Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 810: : Powerful means

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "I have seen the general." The husband clasped his fists, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly due to the injury of pulling his back.

"The husband of the husband and the captain does not need to be polite." Xu Rong hurriedly stepped forward to support the husband of the husband, and his ability to break through the city of Sustaining so smoothly had a lot to do with his refuge. At this time, the role of the husband of the husband It is huge, and the reason why the tribes of Xianbei chose to seek refuge is inseparable from the husband's armor.

"Thank you, General." The husband Jia got up, his expression did not show much respect.

"The leader of Fu Jia Wanhu can take refuge in Bingzhou, this officer is very pleased that I will meet Jin Hou the next day and will definitely inform Jin Hou of the merits of the ten thousand husband." Xu Rongyun said calmly.

Husband Jia was shocked, and then he remembered that the Xianbei people are on the weak side. Perhaps the person in front of him wanted to make him unlucky. It was just a matter of one sentence. Compared with the Xianbei, the Jinhou was obviously more trusted by Han. Generals.

"Thank you General." Husband Jia saluted again.

Seeing the husband's first reaction, Xu Rong nodded slightly, and Xiao Yan's expression on the side eased a lot. If the Chief Xianbei in front of him feels great because of a little credit, once Xianbei's affairs are over, he will be very Unfortunately, even if the Husband's Armor had a great influence in the Xianbei tribe, how could it be? The Han army had the absolute upper hand at this time.

From this incident, it can be seen that the Husband First has a certain prestige among the Xianbei people. If these prestige affects the rule of the Bingzhou Army in Xianbei, if the Husband First wants to live a stable life, he must behave low-key. The Han army will not let the Xianbei people sit up again.

"Captain Hugo, I don't know how many tribes in Xianbei are willing to surrender?" Xu Rong asked.

"The general can be called the Xiahujia. Except for the three tribes who followed Budugen, the other tribes are willing to surrender. I don't know how Jinhou will treat the surrendered Xianbei tribe, so that they can comfort the patriarchs of the tribes after they return next time." Husband Road.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Although you can rest assured, after taking refuge in Jinhou, these Xianbei people will not be embarrassed as long as they follow the rules. Of course, if they want to make waves under Jinhou's rule, they will not end well."

"The Marquis of Jin decided to build the city into a real city based on the city of Shouxiang."

He was excited when he heard the words. In his opinion, even if the Han army broke through the city of Shoujiang, it would not be possible to occupy it all the time. Sooner or later, he would leave. By then, wouldn't the Xianbei tribe be what he said.

"I also hope that after the husband Kawan returns to the tribe, he can tell the patriarchs of the tribes that when the city is built, the tribe that contributes the most can first choose a place to live in the city." Xu Rong smiled.

The husband Jia repeatedly said yes. Seeing that the Han army really didn't mean to embarrass the Xianbei people, they were overjoyed, and the Han people helped them build the city. In this way, the city of Shouxiang could be compared with the cities of Bingzhou.

"If the first husband knew that the military power in the city was controlled by the Han people, he would definitely not be so excited." Xiao Yan laughed.

Xu Rong said: "Does General Xiao think that the Xianbei people at this time still have a choice? In order to survive, no matter how much suffering they can do, there are still tens of thousands of Xianbei prisoners building in Youzhou. the way."

Xiao Yan nodded, and with enough strength in his hand, he could gain more initiative.

After Hujia returned to the tribe, he gathered the patriarchs of the tribes together. After Xu Rong's words were finished, the patriarchs of the tribes were moved. After the construction of the city, the city belonged to the Xianbei people.

"The patriarch of Hujia, I don't know if the city is entirely Xianbei after the construction of the city." A patriarch asked.

The other patriarchs also seemed to want to understand the joints, and turned their attention to the husband's arm. If the city is completed, the person in charge will be Han, does it mean that the Xianbei will have no status? This reminds them. In the old days, the tribes of Xianbei captured the people from the Han realm.

The husband's brow furrowed slightly, and he didn't think of this when he was just in the Han army.

"Dear patriarchs, just ask if you have any questions, and I will ask them again when I get down to the chief of the Han army." Husband Jia said.

After discussing with the patriarchs of the tribes, Fu Jia felt that there were a lot of questions for Xu Rong to answer. The Xianbei people were most concerned about the owner of the city after the city was built, the soldiers of the Xianbei tribes, and the Xianbei soldiers captured by the Han army.

Xu Rong's face suddenly became gloomy after hearing the problems of the husband's first. From these questions, it can be seen that the Xianbei people did not have the consciousness after the defeat. Is it still naive to think that the Han people went to the west to help the Xianbei build the city? of.

"Captain Fu Jia, you have made a mistake. It is the Bianzhou army who occupy the city of the surrender. It is not the Xianbei who said in the city." Xu Rong snorted coldly.

The husband's face changed slightly. At this time, there were less than two thousand soldiers from the various tribes of Xianbei, and it was difficult to resist the powerful Union State Army.

"Husband Do you know how the Xianbei tribes in the central and western regions are treated?" Xiao Yan asked with a smile.

The husband shook his head blankly. Although he learned that the central and western regions had lost, he learned about the central and western regions relatively late.

Xiao Yan said: "The Xianbei people in the central and eastern regions are the same as those in the west. They need people to build the city. As for the artisans who built the city, they came from Youzhou. The dispatch of the Han people will not be forgiven if anyone commits a disturbance."

The husband's face changed and changed again, and the construction of the city made him so excited that he ignored the existence of the Han.

"After the construction of the Succeeding City, there will be not only the people from Xianbei in the west, but also the Huns, and the rest are the same as the city in Danhan Mountain." Xu Rong added, it seems that his attitude was too good before, let Xianbei People take it for granted.

"I know it." The passion in the husband's chest dissipated in an instant.

"However, if the husband and wife have taken refuge in Bingzhou, the Marquis of Jin will not treat him badly." Xu Rong said.

The husband returned to the tribe with a low expression. After finishing the news, it caused quite a stir among the tribes. Some tribes even threatened to follow Bu Dugen to leave.

The next day, the two tribes that were just about to leave were defeated by the Han army, and the people in the tribe became prisoners of the Han army.

Such a powerful method also made the patriarchs of the tribes sober. Now they have surrendered to the Han army. The west is not determined by the Xianbei. The Xianbei are weak in front of the Han people and are no longer on the grassland. Eagle.

The cruel reality made the patriarch of the Xianbei tribe choose to cooperate with the Han army. In order to get more benefits from the new city, some tribes also spared no effort.

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(End of this chapter)

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