Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 842: : Surround

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Jinhou, could it be that the news is wrong. From day to day, there has been no suspicious person entering or leaving the Qin's Inn." Wang Yue frowned. .

"Be patient." After listening to the news from the Flying Eagle soldiers, Lu Bu slowly said that the assassin of the Black Ice Platform has already started in the city. Killing them all is worth it.

At night, there is a curfew in Jinyang City, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to walk around at will. As long as someone walks out of the Qin's Inn at this time, it is very suspicious.

Under the moonlight, the door of the Qin's Inn opened a crack, and a figure sprang out of the inn at a very fast speed. After looking around, it quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Lu Bu stopped Wang Yue, who was preparing to act. The more at this time, the more patience he had to show.

Sure enough, he had just walked out of the dark shadow of the inn, but after a while, returned to the inn again, Wang Yue's gaze at Lu Bu also contained a trace of awe.

About a quarter of an hour, the door of the Qin's Inn was slowly pushed open, and black shadows came out one after another. Qin Yang and Qin Yan finally walked out of the inn and glanced vigilantly around.

Qin Yang glanced around and whispered, "Action!"

"Kill!" Lü Bu yelled, and the eagle soldiers and shadow guards who had already prepared unreservedly shot the crossbow arrows in their hands.

Even though the iron eagle swordsmen were elite, they did not expect that a group of enemies would be hidden within a hundred steps of them.

"Withdraw!" Qin Yang decisively issued the order to withdraw.

Abandoning the crossbow on the ground, the flying eagle soldiers and shadow guards all shot out from the darkness, densely packed, with a total of 200 people, in order to deal with the assassins of the black ice platform, Lu Bu also made great efforts.

"Shichang, those two, you can pick one." Lu Bu pointed his finger in Qin Yang's direction.

Wang Yue drew his sword and shouted, "The old man has been handed over to the humble position." From Qin Yan's body, he felt a faint threat.

Even though he was a shadowy figure, Lu Bu recognized that this old man was the one who assassinated him on the Xianbei battlefield that day, and his swordsmanship was indeed superb.

Seeing that Wang Yue had a choice, Lu Bu attacked Qin Yang with a sword.

"Young Master, leave alone." Qin Yan finished speaking and greeted Wang Yue. At this time, it is impossible to hide in the inn. In that case, he would be driving his own people to death.

Wang Yue's shot was the strongest sword. The sword light flashed and took Qin Yan's head straight.

Seeing this, Qin Yan drew out the long sword calmly, blocking Wang Yue's sword accurately.

Wang Yue's heart was stunned, and he knew that when he met a master of swordsmanship, he had just this sword. Although it was not his most powerful sword, it was extremely fast. All he wanted was surprise.

Under the dense crossbow arrows, ten iron eagle swordsmen were damaged. The iron eagle swordsmen who reacted did not panic. They are the most elite existence in the Black Ice Platform. They have not encountered any difficult situations, and they drew their swords to kill. enemy.

Like the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace, the Iron Eagle Swordsman is also good at cooperating, or three, two, or five people, facing enemies several times their own, and fighting vigorously.

"Where to go." Lu Bu shouted angrily, and the long sword in his hand took Qin Yang directly.

An iron eagle swordsman rushed forward without hesitation, and their young master was behind them. Even if it was the cost of his life, he still had to buy time for the young master to escape.

The blue light flashed, and the long sword in the hands of the Iron Eagle Swordsman was broken.

The iron eagle swordsman who was frightened before his death fell to the ground. He did not expect that he would be defeated by the sword. The long swords used by the iron eagle swordsman have always been carefully selected and can be said to be extremely sophisticated. .

Qin Yang's eyes tightened, and Lu Bu's shot just now gave him a strong threat. Although his swordsmanship is not weak, he is not arrogant enough to fight Lu Bu. He has heard that Lu Bu is so powerful, that is General Lian Qin. People who are helpless.

"Block this person!" After Qin Yang gave the order, he looked for an opportunity to escape, except for the Qin's Inn, there were all dense enemies, and there was no other choice except to retreat into the inn.

Qin Yang gritted his teeth and broke into the inn. Although he knew that it was difficult to get out of the inn, he had no way out.

How could Lu Bu let Qin Yang get off so easily and followed him.

As soon as he walked into the inn, ten crossbow arrows came towards Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was shocked and hurriedly raised his sword to block. He also didn't expect the people of the Black Ice Platform to act so meticulously. In a hurry, he would actually be hit by the Black Ice Platform's strategy. If he faced so many crossbow arrows on the battlefield, , Lu Bu was able to do well, and in such a rush, it was difficult to block all the crossbow arrows even if he avoided the vital points.

In an emergency, a black shadow flashed out, and after a jingle sound, the crossbow arrows were all shot down to the ground.

"The Marquis of Jin is really brave, and he dared to chase down the young master of the Black Ice Platformü Bu's back was cold and sweaty. If he didn't act in a fair way, he would definitely be injured even if he wasn't dead. He clasped his fist and said:" Thank you for your help! "After saying that, kill in the direction where the crossbow arrow came from. As for Qin Yang, as long as he enters the inn, he will never want to leave so easily.

Justice sighed and slammed with a sword. Who made him accept a matter of protecting Lu Bu.

Lu Bu and Gongdao smashed into the assassins, like tigers like a flock, but in a moment, ten assassins lurking in the inn were beheaded to death.

Lu Bu's eyes on justice were obviously different. Just ten assassins, six of them died in the hands of justice, enough to see the swordsmanship of justice. Even so, what flashed in Lu Bu's mind was still that image of sloppy greed. People who eat and drink.

Qin Yang hurried to the second floor, preparing to escape from the upper floor, but he gave up when he glanced at the situation outside the inn, but saw that the fire outside the inn was bright, and the densely packed archers had already aimed their bows and arrows at the inn. I don’t know when the Qin’s Inn has been surrounded by the Bingzhou Army. In the powerful Iron Eagle Swordsman, facing the siege of the heavy army, there will be no way to survive.

"The Marquis of Jin is indeed a good method. He actually saw through the assassination of the Black Ice Platform." Qin Yang turned to look at Lu Bu who was chasing him, his tone full of unwillingness. Hunt down."

The assassin who had just hidden in the inn failed to kill Lu Bu. It was a surprise to Qin Yang. In such a hasty, Lu Bu was able to escape. Even his father might not be able to do it.

Since Qin Yang participated in the Black Ice Terrace, except for two consecutive failures in the hands of Lu Bu, he has never missed it. Even Youzhou Mu Liuyu was killed under his plan, but he did not expect it to be here now. Such a situation can be said to be good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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