Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6324: : Today, the army is bound to come to the king's city

In the current war, the impact of the Jin army will have a far-reaching impact on the enemy, and when the Jin army's offensive is more aggressive, when the Jin army's attack will be more effective, the enemy is in When facing the Jin army, it will reveal a vulnerable side.

In fact, what can be seen is what kind of impact the Jin army's terrifying strength will bring, and what kind of damage the Jin army's means will cause.

Only by achieving greater victories in wars and wars, and only by showing the means of our soldiers and soldiers better, can we be able to deal with dangerous situations more easily on the battlefield in the future.

The battle is a great test for the Jin army, and from the actual war effect, what can be seen is the effect achieved by the Jin army.

It is precisely because there are many victories, precisely because the actions in the war will achieve greater results, so that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring more shock to the enemy, and it will make the enemy more shocked. What I learned from this was the terrible tactics of the Jin army.

The persistence of Guishuang's army in the city can indeed bring some trouble to the Jin army's attack, but such trouble can be overcome by the Jin army, especially when the fierce means of the Jin army are better deployed. , Who can stop the Jin army's attack?

This kind of frontal attack is what the Jin army is good at. When the Jin army's offensive is more aggressive, when the Jin army's attack will make the enemy see a breath of despair, the enemy will face the Jin army. Some are more fearful, and the enemy cannot effectively deploy the means in front of the Jin army.

In this war, from the actions of the Jin army, we can see the amazing achievements of the Jin army.

Relying on many victories in the war, the Jin army will be more reckless on the battlefield, but the achievements of the Jin army cannot be ignored.

It was because of the bravery of the Jin army that the soldiers of Guishuang saw the bravery of the Jin army, and they were unable to win the battle against the Jin army. In this case, it was reasonable for them to choose to join the Jin army.

Surrender is a shameful thing. The key is to see where it is placed. Under the terrifying tactics of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the tension of the situation, and the soldiers of Guishuang will be in such a war. What I felt was the terrifying strength of the Jin army.

And only by showing a more aggressive side when fighting against the Jin army, and only by showing the strength of one's soldiers and soldiers better, can they make greater achievements in the subsequent confrontation.

Victory in war is important to soldiers in the army. If they cannot win on the battlefield, their value cannot be better reflected.

For lieutenants and soldiers, failure is often the most unacceptable and the most demoralizing.

But the defeat of the war is already a normal thing for the soldiers of Guishuang. It would be surprising if there was no defeat but victory in the battle against the Jin army.

To take refuge in the powerful Jin state, there is no more burden for the Kushuang soldiers at this time. They have made enough efforts on the battlefield for the continuation of the Kushuang Empire. Their sacrifices in the war, It is also for the sake of extending the glory of the Kushuang Empire.

It's just that in the war against the Jin army, there were many failures, which made the lieutenant soldiers lose more confidence in the war despite heavy losses. They knew that on such a battlefield, they would endure more The threat that will be encountered on such a battlefield is more trouble.

The Jin army's bravery and skill in fighting caused Guishuang to lose the last fighting spirit, because the officials of Guishuang also knew that their confrontation at this time could only bring them a miserable end.

And the Jin army clearly had other arrangements in the city. This can be seen from the officials and nobles who responded in the city. This also shows that Jin's means are beyond imagination.

In this war, no matter how tough Kushuang's soldiers showed on the battlefield, it was an undeniable fact that they failed to win the war against the Jin army.

And this kind of battle situation will further affect the situation of Kushuang in the subsequent wars, so that the soldiers of Kushuang will endure more hardships when dealing with the war.

Victory from the war, and better display of the means and strength of one's own soldiers, making one's own attack more effective, these are all helpful to the future war environment.

In fact, under the rule of Guishuang, the Jin army did not face much opposition. The main reason was that there was no killing under the governance of Jin officials. Although the Jin army was an outsider, such an outsider could give the current What Guishuang brought was the stability of the situation, and no one could ignore the great role played by the means of Jin officials.

