Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 872: : Reunion Ju Shou

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Master, this is a letter from Beidi County." Jia Xu walked over quickly.

After opening the letter and reading it, Lu Bu smiled and handed the letter to Jia Xu again, like an important letter in the army, Jia Xu would not read it first.

"Lord, if it is Li Ru's plan, I am afraid that General Ma will have no place to stay." Jia Xu said.

"Don’t worry about this. Ma Teng joined forces with Han Sui and Benhou to attack Chang’an. He must have not given up his thoughts of occupying Chang’an. If that’s the case, just let the soldiers and horses of Beidi County appear in Hanyang to make the horses It's hard to take care of it." Lu Bu smiled. He didn't expect Guo Bang to send someone to Beidi County, and it was still such a strategy.

If Li Ru hadn't taken refuge in Bingzhou, it would really be possible to unite with Guo Bang. In this way, Ma Teng would be in danger.

The characters under Dong Zhuo can be said to be the great masters of Liangzhou, such as Li Yu and Guo Bang, who are by no means general.

"The lord's miraculous plan, why can't you break through the land of the third auxiliary." Jia Xu complimented.

"The most important thing is to take Chang'an." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Jia Xu said, in charge of intelligence affairs. Recently, there has been a lot of attention to Chang'an, especially the situation of Zuo Fengyi's military and horse mobilization. Looking at the current situation, Li Yu, Guo Bang and others want to be in the Gaoling generation. Resist the Union State Army.

"What happened to the Black Ice Terrace?" Lu Bu asked.

Jia Xu shook his head slightly. Whether it was Qin Yang or Qin Yan, he didn't confide in the slightest about the Black Ice Terrace. The two naturally endured torture in prison.

"What about the Shadow Guard?"

Jia Xu said: "The leader of the king personally led the shadow guard to Hanzhong, but he found nothing. The subordinates have a hunch that these people are still hiding in Yizhou."

"No matter where these people hide, they must be eradicated. If it doesn't work, let Wang Yue lead the shadow guards to sneak into Chang'an and wait for orders." Lu Bu said, the existence of the Black Ice Platform has always made it difficult for people to feel at ease. Up to now, there are many casualties of Flying Eagle soldiers, and a few of the Black Ice Platform and those responsible for assassination and law enforcement have also fallen into his hands.

Especially after learning that the people from the Black Ice Platform had broken the Momen and obtained Momen's equipment-making drawings, this feeling became even more urgent.

"Wenhe, according to the news obtained by Benhou, the hidden Momen was breached by the Black Ice Platform, and the Momen's equipment may have been acquired by the Black Ice Platform." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu was shocked when he heard this. He was naturally aware of Momen’s power, and Momen was best at building equipment. It was extremely famous during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period. Even after hundreds of people, no one dared to ignore Mo. The influence of the door.

"In that case, you must find the black ice platform as soon as possible." Jia Xu's tone is also a bit eager. Momen's things are definitely treasures. Don't look at the big man after hundreds of years of development. There must be a big gap in comparison.

For example, the Qin Nu of the Qin Dynasty has been lost. If the Black Ice Platform did not appear, it would be very difficult to see Qin Nu, something like Qin Nu would definitely be made by Momen.

Attacking the land of Chang'an is not as simple as it seems. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will not watch Chang'an fall into the hands of others, and Jingzhou is also unwilling to be lonely. Although Liu Biao is old, he still has the heart to restore the glory of the Han Dynasty. , This is also dictated by identity.

Although Cao Cao sent Xun You to make contact with Bingzhou, Lu Bu understood that Cao Cao was the biggest threat. At this time, Cao Jun occupied the land of Yin in Henan.

Of course, Cao Cao's expansion is too fast, and there are also many hidden dangers. Instability in the treatment is always the biggest threat to the continued expansion of the army.

However, as the war progresses, the general situation of the world will become more and more clear. Yuan Shao will occupy the land of Jizhou and Qingzhou, Cao Cao will occupy the land of Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, Sun Ce will occupy Yangzhou, Liu Biao will occupy Jingzhou, and Liu Zhang will stay in Yizhou and Liangzhou. Temporarily in a state of no one to rule, these forces will definitely have a battle in the end.

The reason for attacking Chang'an is also because Lu Bu felt a strong anxiety. Who is Cao Cao? Lu Bu knows very well that once Cao Cao sits firmly in the Central Plains, it will be very difficult to compete in the Central Plains. However, what Lu Bu overlooked is that once occupied After Chang'an, what turbulence will be caused to the whole world.

After dealing with the matter at hand, it was late afternoon and when he walked out of the prefecture, Lu Bu suddenly thought that there was still a capable man in the city, Jushou.

When I first learned that Jushou was imprisoned in Jinyang, Yuan Shao treated the Jus well. However, as time went on, Yuan Shao gradually forgot that Jushou was the pillar of the Jus family. Without Jushou, he was in Jizhou. His status has plummeted. Although Tian Feng is here to help, Tian Feng's upright character is also overwhelming. The family is selfish. How can they let such a powerful Ju family live in Not only that, but Lu Bu also Secretly dispatched He Kang to Jizhou, and he would take Jushou’s family to Jinyang in two days. At that time, even if Jushou was unwilling to seek refuge in Bingzhou, he would definitely not be able to return to Jizhou.

It seems that such talents as Jushou, even if they cannot be used by Bingzhou, will definitely not allow them to return to Jizhou.

Seeing that Jushou's complexion was more ruddy than last time, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Mr. Ju is cool and relaxed in the city. People from the Ju family may not be so relaxed in Jizhou."

Jushou's expression changed slightly when he heard Yan, and he immediately returned to Yun Danfengqing's expression. Although he was in Bingzhou, he still cared very much about the Ju family in Jizhou, but this kind of worry could not be expressed, otherwise it must be taken advantage of by Lu Bu. The time of imprisonment in Jinyang is not short, and his neighbor Zhang Yang also persuaded him from time to time. He has never changed his mind. Even if he has the slightest desire to take refuge in Lu Bu, he hastily abandoned it. As a minister, he must follow In the end, this was what Jushou firmly believed. Although Yuan Shao had a lot of dissatisfaction with him, he could still listen to some advice, and Yuan Shao treated him courteously at the beginning.

"The Marquis of Jin is highly powerful, and now he is a great general, but when he comes to see a prisoner, he is very frightened." Ju Shou said lightly.

The slight change in Jusui’s expression has not concealed Lu Bu’s eyes, and Jusui still behaves like this, which makes Lu Bu a little admired. Compared to those who directly take refuge in, he admires people like Jusui more. , This may be a common problem for people who are superior, even if the courtiers under his command are captured, he does not want them to take refuge in the enemy.

"Don't you want to know the situation of the Ju family in Jizhou? It just happens that Benhou is fine today, so let's talk about it with Zezhu." Then Lü Bu slowly said the general situation of the Ju family.

(End of this chapter)

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