Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 787: : Guo Jia's trick to break Xianbei (1)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Fengxiao, Benhou does not mean to go out of the city to fight the Xianbei people. With Fengxiao’s opinion, what strategy can be used to defeat the Xianbei outside the city Great army." Lu Bu asked.

Guo Jia frowned slightly when he heard that he came to Gaoliu from the Xianbei army, and he was thinking about it.

"Lord, from the information of the scouts, although the number of the Xianbei army is large, the defense is relatively lax. This is also due to the habits of the Xianbei people. If a sneak attack can succeed, it will definitely make the Xianbei people afraid." Guo Jiadao.

"But there are people from the Black Ice Terrace among the Xianbei people. It might be very difficult to sneak attack." Lu Bu shook his head.

Guo Jia stretched his brows and smiled: "The lord, the subordinate means not to let the army raided the Xianbei's camp."

Lu Bu wondered: "That's it?"

Guo Jia whispered it, and Lu Bu nodded again and again. Someone had used this strategy in the past, and the effect was self-evident.

"With Feng Xiao, why not break Xianbei." Lu Bu laughed.

Dian Wei on the side kept winking at Guo Jia. He didn't want to miss this kind of thing that could break Xianbei. However, Guo Jia lowered his voice, obviously deliberately not letting him hear it.

"General Dian buys cattle from the people in the city, buying as many cattle as there are." Lu Bu ordered.

"Cow?" Although Dianwei was confused, he still clasped his fists and said yes.

"This time the Xianbei people are going to lose." Lu Bu was in a good mood.

"The lord must not take personal risks in the future. Now the lord is getting bigger and bigger under the rule of the lord. For example, those who want to put the lord to death, like the black ice platform, do not know the geometry. In a dangerous situation, if the lord is in trouble, and where should I go in the state and Youzhou, I hope the lord can put his body first in the future." Guo Jia once again persuaded.

Lü Bu smiled and said, "Fengxiao made such remarks again. This time it was Benhou's negligence. I didn't expect that the people of Heibingtai would shamelessly unite with the Xianbei people."

"The lord is the Marquis of Jin and the generals of Hussars. The most important thing is to protect yourself, not to fight with the generals in the army on the battlefield." Guo Jia said sternly.

"I can do my best." Lu Buyan finished and left quickly. The counselor under his command has the biggest habit of persuading himself not to rush on the battlefield. As a general, if he can't use his strengths on the battlefield, he will be a kind of What kind of torture, it is as uncomfortable as a resourceful person like Guo Jia who does not allow them to make plans. Of course, he also knows that this time he is a bit reckless.

After Lu Bu left, Dianwei turned his attention to Guo Jia and said with a smile: "Fengxiao, just now, what kind of strategy did you show to the lord, you actually want me to go to the city to buy cattle."

"The lord has committed a personal risk, and the second brother, as the lord's personal guard, is also working hard, but in the future..."

Dianwei directly interrupted Guo Jia's words: "Fengxiao, don't talk about those useless, you don't know what kind of character the lord is. Knowing how brave the lord was on the battlefield, two Xianbei warriors died and the other was wounded. Even the masters of the Black Ice Platform failed to return. There are probably 50 Xianbei cavalry who died in the hands of the lord, those Xianbei The soldier's reaction to seeing the lord is to run away."

Guo Jia shook his head again and again. Every time he said this to Dianwei, Dianwei would bring his thoughts to the battlefield, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became, and he did not persuade Lu Bu not to charge on the battlefield. "If you can’t If you persuade the lord, the little brother will not tell you what the trick is."

"Fengxiao, don't be like this, can't I persuade the lord to turn around?" Dianwei hurriedly said, if he didn't know what the trick was, he would feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay to tell the second brother, but the second brother must not disclose that there are assassins in the Black Ice Platform in the Xianbei Army. The news of the Black Ice Platform is extremely sensitive. If it is known to them, it will be difficult to take effect." Guo Jiadao.

"Understand, Feng Xiao said quickly." Dianwei urged.

"Second brother, have you heard of Fire Bull?" Guo Jia asked with a smile.

"What is fire ox? Someone has seen farming oxen, scalpers, and oxen." Dianwei said.

"The fire cow is to light the tail of the cow with fire." Guo Jiadao.

"In that case, the cow is not going crazy." Dianwei glanced at Guo Jia suspiciously.

"At that time, these cattle will be put outside the Xianbei camp." Guo Jia smiled.

"A good strategy, a good strategy, a certain service." Dian Wei's eyes lit up and laughed. He seemed to have seen endless fire cows rushing into the Xianbei army, and the Xianbei army scattered and fled under the fire cows. .

"So the second brother has to buy more cows. Only when there are more cows will the damage to the Xianbei army be greater." Guo Jiadao.

"Fengxiao, don't worry, Niu is left to me." Dianwei hurriedly left, and he couldn't wait to see the scene of Huo Niu breaking through the Xianbei camp.

The arrival of Feiqi changed the situation in Central Xianbei. Originally, Central Xianbei was able to be methodical when fighting Ji Ling, and to a certain extent could suppress the Han This situation greatly gave the slaves a great deal. His confidence, this time when he saw the soldiers of the Han army attack, he directly led the soldiers to rush to kill.

When the fighting was in full swing, the Han army actually chose to retreat. How could the slaves let go of this opportunity and led all the cavalry in the tribe to kill them, and on the way of the pursuit, there suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of the Han army cavalry. After seeing the banner of the Han army, many Xianbei cavalry's hands trembled.

Although it has been a long time since Feiqi raided the soldiers of Xianbei, Feiqi's reputation spread in central Xianbei. Feiqi is a demon in the eyes of Xianbei, an invincible demon.

"It's a flying cavalry, it's a flying cavalry of the Han army." A cavalry soldier turned around in fright and left.

The Xianbei cavalry had a brief panic, mainly because the name of Feiqi was too big, and their name was more based on the damage caused to the central Xianbei.

The slave was also shocked when he saw the flying cavalry. He knew the strategy of the Han army. However, there were thousands of pawns not far behind the cavalry. If he waited for his **** to arrive, the battle would be The outcome is unknown. After all, this place is on the grassland, around their tribe.

After killing two escaping cavalry one after another, the chaotic situation of the Xianbei cavalry gradually stabilized.

Seeing such a scene, Zhao Yun in the flying cavalry was a bit funny. The flying cavalry just appeared and has not charged, so that the Xianbei cavalry was so flustered. Does the Xianbei general plan to resist the three thousand flying cavalry with the cavalry in front of him. To win.

There are indeed a large number of Xianbei men and horses in the rear, and then only the cavalry will be needed to rush to make it difficult for the infantry to approach.

The Han sergeant, who was still running away just now, went back and forth, facing the Xianbei cavalry with their swords and spears.

"Kill!" With a wave of the bright silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand, the flying cavalry, ready to go, moved towards the Xianbei cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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