Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 891: : Zhang Xiu was fooled

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "General, according to the news from the scout, the enemy general, Ji Ling, who is escorting grain and grass, is addicted to alcohol. After drinking for the past two days, he will fight Scolding the soldiers." The lieutenant said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiu curiously asked: "This general has heard that Jin Hou has very strict requirements for his generals. How can he do this at such an important time?"

The lieutenant said: "Maybe this general feels that escorting grain and grass is an easy task, so he didn't take it to his heart, and Ji Ling is a fierce general under Yuan Shu. After joining Jinhou, he is only responsible for escorting grain and grass, and he must be dissatisfied in his heart."

Zhang Xiu nodded. This kind of thing is very common in the army. Escorting grain and grass is indeed a boring job. It is indeed nothing for the generals in charge to relax. As long as the grain and grass can be escorted to the army, the task is completed.

"Nevertheless, we must scrutinize the enemy's news in detail, and don't get caught in the enemy's tricks." Zhang Xiu said cautiously.

"General Gao, the terrain ahead is steep. If this cavalry chooses to ambush here, it will be extremely unfavorable for our army." Ji Ling said with a reddish face. In order to let Zhang Xiu and others relax their vigilance, he did not drink. Less wine.

Gao Shun nodded and said: "But if we don't move forward, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the enemy. There is news from the lord that the general of this cavalry is very likely to be Zhang Xiu."

"What about Zhang Xiu? Is the Xiliang army still as elite as it was at the beginning?" Ji Ling's tone was somewhat disdainful. According to his thoughts, he directly led the soldiers to kill. The existence of the camp that can fight against the cavalry can wipe out this cavalry with a little planning, but now it is to let Lu Bu send cavalry to help out.

As if seeing the dissatisfaction in Ji Ling's tone, Gao Shun explained: "General Ji, we do have the strength to defeat this cavalry. If Zhang Xiu sees that the opportunity is wrong and leads the cavalry to flee, what should we do, General Huang Leading the cavalry to explore the situation in Gaoling, Zhang Xiu dared to lead the cavalry to fight and capture Sun Ning. It has a great influence."

Ji Ling said: "General Gao's words are true, just now this general is a bit short-sighted."

Just as Ji Ling said, Zhang Xiu was hiding in front and waiting for the arrival of Ji Ling and others. The terrain here is indeed suitable for cavalry to initiate a charge. Condescendingly, the combat effectiveness of the cavalry will be even greater. Originally, the cavalry was on the battlefield. The king now has the advantage of the terrain, more than enough to deal with the army escorting grain and grass.

"General, and the state army is only one mile away from us." The lieutenant said.

"Selling officers, be prepared." Zhang Xiu said, a distance of one mile can be reached very quickly at the speed of cavalry. Even if the Bingzhou Army finds something wrong at this time, it is difficult to respond quickly, and the cavalry can only rely on it. The momentum of the charge can make the pawns shudder.

Gao Shun led the soldiers of the trapped camp at the forefront. All Zhang Xiu can rely on is the cavalry, and Zhang Xiu certainly knows the importance of food and grass. Even if he encounters resistance from the trapped camp, he will not retreat easily. Once it came, it became easier to get entangled in Zhang Xiu's subordinates.

"Pass the order, rest here, and the scout finds out about the surrounding news." Ji Ling of the war horse shouted loudly.

The convoy escorting the grain and grass stopped slowly one mile away from the ambush of Zhang Xiu and the others. Although it was a rest, the soldiers in the army were waiting for them. Ji Ling also patrolled and explained. Just relax.

Seeing that Ji Ling actually ordered the army to rest here, Zhang Xiu ordered: "Kill!" If Ji Ling sent scouts to inquire about the news ahead, even if they evade very concealed, they would not be able to escape the scout's detection, and at this time also It was the time when the Union State Army was most relaxed. When the soldiers heard the order to rest while on the way, they would feel relaxed. If the cavalry suddenly killed at this time, it would have a great impact on them.

Thousands of cavalry hidden in the dark, led by Zhang Xiu, rumbled towards the Bingzhou Army. For a time, dust and smoke were everywhere.

Gao Shun, who was in front of the battlefield, also noticed this scene and shouted: "The enemy is attacking!"

The soldiers in the camp gathered at Gao Shun's side at an extremely fast speed. The huge shield was facing the direction where the cavalry had killed. The archer also put the arrow on the bow, only waiting for Gao Shun's order.

Zhang Xiu’s ambush location was high, and the cavalry charged faster than before. This made some Xiliang army’s cavalry even more excited. The **** of food, grass, and weight was nothing more than a few pawns. With the stirrups, They are easier to maneuver on horseback and can freely make some movements that are usually difficult to achieve.

Among the Chinese army Ji Ling ordered the soldiers to be prepared, and the civilian husband in charge of escorting the grain and grass quickly gathered the grain carts together under the order of Ji Ling. If the cavalry charged If there are food trucks as a defense, there is also an additional layer of effective protection for safety.

The rumbling cavalry, the first thing they encounter is to fall into the camp.

Gao Shun swung his saber forward and shouted, "Archer!"

It’s not a intensive rain of arrows, but it leaves the cavalry with a loss of twenty people. Such a shooting efficiency is definitely unmatched by an ordinary archer team. When the cavalry is running fast, the archer wants to shoot. China is a great test.

The rain of arrows in the camp also aroused the blood in the Xiliang Army's chest. They are cavalry. How can they be bullied by some infantry? Later, they will tell these infantry with a butcher knife in their hands, what is a cavalry.

Zhang Xiu frowned slightly after noticing the situation ahead. Judging from the reaction of the Bingzhou Army, he was obviously prepared. Otherwise, it would be impossible to respond so quickly in the face of the charge of his own soldiers, but the most important thing at the moment is How to defeat this Union State Army and burn their forage.

The Union State Army at the forefront seems to be to leave enough time for the rear army to respond. It did not rely on food carts. When the cavalry raided, the biggest headache was the team escorting the food and grass. If you can’t defeat the enemy, It is very difficult to burn the grain and grass, but if you rush forward, the grain truck can withstand the charge of the cavalry, which is quite painful, and the camp is exposed under the charge of the cavalry.

Although the terrain of the trapped camp was slightly higher, it was nothing for the cavalry who had fully raised their speed.

The cavalry of the Xiliang Army began to fight with the trapped camp. The terrain was slightly higher, which slowed the speed of the horses a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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