Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 873: :The heart of Jushou

The genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Jushou has no changes on the surface, but he can't calm down. The experience of Jujia has a lot to do with his capture. He was in Jizhou, even those who secretly wanted to deal with the Ju family did not dare to take action easily, and now the Ju family has lost the pillars, and Yuan Shao is busy with his affairs, it is common for the Ju family to forget the Jizhou family, but then the Ju family will be unlucky. Other aristocratic families in Jizhou will not let the Ju family leave such a piece of fat there to increase their own strength. Why not do it. Even if Jushou returns to Jizhou from Bingzhou in the future, it will not be Yuan Shao as before. Reuse, let's talk about the relationship between Jizhou and Bingzhou, it is strange that Jushou can come back.

"Jin Marquis was so concerned about the Ju family affairs, but it made me a little uneasy." Ju Shulii said, this time he didn't mean to ridicule, and he still knows some of the Ju family's situation in Bingzhou. For Jushou, it is also a lot of peace of mind.

Lü Bu laughed and said: "This is the first time that Zezhu has spoken so politely to Benhou. If you look at it, you are destined to worry about your family. Without the permission of Zezhu, Benhou will be depressed. The family member received Jinyang, but it is not surprising that he hopes to pay attention."

Jushou was silent and speechless. What he was most afraid of was this happening. If his family were in Jizhou, no matter how difficult life was, he would still be a loyal minister of the Yuan family. Once the Ju family arrived in Jinyang, he would even give Jushou a hundred mouths. I can't explain it clearly. The people from the Ju family went to Jinyang, which means that Jushou is very clear.

"Fuzzy, these people are really confused. If I think that Jushou's reputation will be destroyed in the hands of these people." Jushou sighed Yang Tianchang.

"Why is Mr. Ju like this? Mr. May Fei has never heard of good birds choosing wood and living there, loyal ministers choosing the master and serving. Presumably, Mr. Yuan has already seen that Yuan Shao is not the master. Trust, otherwise, why there are so many talents in Jizhou, but there are many contradictions." Lu Bu said.

Jushou was silent again when he heard this. How could he not know what Lu Bu said about the situation? In Jizhou, not only because of the establishment of heirs, there are also many conflicts of interests, and there are open and secret struggles between counsellors. If this is the case, once Yuan Shao leaves, then Jizhou will be in chaos.

“It’s not enough to take on important tasks because it’s not enough to be talented in the next. It’s really good to live in Jinyang.” Ju Shou laughed, and there was a hint of freedom in his expression. He has always been in Jizhou for Ju’s family. He was worried about the situation, and now that the Ju family came to Jinyang, they felt relieved, but he still wouldn't give up the original choice.

Lu Bu shook his head secretly. He also didn't expect Jushou to be so strong. When his family arrived in Jinyang, they still chose not to seek refuge.

After Lu Bu left, Jushou was able to see his family. When he talked about his experience in Jizhou, Jushou's complexion was uncertain. He devoted great efforts to Yuan and remained loyal even after being captured.

"Mr. Zezhu, I took the liberty to come and disturb." Zhang Yang took a pot of Jinjiu into the courtyard where Jusui lived, and was taken aback.

Jushou saw the arrival of Zhang Yang and reprimanded everyone: "Weeping and crying into such a decent way, I will live in Jinyang for the time being."

Jushou is the Patriarch of the Ju family. He is a one-of-a-kind character in the Ju family, and the scene suddenly calms down.

"Since Mr. Zezhu is so inconvenient, I will come back next day." Zhang Yang arched his hands.

Jushou laughed and said, "Master Zhang invited in. The family first arrived in Jinyang, and the courtyard seemed a little messy, but Master Zhang made a joke."

Since knowing that Zhang Yang and Jushou have a good relationship, and since Zhang Yang’s heart is open to Jinyang, Lu Bu’s conditions for Zhang Yang have been much relaxed. If Jushou and other talents can be tapped into the Bingzhou camp, it would be a great credit, and the state is most in short supply today. It is not a military commander but a counselor. There are few counselors like Jushou who can be alone.

When the people of the Ju family saw guests coming, they wiped away their tears and hurried out. The place where Jushou lived was not large, and there was no room for so many people.

"Just now I made Yi Li a joke." Ju Shu picked up the drink and drank it.

Zhang Yang glanced at Jushou in amazement. In the past, Jushou's performance was calm and calm. Even after seeing Lu Bu, Zhang Yang was able to see that Jushou had deliberately expressed it.

"Zezhu's family went to Bingzhou. Could it be that Zezhu chose to join Jinhou? So, I would like to congratulate you." Zhang Yang said.

Jushou shook his head, "The family below is unsustainable in Jizhou, so I went to Jinyang."

Zhang Yang didn't think so. He could go to Jinyang without living in Jizhou. It would be weird if it was so simple. The relationship between Jizhou and Bingzhou is there.

"In that case, the husband still doesn't plan to seek refuge in the Marquis of Jin?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yuan Gong is kind to me, although death is not enough to repay it, how can he lightly take refuge in the Marquis of Jin." At this point, Jushou's expression is also a bit He did not expect his persistence. It turned out to be the unfairness of the Ju family in Jizhou.

Zhang Yang said: "If you say so, I will not agree with you. If Yuan Gong pays attention to your husband, he will definitely send someone to Jinyang to negotiate. However, after such a long time, has your husband ever seen an envoy from Jizhou come to visit? Mr. In Jinyang, my husband’s family suffered in Jizhou. Does my husband think this is what Mingjun did?"

Jushou was silent for a while and said, "Yi Limo wants to talk about it again."

After drinking a pot of wine, Zhang Yang stood up and said, "Mr. has great talents. Since Jin Marquis attaches so much importance to him, why can't my husband let go of his past obsessions? The Ju family still needs to live after they arrive in Jinyang. Could it be that Mr. Do you just sit back and watch your family suffer in Jinyang?"

After he finished speaking, Zhang Yang turned and left. He admired and felt helpless for Jusui. At the same time, he was pleased with Lu Bu's patience. As a human being, he was able to treat a prisoner with such respect and without embarrassment in the face of ridicule. Such a character can definitely be said to be a Mingzhu. The only thing that made Zhang Yang regret was that he didn't take the initiative to hand over Bingzhou to Lu Bu's hands, causing a rift in the relationship between the two.

The courtyard returned to quiet again, but Jushou's mood was not calm for a long time. His words before leaving made him wake up from his previous persistence. He can choose to be loyal to the Yuan family. Jinyang is still alive, even though Jinyang's various things are very good for ordinary people, Jushou still can't let it go.

Jushou cares about his family, otherwise he would not have told Tian Fengduoduo to take care of his family before he left. Ju family has what happened now, he did not blame Tian Feng. With Tian Feng's character, it is a blessing to be able to protect himself in Jizhou.

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(End of this chapter)

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