Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 843: : The young master of Heibingtai was captured alive, and General Qin took refuge

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "If the young master of the Black Ice Platform can be considered trivial, who else is worthy of Benhou's shot?" Lu Bu laughed However, the Blue Nightmare Sword didn't put it away. These people had a lot of methods and couldn't guard against it.

Qin Yang's face changed drastically when he heard this. From the time Lu Bu chased him, he realized that it was wrong. "I don't know how Jin Hou met him?" He was sure that he had never appeared in front of Lu Bu. Even the assassination was in secret. Plan.

Lü Bu laughed and said: "It's just the young master of the black ice platform. If Ben Hou wants to know, even if he is the owner of the black ice platform, Ben Hou can know."

Justice heard this, and his face became more gentle. Although he was not afraid of the power of the Black Ice Platform, as a member of the rivers and lakes, he still had a lot of trouble.

"Fell into the hands of Jin Hou, there is no complaint underneath." Qin Yang Yanbi threw the long sword in his hand to the ground.

Justice stepped forward and stopped Lu Bu who wanted to move forward. He stared at Qin Yang cautiously. Although he didn’t talk about the black ice platform as a thing, in fact, justice was extremely afraid of the black ice platform. These people are a bunch of lunatics. The goal can be achieved by unscrupulous means. From their assassination of Lu Bu, it can be seen that Lu Bu, the generals, and Jinhou, these assassins want to assassinate twice.

Lu Bu didn't step forward, a disappointment flashed across Qin Yang's expression, and his gaze toward justice also contained a hint of anger.

"Boy, when you look at Lao Tzu, it's best to be kind. Even your old father Qin Tian treats Lao Tzu respectfully." Justice said dismissively.

Qin Yang's eyes tightened. No more than ten people in the world can know that his father was Qin Tian, ​​but why can someone who is slightly sloppy in front of him know.

After looking at justice for a long time, Qin Yang laughed and said: "I didn't expect Tangtang Zhu Gongdao to become a running dog of Jin Hou."

Zhu Gongdao snorted coldly after hearing the words: "Boy, what do you know, I am entrusted by others, so obediently lose the sleeve crossbow."

Qin Yang consciously threw the two hidden crossbows on the ground.

Seeing Zhu Gongdao tying Qin Yang firmly, Lv Bu sighed with relief. He looked at Zhu Gongdao with a slight difference. He could make the young master of the Black Ice Platform see through his identity. It can be seen that Zhu Gongdao is also a famous figure in the arena, the most The main thing is that Zhu Gongdao actually knows the owner of the Black Ice Terrace. If Zhu Gongdao's help is given, it will be more powerful to pacify the Black Ice Terrace. Judging from the methods used by Zhu Gongdao to resist crossbow arrows and murder, this person's swordsmanship is extremely superb.

Qin Yang was arrested in the inn, and the battle outside the inn gradually came to an end. Even though the iron eagle swordsmen were elite, they faced flying eagles and shadow guards several times theirs, and among them were masters like Shi A.

A hideous wound appeared on Qin Yan's left arm, and his face was a little pale, "Wang Yue, thinking of you as a magnificent emperor, and even willing to be a running dog under the gate of Jinhou, is it not afraid of Black Ice Terrace's revenge?"

Wang Yue sneered and said: "Everyone is condemned by the Black Ice Terrace. The leader is going right. What is there to be afraid of? As for the revenge of the Black Ice Terrace, I am afraid you will not see it."

Shi A had already sealed Qin Yan's retreat, and his gaze looked at Qin Yan with a trace of jealousy. He was able to walk so many rounds under Wang Yue's hands, and he could definitely be called a master.

After seeing Qin Yang walking out of the inn, Qin Yan's complexion suddenly became difficult to look at. Qin Yang was the young master of the Black Ice Platform, and the owner of the Black Ice Platform in the future. After he was captured by Lu Bu, he wanted to rescue extremely difficulty.

"If the young master is released, this general is willing to become a prisoner of the Marquis of Jin." Qin Yan tried to make the last effort.

Lu Bu laughed and said, "Do you think you can get rid of it?"

After receiving Lv Bu's signal, Wang Yue bullied himself up with his sword, making every move heavier, but for a moment, Qin Yan had another wound on his body.

The loss of blood in the body made Qin Yan gradually feel weak. Wang Yue shook away the long sword that Qin Yan had pierced at him and kicked it. Qin Yan flew to the door and fell to the ground. Shi Ashang Qin Yan was restrained before.

The fighting outside the door and the fighting inside the Qin's Inn had already awakened the people in the inn, but when they heard the killing outside, more people chose not to show up, and they believed that Jinyang would deal with it.

Li Jin was ordered to take people to the inn to do comfort work, and the others left with Qin Yan and Qin Yang. As for the remaining assassins, all died.

Qin Guang, who was detained in the cell, was surprised to see that both Qin Yang and Qin Yan had been arrested. He knew Qin Yang's identity and was able to make the young master of the Black Ice Platform break Jinyang. This shows how powerful Jin Hou was.

Qin Yang glared at Qin Guang, and there was no other words. The reason why he gave up resisting was because he believed that the people from the Black Ice Platform would come to rescue him. He was the young master of the Black Ice Platform and couldn't just die easily.

Lu Bu and Jia Xu came to the cell, ordered people to treat Qin Yan's injuries, and then took General Qin out. He believed that General Qin would make the right decision after going through tonight's affairs.

"If it weren't for this lord, General Qin would have become the dead soul of the Black Ice Platform tonight." Lu Bu said in a relaxed tone and destroyed the hiding place of the Black Ice Platform in Jinyang. The young master of the Black Ice Platform has been captured, and the Black Ice Platform must be more careful when dealing with him in the future.

General Qin sighed: "I underestimated Jinhou before going down."

"If General Qin is willing to take refuge, Ben Hou will definitely not be embarrassed. Could it be that the general intends to follow the Black Ice Terrace to his death." Lu Bu said.

After a long silence, General Qin stood up and said, "I am willing to serve as a dog and horse for the Jin Marquis." Hei Bingtai's behavior chilled him on one side, mainly because he felt from Lu Bu's body not only ambition, but also ambition. He has the strength in line with his ambitions, and he is alone. He has no worries at this time, even if he is found from the Black Ice Platform, he must have that ability.

Lv Bu was overjoyed when he heard this. If General Qin was able to take refuge, it would be easier to deal with the Black Ice Terrace.

"From now on, the Marquis of Jin can be called in Xia Qinguang, and the general is the name of the four leaders in Black Ice Taichung." Qin Guang said.

Lü Bu nodded and said, "Now you can tell Benhou about the situation at the Black Ice Terrace."

"The Black Ice Terrace was created by the descendants of the Qin State. Among them, the most elite is the Iron Eagle Swordsman, and the Iron Eagle Swordsman is a self-contained one, directly following the orders of the owner or the young master of the Black Ice Platform, and the rest are divided into The Assassination Department, the Law Enforcement Department, the Weapon and Blade Department, and the Intelligence Department. The general of the Law Enforcement Department is Qin Yan, who has been captured for the Jin Hou, and the young master Qin Yang is also captured for the Jin Hou."

Qin Guang slowly said: "The largest number of Assassins in the Black Ice Platform is the Assassination Department, which is the part that is in charge of the Black Ice Platform. There are 500 assassins among them. As for whether there are other assassins secretly, I don’t know. There are three hundred iron eagle swordsmen, and only the most elite assassins can become iron eagle swordsmen. I believe the Marquis of Jin has already fought with the iron eagle swordsmen tonight."

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(End of this chapter)

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