Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 811: : Pound Allegiance

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The life after Bu Dugen escaped was not easy. Wei Xu led the cavalry to chase continuously, but Bu Dugen did not choose to surrender, but fled all the way. The Han cavalry behind him was a lingering nightmare in the eyes of the Xianbei people. They had never imagined that the Han army would be so powerful and dare to be so rampant in the hinterland of Xianbei.

The destruction of Xianbei in the central, eastern, and western regions means that the Xianbei that has been in the grasslands for many years has declined. It is difficult for them to stand up. Once the two cities are built, they can only follow the path of the Han people. Will give them a chance to stand up.

A batch of craftsmen rushed from Bingzhou to Shouxiang City, and from Youzhou to Danhan Mountain. In order to speed up the progress, Lu Bu opened a cement workshop in Dai County. As long as the cement has mastered the proportion and has enough materials, Can be produced continuously.

After dealing with Xianbei’s affairs, Lu Bu found Pound again. He was planning to leave Pound as a fierce general in Danhan Mountain. However, if Pound did not show his mind, he would not use Pound. Grassland It is a sensitive place, and it concerns the Xianbei and Han people.

In Lu Bu’s plan, the city of Danhan Mountain will be the place where Han and Xianbei can communicate with each other. Even when the time is right, intermarriage between Xianbei and Han is allowed. Only in this way can the Xianbei be ruled in a real sense.

As for the living habits of the Xianbei people, Lu Bu will not change. The herders can replace cattle and sheep with what they need. This kind of life is more convenient than in the past when they were in the tribe. The merchants in the city will provide Xianbei people. What is needed, to a certain extent, makes the Xianbei people feel more attached. The grassland is so big that it is impossible for all the Xianbei people to live in the city.

Since talking to Lu Bu last time, Pound has suffered from insomnia. He has thought a lot about what happened after he returned to Liangzhou and what it would be like if he stayed under Jinhou’s rule. On the one hand, he was treated to him. Ma Teng, who has the kindness to meet, and the other is Lu Bu, who is admired by him.

For this matter, Pound even went to Huang Zhong to ask for advice. He was the lieutenant of the Lieyang Bowrider and trusted Huang Zhong very much.

Those words of Huang Zhong are unforgettable for Pound.

"At the beginning, the general was very reluctant to follow the lord to Bingzhou, more of it was to treat the dog. If the general was allowed to choose by himself, he would definitely not go to Bingzhou. At that time, the lord’s reputation in Jingzhou was very bad, but After arriving in Bingzhou, the general found that fortunately he was the lord, otherwise the general was still in Jingzhou, how could he dash the battlefield and make contributions, so Ling Ming’s situation was similar to that of the general."

Pound thought over and over again and decided to stay. It was not because he ignored the Ma family’s kindness, but because he felt that Bingzhou was more suitable for him. Lu Bu had lofty ambitions and the army under his command was also strong in combat. Faced with the Ma family's reproach, he will feel sorry for the Ma family, but he does not regret the choice this time.

For a military commander, he pays more attention to choice than a literati. After a literati can hardly continue under the command of a monarch, he can also go to find the monarch elsewhere. If the military commander does this, it will definitely attract the people of the world.

"How is Ling Ming thinking?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Pound knelt on one knee and solemnly bowed, "Subordinate Pound has seen the lord."

With an unstoppable smile on Lu Bu's face, he hurriedly lifted Pound up and said, "There are orders to play in the Khan Mountain, and this lord has no worries."

"Thank you for the Lord's trust." Pound's tone was a little excited. He was able to hand over the city of Danhan Mountain to him, enough to see his place in Lu Bu's heart. Although the Xianbei people have taken refuge in it, if someone with a heart makes chaos, it will definitely be. A big hidden danger.

"Ling Ming, you must not relax with the Xianbei people," Lu Bu exhorted.

After a long conversation between the monarch and the minister, Pound left, feeling a lot more relaxed. After confirming the choice, the feeling of invigoration is indescribable. Staying at Danhan Mountain is by no means as simple as the bitter cold in the eyes of outsiders. But the city built by the great man in the royal court, which symbolizes the power of the Xianbei people, has his Pound's credit. This may be the credit that goes down in history.

Literati wants to retain his name in future generations, and the same is true for military commanders. As a military commander, it is much more difficult to remember for future generations than a literati.

After agreeing on the affairs of Xianbei, Lu Bu led Feiqi back to Jixian County. This victory against Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Yan Rongrong Liaodong was of great significance. This meant that in the future, the troops stationed in various places in Youzhou would not need so many. You only need to defend Jizhou, especially Border County. Because of Xianbei’s harassment, there are many defenders in Border County. Once this force is freed from the shackles, the influence of is also significant.

In the eyes of the world, why are Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Liangzhou barren? Not only are the three areas not rich in rice, but also because of the chaos in the border county. Liangzhou has Qiang people, and there are Xianbei and Huns in Xianbei and Huns. There are Wuhuan and Xianbei people in Youzhou. These factors are affecting the development of the three places. Once these constraints do not exist, Youzhou and Bingzhou will develop faster.

For example, Youzhou and Bingzhou are building concrete roads on a large scale, not only for the convenience of the military and civilians, but also for faster support during wars. In particular, the speed of support for food and grass is even more important.

After pacifying Xianbei, Lu Bu’s main focus was on building cities and roads, staying in Youzhou, and more importantly for the government of Youzhou. Unlike Bingzhou, Youzhou came to him at a later time, and Youzhou The people of China have experienced wars and do not have much sense of belonging to the rulers.

Successive victories have raised Lu Bu's prestige among the people. With such prestige, Lu Bu wants to make Youzhou more stable.

The aristocratic family in Youzhou may know that Lv Bu is great, but they did not really experience that kind of pain. Therefore, the fear of Lv Bu is only on the surface. In private, they still do things that are violent, and they spare no effort to infringe the interests of the people. Waiting for the existence of aristocratic families will gradually reduce the prestige of the prefecture and herd among the people, so that the people are a little numb to the governors of the city.

Why do the people in many places remain indifferent to the change of the owner of the city? That is because no matter who the owner of the city is, they still live the same life, and what Lu Bu wants to change is this status quo. He wants the people to depend on the things in the city. Only in this way, the people will have a more sense of belonging to this city, and when the enemy attacks, the people will also rise up to resist.

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