Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 841: : Assassination of General Qin

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General Qin seemed to have expected Black Ice Terrace to do such a move, and laughed: "This General has long expected that there will be today, but he didn't expect Black Ice Terrace to act so decisively." It is impossible to hate. He can open the cell to rescue him, but Black Ice Platform is thinking of putting him to death. As for the purpose, General Qin knows that it is nothing but fear that he will take refuge in Lu Bu and then lurking in the Black Ice Platform.

Qin Sandao: "Why should the general embarrass us, you also know the rules of the Black Ice Platform, if the mission cannot be completed, it will be a dead end to go back."

"Don't you think that you can take the life of this general with you." General Qin said that there was an extra sword in his hand, with a faint light of fire, and a bit of cold light.

At this time Qin San noticed that General Qin was not chained, and said with a smile: "General Qin, you are in the cell. It will be offended to see how I will shoot you." Anyway, General Qin. He was responsible for training him, and he still admired General Qin's ability.

There were ten assassins brought by Qin San. He didn’t believe that ten people could not kill General Qin by firing crossbow arrows together. Why is there a weapon in General Qin's hands.

"You are wrong. This general is here to see how you were killed. Didn't you notice that when you entered the cell? Qin San, the general did not teach you less, I didn't expect you to be so careless. "General Qin sighed.

Qin San was stunned for a moment, and immediately reflected that there could be only a few people in the cell where General Qin was held. It is impossible for Jin Hou not to know the importance of General Qin. He kept thinking about **** General Qin after entering the cell. It ignores this problem.

"Be careful, there may be an ambush nearby." Qin San panicked.

"It seems that you are not stupid yet, but unfortunately, you are still reminded by others." Zhao Shu came slowly, with a smile on his face. As long as the assassin of the Black Ice Platform enters the cell, there is no way out, how many flying eagles The soldier was broken in the hands of the Black Ice Platform, and now he was about to avenge the dead Eagle Soldier.

"Kill this person first!" Qin San pointed to General Qin. Their task was to kill General Qin. As an assassin in the Black Ice Terrace, they would complete the task even if they died.

General Qin snorted coldly: "With you people, you still want to kill this general?"

With a wave of Zhao Shu's hand, twenty crossbow arrows headed towards the assassins of the Black Ice Platform. These crossbows are all the Qin Crossbows that the Black Ice Platform Assassins love to use. Although they are somewhat different from the Black Ice Platform in terms of manufacturing, they are more powerful and powerful. Ordinary crossbow arrows are much larger.

The three assassins on the Black Ice Platform just raised their crossbows to kill General Qin, when they were shot through by the roaring crossbow arrows.

Compared with the panic of the assassins on the Black Ice Terrace outside the cell, General Qin seemed a lot more calm, with a long sword in his hand, and all the crossbow arrows shot at the cell were shot down.

Qin San's expression changed slightly. If no flying eagle soldiers came, he could divide the assassin into two groups and shoot General Qin in turn "Kill!"

The assassins of the Black Ice Terrace were anxious, but Zhao Shu seemed calm and relaxed. In order to deal with the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace, he even borrowed the huge shield from the camp, in order to drive these assassins to the dead end.

The black ice platform assassin's crossbow arrows failed to penetrate the shield, and after a sound of clanging, what Qin San and the others ushered in were still dense crossbow arrows.

"Shameless." Qin San yelled at him. Now, how can he fail to see Zhao Shu's intentions? He clearly used the advantages of terrain and shields to grind them to death. As for the assassin's approach to the flying eagle soldiers, it is also very difficult. Made it.

"It's shameless for this commander to act like this? Haha." Zhao Shu smiled proudly, fighting against the Black Ice Platform until now, this time, it is the most enjoyable.

A quarter of an hour later, none of the assassins who rushed into the cell were spared. Qin San's eyes were wide open. He didn't expect that he would be so suffocated. He was crushed to death by flying eagle soldiers with crossbow arrows. His skill is not weak among assassins. Yes, but these powerful crossbow arrows are very difficult to defend. He does not have the superb martial arts of General Qin.

"General Qin, as expected by the Marquis of Jin, the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace are thinking about killing General Qin all the time." Zhao Shu smiled.

General Qin snorted coldly: "Aren't you the same."

Zhao Shu didn't answer, but his eyes were cold when he looked at General Qin. There were not a few Feiying soldiers who died in the hands of General Qin, but Zhao Shu remembered it in his heart.

"Guard here, take away the sword in this person's hand." Zhao Shu said, giving General Qin the sword to prevent General Qin from dying in this assassination.

General Qin did not resist, and threw the long sword without the flying eagle soldiers entering the cell.

After Zhao Shu and others left, General Qin fell into silence again. At the moment he saw Qin San, for some reason, he felt a sense of assassin from Black Ice Platform came to assassinate him. , Even if he had repaid the love he had cultivated for many years at the Black Ice Platform, if there were no flying eagle soldiers to protect him, he would have died at this time.

No one wants to die, and General Qin is no exception. Who doesn't want to be named in the world and build some meritorious deeds. Jin Hou is indeed a good choice. Instead of being assassinated by the Black Ice Platform, he has repeatedly seen through the Black Ice Platform. Conspiracy, these characters have grown up.

At the Qin's Inn, Qin Yang frowned, and the assassin sent out had no news so far. Although Jinhou's defense was tight, it was not a big problem for the assassins on the Black Ice Platform.

"Young Master, the time has come." Qin Yan's voice was a little low.

"Old Qin, the assassin who went out has not returned any news now, is there something wrong?" Qin Yang wondered.

Qin Yan shook his head slightly, "Impossible. The Black Ice Terrace at the Qin’s Inn is an absolutely confidential matter, and the assassins were dispatched yesterday, and Jin Hou also traveled yesterday. Jinyang, how dare he act so blatantly."

Qin Yang was relieved when he heard this. His only concern was the failure of the assassins who assassinated General Qin and Gu Yong. Only by killing Gu Yong and General Qin could Lu Bu's attention be greatly resolved.

"Do it," Qin Yang ordered. At this time, there were thirty iron eagle swordsmen in the Qin's Inn.

The assassins of the ordinary black ice platform can be called elite in the eyes of outsiders, but if you want to become an iron eagle swordsman, you need to stand out among the assassins. Each iron eagle swordsman has the skill to defeat two ordinary assassins alone. There are not many 30 people. With the support of the internal response, it is not difficult to enter the Hou Mansion. As long as you can enter the Hou Mansion, the rest is much easier. Lu Bu and Dianwei have strong martial arts, but the others in the mansion are lambs to be slaughtered. , Thirty people is enough.

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