Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6192: : Take orders in the face of danger, officer

Chapter 6215 Ordered in danger, official

Without the Prime Minister, their actions in the city would be easier.

Ye Khan said: "After the minister was assassinated by the prime minister, he went to the prime minister's mansion to see it. This matter must have been done by the people of Jin."

"The letters left by the Prime Minister are the words of Jin."

The Queen got up, and there was an indescribable taste in her eyes. The Kushuang Empire was bullied to such an extent.

The dignified Kushuang Empire has fallen to such a level that even enemy assassins can assassinate the prime minister of Kushuang in the city. This is the greatest blasphemy to Kushuang.

However, the queen at this moment is so powerless. What she saw in this war was the ruthlessness of the Jin army, and the hard work of the Guishuang soldiers to block the Jin army's attack. With the strength of the Guishuang soldiers Blocking the Jin army paid a heavy price on the battlefield, but even so, it was still difficult to stop the Jin army's attack.

It can be said that when facing the Jin army's attack, it is difficult for Guishuang's soldiers to show their strength well. They will have more panic in front of the Jin army. The difficulty of their victory in front of the Jin army is huge.

When the Jin army's offensive is further launched, when the fierce attack of the Jin army will bring a greater threat to the capital, there will definitely be younger people jumping out secretly.

Such a situation was something that Queen Kushuang had never considered in the past, or that she had never imagined that the mighty Kushuang Empire would fall into such an embarrassing situation.

With the elite Kushuang Empire, there is a big gap in the means displayed in the face of war, and wanting to win in the face of the Jin army is of great importance to the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire. difficulty.

It is precisely because of the sacrifices in the war that the Kushuang Empire has reached its current state.

The powerful Jin army will not let Kushuang go in this war, but what the emperor of Jin pursues is to occupy all of Kushuang.

Not to say that defeating the Kushan Empire's army on the battlefield is done.

Guishuang, in this war, he will inevitably face more challenges. If he cannot get out of such challenges smoothly, it will inevitably make the situation even more tense.

The solid strength can bring greater support to the actions of the Jin army in the future, and can make the soldiers of the Jin army more calm in the face of war.

The powerful Jin army can always bring more pressure to the enemy on the battlefield, and it is always possible for the enemy to see the fierceness of the Jin army on such a battlefield.

It is conceivable that the fierce offensive of the Jin army will have an impact on the enemy army.

In the face of war, relying on strong strength, and achieving greater achievements in wars, it is the Jin army's reliance on the battlefield, and if you want to break the suppression of the Jin army on the battlefield, only in To win a greater victory against the Jin army, you can only show extraordinary means when facing the Jin army.

But all of this is very difficult for the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire. This kind of difficulty is beyond their ability to bear. Therefore, when fighting against the Jin army, the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire will always feel that The tense situation always allowed the soldiers of the Kushan Empire to see the urgency of the situation in such a war.

"Jin Jun, deceiving people is too much." The Queen said coldly.

At this time, the queen was extremely angry, but how effective would such anger be for the Kushuang soldiers to stop the Jin army's attack? In the end, the Jin army still had to launch a ferocious attack on the capital, causing the defenders to be killed and injured in such a war. heavy.

Not being able to stop the Jin army's offensive is the lingering pain of the Guishuang soldiers. When they fight against the Jin army, they will feel the ferocity of the Jin army, and what they will see on such a battlefield is the inability of the Jin army. Victory, so that they will show more fear on the battlefield blocking the Jin army.

The queen doesn't understand the reason, but the methods of the Jin army are too extraordinary. The dignified and noble minister of the country was assassinated in the city, and under the protection of heavy troops, he was in the country for the assassins of Jin. Assassination in the Xiangfu.

This is a trampling on the dignity of the Kushuang Empire. The Queen of Kushuang knows that stabilizing the situation in the city is the most important thing at this time.

"Officer, stabilizing the situation in the city is the most important thing. Investigating assassins must not be slack." The Queen urged.

The official saluted and said yes, but his heart was not very calm. Taking over the affairs of the state minister meant the queen's trust in him, but at such a critical moment, how could it be so easy to undertake such an important task? Xiang's method, and he was assassinated in the city, how many chances are there to be spared if the same thing is put on him.

Seemingly seeing the unease of the official, the queen said, "This king will send a hundred palace guards to protect your safety. Feel free to do it in the city. What this king wants is a stable Peshawar."

The official was in high spirits when he heard the words. The guards of the palace were extremely elite beings. They were formed by elites selected from the army, all of whom had experienced wars.

Compared with the defenders of the capital at this time, they are much stronger. With such strength guarding their side, their safety can be greatly guaranteed.

"Thank you Queen, I will do my best," the official said.

Then Ye Khan reported the situation of the defenders. Whenever this time, the top management of Guishuang was nervous, because every Jin army's attack would bring heavy casualties to the defenders~www.readwn .com~ Unsurprisingly, today's Jin army's attack was still so fierce, with more than 3,000 defenders falling on the battlefield.

Bearing such losses on a daily basis puts a lot of pressure on the senior management of Guishuang. They are worried that the Jin army will break through the city wall one day. Judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not far from the Jin army breaking the city wall.

When the elites of the Kushuang defenders paid more in this war, how could they be able to stop the wolf-like Jin army?

The sturdy strength of the Jin army has taught Guishuang soldiers a profound lesson on the battlefield, and even more so, the Guishuang soldiers have seen the ferocity of the Jin army in the continuous war, and felt that the Jin army cannot be provoked. When facing the Jin army's offensive, it was the most uneasy moment for the Kushuang soldiers.

To withstand the attack of the Jin army, if there is a fierce combat method as a basis, giving the Jin army more damage when fighting against the Jin army can ease the emergency situation. However, after seeing the ferocity of the Jin army, he will What we saw was the damage caused by the attack from the Jin army.

Relying on the military strength of Guishuang, when blocking the Jin army's attack, it is in great trouble, and if such trouble cannot be solved, it will definitely face a more dangerous situation in the future war.

The fierce Jin army is the king on the battlefield. Each of their attacks will bring great damage to the enemy, and it will make the enemy see the horror of the Jin army from the continuous war.

Only by facing the attack of the Jin army can we more deeply appreciate the horror of the Jin army. This is the elite who can bring many defeats to the enemy on the battlefield. Frost soldiers paid a heavy price.

Even so, they were still under a lot of pressure when they fought against the Jin army.

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