Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 788: : Guo Jia's trick to break Xianbei (2)

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Hundred steps of arrows rain, scimitars, the whole action gives people the feeling of running and running, even they are on horseback to avoid the arrows of the Xianbei cavalry The arrows are so smooth.

Xiannu's eyes tightened, just before the confrontation on the arrow rain, the Xianbei cavalry lost more than a hundred people, and no one of the Han cavalry on the opposite side fell off the horse. What a terrifying strength.

The scimitar brought up a touch of blood, and the number of Xianbei cavalry was smaller than that of flying cavalry. Faced with the cooperation of two or three flying cavalry, the Xianbei cavalry could not fight back.

"Success!" The slave was angry, and a flying rider unexpectedly killed him. He was a famous fighter in Xianbei in the middle.

The long knife smashed the flying knight's scimitar and killed the flying knight. The slave's face changed slightly. The touch on the blade made him notice that there was a gap in the blade before he had time. Look at the situation of your own cavalry and flying cavalry on the battlefield.

But for a moment, the slaves noticed that the blades in the hands of several cavalrymen had become two pieces after the collision.

The slaves are a little messy. What kind of cavalry is this? The horse is better than the Xianbei. The sword and armor are not comparable to the Xianbei. Facing such an opponent, how should the Xianbei win.

"The army will be here soon, kill!" The slave yelled, the more braver the Feiqi is, the more he can't wait to defeat the Feiqi.

Enu squinted his eyes and looked at the battlefield. He was looking for the main commander of the Han army. He wanted to capture the thieves and the king first. To win, the fastest way was to capture the main commander of the Han army, so these cavalrymen were not allowed to knead themselves.

With a bright silver spear in his hand, Zhao Yun, with a white horse under him, was particularly conspicuous on the battlefield. Under the bright silver spear, the Xianbei cavalry fell.

The Slave kicked the horse's belly fiercely, and slew Zhao Yun with a knife.

Zhao Yun, who showed great power among the Xianbei cavalrymen, saw a man in the costume of a Xianbei general kill him, and without questioning, he rode a horse to greet him.

The long knife collided with the long spear, and the eyes of the slave were tightened. This time, the gap in the blade appeared to be bigger than the previous fight against the flying knight. Something called stubbornness breeds in the heart of the slave. Anyway, he is also in Xianbei. Even if the famous military commander is not as good as the Han army's generals, even the Han army's cavalry is not as good as a cavalry.

Zhao Yun shouted angrily, and launched a storm squad's offensive against Xiannu. Xiannu was worthy of Xianbei's fierce general. He tried his best to resist, and he was not injured.

Zhao Yun smiled when he saw the long knife in the slave slave's hand. Can it still be called a knife? It's almost as good as a saw.

The slave slave felt a huge humiliation. The long sword, which was usually a treasure, was like rotten iron when it came to the battlefield, smiling for the enemy generals.

The two horses crossed again, Zhao Yun dodged the knife from the slave and reached out and grabbed the slave. Just like a child, Zhao Yun grabbed it with one hand.

"Tie it!" Zhao Yun threw the slave slave to the ground. The flying knights had prepared the rope to tie the slave slave firmly.

When the slave was arrested, the frightened Xianbei cavalry, who had been fighting for Feiqi, began to flee. At this moment, they forgot that they were warriors on the grassland.

The infantry following the killings lacked the command of the main commander, and under the charge of the flying cavalry and the Xiongnu cavalry, they showed no support.

Although the Huns and the Xianbei are both ethnic groups on the grassland, the hatred between the two is obviously extremely deep. Facing the Xianbei, the Huns did not stay behind.

The cavalry charged, the infantry covered and killed, and the Xianbei army suddenly became chaotic.

The Xianbei army’s almost fleeing retreat, how could the Han army miss this opportunity? The cavalry began to chase the Xianbei people. A famous Xianbei soldier fell in a pool of blood, even in the face of the surrendered Xianbei soldier The soldiers of the Han army did not pause at all. Before the war began, their general had already said that there was not much food and grass in the army. If they accepted the Xianbei, they would be hungry.

Seeing that the Han army continued to kill the surrendered soldiers, the Xianbei escaped faster, but compared with the speed of the war horse, they were still too weak.

This chase lasted for half a day, and many Xianbei soldiers lay directly on the ground tired.

There were only more than two thousand Xianbei soldiers who fled back to the tribe. A battle made more than seven thousand Xianbei soldiers hate the battlefield. It was not that they were not brave enough, but because they encountered Feiqi, which was in Xianbei in the east or Xianbei in the west. Perhaps not so prestigious, placed in the central Xianbei is to kill the gods, there were too many soldiers in the central Xianbei who died at the hands of the flying horses.

The next day, when Zhao Yun and Ji Ling led the army to the central Xianbei, the place was already empty, and the Xianbei tribe moved directly.

"General Zhao really has a huge reputation in the central Xianbei. The first battle caused the Xianbei people to flee in a hurry, and Ji admires it." Ji Ling clasped his fist.

Zhao Yun said: "General Ji's words, Yun You are ashamed. The reason why the people in central Xianbei feared flying cavalry was because of the lord. At the time, the lord led three thousand flying cavalry to fight on the grassland, facing the Xianbei people's siege and interception, and captured Xianbei. Wang Ting makes the Xianbei people frightened by the news."

The flying knights behind Zhao Yun listened of them had not participated in the wars of the year, but every time they heard the record of flying knights, they would have a kind of enthusiasm. It feels that they are more eager to conquer the Xianbei on the grassland, and use the blood of the Xianbei to prove that they are still invincible flying knights.

"To chase and kill the Xianbei, the important task of capturing the royal court is for General Ji, and Yun will rush to Daijun." Zhao Yun clasped his fist.

Ji Ling hurriedly replied: "Thank you General Zhao." At this time, it is definitely a credit to give himself the task of hunting down Xianbei. No matter what the position of Wang Ting in the hearts of Xianbei people, it will always be the holy land of Xianbei people. The famous military commander who captured the court of Xianbei was a dazzling contribution.

"Yun Yun wishes that General Ji will be able to win." Zhao Yun clasped his fists and saluted, leading Feiqi to the direction of Daijun.

After defeating the soldiers of the Xianbei tribe, the rest is much simpler, and Zhao Yun’s mission is not only to defeat the central Xianbei, but also to keep the Xianbei army on the battlefield forever, this time invading Daijun’s soldiers and horses. It can be said that it is Xianbei's strongest power. Once this power disappears, the Xianbei people will not have the strength to invade the border county, and can only become weak people who can be squeezed by others.

For three days in a row, the Xianbei army outside Gaoliu City was busy plundering and entering Daijun. They were not fighting the Han army, but for profit. At present, the Xianbei in the west suffered the most losses. The Xianbei army under Su Li looted the county. I even want to scrape the ground three feet.

In the tent, Qin Yang sat in the position of Ke Bineng's head. He almost left Lü Bu on the battlefield last time. It has already demonstrated that he is powerful in strategy. What Xianbei people lack most is the person who gives advice. They may not be afraid of the Han army, but in terms of strategy, they are far behind.

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(End of this chapter)

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