Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6191: : Thoroughly investigate the murderer

6214 Thoroughly investigate the murderer

The assassination of the prime minister was an extraordinary event, and the guards in the prime minister's mansion were inevitably punished.

At a time when the situation in Guishuang was extremely urgent, the contribution made by the Minister of State to the stability of Guishuang can be seen, but such an official was assassinated in the city. , what kind of shaking will it cause in the city?

Aluqi, the Prime Minister of Guishuang, made great contributions to the stability of the situation in Guishuang when the situation in Guishuang was turbulent. Once the news of the tragic death of the Prime Minister of Guishuang spread, the turmoil caused by it was unimaginable.

Shi A glanced back at the chaotic state prime minister's mansion, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The assassination of Aluqi this time can be described as taking chestnuts out of the fire. The assassination operation was launched without the enemy's expectation. The whole process seemed smooth, but in fact it was full of danger. will also perish in this assassination.

Yi Gao is daring, Shi A did not have too much worry when performing such an assassination mission. He has been performing assassination missions all the year round, and he has long since cultivated his extraordinary skills. After entering Peshawar, Shi A more It was because he worked hard to learn the language of the Kushuang people. Otherwise, it would not be an easy thing to mix into the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The prime minister was assassinated, causing great turmoil in the city. Teams of soldiers, who were determined and determined, began to investigate in the city.

This night, Peshawar was destined to be unsettled. The Prime Minister of Kushuang was assassinated in the city and died in the palace. This was the greatest challenge to the dignity of the Kushuang Empire. No monarch would not be angry in the face of such a situation.

What's more, such a thing happened when the situation in Kushan was the most urgent.

Aluqi, the national minister of Guishuang, was an official who made a major contribution to stabilizing the situation in Guishuang. If it weren't for Aluqi, the situation in the city might have gotten worse.

But it is such an official who contributed to the stability of Guishuang, but encountered an assassination and died in the palace, which is very sad.

This is the capital of Guishuang, such a bad assassination incident occurred.

Even some officials were unlucky because of this.

In the palace, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly heavy. The officials who were ordered to come by the queen looked solemn. They naturally knew about the assassination of the prime minister. As for the assassination process, they didn't need to know more, they only needed to know that the prime minister had passed away. die.

Compared with officials and nobles who have dissent in the city, the country is a sharp sword hanging over their heads. When officials and nobles in the city have other actions, they will often usher in the revenge of the country's minister.

I have to admit that Aluqi has extraordinary means to stabilize the situation in the city. Although these means are a bit cruel to officials with ulterior motives in Guishuang, cruel means are indispensable in order to stabilize the situation. .

Otherwise, how many officials in the city would secretly defect to the Jin army.

When the situation in Guishuang was urgent, these officials and nobles of Guishuang could do anything. At this time, they waited for the Jin army to break the city wall and then prepare for the Jin army to seize the capital.

And as long as the Jin army can take credit when they break the capital, they can avoid being liquidated by the Jin army after the war. This is the news that Jin people secretly spread.

Such news, for the officials in the city, is a life-saving straw for the drowning people. In the war when the Kushuang soldiers blocked the Jin army, it was difficult for them to see the hope that the Kushuang could get out of this war smoothly. There is a considerable gap between the soldiers of Guishuang and the Jin army in terms of strength.

On the battlefield, if there is a gap in strength, there will be more threats on the battlefield in the future.

The more urgent the situation is, the more we cannot ignore the superior means of the Jin army. When attacking the enemy, what the Jin army can show is the means to shock the enemy. After it will play a greater role on the battlefield, the impact it will bring to the Guishuang soldiers is extremely obvious.

It is very difficult to win against the Jin army, and in the war against the Jin army, all kinds of dangerous situations will make the soldiers of Guishuang pay a heavy price.

After seeing the fierce methods of the Jin army, how can the family in the city not have more worries in such a war situation.

It should be noted that in this war, the means displayed by the Jin army are amazing.

The Jin army in the war gives people a terrifying feeling, and the generals and soldiers in the army will feel the tension of the situation when dealing with the war, but they have to be more cautious when fighting against the Jin army.

Especially when the Jin army climbs the city wall, the threat from the Jin army will be greater

In the wars again and again, the Kushuang soldiers suffered heavy casualties, which inevitably made the officials in the city feel pessimistic about the progress of the war, and it was difficult for them to see the possibility of victory in such a battlefield.

But it is this kind of war that greatly affects the situation of Guishuang, so that many officials of Guishuang have to prepare in secret.

Even the important officials of Guishuang cannot remain calm in such a situation. Who can be sure that the Jin army will not break the city wall in the next moment? Ruthless trampling.

It is obvious to all that the Queen of Kushuang wants to protect the Kushuang Empire, but it is so difficult for the Kushang Empire to win the final victory in this war, and what can be seen from this war is the The Great Threat of the Jin Army

The Kushuang soldiers who were unable to win the war against the Jin army would end up paying even greater sacrifices when they were attacked by the Jin army.

Since the Jin army launched the attack, what can be seen is how heavy the price Kushuang soldiers paid in this war, no matter how hard they tried to block the Jin army, they want to be reasonable on the battlefield. Coping with the impact of the Jin army is always so difficult.

And this is also a situation that often occurs on the battlefield. Only when we have a greater role in dealing with the impact of the Jin army, and only when we have more aggressive means in dealing with the war, can we obtain better results on the battlefield in the future. big victory.

The strong strength brings more possibilities for the Jin army on the battlefield, and makes the Jin army have a greater impact on the enemy when it is enduring the war.

In this war, what can be seen is the strong strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the great threat from the Jin army, no matter how dangerous the situation on the battlefield Only when dealing with Only by showing more extraordinary strength during the war can we achieve greater achievements on the battlefield in the future.

The current war situation is extremely cruel to the soldiers of Guishuang. The strength they displayed in the war to block the attack of the Jin army is a limited threat to the Jin army. important reasons for the cost.

It's not that Queen Kushuang didn't expect to have a more aggressive fighting method on such a battlefield, so that the lieutenant generals and soldiers can do more when blocking the enemy's attack, but the fighting spirit of the lieutenant generals and soldiers has been in the war again and again. After the failure was devastated.

The fierce Jin army can always open up the situation smoothly on the battlefield, and bring great losses to the enemy in the cruel war, so that the enemy sees the fierce impact from the Jin army in such a war environment. What kind of impact will it bring.

In the war, the cruelty of the Jin army has been well demonstrated, and only when we fight against the Jin army, we can do more, and only when we endure the war, we can show our extraordinary side. greater victory in the war.

War has a great influence on the generals and soldiers in the army. In this regard, the generals and soldiers in the army are naturally clear, and only when they show a stronger side in the battle can they be obtained on the battlefield in the future. greater achievement.

The Jin army on the battlefield showed a cruel side. Their cruelty was based on the huge losses suffered by the enemy, and as long as they had a better understanding of the combat capability of the Jin army, they would be terrified. Find out what kind of harm the Jin army's appearance in the war will bring to them.

The solid strength is the foundation of the Jin emperor's confidence in this war, and the Jin army has the strength to be proud of the battlefield.

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