Looking at the development mode of the Jin state, we will see that the emperor of the Jin state is outstanding. When facing the war, the army of the Jin state will let the enemy army taste the taste of war failure on the battlefield. , and when the fighting methods of the Jin army are better displayed, the enemy will suffer more defeats from it.

The proud achievements of the Jin army were built on the basis of victories over and over again. Such a state of Jin cannot be ignored.

The chaos in the city made Ye Khan have to stand up at the last moment. Even if he knew that such a move might lead to death in battle, as a general of Guishuang, he had reasons that he could not shirk.

Besides, the battlefield of death is also the glory of a general.

The situation in Guishuang was so bad that Ye Khan was powerless.

Thinking of his last letter to the queen, Ye Khan clenched the sword in his hand, "Kill the enemy!"

With Ye Khan's roar, the soldiers behind him came forward. General Ye Khan, at the last moment of the war, still did not retreat. As the soldiers under his command, they would also show their performance.

At this time, there is no doubt about their loyalty to Ye Khan. They are still willing to stand with Ye Khan in the complicated war situation. In the face of the fierce offensive of the Jin army, they will not There will be too much fear.

Ye Khan has said more than once that when the situation of Guishuang is the most urgent, as a general of Guishuang, he will stand up to stop the enemy army, even if it is to die for the war, he will not hesitate. m.

When many Kushuang soldiers heard such rhetoric, their hearts were greatly touched, but when the situation has developed to the current level, they will inevitably have worries and concerns when dealing with the war.

However, the general Ye Khan was able to do this.

The chaos in the city had a great impact on the fighting Kushuang soldiers. Even if they had the intention to make some achievements in blocking the Jin army's attack, after seeing the chaos in the city, their minds, It can only be pressed down, because the situation in the city at this time makes it clearer to the generals and soldiers that their struggle on the battlefield cannot have a greater effect, and such a struggle is likely to bring about More casualties.

Threats on the battlefield make lieutenants and soldiers have more concerns when dealing with wars, and when they endure wars, victory itself is far away.

Relying on the victory in the war, it is good to relieve the tension of one's own side, but in a specific war, in the face of a powerful enemy, not to mention other, just want to gather a high fighting spirit, it is not a thing. Simple things.

Ye Khan's ability to persist until now when the situation in Guishuang is urgent is enough to prove the terrifying ability of Ye Khan.

However, with such a general, he still could not ease the tension in Guishuang. Instead, he could only watch the Jin army break through the defense of the capital, and now the battle in the city was suppressing the Jin army.

The Jin army with many victories on the battlefield is an invincible existence on the battlefield, and when the fighting methods of the Jin army will be better displayed, their methods will be even more amazing.

Under the impact of the Jin army, Guishuang's soldiers will suffer more failures, and what makes Guishuang's soldiers feel more on such a battlefield is the huge gap between them.

In many battles, the Jin army was victorious under the defense of the Kushuang army, and in this war, it was no exception.

Guishuang's army has a remarkable place on the battlefield, but just relying on this, it is impossible to win under the attack of the Jin army. The brave Jin army will let the enemy on the battlefield. The army has a deeper understanding of what kind of consequences they will suffer when they fight against the Jin army.

Breaking down the Kushuang Empire is an important goal of the Jin army in this war. Even if there will be great difficulties on the way forward, they will not retreat.

Relying on the impact on the battlefield and the victory on the battlefield, the Jin army showed a more unscrupulous side when facing the war.

Perhaps Guishuang's soldiers are amazing in their means, but when they really face the war, they will see the horror of the Jin army.

In this war, the attack from the Jin army was still so ferocious, and with the help of the rebellion in the city, the attack speed of the Jin army would be faster.

Wangcheng is already in front of him. In front of the Jin army is a feared enemy. Their attack at this time makes the enemy army feel the breath of despair.

