Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6489: : Road construction in full swing

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Such a victory in the war is actually of great help to the stability of the Jin State. It will give the Jin State more confidence in the soldiers of the army. At the same time, the soldiers of the army will enjoy better treatment. A matter of course.

After all, the soldiers in the army have made great contributions to the development of Jin. Their contributions can make the development of Jin more smooth, and can make Jin more calm when dealing with wars.

The victory of the Jin State in the war gave more guarantees for the growth of the Jin State, and the methods and means of the development of the Jin State were even more shocking.

After this war is over, the Jin State will definitely have a careful arrangement, which is inevitable, and such an arrangement can make the development of the Jin State more smooth.

The joint action between Jin State and Ardaban, the prince of the Anxi Empire, must be of great help to the development of Jin State. In this matter, the emperor of Jin must be very concerned.

It is not a simple matter to allow Jin to develop rapidly and stabilize the current war results. In this, the price that Jin needs to pay may not be small, but for the victory of the war, Jin has paid a lot. Great efforts need to be rewarded.

The choice of the empire when facing the war, and the future direction of the empire, all require the emperor of Jin to have careful consideration.

What can be seen from the war is that the Jin army has made great achievements, and such achievements in the war cannot be destroyed. If the results of the war cannot be stabilized, the subsequent situation will definitely be even more unfavorable to the Jin State.

May I ask why the state of Jin is not cautious when it has paid a lot for the war? Aldaban's ambition has brought more opportunities for the development of the state of Jin, allowing the state of Jin to act in the land of the three states What will be obtained is a better display, otherwise, if the Anxi Empire is watching, Jin will inevitably be affected in many ways when it develops.

The Anxi Empire is also a powerful empire. In the past wars, the Anxi Empire has won many victories, but such victories in wars cannot affect the actions of the Jin Kingdom, just because the Anxi Empire will bring The threat will affect the development of Jin State, which is a situation that the emperor of Jin State does not want to see.

Now, the development of the Jin State can be well guaranteed, which provides better conditions for the recovery of the Jin State after the war. I believe that the officials of the Jin State will bring the development of the Jin State under such a situation. greater help.

Looking at the rapid development and achievements of Jin, we can see that the methods of the emperor of Jin are terrible. When the emperor of Jin wins the war, the rapid development of Jin will bring great influence to the surrounding empires. What came was a bigger shock.

There is no doubt about the prosperity of the Jin State. It is the most important thing to maintain a strong and prosperous situation. The stable development of the Jin State cannot be more beneficially guaranteed, and the sustainable development of the Jin State cannot be brought greater help. , the emperor of Jin would not agree.

The envoys of Artaban came to Chang'an. After some hard work, they got the desired results. The success of the alliance with the Jin State was of great help to the internal situation of the Anxi Empire. If you can't do it, it will become difficult to achieve in the future if you want to have a greater advantage when dealing with Jin.

In this war, the achievements of the Jin army are astonishing. Naturally, the high-level leaders of the Anxi Empire clearly saw the threat brought by the development of Jin. If the development of Jin cannot be restricted by the Anxi Empire, they will How can we get a greater advantage when facing Jin.

The rapid development of the Jin State has brought greater turmoil to Anxi's high-level leaders, and what the empire's high-level leaders have seen from this situation is their disadvantage.

After all, the Anxi Empire has experienced many wars. Although it was defeated by the Jin army, the generals of Guishuang will not give up lightly because of the failure on the battlefield of Guishuang.

Just like the Guishuang Empire, even though they experienced repeated failures in the war, when they blocked the fierce offensive of the Jin army, they still showed their tenacity and tenacity, which is the best proof

The soldiers of the empire have their dignity. When the war comes, they will not be more afraid of the sacrifice in the war.

At this time, the state of Jin needs a stable development time, and Artaban just took a fancy to this point, and chose to cooperate with the state of Jin. Anxi's status will be guaranteed, and she will become the most honorable person in the Anxi Empire.

No one can remain calm in the face of such a temptation. Prince Aldaban's ambition, with the support of the Emperor of Jin, has been further developed.

If King Anxi knew that such an accident would happen when he sent Prince Aldaban to the Jin Kingdom, I don't know what kind of feelings he would have.

The development of any empire will experience many ups and downs, but the Jin State is clearly different, because the army of the Jin State has emerged from brutal wars and large-scale wars. There are many excellent generals in China, and such generals can bring greater protection to the development of Jin, so that Jin can avoid other situations when it develops rapidly.

And as this situation is more beneficial to the Jin State, and as the situation of the Jin State is getting better, the Anxi Empire will definitely face more troubles in the process of interacting with the Jin State.

Maintaining a good relationship with the Jin State is one aspect. It is natural to be wary of the Jin State. From the past incidents, we can see the ambition of the emperor of the Jin State. In the face of absolute interests, alliances are unreliable Yes, it's just to let the two sides have a temporary relaxation time.

And this kind of thing is of vital significance to Prince Aldaban. If things in this area cannot be better realized, if the Parthian Empire has experienced more hardships during the war, if you want to It will become impossible to have greater achievements under the threat of Jin.

The Jin State in the war brought a greater threat to the enemy. What the enemy realized was what kind of damage the Jin army's means would cause. Once it could not stop the Jin army's attack What kind of changes will occur in the future if more severe methods are displayed at the right time?

