Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 809: : Broken City

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! All the way to the big account where Bu Dugen is located, Du Yan shouted with blood on his face: "My lord, it's not good, late Yun reversed, and led the soldiers into the city, killing people when they saw it, and there was a chaos at the city gate."

Budugen, who hadn't gone to sleep, stood up suddenly, "But the husband's subordinate?"

"It's Chi Yun, the commander under the husband Jia's command." Duyan's voice was a little anxious. Shoujiang City said it was a city, but it was actually not big. If the Han army came during Chi Yun's rebellion, it would be for the Xianbei people. disaster.

Bu Dugen snorted coldly: "I knew this beforehand. After returning to the city, he should get rid of the husband's first." Bu Dugen did not think about the union of the husband's first and the Han army. He thought it was because the husband's first was dissatisfied with the treatment. Wanting revenge, this kind of thing is not very rare in the Xianbei tribe.

"My lord, the Han army has entered the city." Hong Kai hurriedly broke into the account.

Bu Dugen was shocked, thinking of Chi Yun's rebellion, he felt a little clear in his heart, and gritted his teeth and said: "The husband, as the captain of the army, actually took refuge in the Han army. It's time to kill!"

"My lord, there are only a few thousand people in the city. I am afraid I can't stop the Han army." Hong Kai said, he didn't expect things to turn into the present situation. Once the Han army completely occupy the surrender city, Xianbei in the west will be like the central part. As in the east, they flee from the Han army far away.

The status of Shouxiang City in the west of Xianbei is just like the status of Danhan Mountain in the central part. The soldiers in the west who were originally low morale will behave after seeing the city of Shouxiang being attacked.

"Passed that the army outside the city entered the city quickly and drove the Han army out of the city." Bu Dugen said.

The Xianbei army was entering the city, and the Han army was also entering the city. A Han army infantry appeared outside the east gate, with a number of 5,000.

Xiao Yan looked at the chaos at the city gate, with a thick smile on his face. How many years has passed, this is the most enjoyable time. In the past, the Xianbei attacked the Han city, but now the Han army has reversed the situation. , Attacked the city by descending.

"The order that the soldiers of the various ministries encountered the Xianbei who resisted, and directly killed them, guarding the east gate, and not letting a Xianbei escape." Xiao Yan shouted loudly.

The Yanmen Pass defending army is definitely an elite group in all the ministries of Bingzhou. They have always guarded Yanmen Pass to resist the Xianbei’s attack. They have only hatred for the Xianbei. They hope that the Xianbei can resist, so that they can kill more happily. Many Xianbei people.

At the East Gate, with the arrival of five thousand troops led by Xiao Yan, the situation on the scene was extremely unfavorable for the Xianbei people. The Xianbei wanted to enter the city and drive away the Han army, while Xiao Yan wanted to kill these people. The fighting power erupted by the Qianhan Army was extremely strong. At this time, the Xianbei army was like a scattered sand, lacking effective command, and it was difficult to get close to the East Gate, let alone supporting Budugen.

The north gate was guarded by three thousand soldiers led by General Zhang Xiang in the cloud.

There was fierce fighting at the city gate, and even more so in the city. Although the soldiers who followed Chi Yun didn’t know why they wanted to attack the city, they would not violate the husband’s order. The husband was their patriarch. This is true. What could not be changed, although Bu Dugen had a high prestige in Xianbei, it still could not affect the soldiers of various tribes, not to mention that the situation in Xianbei was not very good at this time.

After more and more Han troops entered the city, the Xianbei troops in the city were retreating steadily. Although the soldiers under Budugen's command were elite, the Han troops were even more powerful. In terms of blades, armor, and morale, neither side was on the same level.

"My lord, I am afraid that the city will not be able to protect you, so please leave as soon as possible." Hong Kai said.

Bu Dugen turned his attention to Ge Houda, who had been silent for a long time: "I wonder if Mr. Ge has any ideas?"

Hearing Bu Dugen's tone, Ge Hou secretly said that he was not good, but he patted his chest in front of Bu Dugen to ensure that the Han army wanted to stop, but now it has become such a situation.

"My lord, you should retreat." Ge Hou finished speaking and lowered his head.

With a wave of the long knife in Bu Dugen's hand, a splash of blood spurted out, and he coldly snorted: "If you hadn't missed this lord, how could it be today?"

Seeing Ge Hou fell in a pool of blood, Hong Kai didn't have the slightest pity. He had long seen Ge Hou displeased. He thought he had some talent, and jumped up and down in the west.

Ge Hou didn't expect that he had done so many things for the west, and he was killed by Bu Dugen, without a trace of hesitation.

"Pass the order, let the army in the city move closer to this master, and follow this master to break through." The last words, Bu Dugen, was spoken by gritted teeth. The supreme existence in the hearts of the tribes in the west was so easily taken by the Han army. Breached.

The sky gradually brightened, and calm in the city was restored. The ground was full of corpses. Teams of soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, and the wailing of wounded soldiers could be heard from time to time.

Xiao Yan, whose face and armor were covered with blood, was full of energy. He looked around curiously. He has always heard that Xianbei's city in Xianbei is a more prosperous place in I see it today. Not to mention other things, although Bu Dugen lived in the city, he still set up tents. In their eyes, the city wall was probably only used to resist the wind and cold.

"General Xiao." Xu Rong took the lead in courtesy.

"Prefect Xu Xiu is about to break down, and the next one is just following Prefect Xu to get the light." Xiao Yan hurriedly replied.

"General Xiao guards the Yanmen Pass, and his fame is everywhere in Bingzhou. Whoever mentions it is not awe-inspiring." Xu Rong said, "It's only a trick to defeat the Xianbei people."

After the two people settled down, they went to the tent where Bu Dugen was located. This place had become a place for the Han army to discuss military matters.

Although the war in the city was settled down, it was not so peaceful outside the city. The impact on the tribes outside the city was great when the city was captured by the Han army.

At this time, Huo Jia stood up and recruited the various tribes of Xianbei. In the prestige of Husband Jia, he was far worse than his roots, but he was a Xianbei, and this occupied a great advantage. Xianbei in the west had already fallen. , But anyone who is slightly smarter can see that even if Bu Dugen escapes, it will not last long, and the Han army will not let him go so easily.

Whether to follow Bu Dugen to go into exile or stay, the patriarchs of each tribe chose the latter after considering. Bu Dugen is an adult from the west, but they don’t want to accompany Bu Dugen to death, the affairs of the central and eastern regions. It's no secret anymore. Even if they escape, the Han army will still be in hot pursuit. Instead of this, they might as well choose to surrender.

The Xianbei people are a spine and **** nation, but their spine and blood have been gradually lost in successive defeats.

Although the back injury has not healed yet, the husband's armour also walked out with the help of the soldiers, with a faint smile on his face, stepping roots, after all, he paid the price for his behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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