In fact, the Kushuang soldiers who have been able to persist on the battlefield until now still have a certain affection for Kushuang, and they want to continue Kushuang, otherwise, in the chaotic situation, they would have quietly left long ago.

The Kushuang Empire in the past had their pride and glory. The arrival of the war has changed the situation of Kushuang. It is good, but on the battlefield, the soldiers of Kushuang also showed their tenacity and tenacity. When the powerful Jin army is in, dare to step forward.

With the emergence of more and more rebels, the situation of Kushan's army became more dangerous.

The situation on the battlefield was constantly being heard by the Emperor of Jin.

Lü Bu nodded slightly and said, "Wenhe, the power in the city cannot be underestimated. With their help, we will definitely be able to invade the royal city today."

"The sage is wise, the officials of Guishuang and some nobles are willing to join the sage, all because the sage's army is strong, far from being able to stop Guishuang, and their move is also for their future and their lives." Jia Xu Archway.

Lv Bu said: "No matter what purpose they are in, in the future, people like this should be more cautious when appointing them. I don't want a rebellion in Guishuang in the future."

"My subordinates understand." Jia Xu hurriedly said.

What the emperor wants to do is to have a higher rule over Guishuang, not to say that these people who have taken refuge in Jin can bring more trouble to the governance of Jin with their credit.

As long as they are wise, they will not act rashly in the face of such a situation. When Jin's army is in full swing, with Guishuang's military strength, they are no longer able to stop the Jin army's attack on the battlefield. Since their blocking is ineffective, they have to take refuge in Jin, and they need to make corresponding contributions to Jin's governance of Kushuang. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to get attention.

It is believed that the Kushuang stewards who took refuge in Jin also have their knowledge on these matters.

"Tell Zhao Yun to quickly take down the enemy forces outside the king's city and surround the king's city." Lu Bu said solemnly.

After receiving the emperor's order, Zhao Yun did not dare to neglect and surrounded the king's city. This was to wipe out all the high-level officials of Guishuang.

The Jin army invaded Guishuang, and it is not easy to completely stabilize the situation in Guishuang. If there are high-level officials in Guishuang fleeing, it will definitely bring a lot of hidden dangers to the rule of Jin in the future.

What the Jin army wanted was a complete Guishuang, a Guishuang that could help the development of Jin, not to say that there would be many turbulences after taking refuge in Jin.

The Jin army is the elite who have experienced many wars. They know how to make the enemy lose quickly on the battlefield. When the enemy loses their spirit, facing the wolf-like Jin army, they will suffer even worse. situation.

With many war victories and many achievements on the battlefield, the impact of the Jin army will have a greater effect.

From the specific results of the war, we can see the superiority of the Jin army, and what kind of losses the enemy army will suffer under the impact of the Jin army.

Wanting to get more benefits from the Jin army, wanting to have more brilliant achievements on such a battlefield, is far from being as easy as imagined.

With Guishuang's army at this time, the actions on the battlefield will inevitably bring more damage to the enemy, and the enemy will see the fierceness of the Jin army.

The failures of Guishuang's soldiers in the war made them understand that it is difficult for them to do anything more on the road of fighting against the Jin army. The best way is to get a stable life under the rule of Jin.

The arrival of the Jin army brought great changes to the situation in Guishuang.

In the dark and damp mine tunnel, Lu Ye walked forward step by step with the ore basket on his back and the pickaxe in his hand.

The content of the website is incorrect, please download the iRead app to read the correct content. The boy's expression was a little sad, his eyes focused on the empty space in front of him, as if staring at something.

To outsiders, there is nothing in front of Lu Ye, but in fact, in the young man's field of vision, he can see a translucent shadow.

It was like the shadow of a tree, gray and unrecognizable, with luxuriant branches and leaves. The branches were separated from one-third of the tree body to the left and right, supporting a semi-circular crown.

It has been more than a year since he came to this world called Kyushu, and Lu Ye has not yet figured out what it is. He only knows that when his attention is concentrated enough, this shadow tree has a chance to appear in the field of vision. And no one else notices it at all.

