Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6479: : want to change the military system

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Especially those families who joined the chamber of commerce, their background in business is incomparable to ordinary businessmen, and they are also relatively powerful among Jin businessmen.

While more families are engaged in business, they are also very concerned about the cultivation of the family's children. Only when there are people in the court, the development of the family will have better support. Bringing more benefits will eventually increase the family's influence accordingly.

The imperial examination system has reduced the control of the family, and made these families realize that the emperor of Jin will not sit back and watch their growth, and only by cooperating with the emperor of Jin as much as possible can their families grow.

It's just that the family will definitely encounter some problems in the process of growing, and many of them come from the imperial court.

After all, when the aristocratic families grow stronger, they may adopt some shady methods. This has been well proved in the past when the big men were in the past. In the process of the development of these families, they received more supervision.

Although people from aristocratic families are relatively depressed, but living in Jin State, they must abide by Jin State's system, and this is something that cannot be changed.

Besides, the emperor who cooperates with Jin can bring a lot of benefits to his family. Why would they object to such a thing.

On the whole, the state of Jin at this time showed a thriving situation, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

The arrival of the war was to deplete the soldiers in the army and the treasury, and did not affect the normal life of the people.

When the army fights, losses are inevitable, but what cannot be stopped is the actions of the people of the empire to join the army.

Whenever the empire recruits soldiers, the young and strong of the empire flock to them, and even in normal times, some young and strong come to the army and recommend themselves.

Lu Bu laughed and said, "It is a very good thing that the people of the empire are willing to serve the empire and join the army to make contributions."

"They are all wise and wise." Gu Yong said.

"I intend to change some systems in the army. After you go down, discuss it in detail and come up with a feasible method." Lu Bu said: "There are a large number of troops, and it is inevitable that some soldiers will get tired of the current life. Soldiers who have been in the army for more than five years can choose to leave the army, and if they have a position in the army, the imperial court will arrange a corresponding position, and at the same time, there will be a certain amount of financial subsidies."

Gu Yong and the others were slightly taken aback. Such a system did not exist in the past. Many people are lucky to be able to leave smoothly after entering the army. As for having an official position in the army, few willing to leave.

But in the Jin army, the situation will definitely be different, because the treatment is different.

It is good to have the opportunity to make contributions in the army, but the number of times the Jin army has fought many battles, but any war will definitely be dangerous. Losing their lives on the battlefield, after all, not all soldiers can face it calmly. of.

"My lord, what if a large number of generals want to leave?" Gu Yong asked.

Lu Bu said: "If the generals in the army see no hope and are willing to leave, why stop them? If they refuse to do their best in the army, won't they block the way of the soldiers who want to make a difference? Not only that, the army The assessment of generals will be more stringent."

"I understand."

Changes in the military system often involve considerable changes, especially the pressure that the arrangement of military generals will bring to the governments of counties and counties needs to be considered in more detail.

If it was in Chang'an, it would be easy to say, just the Escort needed a lot of people. These generals who left the army would still be useful in the Escort, and they would be more free.

Such a change will allow the Jin army to maintain a certain amount of fresh blood at all times, and avoid the long-term military career that will make them tired and slack.

This is also helpful for the post-Jin campaign.

Jin has a large number of troops, and as time goes by, the elite forces will be preserved, and the guarding forces of the states and counties will also be reduced. This is something that will definitely be implemented after Jin stabilizes.

In times of war, capable soldiers will get more credit in the war, and their promotion speed is also very fast, but in peacetime, the promotion speed of soldiers in the army is relatively slow.

Jin has experienced many wars, but it is not easy to appear on the battlefield. When the Jin army went to war, it selected elites, and these elites were more powerful in terms of combat effectiveness.

If things go on like this, the defenders of the states and counties will definitely have a big gap in combat effectiveness compared with the regular army that often fights.

The large number of troops also has a certain burden on Jin. It is the future trend to select the elite and form a more elite force.

Each city needs a certain number of troops to guard, but the number will not be too many. Their combat effectiveness must be much different from that of the regular army, and those soldiers who choose to leave the army may have their destination. Become the person responsible for the safety of a city in your hometown.

A huge empire needs to be gradually improved. In this process, various problems may be encountered. The key is what kind of method is used to solve these problems, and what can this method bring to the empire? Such help and benefits.

As night fell, Gu Yong and others left the palace. The conversation with the emperor today made them feel that there were many things that needed to be dealt with.

When the emperor is away, they just need to deal with what happened, and they need to be cautious in making changes, but when the emperor returns to Chang'an and make changes to more things, they, as officials of the Jin state, Just need to work harder.

For the prosperity of the empire, the officials of the empire have made a lot of efforts, but in their view, it is worthwhile for such efforts to exchange for the prosperity of Jin.

The development of the state of Jin today is accompanied by many difficulties, and such a difficult process has brought about the prosperity of the state of Jin

The prosperity of an empire has never been a simple matter. Following Lu Bu, witnessing the prosperity of the Jin State, making the Jin State an existence that no one dares to underestimate, this will improve the national power of the Jin State and the development of the Jin State. with vital help.

The wars launched by the Jin State all cost the people of the Jin State. Only by making the Jin State develop better can the national treasury be more solid.

From the unique development mode of the Jin State, we can see how easy the life of the people of the Jin State is. More land taxes fall into their own hands, and the family members can go out to do some things for the family. Bring a source of money.

