Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 801: : Mijia Refuge

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Inside the cave, Miga lay on the ground comfortably, running around for several days, and now finally able to take a rest, looking at the soldiers on the side As if he was facing an enemy, Mi Jia said relievedly: "Don't worry, the caves on both sides of this valley are not familiar to people who are familiar with this place. It is difficult to find them, let alone the scouts of the Han army."

"My lord, a scout from the Han army came in. Do you want to make a move?" a commander asked. For some reason, when he saw the Han army, he felt nervous inexplicably. Such an emotion was never before. Yes, when he saw the Han army, his first reaction was to run away, and the hand holding the weapon would tremble constantly, even if only a dozen scouts appeared in the valley.

Miga cursed: "Stupid, if the Han army scout was killed, wouldn't it be obvious that the Han army had an ambush in the valley? The Han army knew that we were hiding in the valley and it would be difficult to leave."

The commander repeatedly said yes, but his hands were still trembling.

"Incompetent, as the commander of the Da Xianbei, the enemy army has not yet appeared, so I am afraid of this." Miga cursed, and immediately noticed that most of the soldiers in the cave were like this. They looked a little ugly. It seems that the Xianbei people are in urgent need A victory was inspiring, otherwise the eagle on the grassland would no longer exist even after escaping from the pursuit of the Han army.

"Let the people below hide well. After the Han army scouts leave, the Han army will soon come to the valley. At that time, the Han army cavalry will be taught a vicious lesson." With sufficient confidence, this is an opportunity to boost the morale of the Xianbei tribe. If you can get out of this failure, you can regain the grassland.

Outside the caves on both sides of the valley, dozens of flying eagle soldiers appeared. Without careful observation, it would be difficult to catch these people. Their clothing is not much different from the surroundings.

Before the two Xianbei soldiers could react, they were stabbed in their throats by the army, their eyes widened, and they kept making hehe sounds. They didn't understand how these people appeared until they died.

A bundle of pre-prepared firewood was placed at the entrance of the cave. Several flying eagle soldiers took out the fire, and the dry firewood soon burned. Several more flying eagle soldiers covered the flames with fresh grass. , Dense smoke soon rose.

Inside the cave, the Xianbei soldiers who were quietly waiting for news, coughed and rushed out after the smoke drifted in.

Miga's face instantly became low. Looking at the situation before him, it was clear that the Han army had spotted them a long time ago, and the scout who had just passed by was probably also deliberately deliberately confuse them.

The thick smoke caused the Xianbei soldiers to rush out of the cave. They would rather die in battle than die in the cave like this. Miga's order played little role at this time.

Outside the cave, none of the Xianbei soldiers who escaped from the cave were spared. The flying eagle soldiers waiting outside the cave kept reaping the lives of the Xianbei people, just like the cave here, and the cave on the other side is the same. .

At this moment, Lu Bu led the flying cavalry slowly through the valley. Hearing the screams from both sides of the valley from time to time, Pound's face was pale. If it were not for Lu Bu to discover the situation on the battlefield in time, once the army left the valley Through the internal passage, Xianbei soldiers will usher in a huge stone attack. If the county is returned by the army, the current advantage occupied by the Han army will not be there.

Suli, who was in ambush outside the valley, saw that the Han army scouts had been away for a long time, but still hadn't heard the news of the Han army entering the valley, so he sent soldiers to investigate it quietly.

"My lord, it's okay. The caves on both sides of the valley have smoked." A centurion got off his horse, his voice a little anxious.

"Smoke in the cave? No, the Han army must have discovered it and retreat." Su Li decisively issued an order to retreat.

"My lord, the cavalry of the Han army is here."

Don’t need to emphasize too much. The Xianbei soldiers who originally wanted to see how the Han army was defeated were chasing in the direction of the tribe’s retreat. The cavalry was okay, and it’s not easy for the flying cavalry to catch up. It is obviously impossible to run over the horse on two legs.

In the face of the threat of life, a Xianbei soldier pierced his spear into Paoze's body, turned on his horse and left. Such a situation is not uncommon. In the face of life and death, human inferiority is manifested, and Xianbei people are no exception.

By now, Suli couldn't take care of it too much. He already felt a slight tremor on the ground. This was the charge of the Han cavalry.

"Kill!" After rushing out of the valley, Lu Bu, holding a painted halberd, took the lead and killed the Xianbei army.

Pound also summoned his strength and rushed forward. He wanted to wash away the shame of the talent with the long knife in his hand. It was these Xianbei people who made him negligent and almost caused a big mistake.

After painting the halberd and flying, Lu Bu's reputation has penetrated into the hearts of Xianbei They are unwilling to fight against Lu Bu. Under the charge of the cavalry, many soldiers directly chose to surrender and run in succession, giving them some Tired, the days of fear all day are very worrying, always worrying about the Han cavalry from the rear.

Inside the cave, Miga was desperate. Although there were hundreds of soldiers beside him, what can these people do now? The smoke kept blowing in from outside the cave, and he already felt dizzy. Miga regretted it and shouldn't have told Suri that there was such a place, but his plan that hadn't been overlooked in his opinion turned out to be a Jedi.

"No, you can't just die like this." A voice called strongly in his heart, supporting Miga, and walking towards the entrance of the cave, the weapon in his hand had been discarded by Miga.

Outside the cave, the surrendered Xianbei soldiers hugged their heads and squatted aside. Their eyes were full of fear when they looked at the flying eagle soldiers, and the bodies of Xianbei soldiers were densely piled up outside the cave entrance.

"I surrender." Miga, who finally walked out of the hole, collapsed to the ground after saying this.

"It's a Micah." A Xianbei soldier exclaimed.

Zhao Shu winked at the flying eagle soldier next to him.

When Miga Youyou woke up, the Han army was carving on Langjuxu Mountain. He obviously found that there were many more Han army cavalry in Langjuxu Mountain.

Feng Lang Juxu, Huang Zhong was also a little moved. After many years, Dahan finally achieved this achievement again, and he defeated the tyrannical Xianbei. This is still a battle like this when the power of the Han is gradually weakening and the royal family is unknown. It is the most challenging one. At this time, the princes of the world are fighting for their own interests. Who cares about the Xianbei on the grassland? Even the sage is just verbal encouragement. In fact, the royal family Not optimistic about completely defeating the Xianbei people.

(End of this chapter)

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