What a sad life. The young man sighed.

A year ago, he suddenly woke up in this unfamiliar world. Before he could get acquainted with the environment, the power he was in was overrun by a group of thieves, and many people were killed. He and some other young men and women became that The captive of the thieves was then sent to this mine and became a lowly miner.

Afterwards, he learned from scattered conversations with others that the faction he was in was affiliated with the Haotian League, a sect called Xuantianzong.

The name of this sect sounds cool and tyrannical, but in fact it is just a small sect.

It was the Xieyue Valley under the command of Wanmoling who captured the Xuantian Sect.

The Haotian Alliance and Wan Moling are the two major factions in this world. They are all formed by the union of countless forces, big and small, fighting each other with the intention of completely destroying each other. It is said that it has been going on for hundreds of years.

In Lu Ye's view, this kind of battle is simply a confrontation between the lawful camp and the evil camp. He just accidentally got involved in such a confrontation.

Over the years, wars in the Kyushu continent have been raging. Every year, small forces such as Xuan Tianzong have been uprooted, but soon more forces have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, occupying various territories, making the situation even more chaotic.

Mine slave, just mine slave, Lu Ye comforted himself, compared to those who were killed, he was still alive anyway.

It's not that he has any special ability to survive, but that Xieyue Valley needs some handymen to do things. Someone like Lu Ye who has no cultivation and is still young is undoubtedly the best choice.

In fact, the miners in this vein are not only people from Xuantian Sect, but also some other small families and disciples of small sects.

Evil Moon Valley is not weak. Over the years, it has captured a lot of territory. The original forces on these sites have naturally been destroyed, and some of the available personnel have been sent to various places for enslavement by Evil Moon Valley.

These people, without exception, have one characteristic: they haven't opened their minds yet, and they don't have cultivation bases, so they are easy to control.

There is a saying in the Kyushu Continent, it is difficult for a demon to transform into a form without enlightenment, and it is difficult for a person to cultivate without enlightenment.

If you want to practice, you need to open your spiritual orifices. Only when you have opened your spiritual orifices can you be qualified to practice.

Opening the spiritual orifice is not an easy thing. Ordinary people can open the spiritual orifice after systematic training. However, if they are from a cultivation family or a sect, the percentage may be higher if they have elders' guidance.

Lu Ye couldn't open his spiritual aperture, so he could only make a living by mining in this dim mine.

However, the mine slave is not without a way out. If he succeeds in enlightenment and finds the person in charge to report to him, he will have the opportunity to participate in an assessment. If the assessment is successful, he can become a disciple of Xie Yuegu.

However, there are very few miners who can open their minds. They work all day in this dim environment and can't even get enough to eat. How can they be enlightened.

So basically 99% of the miners have accepted their fate and work hard every day just for a full meal.

Lu Ye had no sense of belonging to the Xuantian Sect. After all, the Xuantian Sect was destroyed as soon as he came to this world, and he did not know who the people in the sect were.

He also doesn't want to be a disciple of Xieyuegu. This is not a serious force. Just hearing the name gives people a sense of evil, and it will be cold sooner or later.

But he can't live here as a miner all his life. What kind of formality is that? He is also an elite in the new era. If he doesn't have a dream, what is the difference between a salted fish and a salted fish.

So this year he has been working hard to enlighten himself. Originally, he thought that only the shadow tree that he could see could provide him with some wonderful help, but until now, the shadow tree is still just a shadow. It also affects his vision.

Lu Ye seriously doubted whether there was something wrong with his eyes.

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Turning a corner, a faint light appeared in the distance, which was one of the exits of the mine.

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Today's harvest is good. If you turn over the ore in the ore basket, you should be able to contribute three points. Counting the accumulation in the past few days, it is about twelve points. Two points are exchanged for two steamed buns, and the remaining ten points are just enough. Change a Qi and Blood Pill.

