieutenant soldiers to the greatest extent.

"You all follow the order, and the camp will cross the river first, and then the dead men and my guards will be boarded first, and the rest of the team will wait for the order."

"Here," everyone said in unison.

From the emperor's words, they felt that their confidence was good, but this battle across the river must be hard. There are tens of thousands of people on the other side, and the forces that can be assembled in a short time can cause great harm to the Jin army.

Guo Jiadao: "Holy Lord, the children of Jiangdong in the past, there were many people who were good at water. Now there are many soldiers from Jiangdong in the army. Why not order them to cross the river with them. The Xinghua River is not in a hurry. If you can cross the river, it will be a great help. ."

"The words of filial piety are very good. Lu Xun was sent to call in good water soldiers to cross the river immediately when they are ready." Lu Bu said.

Orders were issued one after another, and the Jin army camp became busy immediately.

Thousands of cavalry, like ghosts in the dark night, directly rushed towards Zhao Yun and others.

Zhao Yun did not expect that his actions would allow Lu Bu to directly order the elites of the Jin army to start crossing the river. Once such a war is started, it will not stop. Moreover, there are many ships in the Guishuang Army. They will It will become a nightmare when the Jin army crosses the river.

Once you cross the river successfully, the next time you cross the river, the danger doubles. Even if you change the road, it will cause Guishuang's vigilance.

It can be said that after the exposure of this crossing of the river, the Jin army will fall into a relatively passive situation.

Zhao Yun tightened the spear in his hand and shouted: "Take three eyes."

Baima Yicong, ready immediately.

"Kill!" Zhao Yun immediately rushed towards the enemy.

The Jin Army cavalry have their pride. They are invincible and invincible on the battlefield. How many wars, it is precisely because of the Jin Army cavalry figure that the Jin Army has gained the initiative on the battlefield. When it comes to this crossing of the river, there is no exception. As a general of the Jin army, how can you be afraid of the arrival of the enemy? They are the demons on the battlefield and the nightmare of the enemy in the war.

The three eyes were released, and the silence of the night was broken, one after another.

After releasing the three-eyed blunts three times in a row, Bai Ma Yicong was released directly, and then the three-eyed blunts were replaced with a spear.

The three-eyed blunt is playing the role of a bow and arrow in the white horse Yicong.

The power of the three-eyed bluff has been well demonstrated when the Jin army attacked Anguanya in the past. When placed on the battlefield today, it is also very powerful. Although there are only a hundred people, it is in an offensive situation. On the other hand, it feels like hundreds of people.

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