Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6325: : Yerkhan is in this team

Chapter 6348 Ye Khan is in this team

However, such a change has brought about a change in the way of life of the people of Guishuang. Their monarch at this time has become the emperor of Jin. If they do not obey the orders of the emperor of Jin, it may bring misery. 's fate.

With the support of strong strength, the strategy of the emperor of Jin in Guishuang can be quickly implemented in a short period of time. Of course, what kind of resistance there will be in the dark is not a problem that the emperor of Jin needs to consider for the time being. Guishuang quickly stabilized, making it difficult for those resisting forces to have greater results is the most critical.

The rapid development of Kushuang after that was able to make Jin's heritage even bigger.

In the past, the Kushan Empire was able to fight against the Parthian Empire for many years without losing the wind, which shows that the Kushan Empire has merit.

Guishuang's soldiers displayed good combat effectiveness on the battlefield, and it was difficult to obtain greater benefits with the help of the Parth Empire, even with the secret assistance of Jin.

But if the Jin army is dispatched in person, the meaning of the representation is completely different, because the Jin army's actions in the war will bring more damage to Kushuang, and the situation in Peshawar is the best proof.

No matter what kind of perseverance the top leaders of Guishuang will have in this war, their perseverance will have a limited effect. When the attack of the Jin army comes fiercely, the attack of the Jin army will play a greater role. The effect, in the following war, the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy.

Relying on the achievements on the battlefield, it is very important to make the attack of one's soldiers more effective, and to make the attack of one's soldiers have a greater effect.

The fierce attacking side of the Jin army tried, so that the soldiers of Kushuang would see the tension of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang would see was the urgency of the situation.

Jin's army has the belief that they will win this war, let alone what kind of persistence the Kushuang army will have. Such persistence will not have a greater effect.

The madness displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield brought a greater touch to the soldiers of Guishuang, so that when the army of Guishuang faced the attack of the Jin army, they would see the tension of the situation and see What's more important is how much damage the Jin army's attack will bring.

And only if we can better deal with the critical situation on the battlefield, and only in such a situation can make the attack of our soldiers more effective, we can have a greater effect on the battlefield in the future.

The brave and skilled Jin army is an invincible existence on the battlefield. From the continuous war situation, we can see what kind of impact the proud achievements of the Jin army will bring.

The situation of war itself is complicated. If in such a war, we cannot better deal with the complicated situation, just the situation that we may face on the battlefield in the future will make the soldiers of the army suffer more losses. .

Guishuang's army also has a strong strength, but after the end of the war, Guishuang's army suffered tragic failures. Such a failure of war has made the high-level officials of Guishuang and the officials of Guishuang gradually Realizing that their so-called powerful strength turned out to be so weak in front of the Jin army's attack.

Relying on the victory of the confrontation, the means of one's own side can be better displayed, and the attack of one's own side will be more effective. These things seem simple, after all, they are very difficult.

The Jin army can defeat the enemy very well on the battlefield, and it can make the emperor of Jin's plan on the battlefield better realized, which is the proof of the strong strength of the Jin army.

It is reasonable for Guishang's army to have their perseverance on the battlefield, but such perseverance cannot stop the Jin army's attack.

On the contrary, when the Jin army was attacking, it had the power of the Kushuang rebellion and helped the Jin army.

With the help of the rebel forces in the city, the soldiers and soldiers who resisted Kushuang had a feeling of despair. They had completely lost hope in such a war.

Originally, blocking the Jin army's attack was already a very difficult task. Now, if there is a Jin army's inner response in the city, how can they defeat the Jin army in this war?

The sturdy Jin army has extraordinary means, not only on the battlefield, but also on the layout.

When Guishuang's army faced the Jin army on the battlefield, the difference in means and strength displayed made Guishuang's generals even feel like a child was fighting with a strong man.

No matter what the equipment is, is it possible that you can still get some benefits from the Jin army?

The current situation of Guishuang makes the officials of Guishuang have to make a choice as soon as possible, because they know that if they do not make a choice, the consequences may be more serious.

From some of the Queen's performances, it is not difficult to see that the Queen is not willing to join the Jin State, and that the Kushuang Empire will be destroyed. When she was attacked by the Jin army, the Queen showed a very determined side.

That's why the queen's attitude towards the Jin army is very obvious.

And the secret of taking the opportunity to join the Jin Kingdom can indeed save her life, the key is that the queen's means have to be guarded.

There are quite a few officials in the city who want to take refuge in Jin, but they need to be very cautious in their actions, and their situation is relatively difficult.

The rebellion this time was when the Jin army launched an attack, and when Kushuang was facing a difficult time, it can be said that it was a turmoil, which was enough to completely destroy the defense forces in the city.

There were soldiers falling in front of him one after another, Ye Khan's expression was low, and the royal city not far away was where he was guarding.

This is the last pride and dignity of Guishuang. If even the royal city is breached in front of him, this is the greatest shame.

Ye Khan also knew that, relying on the current strength of Guishuang, it was impossible to fight against the Jin army. The heavy price paid by the soldiers made Ye Khan clear that if he continued to fight, it would not benefit Guishuang in the slightest.

Even the royal family of Guishuang may be destroyed in this war.

The victorious side can always occupy the absolute initiative. The emperor of Jin can achieve today's achievements, and he must not be a soft-hearted person. If he kills the royal family in Guishuang, it will completely cut off the royal family. blood vessels.

At such a time, Ye Khan had to make some preparations for the future.

There were more than 5,000 soldiers and soldiers gathered beside Ye Khan, and more than 5,000 soldiers and soldiers from Guishuang, the fighting power that broke out should not be underestimated.

