Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6490: : Waiting for the situation to change

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Now that the development of the Jin State has reached a critical moment again, the orders from the emperor need to be better implemented. In the eyes of many officials, this is the key to the prosperity of the Jin State.

The covenant signed between the Jin State and Altaban was circulated among the high-level officials of the Jin State. It is impossible for ordinary officials to get such news.

It is normal for the Anxi Empire’s envoys to come to Chang’an. It is not bad that the Anxi Empire suffered a lot from the Jin army’s attack on the battlefield of Guishuang, but after the war, when the Anxi Empire If they saw the strength of the Jin State and the impact of the Jin army's dispatch, they would need to be more comprehensive in their consideration.

Otherwise, once the Jin emperor is provoked, it may bring them the threat of war.

In the face of war, it is good that the Anxi Empire's army will have strong strength, but their opponents may be even stronger. If they cannot match the strength of their opponents, there will be more tragic results.

The Jin army is an elite team that has come out of repeated wars. From the growth of the Jin army, we can see what kind of attitude the Jin emperor will have when dealing with wars.

Such an emperor of the Jin state is absolutely terrifying, and such an emperor of the Jin state will show a more terrifying side in the war, because when the enemy provokes the emperor of the Jin state, it will be the Jin state that greets them The emperor's mad revenge.

The difficulty of winning in the face of the Jin emperor's crazy revenge will make these people despair.

After all, there are many dangers in war. If our soldiers cannot better deal with the dangers on the battlefield, or if there are more situations when dealing with some dangerous situations, the coming war will give a lot of pressure. What they bring is a bigger impact.

See more about the prosperity of the Jin State, and see more about the benefits that the dispatch of the Jin army will bring. The officials of the Jin State will have more support for their emperor, and the surrounding empires will What brings is their friendship.

When the state of Jin was developing, it was not just a simple matter of relying on the strength of its officers and men. The merchants of the state of Jin and the goods of the state of Jin were also an extremely powerful force. When such a force could If it is better used by the state of Jin, the effect it will have is beyond imagination.

After the Jin State captured the enemy's cities, why was it able to achieve rapid stability, and why was the development of these cities able to serve the Jin State.

This is because Jin's development methods are better than those of other countries.

When such a development method is more deployed in the Jin army, what kind of situation will happen when facing the Jin army, instead of being able to better deal with the army from the Jin army? If you can't make some achievements when you withstand the attack of the Jin army, it will make the situation more tense in the future.

In this war, the fierce offensive from the Jin army caused the proud Guishuang Empire to bear the price of destruction in the war. Now on the battlefield, the Jin army has won the final victory.

This kind of war victory can bring greater help to the development of Jin, and when this kind of development situation appears more on the future battlefield, when the appearance of Jin army can always get such achievements , What kind of critical situation will arise when facing the Jin army.

The powerful state of Jin will not stop its expansion because of the victory in the war. After gaining a better understanding of the strength and methods of the state of Jin, what we will see is the aggressiveness of the emperor of Jin state.

The strength of the Anxi Empire is strong, but the Anxi Empire is comparable to the Guishuang Empire in terms of strength.

With the demise of the Guishuang Empire, the top leaders of the Anxi Empire will see more of the threat of the Jin State, and their attitude towards the Jin State will definitely undergo a huge change.

Maintaining a good relationship with the Jin State as much as possible and avoiding the appearance of the Jin State's army on their territory is the greatest help to the stability of the empire.

The matter of Altaban came to an end temporarily, and Lu Bu was quietly waiting for the changes in the situation.

And in building roads, Jin's footsteps have never stopped.

Among the important factors that determine the speed of development under the rule, there is the convenience of roads. Nowadays, all the cities of Jin State have a main road built. Such construction consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, but in this way The cost is worth it in the eyes of Jin officials.

If the road is not smooth enough, it is obviously unrealistic to get more development opportunities, especially for businessmen who come and go, they will definitely choose a more convenient road instead of taking a longer detour.

In business, the requirements for roads will become higher and higher. More businessmen travel to and from various places, and they pay more and more attention to efficiency.

This way of doing business can allow Jin's internal materials to go out, bring more benefits to the people of Jin, and allow the country to get more benefits from it.

This kind of development method has been approved by the officials of the DPRK and China. What they see is the possibility contained in this kind of development method. It can be said that the development method of Jin State has given the people at the bottom more airborne development and let them In such a big environment, through your own efforts, you can also achieve success.

Doing business, such things are very common in the Jin State, and the scale of doing business varies from size to size, it may be as small as just the people selling their own silk, and it may be as large as thousands of vehicles traveling to foreign countries.

In the state of Jin, however, there are quite a few big merchants, and it is these merchants who have gained a lot of benefits in the process of doing business.

Behind these big businessmen, you can see the figure of the noble family. Such a thing cannot be avoided. When the influence of the noble family in the court is gradually weakening, their influence in other aspects cannot be avoided. And then down.

Besides, the fact that the aristocratic families choose to do business is also what Lu Bu wants to see, so that these aristocratic families will gradually let go of their past glory and make greater contributions to the development of Jin.

Of course, there are also many benefits that their contributions can bring to their families.