Under such a life, the people of Jin would have more support and love for their emperor.

The change of the military system did not happen overnight, but the emperor raised this matter, and Gu Yong and others must try their best to deal with it and strive to achieve a more perfect state.

This is what often happens at the top of the Jin Kingdom. The emperor provides a general direction, and the high-level officials work hard for this direction and formulate a more complete strategy.

Under such a system, the workload of the emperor will definitely be reduced, and the busyness of the courtiers is indispensable.

However, some strategies that the emperor of Jin can propose are beyond the imagination of officials in the court, which will make the emperor of Jin have a higher status in their hearts.

Looking at the various achievements of the Jin State, we can see the extraordinaryness of the Jin State Emperor. At the critical moment of the Han Dynasty, it was precisely because of the powerful Jin State Emperor that the development of the Jin State was even more rapid. Dangping other princes and unifying the world, such a feat is enough to shake the ancient and modern.

However, the emperor of the state of Jin was not satisfied with this. For the growth and prosperity of the state of Jin, he paid more efforts. When the war was in progress, he personally commanded the army to fight. The officials of the state of Jin actually saw this kind of dedication. of.

The officials of the Jin State got better training in this process, and even the prince began to deal with some government affairs.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the majesty of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom that the entire Jin Kingdom has shown great vitality, and the officials of the Jin Kingdom have higher confidence when dealing with certain matters.

Of course, if they knew that the emperor of Jin was going to be lazy, they didn't know how they would feel.

It took several days for Lu Bu to complete the affairs at hand, and this was still with the assistance of officials from the DPRK and China.

After being away from Chang'an for nearly a year, it is something Lu Bu is proud of to be able to make things in the court run in such an orderly manner.

As for the control of power, Lu Bu did not achieve the ultimate. It is enough to have control in the general direction, and military power needs to be firmly controlled in the hands.

As long as the soldiers in the army are absolutely loyal to the empire, even if there is some turmoil in the empire, it is within the control range.

How can the officials in the court not be clear about this? In terms of military power, they dare not get involved easily. This is the forbidden zone of the emperor, and it is also the forbidden zone of the court officials.

There is no doubt about the loyalty of the generals in the army to their emperor. The strong national power and military strength of the Jin State were achieved through the efforts of the Jin State Emperor. The Jin State Emperor himself was born as a general. Even the famous generals in the Jin army are hard to match with the emperor.

The generals in the Temple of War are more aware of the direction of their efforts.

Since it is to change some systems in the army, the suggestions of the generals in the army are indispensable. This makes the senior generals involved inevitably feel a sense of crisis.

If it changes in this direction, the elite teams in the mainland of Jin will gradually decrease. This is also what will inevitably happen when the situation develops to a certain level.

What is left is a more elite team, they are capable of more tasks, and the empire can accumulate more elite forces for combat and guarding the safety of the empire.

The growth and growth of the Jin State is inseparable from the support of the lieutenant soldiers, and the war gives the lieutenant soldiers a broader stage.

After the Jin State grew stronger again, the subsequent defense targets of the Jin State were relatively simple, the Anxi Empire, and some foreign cities.

In fact, in addition to the rapid development of the Jin State, the people of these foreign cities captured by the Jin army have obtained a relatively stable life, and they are not dissatisfied with the current living conditions. If this time lasts longer, Jin's rule will inevitably become more stable.

There are quite a few young and strong people from other races in the Jin army. Their madness and toughness on the battlefield are comparable to the elite troops of the Jin army.

For example, many of the soldiers of Liangzhou under the command of Wei Yan came from the Qiang people. In the Liangzhou army, there was even a team composed of Qiang people. Their performance on the battlefield was not too bad.

The cavalry team formed by the ethnic groups on the grassland has made great contributions to the state of Jin.

When this kind of time is longer, when Jin's rule over them will be recognized by them, why would they do things to resist Jin's rule.

What the emperor of Jin can bring them is a stable life, so that they don't have to worry about food and clothing, and even have more money to spend. This is what they have obtained through their own efforts~www.readwn .com~ This kind of life will make them gradually give up their previous persistence.

A stable life allows the people of the empire to have a higher sense of belonging. This is also an important reason for the rapid stability and development of these places without looting or massacre after the Jin army captured the enemy's cities. .

Killing is not the main method of deterrence. When they see more of the strength of the Jin State and the real changes brought about by the arrival of the Jin State Army, their hatred for the Jin State will only be Gradually weakened.

It is the former nobles of these countries who really hate Jin. They are unwilling to lose their power, but after they come to Chang'an, their freedom and life will be restricted a lot. If they want to cause turmoil in Chang'an, they must Let's see if they have the ability to do this.

Overt and covert monitoring made these former nobles who came to Chang'an afraid to act rashly.

After a long time, they saw the strength of the state of Jin and gradually adapted to the current way of life. How much hatred would they have for the state of Jin?

As for the princes who were pacified in the past, their descendants even participated in the imperial examination and became officials of the Jin Dynasty.

The same Han people do not have much hatred, especially in the powerful Jin State, what they see is the hope of prosperity.

It is impossible to lack people who hate Jin, and what Jin needs to do is to make these people forget their hatred gradually, or they have to forget, because the strength of Jin is no longer limited by their strength. able to fight.

In Chang'an City, it was still bustling with businessmen who spoke accents from different places, and they started to get busy early.

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