Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6478: : Maybe you will be happy

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The wide streets are lined with neat houses, which is not available in Peshawar, and the ground is a flat concrete road.

Such a capital city of the state of Jin deeply touched the queen.

After entering the inner city and returning to the palace, Lu Bu looked at his familiar relatives, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

As the emperor of Jin, he is qualified, but as a father and husband, he is not qualified. His wives understand him in this matter.

After all, as the emperor of Jin, there are many things to deal with. A huge empire cannot be separated from the emperor's decision-making.

Lu Bu let the officials of the six ministries take charge of more things in order to reduce the pressure on the emperor. It is a good feeling to hold power firmly in his hands, but such a move will also bring more fatigue feel.

The empire has a lot of things to deal with every day. If all these powers are placed on one person, what kind of scene will this person endure.

To govern a huge empire, it is not enough to rely on only one person, and it needs to rely on some people.

The exercise of power needs to be more prudent, and Lu Bu has been working **** these aspects.

Queen Guishuang has confidence in her appearance and temperament, but when she saw Cai Yan and other women, she felt a sense of crisis for the first time.

The emperor of the state of Jin is an outstanding person, and there are many beautiful and intelligent women around him.

Cai Yan and other women already knew the identity of Queen Guishuang, and the relationship between them was brought closer by a few words, which seemed quite harmonious.

Cai Yan, who became a queen, is more general, and Lu Bu is very satisfied with the handling of many things.

A stable harem is of great help to the development of Jin. If the emperor's harem is not stable, and even concubines intervene in the affairs of the court, it will be difficult for officials in the court.

For example, Cai Yan is a talented woman, and she is the queen of Jin, and her son is the prince of Jin, which will make Cai Yan's status more noble. If Cai Yan interferes with the affairs of the court, what will happen to the officials in the court? Dare to oppose it.

However, under the governance of Cai Yan, the Palace of Time did not make any mistakes, and they could not be seen interfering in government affairs in the court. On this point, the queen has won a lot of praise.

They hadn't seen each other for nearly a year, and Lu Bu and the girls shared some knowledge, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

The children came to visit one after another, making the atmosphere in the venue even more harmonious.

Queen Guishuang saw the scene in front of her, especially Lu Bu's children, with a hint of envy in her expression.

Cai Yan seemed to have seen what the queen was thinking, and said in a low voice: "You have been with your husband for a while, you can ask the imperial doctor to check, maybe you are already happy."

The Queen nodded blushing.

Seeing the queen in such a young daughter's posture made Cai Yan feel a lot closer.

The former queen of Guishuang was a high-ranking existence. Because of the defeat of the war, she was far away from her hometown and came to the strange state of Jin and became the concubine of the emperor of Jin. There must be many unknown reasons in the middle, but the queen of Guishuang is A miserable man.

All Cai Yan can do is to give the queen more care, and having a child with Lu Bu may be able to make the queen's heart settle down.

There will definitely be more children of Lu Bu in the future, and maybe even more women of Lu Bu, but as Lu Bu's wife, what Cai Yan needs to do is to support Lu Bu more and let Lu Bu rule the empire. When I was there, I could feel the support of the women in the harem.

The harmonious atmosphere of the harem enabled Lu Bu to devote himself to dealing with the affairs of the court, especially at this time, the Guishuang Empire had just been occupied by the Jin State, and many things needed to be handled by the emperor of the Jin State.

Of course, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom did a good job in delegating power, and the officials in the court couldn't find any faults.

Officials appointed by the emperor of the Jin state will see the trust of the emperor of the Jin state, and such an atmosphere can allow the Jin state to show methods that ordinary people cannot imagine when it develops.

The development of an empire is a very important thing. If some aspects of the situation are not handled properly, more problems may arise. Looking at the past development of Jin, what can be seen is that the emperor of Jin What kind of changes did Jin's rule bring to Jin?

Therefore, some of the strategies put forward by the emperor of Jin can be well implemented by the courtiers, and on this basis, a more complete strategy can be formulated.

The current state of Jin is astounding in terms of the speed of development, and when the development of Jin is even faster, there may be wars that will follow, which has a lot to do with the ambitions of the emperor of Jin of.

War can enable the civil and military of Jin to better demonstrate their own abilities, and what they can get in the war is a higher status and attention.

The achievements of the Jin State are far from being as simple as what they saw at the moment, which also gave the officials of the Jin State more confidence.

The strength of the enemy is strong, how much threat can it pose to the national power of the Jin State? When the national power of the Jin State recovers from the war, it is the monarchs of the neighboring countries that need to worry.

It is inevitable that all the officials are busy, but when Lu Bu appeared in the court the next day, looking at many familiar faces, after they talked about some recent progress, they turned their attention to the position of Minister of War Guo Jia.

After Guo Jia, Minister of the Ministry of War, returned to Chang'an City, he felt unwell and is now recuperating in the mansion.

This made the courtiers dissatisfied. This is a hero who has made a lot of contributions to the Jin Kingdom's battle against Guishuang.

After the dynasty was dispersed, many officials visited Guo Jia's mansion one after another. As for what kind of verbal disputes would arise during such a process, it was out of Lu Bu's consideration.

Gu Yong and others gave a detailed account of the important events that happened in the middle school.

Lu Bu nodded and said: "The war against Guishuang consumed a lot of national strength. The most important thing at present is to accumulate strength and make up for the losses caused by the war. The soldiers who died in the battle are all heroes of the Jin Kingdom. Pensions must be done properly and there must be no omissions."

"Here." Gu Yong saluted.

