Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 789: : Guo Jia's trick to break Xianbei (3)

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Even facing the cavalry led by Lu Bu, the Xianbei people will not be afraid, this is the nation on the grassland.

"My lord, the army in the tribe defeated the Han army, and the tribe suffered heavy casualties." Zonu shouted.

Kebi can stand up suddenly. If the army remaining in the tribe is defeated by the Han army, it means that the central Xianbei has no retreat. The tribe is the root of the army. Once there is no army guard, what will the Han army do against the Xianbei? Such kind of revenge, the Xianbei people did not have the slightest softness when they were in the Han Realm.

"When did it happen?" Kebi could take a deep breath and asked when he calmed down.

"According to the news from the tribe, Feiqi reached the central Xianbei, and suddenly broke out when the army in the tribe was fighting with the Han army. Our army could not resist. It was defeated by the Han army. The Han army was very cruel, even if it was a soldier who had taken refuge in. , Also did not leave a living, and now the people of the tribe are scattered and fleeing." Because of excitement, Zonu affected the wound on his shoulder, and his painful face twitched.

"My lord knows." Ke Bi can sit down sullenly. Not only did he not take much advantage from the Xianbei army to the present, but the western Xianbei and the central Xianbei were attacked by the Han army. Even if the herdsmen fled, it is conceivable. How far will the strength of the Xianbei people decline?

"Master Ke Bineng, the Xianbei tribe has been attacked by the Han army. The current thing is to break the Youzhou Army. Only by getting enough grain and grass can the Xianbei survive this winter, otherwise more Xianbei will die. "Qin Yang stood up and said.

Kebi nodded slowly, the Xianbei people had no retreat.

"Backing is a failure, and moving forward is unknown. Why don't you fight for it?" Qin Yang bewildered. The leader of Xianbei in the tent also felt that there was nothing wrong with Qin Yang's words. The news from the scouts showed that Lu Bu was very To what extent the Xianbei people hated, even the captives who surrendered were killed, and the flying horse was transferred from Bingzhou.

"According to the destiny of this lord, from tomorrow, the tribes will rob the county. Except for Gaoliu, don't let it go if the rest of the city can be broken." Kebi Neng said slowly.

The Xianbei leaders in the tent were moved by the words. They entered the Han realm and were waiting for this order. This was the time when the Xianbei people had the greatest gain. The Han army destroyed their homes. Xianbei's eyes were wealthy, and it was completely enough to use Han people's food and grass to supply the army's needs. However, since entering Gaoliu, the army has been a bit too conservative.

"My lord, beware of the Youzhou Army's sneak attack on the camp." Qin Yan reminded.

Ke Bi Neng coldly snorted: "Our army has nearly 50,000 people, and the Youzhou Army in the city only has more than 10,000 people. They want to attack the army unless Lu Bu doesn't want to live anymore."

Seeing that Ke was more arrogant, Qin Yang slowly said: "My lord, last year, the Bingzhou Army and the Jizhou Army were at war in Hanoi. The Bingzhou General Zhang Liao led a hundred cavalrymen to attack the Jizhou Barracks with 30,000 troops at night, and none of the cavalry was lost. Do you think that Lu Bu dare not attack the camp?"

Kebi was shocked when he heard the words, a hundred people dared to attack the camp with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. It can be seen how tyrannical the Bingzhou army was. He had heard of the name of Yuan Shao in Jizhou, but he was the leader of the princes, and also in Dahan. Prominent figure.

"Thank you Young Master Qin for the reminder." Ke Bi Neng arched his hands.

Leaving the Xianbei Great Account, Qin Yan whispered: "Young Master, the Xianbei people did not leave Lu Bu on the battlefield last time. Lu Bu will not be easily fooled. It is useless for us to stay in the Xianbei army. It is better to return soon."

Qin Yang said with a smile: "People say how powerful the Marquis of Jin is, this son will see how they dealt with the Xianbei. The flying cavalry is brave, and the world is unparalleled. If such an army can be defeated, the entire Youzhou will be shaken. ."

Qin Yan shook his head and said, "Young Master, there are many people in the Xianbei army, even if it helps the Xianbei to block the Jinhou army, it will not do much to the Black Ice Terrace."

"General Qin will wait and see." Qin Yang said, and walked away quickly.

In the face of Qin Yang's behavior, Qin Yan could only stay in the Xianbei army, but the situation on the battlefield gave him a bad feeling. It can be seen from Lu Bu's past march that after suffering such a dark loss Lu Bu definitely wouldn’t give up. They didn’t need to tie up with the Xianbei. When they arrived on the battlefield, Qin Yan also discovered his own shortcomings. If he talked about foot combat, Qin Yan had confidence to entangle Lu Bu, but on the battlefield, Lu Bu It's like a different person.

As for relying on the power of the Xianbei people to regain the lost things in the Black Ice Terrace in Youzhou, Qin Yan disagrees. He is also a Han in his bones, and he also has no favor with foreign races.

"Why did Lu Bu collect cattle in the city?" Qin Yan murmured.

In three days, the number of cattle purchased by Dianwei had reached 500.

Cattle are not allowed to be killed casually, and the people protect the cattle very well. However, the purchase of cattle was ordered by the prefectural government. Although the people were reluctant to give up, they sold their cattle to the prefectural government.

With Qin Yang’s reminder and Ke Bineng’s order The defense of the Xianbei camp is much tighter. No one wants to touch the mold at this time. The eastern Xianbei and the central Xianbei were looted one after another. There are already some people in the Xianbei army panic. The tribe is their homeland and their last way of retreat.

Listening to the news from the flying eagle soldiers, Lu Bu showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. The place where the Xianbei people are stationed is said to be a camp. In fact, it is similar to the Xianbei tribe. , It is not manpower able to resist.

"Ling Zhao Yun, pay close attention to the Xianbei army, if the Xianbei army is in chaos, lead the flying cavalry to kill." Lu Bu said, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Lieyang archer may not be far from the flying cavalry, but in terms of impact, The Fiery Sun Archer is far inferior to the Feiqi. The Feiqi is equipped with armor. Compared with the leather armor of the Lieyang Archer, there are many more chances of survival on the battlefield. Moreover, the horse of the Feiqi also has some simple protection. .

At the second shift, the Xianbei soldiers on guard were also a little sleepy. Suddenly, they felt a slight tremor on the ground.

The soldiers on patrol suddenly changed their faces and shouted: "The cavalry of the Han army is here."

Because of Ke Bineng's special explanation, the leaders of the various ministries also increased their vigilance at night, and the trembling on the ground, as long as Xianbei soldiers with a little battlefield experience knew that this was the enemy's cavalry.

When Xianbei soldiers are resting, their weapons will not leave their side. The cavalry’s horses are outside their tents. They only need to put on armor and go out of the tent to go into battle. This is also Xianbei’s unique way of survival, even in When in the tribe, they must also be so cautious. The various tribes of Xianbei are embezzling each other, just like the princes are at war. They need to be vigilant at all times.

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(End of this chapter)

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