Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 802: : Fenglangjuxu

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After building the altar to worship the sky, Lu Bu did not give up to continue chasing the Xianbei people.

Miga was also brought to Lu Bu’s camp by soldiers. This is also the most powerful figure captured in the battle with Xianbei. How noble is the status of the eastern man. When Xianbei became strong, an adult from the Xianbei tribe was The owner has a good status.

"I don't kneel down and bow after meeting Jinhou." Dianwei stepped forward and snorted coldly.

To Dianwei’s expectation, Miga puffed and fell to his knees. Miga was proficient in the Han language, and he was naturally clear about the etiquette of the Han. He was already afraid of the Han army, and he could no longer hold up the slightest fighting spirit in his heart. His current greatest wish is to be able to live. The more he is in a high position, the more he is sometimes afraid of death. After enjoying the blessing for too long, he still doesn't want to die.

"Meet the Marquis of Jin." Miga said respectfully.

Lü Bu smiled and said: "It is said that the Mica people in Xianbei in the east are brave and good at fighting. They were also warriors of the Xianbei tribe when they were young."

How could Miga fail to hear the sarcasm in Lu Bu's words? In the past, he would have been furious when he heard others speak like this, but now he is in the camp of the Han army, and the person in the first position can control him. Life and death, with just a word from Lu Bu, he can't see the sun of tomorrow.

"Jin Hou, before the villain had eyes but did not know Taishan, offended Jin Hou, but also hope that Jin Hou a large number of adults, do not care about the villain, the villain will obey Jin Hou's orders in the future." Miga fell to his knees again. .

Seeing Miga's appearance, Dian Wei on the side couldn't help laughing. If the princes of the Central Plains saw that the powerful Xianbei in their eyes had turned into this appearance, he didn't know how to feel.

"Well, Benhou will leave you with one thing. As long as you can do it, I will spare you not to die." Lu Bu said. He has already seen that Miga is scared for himself, even if such a person is put back. It is impossible to do much. As a general, it is difficult to grow up without the belief that he is more courageous.

"Thank you Jin Hou Daen, thank you Jin Hou Daen." Miga repeatedly kowtowed and stared at Lu Bu with scorching eyes. He didn't even dare to get up from the ground without permission.

"After you go back, tell Suli that Benhou is not a murderer. If the Xianbei are willing to surrender, Benhou will accept it and will not kill the Xianbei. It's just that the Xianbei will follow Benhou's orders in the future." Lu Budao On the way to chase Xianbei, he also thought about a lot of things. The people on the grassland cannot be eliminated by blind killing. How powerful the big man back then made the Huns even more embarrassed. However, decades later Well, the peoples on the grassland are still rising, the Huns and the Xianbei who have left are endless.

And the most effective way to prevent these people from becoming the evil of the big man is to accept them, let them live a similar life to the Han people, and let them not worry about food and clothing. If this happens, the cruelty in their chest will gradually be worn down. , And eventually become a qualified people. Unlike the people, the herders have their means of living, and the existence of the herdsmen can also provide a sufficient number of cattle, sheep and horses for the governance.

Miga looked at Lv Bu in amazement, as if he could not believe such conditions. While being pursued by the Han army, many tribe chiefs asked Su Li to send people to seek peace from the Han army. However, thinking of Lv Bu’s previous attitude, Su Li did not do so. The needless struggle, who knows that happiness came so suddenly, Miga is sure that after returning to the tribe, as long as Lu Bu's conditions are stated, many tribal chiefs will agree. As for Suli's opinion, the successive defeats have already given Suli. The prestige in the tribe is greatly damaged, as long as he can survive, it is difficult for Suli to stop.

"After the villain returns, he will definitely persuade the patriarchs of the tribes to seek refuge in the Marquis of Jin." Mi Jia said.

Lü Bu nodded. It is undeniable that Miga is a capable Xianbei. Judging from Miga’s performance, he was obviously subdued by the Han army. Such a person will play a very important role in ruling the Xianbei on the grassland in the future. , The Xianbei people may have resistance to the Han people, but Miga, who used to be a man in the east, still has a certain prestige.

"After the matter is done, Benhou will be rewarded again and again. Maybe you will be responsible for the affairs of Eastern Xianbei and Central Xianbei in the future." Lu Bu smiled.

Miga was very excited when he heard this. He dreamed of becoming an adult in Eastern Xianbei, but Lu Bu was going to let him be an adult in Eastern and Central Xianbei. This was more respected than Ke Bi Neng's position back then. As for Lu Burang In the eyes of Miga, what he did was for the good of Xianbei.

After that, Lu Bu told Miga about his thoughts again, and he heard that Miga's eyes were flooded, enjoying the treatment of Han people, living in the city, and thinking about it makes people feel good.

"Take Mijia down to change into a decent dress, and send two people to **** Mijia back to the Xianbei tribe." Lu With Lu Bu's promise, Mijia feels full of strength and changes. I got a lot more energetic, and no longer lost his face in mourning after being captured.

It was Guan Yu who escorted Miga back to the Xianbei tribe. As Lv Bu’s personal guard, Guan Yu is not only good at martial arts, but also has a certain strategy. Lu Bu also agrees with Guan Yu’s abilities. It seems that going to the Xianbei tribe It is dangerous, but it is not. At this time, the most feared by the Xianbei people is the cavalry of the Han army to catch up. Although the people of the Xianbei tribe can escape, the Han army cannot kill all of them, and no one wants to live a life of fleeing.

Miga led two Han cavalrymen back to the tribe, which caused a lot of shock among the Xianbei people.

In the Battle of Langxiao Mountain, Xianbei’s most elite soldiers lost 70%, and the patriarchs of the tribes were more concerned about how to survive the disaster brought by the Xianbei people.

The Xianbei people are a nation that admires the strong. For people who are stronger than them, they will not hate, but will admire them. In the Xianbei tribe, when talking about Lu Bu, in addition to fear, there is also respect. Lu Bu uses his formidable strength. , Let the Xianbei people impressed.

This time, he returned to the tribe as a messenger of the Han army. After seeing the patriarchs of the tribes, Miga did not lose his manners. If things can be done later, the most important thing will be the patriarchs of these tribes.

"Why did the Miga come back with the Han army cavalry? Could it be that the Miga got out of the siege and captured two Han army cavalry by the way?" A patriarch said with a weird smile.

Micah glared at the patriarch. This patriarch is Suri’s subordinate. With his strength and Suri’s trust, he usually doesn’t give him much face in the tribe. He who is disrespectful will not end well.

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(End of this chapter)

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