Today's Jin State is developing extremely rapidly. It is precisely because of this that more families in Jin State can see opportunities for family development. After all, a huge family needs to consume There are a lot of money and materials.

Jin's business system will definitely become more and more perfect. Needless to say, these systems protect businessmen.

And it is precisely because of such protection and the gradual improvement of the system that more people start doing business.

A small businessman, through his own efforts, can gradually become a big businessman.

The current state of Jin is developing rapidly, which will bring more opportunities to the merchants of the Jin state, and even make the merchants of the Jin state grow stronger and get more wealth from it.

Such a change is of great significance to the development of the Jin State. Only when the people have more surplus food in their hands, and they have more surplus money to buy what they want, can the development of the Jin State be truly real. Woke up.

And such a change, in the eyes of officials in the DPRK, is definitely of great significance. In terms of the speed of development of the past dynasties, compared with the Jin State, there is a considerable gap. Because of the decision made by the emperor of Jin, the development of Jin was smoother.

Such a change is of great significance to the long-term stability of the Jin State. If the Jin State cannot achieve real development from within, but only strengthens its military strength, such development is doomed to be short-lived.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom, who paid great attention to all these, brought a different development mode to the development of the Jin Kingdom.

On the current battlefield, as long as the Jin army appears, it will be able to win. The strong military power of the Jin State will bring greater shock to the surrounding countries, and let the Jin State gain more friendship. How can such a Jin State not It's reassuring.

The contribution of the Jin army in the war is also not small, but such a contribution is worthwhile in the face of the victory of the war. For the victory of the war, sometimes even if it pays a certain price, it is still a soldier who can fear you accepted.

On the battlefield this time, the strength of the Jin army was displayed. When such strength deters other countries more, they will be more cautious when facing the Jin state.

And such a situation is what the Jin State needs when it is developing. If there are too many wars, it will definitely be detrimental to the long-term development of the Jin State. After the war is over, it needs time and space for development. If these things cannot be guaranteed, even if the officials of the Jin State have many excellent abilities when governing the local area, their abilities cannot be used.

Let the victory of the war become the key to the development of the Jin State, rather than an obstacle to the development of the Jin State. This is of great help to the Changzhi of the Jin State.

Facts have proved that when the officials of the Jin State arrived at these captured cities, the use of their abilities would bring great changes to these cities, and these changes can bring about the rapid development of the Jin State. Greater good.

In the process of adapting to the attack of the Jin army, sometimes they saw the possibility of defeat in the war. When they knew more about the performance of the Jin army on the battlefield, they would have a mentality when dealing with the Jin army. What kind of change?

The strength of the Jin State was well demonstrated in the war, and it was precisely because of this display that the Jin State's army was even more invincible on the battlefield.

Today's war will definitely test the soldiers in the army even more. Maintaining an elite combat team and making the country's development speed even more astonishing is the goal of Jin's efforts at this time.

From the rapid development of the Jin State, it is inevitable to see the extraordinary means of the emperor of the Jin State.

If it weren't for this, how could the state of Jin have grown so rapidly over the years, and how could it have been so easy to deal with wars.

The stability and development of the Jin State brought more hope to the officials of the Jin State. What they saw was what kind of opportunities they would get after following their emperor.

Of course, in the process of the empire's development, it is inevitable to pay a certain price of death and injury, but victory in the war itself is relatively simple for the soldiers of the empire, and they will not be afraid of sacrifice on the battlefield.

It is precisely because of this character that Jin will show an extraordinary and powerful side in the war and development.

The benefits that the Jin State gained during the war and development are obvious, and such benefits will bring more fear to neighboring countries. What they will see at such a time is that the Jin State cannot be provoked.

The successive victories of the Jin army will bring greater deterrence to the existence of possible enemies. When they choose to be enemies with the Jin army, they need to consider more issues. If they are facing the Jin army If they failed in the war, if they could not win the attack of the Jin army, just the threat that would appear in the war would be enough to make them pay a higher price for Kingdom The strong and prosperous situation has been initially formed, and the next step is how to consolidate such achievements.

The rapid construction of the road is of course inseparable from the support of the people and the captives. In this, the captives have contributed a lot.

The soldiers who surrendered on the battlefield of Guishuang, they are likely to bear the fate of continuously contributing to the construction of roads. If they perform well enough, it is possible to be released early.

People can get money to participate in the construction of roads, which also makes the people more motivated to participate. If people voluntarily participate in the construction of a road, they can build a road for them based on their performance. Yes, such roads are more convenient for the daily life of the people.

When such a strategy was first proposed, it excited the people in many places.

The common people have obtained the convenience of a solid concrete road, and it is naturally what they want to be able to make such a cement road provide them with greater convenience.

It's just that the construction of the cement road requires a lot of materials. Even with the contributions of the people, it still needs the approval of the government.

Behind this kind of rapid construction is the efforts made by Jin State to make Jin State stronger and stronger. It is not as simple as issuing orders one by one, so that Jin State can develop faster. The construction of roads is inevitable. What is missing, and there will be no small problems when building roads.

It is good to solve these problems and make the empire develop more smoothly.

However, after the territory of the empire becomes more and more extensive, more energy must be invested in the construction of roads.

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