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Qi and Blood Pill is a very low-level medicinal pill, and it is not an aid to enlightenment. However, in order to open one's orifices, it must be filled with Qi and blood. Although Qi and Blood Pill is low-level, it is suitable for people like Lu Ye who are not enlightened.

The reason why Xieyuegu is willing to take out the Qi and Blood Pill is not because of their kindness, but because they understand the way of people's hearts. This cheapest and low-level pill can make people with hope work harder to mine.

For example, Lu Ye works hard every day.

Thirty feet away from the exit of the mine tunnel, Lu Ye's eyes inadvertently glanced at a corner on the left front, where there was a huge boulder.

He kept walking and continued to walk forward until about ten feet before he put down the mining basket behind him, tightened the pickaxe in his hand, and took out a moderately sized stone from the basket and weighed it a little. .

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The next moment, he ran towards the boulder, approached the boulder, slid sideways, stepped on the rock wall of the mine, and swooped down towards the back of the boulder with the help of the rebound force, like a vigorous Cheetah.

The two figures were half-squatting behind the boulder, using the boulder to cover their figures, but they never thought that people would find their tracks.

Hearing the movement, it was too late to see Lu Ye trying to get up.

Under the terrified gazes of the two, Lu Ye raised his hand and threw out the ore in his hand, hitting the bridge of one of them's nose. The man immediately let out a miserable cry and fell to the ground on his back, blood dripping from his face.

Lu Ye's mining pick in the other hand shot again, but missed the second person. That person responded well and turned his head to avoid it.

However, Lu Ye had already rushed in front of him, kicked him down, and hit the opponent's lower abdomen. The man was in pain and flew out, fell to his knees, and spat out a mouthful of sour water.

Lu Ye stepped forward, grabbed the other's hair with one hand, saw the other's face clearly, and sneered: Who am I, it turns out to be your brothers!

The two people he knew were disciples of the Liu family. After the site where the Liu family was located was captured by Xieyuegu, some young disciples of the Liu family were sent here to serve as mine slaves.

Strictly speaking, the two brothers, Lu Ye and the Liu family, are connected by the same fate.

The content of the website is updated slowly, please download the iRead app to read the latest chapter content. Have I ever said, don't let me see you again, or I'll kill you! As Lu Ye spoke, he picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it hard.

This time, the smashing was not light, and the second Liu family snorted, and was immediately knocked unconscious.

Lu Ye walked towards Boss Liu who was injured by him before.

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Boss Liu's forehead was smashed to pieces, blood blurred his eyes, he vaguely saw Lu Ye walking towards him, and he was so frightened that he rolled and crawled: "Forgive me, my two brothers didn't know it was you who came here, they thought it was someone else!

The two Liu brothers sneaked in ambush in front of the exit of the mine, naturally they had no good intentions.

Before the two were arrested, they were both spoiled and spoiled. Even if they became mine slaves, they were unwilling to endure hardship. However, the status of mine slaves was low, and the people of Xieyue Valley did not regard mine slaves as human beings, and there was no ore exchange. If you contribute, you can't get food at all.

Therefore, the two brothers often squatted in front of a certain exit of the mine tunnel and robbed the miners who had been singled out. Many people were unlucky because of this. Not only were the ore mined hard every day robbed, but they were also beaten to death.

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The last time they just wanted to rob Lu Ye, but they were not opponents, so they were taught a lesson.

I never thought that it was only a few days ago that I met these two brothers again.

Just like rice raises a hundred kinds of people, there are miners like the Liu brothers who are lazy and lazy, and there are people who have dreams like Lu Ye.

In the past year, Lu Ye's contributions from the exchange of ore, in addition to ensuring daily food and clothing, were all exchanged for Qi and Blood Pills.

He took no less than thirty Qi and Blood Pills.

This makes Lu Ye stronger than most miners. Although his physique is not strong, the power contained in his body is already better than that of ordinary people.

It's no problem to deal with two lazy miners.

Boss Liu was still begging for mercy, but Lu Ye pretended not to hear him, grabbed him by the hair, raised the stone in the other hand, and smashed it down.