In this exchange, Prince Aldaban is not gambling. The emperor of Jin needs a stable time, and if the relationship with the Parthian Empire is further developed, it will be beneficial to both parties.

The most important thing is the internal turmoil in Anxi, which can bring more possibilities to Jin and make Jin feel more at ease about the Anxi Empire. There is nothing more important than this.

Faced with such an alliance, the high-level officials of the Jin Kingdom will definitely not refuse, and it will take some planning to keep the internal turmoil in Anxi going.

Of course, such a thing needs to be risky. After all, what the internal situation of the Anxi Empire is like, the senior officials of the Jin State cannot truly judge.

The land of the three cities, coupled with the turmoil in the Anxi Empire, was exchanged for the support of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. In any case, this kind of exchange will show that the Jin Kingdom has taken a lot of advantage.

The bed crossbow and the three-eyed blunderbuss, the combat weapons of the Jin state, have shown great value on the battlefield of Guishuang. When facing the attack of the powerful Jin army, Guishuang's army suffered a great failure. Their inability to confront the Jin army in terms of warfare has a lot to do with it.

In the eyes of the people of the Parthian Empire, if these weapons of war can be obtained, the combat effectiveness of the Parthian army will be significantly improved, which will be of great help to the improvement of the Parthian Empire's military strength , and even they will have more chances of winning when facing the attack of unknown enemies.

The prosperity of the Jin State brought more panic to the Anxi Empire, and made the high-level officials of the Anxi Empire need to devote more energy to dealing with the affairs of the Jin State.

And as for wanting to successfully block the Jin army's attack, or to obtain greater benefits in exchanges with the Jin State, how could it be as simple as imagined? The officials and emperors of the Jin State, in terms of means, have always been is awesome.

In such exchanges, the Anxi Empire has gained a lot of benefits. On the one hand, it will definitely be more wary of Jin.

The emperor of the Jin State has always been courageous in terms of conquest, and as the national power of the Jin State becomes stronger, and as the emperor of the Jin State controls his subordinates more strictly, when the emperor of the Jin State chooses to fight What is bound to get is more support.

Such support made it easier for the emperor of Jin to face the war.

Only by truly seeing the speed of development of the Jin State and seeing what kind of changes will be brought about by the methods of the Jin State Emperor, will he have a deeper understanding of the Jin State Emperor's majesty and grand strategy.

The road development of the Jin State is a top priority for the imperial court.

The capture of the land of Guishuang and the construction of roads are also in full swing.

The road construction this time is very different from the previous ones. Another brand new and fast road may be built in this process.

This is also an extremely important part of Lu Bu's development and rule.

The emergence of the steam engine will solve many problems. Long-distance transportation needs to rely on horses and manpower. With the steam engine, these problems will be solved to a greater extent.

Let the steam engine be used for the development of the Jin country and the military of the Jin country faster after its appearance. This is of great help to the long-term stability and development of the Jin country. What will be seen is what kind of results their development methods and means will achieve.

Only when the development of the Jin State is more rapid, and only when the officials of the empire see higher confidence from it, will they spare no effort in supporting the emperor.

Of course, from the actions of the emperor of Jin, we can see the relationship between the growth of Jin and the emperor. The emperor is warlike and often leads the army to appear on the battlefield. This is a big deal for the safety of the empire. threat.

But it is undeniable that the dazzling achievements made by the emperor of the Jin State commanding the soldiers on the battlefield made the stable situation of the empire more stable, and even allowed the empire to get more support when it was developing. Facing such an emperor, what reason do they have to refuse?

Besides, the rapid development of Jin over the years is inseparable from the decision of the emperor of Jin.

It took only a short period of time for the state of Jin to go from the feudal lords to the current state of prosperity, and such an achievement is shocking enough.

Now the emperor of the Jin state has not stopped fighting. If these captured cities cannot achieve the expected effect, the battle of the emperor of the Jin state will become very difficult.

Let the officials in the DPRK and China see the hope of war, what they see is the dispatch of the Jin army, and what kind of achievements they will achieve. It is the greatest encouragement for Jin When dealing with wars, they will show a particularly strong side. What they bring to the enemy on the battlefield is more failures, and what the enemy can see from it is the invincible means of the Jin army, no matter what they do. What kind of ability is displayed in the process of learning, compared with Jin, there is always a big gap.

Gaining greater achievements from the war will bring more help to the growth of our own soldiers, which will cause greater changes in the subsequent situation, and the growth of Jin's army in the war is amazing. If it weren't for the support of a strong military force, how difficult it would be to have the current development situation.

Relying on the achievements in the war, it provides more possibilities for the victory of one's own side, so that the offensive of one's own soldiers can be more effective, and can bring more possibilities for one's own side, which is the key to future development and growth of meaning.

The rapid improvement of Jin's national power will have a great impact on neighboring countries, and if it cannot deal with everything in front of it well, or if it has made some achievements in the face of the threat of Jin's army, the situation after that will be difficult. There will be more changes.

The achievements of the Jin army during the war were astonishing. It is precisely because of this that the Jin State will occupy a more important position when interacting with neighboring countries. When Jin’s businessmen arrive in these countries, they will get corresponding rewards. Respect.

Without a strong foundation of strength, it is impossible to get more respect for one's own side. The growth of Jin over the years has proved that the emperor of Jin made the right choice at the critical moment, and proved that the emperor of Jin was right. Vision is ahead.

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