Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 786: :Back to the city

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Qin Yang’s action against Lu Bu was not recognized by the Black Ice Platform. As the young master of the Black Ice Platform, Qin Yang Zheng Gradually take over the specific affairs of the Black Ice Platform, so he knows more about the influence of Lu Bu's existence on the development of the Black Ice Platform. If Lu Bu can be eradicated on the battlefield of Youzhou, the Black Ice Platform will not be available in Youzhou. People can stop.

Transforming from a dark place to a bright place is simple to say, but it takes years of accumulation. The strength of the black ice platform is very strong. This is in the dark place. I want people to recognize the status of the black ice platform, just like the Jin marquis back then. A powerful army is needed to convince the princes. If the Black Ice Terrace wants to reach the bright spot, it will take no less hardships than Lu Bu of the past.

The atmosphere of the Xianbei Central Army’s big account was a bit solemn. Thousands of cavalry and 6,000 infantry were dispatched at one time, but they still escaped for Lu Bu, which made Kebi a little frightened. Moreover, the Xianbei cavalry lost many of them in this battle. The Xianbei people paid no small price for the second strategy.

"Young Master Qin, now that Lu Bu has escaped from the battlefield, I don't know if there is a good plan to attack Gaoliu?" Kebi can once again set his sights on Qin Yang. It is Qin Yang's strong proposal to design ambush Lü Bu, but now this strategy has failed, Kebi Can only hope Qin Yang again.

Regarding the bravery of soldiers, Xianbei believed that he did not belong to anyone. However, in training soldiers and attacking the city, Xianbei was far behind. Ke Bineng also needed a Han to plan from the side.

The current situation on the battlefield may be reasonable to the Xianbei people. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that once Lu Bu can’t be completely suppressed on the battlefield in Youzhou, it will only be the Xianbei people who will eventually break into the Xianbei tribe. The flying horse won't let Xianbei's army go so presumptuously in the Han Realm. The tragedy of Xianbei in the east is just the beginning.

The Xianbei people designed to deal with Lu Bu, and similarly, the Han cavalry would teach the Xianbei a hard lesson.

In the beginning, the Xianbei people were arrogant. If the Xianbei people could follow the advice of the Black Bingtai at that time, perhaps the current Youzhou would be a different scene.

"If you want to break through the city of Gaoliu, it is not easy. After this battle, Lu Bu will definitely be very wary of the Xianbei people. If you are not careful, your son may leak it. Don't underestimate Lu Bu's methods at any time. "Qin Yang slowly said, he also has a strong dissatisfaction with the Xianbei people. With such an advantage, Lv Bu can get rid of it, and the Xianbei people also claim to be an eagle on the grassland.

Kebi nodded his head with deep conviction. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Lu Bu led the cavalry to leave the battlefield. Even if more than 300 archers were left on the battlefield, what is the big deal for such a war? The benefits of it.

"Young Master Qin, although Youzhou Army is strong, Xianbei is not weak. If a young man can assist the adults to defeat Gaoliu, Xianbei will definitely have a good return in the future."

Qin Yan frowned for a long time and slowly said, "My son will consider this matter. If there is news, my son will order someone to inform the adults as soon as possible."

Ke Bineng also knew that Qin Yang could not be embarrassed at this time. After all, Qin Yang represented a different strength from the Xianbei. When fighting against Xianbei, these Han soldiers could be ignored, and even many aristocratic families thought the same way, regardless of the city. Regardless of the battle outside, just stick to the city, and the family's interests will not be destroyed.

However, Lu Bu ruled Youzhou, the shadow of a famous tree of people. The Xianbei people have a deep respect for the warriors. The Xianbei people pursued and intercepted Lu Bu, as long as they are slightly insightful in the Xianbei army.

Qin Yan’s remarks were nothing more than a refusal, allowing Lu Bu to get rid of the battlefield. In this battle, the Xianbei had already failed. It was not that the strength of the Xianbei army was not strong, but that the strength of Lu Bu and his cavalry was too strong. Too tough, less than four hundred cavalrymen were able to get Lu Bu out of the chase and interception of two thousand cavalrymen.

"Young Master, I don't want Lu Buzhi's martial arts so powerful, even if the lord meets this person on the battlefield, it will be difficult to get benefits." Qin Yan said.

"Don't worry, it's good to be successful, even if you can't kill Lu Bu, Black Ice Terrace still has a chance." Qin Yang said.

After leading the Lieyang Archer to break through the encirclement, and count the cavalry under his command, there were originally nearly 400 Lieyang Archers, but now there are only more than 80 people left, and more than 300 people are buried on the battlefield.

"This time, this is a mistake. I don't want the people of Hei Bingtai to be so shameless that they are united with the Xianbei people." Lu Bu said.

Dianwei persuaded: "The lord does not need to be concerned, and our army will be able to sweep Xianbei in the future and avenge the dead brothers."

On the way, Lu Bu encountered Gaoshun’s army. After Guo Jia got the situation on the battlefield, he hurriedly sent Gaoshun leaders to support him. At this time, there were no cavalry in the city to use, and Gaoshun’s camp was able to compete with him. The cavalry contends.

After the soldiers and horses of the two sides joined together, they rushed to Gaoliu City, and Huang Zhong and others who had been ordered also headed for Gaoliu City.

This time the two thousand Lieyang bow riders played and the record was not small. The number of Xianbei who lost the Lieyang bow riders reached 1,000, and the loss of the Lieyang bow riders was also achieved. Five hundred people were recruited, mainly because of the plot of the Xianbei people.

The people of Heibingtai are in the Xianbei tribe, giving Lu Bu a bad feeling that the people of Xianbei are brave and inexperienced, and the people of Heibingtai are probably the best at conspiracy. They are good at assassinating people, and what they do is not leaking. This time, the people on the Black Ice Terrace took advantage of the fact that the Xianbei people did not understand strategy, so that they did not pay enough attention to the Xianbei people.

"It's the incompetence of the subordinates that put the lord in danger." Guo Jia looked ashamed. As a counselor, all he had to do was to plan, but this time Lv Bu almost died on the battlefield.

Lv Bu waved his hand and said: "It is the meaning of Benhou to go to war. Fengxiao doesn't need to worry about it. It is so easy for the Xianbei people to keep Benhou on the battlefield."

"My lord, the Xianbei people have damaged more than a thousand cavalry, and they dare not wander the battlefield. Our army only needs to send scouts to investigate the movements of Xianbei's army. Gaoliu City is high and deep, and Xianbei is difficult to break."

Lü Bu shook his head and said, "So, the people outside the city will suffer. The Xianbei people treat the people extremely cruelly. The Youzhou Army exists to protect the people from the enemy's trampling. There are good soldiers and strong generals in the hands of the Hou. How can Xianbei people be tolerated So rampant."

"There are only more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in the city, while the number of Xianbei's army is nearly 50,000. The strength of the army is very different. Defending the city is the best." The prefecture is enough, the army heading to the central Xianbei and the eastern Xianbei will teach the Xianbei people a lesson.

The most critical part of this battle was the assault on Xianbei's army. In order to defeat the central Xianbei and the western Xianbei, Zhao Yun was even ordered to lead three thousand flying horses to the battlefield. This shows Lu Bu's determination to eradicate the Xianbei.

(End of this chapter)

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