Lu Ye has seen too many tragedies in his life as a mining slave for more than a year, and he has long understood the truth. In this world of cannibalism, any pity and sympathy are useless.

The miners are not in harmony. The miners from different forces are destined to be unable to unite. For a piece of good ore, the miners often beat their heads and blood.

Every day people die in the mine tunnel, and every time you walk a certain distance, you can see a dead bone scattered on the ground.

There are not a few miners who starved to death because they were robbed.

Boss Liu fell in response.

Lu Ye picked up his mining pick, put the mining basket on his back again, and walked towards the exit. He didn't kill the Liu brothers, but it was not because he was soft-hearted, but the injured miners generally didn't live long here.

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Just a few steps away, a person suddenly rushed in in a panic at the exit.

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Go away! The man drank lowly and swiped towards Lu Ye with a slap.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt cold all over his body because he saw a light blue light flowing through the palm of his hand.

That was the light of spiritual power, in other words, it was a monk who shot him!

Only by opening the spiritual aperture can you be qualified to practice and be called a monk.

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The spiritual power of a monk is an extremely magical power. Lu Ye once saw a monk in Xieyue Valley take action. Although he did not have too much power, the man just smashed a piece of ore with a light palm. It was after seeing that magical scene that Lu Ye made up his mind that he must open his spiritual aperture and become a monk.

He also secretly assessed that even the lowest cultivator in Xie Yuegu could easily hang ten of himself.

So when he realized that it was a cultivator who attacked him, Lu Ye knew that he was about to face great trouble.

At the juncture of life and death, he abruptly stopped his steps and jumped back suddenly.

His chest numb, the sound of a broken bone sounded, and Lu Ye flew upside down and fell to the ground.

The severe pain made him sober a lot. After realizing that he was still alive, he immediately got up.

what! The cultivator who shot it was a little surprised. Although he didn't use his full strength just now, he just shot it casually, but it shouldn't be something that the miner could bear.

Using the dim light to see the miner's face clearly, he blurted out: Lu Ye?

At this moment, Lu Ye was already in a posture of turning around and running away. He was stunned when he heard the voice: Steward Yang?

This cultivator surnamed Yang was a small manager in the mine, and Lu Ye would often deal with him, UU reading www.uukanshu. Because the Qi and Blood Pill was exchanged from him, they were also familiar with each other.

Manager Yang is very optimistic about Lu Ye. After all, it is rare to see a mining slave like him who can bear hardships and stand hard work.

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However, if you are optimistic, you will be optimistic. There is no special preferential treatment. Without enlightenment in one day, there is an insurmountable gap between a mortal like Lu Ye and a cultivator.

After recognizing Lu Ye, Manager Yang was relieved that he failed to kill the opponent with his palm. Lu Ye has exchanged a lot of Qi and Blood Pills from him over the past year, and his physical quality is better than that of ordinary miners. Strong, plus he just hit him casually and didn't want to kill people deliberately, it's not surprising that the other party can survive.

Opposite Director Yang, Lu Ye was beating a drum in his heart.

The monks in Xieyue Valley generally don't pay attention to the life and death of the miners. They also know that the miners often fight in the mines. Unless they meet them, they basically ignore them.

Only then did Lu Ye beat the Liu brothers to the ground and collapsed to the ground. Turning around, Manager Yang slapped him. From Lu Ye's point of view, it was clear that Manager Yang was teaching him a lesson.

To see the latest and correct content, please download Love Reading Novel. However, he soon felt that something was wrong, because Steward Yang looked flustered when he rushed in, as if he was standing up for the Liu brothers.

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The content of the website is updated slowly, please download the iRead app to read the latest chapter content. Download the iReading app for a better reading experience. Just when he was thinking about it, Manager Yang showed a surprised look, as if it was a good thing to meet Lu Ye here, he bullied him and grabbed Lu Ye's shoulder: follow me! "

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