But when the Jin army's offensive came and when the Jin army's strong combat methods were shown again, what the Kushuang soldiers who fought against the Jin army once again realized the horror of the Jin army, and saw the Jin army's attack again. What kind of damage does it cause.

The brave and skilled Jin army created many miracles on the battlefield of Guishuang, and when facing the attack of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang were the least calm, because they had suffered too many failures, and when such If the failure of the war further affects the situation of Kushuang, the soldiers of Kushuang have to be cautious when making choices.

It is true that they will bear a painful price when fighting against the Jin army, but the value they play in blocking the Jin army's attack is huge.

There are constantly soldiers entering the royal city. At this time, the royal city is heavily guarded, and on the streets, there are even more soldiers patrolling with perseverance.

The battle in the city had an obvious impact on the royal city, and the power of the rebellion made the defenders in the city have to be more cautious when fighting.

Zhao Yun commanded the soldiers to step forward, and the results were outstanding.

"General, the enemy in front is resisting extremely fiercely." A general reported.

Zhao Yun frowned slightly, "Take Ben to have a look."

The battle had reached a fever pitch, but more of the Jin army was advancing, and the enemy army was constantly retreating. During this process, Guishuang's soldiers kept falling. This kind of battle made the Jin army's attack. The situation is more ferocious, and it is the belief of the Jin army to achieve greater victory in this war.

The Jin army, who paid a lot on the battlefield of Guishuang, needs the final victory in the war, and the resistance of the enemy army on the battlefield will arouse the fighting spirit of the Jin army.

Let the enemy army tremble under the attack of the Jin army. The so-called resistance of the enemy army cannot play a greater role, and it is important to fundamentally defeat the enemy army.

While the Jin army was attacking quickly, it also maintained close cooperation, which was also a manifestation of the combat quality of the Jin army.

Not to mention what kind of situation will occur in the war, it is very important to maintain cooperation. If you can't even cooperate, it will be extremely difficult to better protect your side and defeat the enemy on the battlefield.

Elites, the reason why they can be called elites is because they can show more of their training achievements on the battlefield when they are fighting, so that the enemy will bear a heavier price when they endure the war.

Only those who have experienced brutal wars and made greater achievements in complex war situations can such an army become more brilliant and become the elite of the Jin army.

The Jin army has a large number, but not many can be called elites. On the battlefield of attacking the Kushuang Empire, the Jin army mobilized many elites. These many elites need credit on the battlefield. Therefore, what they showed on the battlefield was a brave and fearless side, and the resistance of the enemy army had limited effect in front of the elites of the Jin army.

The madness and fierce offensive methods displayed by the Jin army in the war often brought more damage to the enemy, and let the enemy know what kind of cruel situation the Jin army's attack would bring.

Relying on powerful offensive methods, the Jin army's offensive was particularly fierce, which was also an important combat method of the Jin army on the previous battlefield.

The unique sound of the three-eyed guns sounded from time to time on the battlefield. When the war came to such a time, the Jin army would not have reservations about the means of fighting, so that the enemy army would suffer more defeats under the offensive of the Jin army, and let them Having more fear is the most important thing.

The Jin army's offensive means is not only as simple as the three-eyed gun, but the other fierce means displayed by it are still as strong. At least when they fight against the soldiers of Kushuang, they will bring them to Guishuang. What came was more shock, which made the soldiers of Guishuang lose their due confidence in this war.

Besides, the soldiers of Guishuang lost their confidence in such a war environment. What they saw in the war was the strength of the Jin army, and what they saw was the damage caused by the impact of the Jin army. How about in such a war environment Next, what kind of combat force can effectively stop the Jin army?

At present, the soldiers of Guishuang have not found the proper way on the battlefield, and such a war situation determines that the situation in the future will be more cruel.

The rebellion in the capital of Kuishan will not simply stop. Such a rebellion will bring continuous turbulence to the situation of Kushan until the Kushan Empire is destroyed in this war.

Queen Guishuang may be a monarch with means, but when such a monarch encounters a powerful Jin army, it can only end sadly in the end.

Zhao Yun came to the front of the battlefield, saw the Kushuang soldiers who were desperately resisting, and said slowly: "This must be the most elite existence of the enemy."

A general came on horseback and said, "General, the general of Guishuang, Ye Khan, is in this team."

The look on his face can't hide his The general of Kushuang, that is a big fish. If he can capture or kill the general of Guishuang, the credit is so great that it is hard to refuse.

As a high-level figure in Guishuang, Ye Khan also had a certain reputation in the Jin army. He was able to lead the army to block the Jin army's attack for such a long time, and he was already on the death list of the Jin army.

It's just that the tense situation in Guishuang is no longer under the control of Ye Khan. Under the fierce offensive of the Jin army, the army of Guishuang will suffer more failures on the battlefield. What the battlefield saw was the urgency of their situation.

Wanting to achieve greater achievements on such a battlefield is not a simple matter, this is a situation that anyone with a discerning eye can see.

Many war victories have brought greater assistance to the Jin army, so that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will achieve greater results.

And after seeing Guishuang's general Ye Khan, the Jin army was destined to be unable to calm down. If the most important person in the enemy army was killed, the subsequent war would be easier.

Ye Khan, the general of Guishuang, was an important figure who blocked the Jin army.

If the death of Aluqi, the former minister of Kushuang, caused shock to Kushuang, then the death of Ye Khan will bring destruction.

Ye Khan's fighting on the battlefield just shows the urgency of the situation in Kuishan at this time. When the actions of Kushuang's army on the battlefield are more hindered, their actions on the battlefield will inevitably suffer failure. cost.


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