The emperor of the Jin State has always been very concerned about the situation of the soldiers in the army, especially the issue of pensions for the soldiers who died in battle. Once any omissions are found, a group of officials will inevitably be dealt with.

The soldiers who died in battle were for the state of Jin, and they should receive due compensation for their deaths.

It is precisely because of such a strict system that the lieutenants have more respect for their emperor.

Let the soldiers in the army enjoy the treatment they deserve. This is what the emperor of Jin should do after the war is over. After the soldiers in the army have fought **** battles, their family members should not be troubled by these pension issues.

The state of Jin has always maintained a good practice in these aspects, and this practice is recognized by the soldiers in the army.

Even though the Jin State suffered a lot in this war, it will not delay in the pensions of the soldiers.

It is good that the state of Jin is strong, but after such a war, the test of the treasury of the state of Jin is very great. Fortunately, the way and speed of the development of the state of Jin are astonishing. After all, it is very difficult to recover quickly in the next war.

Wars have always been a test for the Jin State. After the Jin State has accumulated national strength, it has launched many wars. This has something to do with the character of the Jin State Emperor, even if the Guishuang Empire did not provoke the Jin State Emperor. On the head of the state, could it be said that the emperor of the state of Jin would allow the Guishuang Empire to develop in the surrounding area and remain indifferent? This is not in line with the emperor's approach.

To make the territory of the Jin State more extensive, it always requires more efforts, and at such a time, the support of the country is particularly important, so that the soldiers of the army will not be overwhelmed by the matter of food and grass when they are fighting. And worry, their duty is to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

"Inspector's Office, Yushitai, strengthen the supervision of counties and counties, and routine inspections must be strict and serious." Lu Bu said.

Gu Yong and others all agreed.

Jin's system is strict, and people who abide by the system will definitely not feel anything, but Jin's family deeply feels these things in the process of development, and they dare not There was more audacity.

The return of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was a top priority for the entire Jin Kingdom, and the newspapers even publicized this battle.

War is no stranger to the Jin State. It would be the most surprising thing if the Jin State's army did not win the battle. Sometimes there will be more victories in the war, which also makes the people of Jin gradually develop a tough style.

The folk customs are tough, but they will not slack off in adhering to the Jin system. Such an empire will have a stronger foundation.

In the past dynasties, war was the top priority, because after a war ended, the pressure to bear was great. After the war, Jin also needed to recover quickly.

At this time, the role played by the chamber of commerce will be revealed.

In the Chamber of Commerce of Jin State, there are a large number of merchants, and what their business can bring to Jin State is a lot of profits.

The annual tax alone is an astonishing sum.

In terms of taxation, the Jin State is very generous to the people. Their taxation is much lower than that of the big Han, and the harvest of the fields has also been significantly improved with the efforts of the Ministry of Households. Developing in a positive direction will give the empire more confidence to meet unknown challenges.

Of course, for the empire at this time, they have reassured the Anxi Empire by not launching a war, so how could they easily invade Jin.

The state of Jin, which has just stabilized from the war, is still amazing. If someone dares to provoke, they will be greeted by the Jin army.

Not to mention anything else, just the 50,000 elite guarding the three states, as well as the soldiers and horses of Kangzhou and Dingzhou, supported a large-scale war, and there was no need to mobilize more supplies and soldiers from Chang'an.

Such a state of Jin, they are lucky not to invade the Anxi Empire.

This is also an important reason why Aldaban chose to cooperate with the emperor of Jin after the war in the Guishuang Empire. Cooperating with a powerful empire will allow Aldaban to get more benefits. ambitions are realized in the process.

Lu Bu is still more interested in the upcoming turmoil in the Parthian Empire, and information about the Parthian Empire will continue to spread to Chang'an.

The cooperation between Jin State and Altaban is not a secret among the senior officials of Jin State. They also conducted a lot of discussions on the plan of this matter, in order to weaken the influence of the Anxi Empire and at the same time allow Jin The country has gained greater benefits from this turmoil.

In the face of benefits, the top executives of Jin will not be polite in the slightest, they will do their best for such a thing.

Being able to obtain the city without launching a war and expanding the territory of the Jin State is not something that courtiers can easily give up.

It is true that this matter was only discussed among the important officials of the Jin State. If more people know such news, it will definitely have an impact on the future situation.

Six Books, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com, except for Guo Jia, all gave a brief account of the current situation.

This gave Lu Bu a simple understanding of the current situation of Jin.

Currently, Yangzhou and Youzhou are the fastest growing cities.

The counties and counties of Yangzhou are rich and prosperous. After the peace, due to the recuperation strategy of the Jin State, the lives of the people have not been disturbed, and the wind of doing business has already spread in Yangzhou. Their business has made a great contribution to the development of Yangzhou. .

As for Youzhou, it is because of doing business at sea.

Compared with the merchants in the mainland of Jin and those who went to Anxi, Rome and other places to do business, doing business at sea is not much better. Although the cost and danger of doing business at sea are relatively high, the profits obtained are amazing. Many businessmen from the Jin State devoted themselves to doing business at sea.

It was an upsurge of doing business at sea in the state of Jin.

Such changes were expected by Lu Bu. Through doing business at sea, discovering more unknown countries will not only bring benefits, but also allow the people of Jin to learn more about unknown places.

It is good that the Jin State launched a large-scale war, but the impact on the interior is limited, especially for the common people, who can't even feel the shock of the war.

But the news of the victory of the imperial army came one after another, which made the people excited.

A powerful empire will get more support. Now the Jin family is gradually increasing their support for the imperial court, because they gradually understand at this time that if they compete with the emperor of Jin, There will be no good end, and more support for the emperor of Jin is the correct way for the family to grow and develop.

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